Grayslake: More than Mated: Unbearable Love (Kindle Worlds Novella) (7 page)

BOOK: Grayslake: More than Mated: Unbearable Love (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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Chapter Eleven

ily tossed
and turned in the big bed. Every inch of her body was on fire. Her need for Eli was stronger than her fear of her father, and that was saying a lot.

The sheets and pillows smelled of him. The air around her contained the charge and sizzle that she only felt in his presence.

When she entered the bathroom, she looked around and found he lived a simple life. The space was well-stocked with man things like deodorant, shaving cream, and razors. In the tub sat a bar of soap that she knew he made. Its scent was pure Eli; it was honey and cedar and wind. How did he capture the essence of the wind?

She climbed back into bed and stared into the darkness. From the open window, she heard the hum of his bees in the distance. What a clever man. He made soap, and candles, and the best mead she’d ever tasted. He raised bees, and her blood pressure.

She closed her eyes and imagined a life with Eli. The house would be bigger because she’d want a lot of cubs who looked like their father. Raised with love, affection, and choices, her children would be amazing. She’d blog about real love, not the fantasies she read about—connection shared by soul mates. They’d fish by the stream, make love under the moonlight, and share their hopes and dreams. Yes, Lily wanted that life, and for a second, she believed Eli when he said she had choices. She was almost twenty-six, capable of making decisions for herself. Her lids grew heavy as sleep took over and dreams of a life worth living filled her head.

The next morning, she dragged herself from the cozy, warm cocoon and walked to the bathroom. When she turned the handle and entered, Eli was standing in the shower. The silhouette of his large body seen through the frosted glass took her breath away. She should have turned and left, but leaving Eli was like trying to peel superglue from her fingertips. Stuck in place, she was awestruck by the way his hand stroked his impressive length. Unintelligible murmurs filled the air. She cursed herself for being a half-breed because if she were pure, she would have been able to decipher the soft moans and words coming from his lips.
Damn inferior hearing.
Her nipples ached to be touched. Heat coursed through her body and settled between her legs—scorching, blazing heat that screamed for relief. Her hand found its way into her pajama bottoms. Slick and burning for him, she caressed the tingling button of nerves. Mimicking his body language, she let her head fall back while she closed her eyes. She smelled the arousal in the air. Its scent was distinct—a combination of both of them that created something akin to the perfect perfume. Heady. Musky. Sweet.

Her finger slid with ease into her wetness. The tiniest of moans seeped free when she increased the volume to two. A quick look around confirmed her sounds went unnoticed, and she continued to stroke her heat. Slick and hungry for release, she pulled herself to the edge. Beneath hooded eyes, she watched Eli grip and pull at his cock. His muscles flexed and his pace quickened. “Come for me, Lily.” Deep and sexy, his raspy command took her over the edge. She bit her lips to stop the sound of sheer pleasure from escaping. On shaky legs, she rode out the turbulent waves of her orgasm.

If his moan of satisfaction was an indicator, Eli had reached his release at the same time. Big hands pressed against the glass, and the fogged finish disappeared while the water from his touch ran in ribbons down the door. Lily took off at a run toward the bedroom. Buried under the blankets, her emotions ran the gamut between mortified and satisfied. He had called her name. Did he know she was there?

The sound of footsteps padded across the floor. Peeking from beneath the blanket, Lily spied Eli in the closet. The towel around his waist dropped, and so did Lily’s jaw. He was gorgeous. His ass was perfect—two round globes that begged to be kneaded. His back was broad and thick with strength. Nothing marred his skin there. Unlike his chest, where he’d waged a battle and survived, his back was smooth and flawless. He turned and reached for what she’d come to realize was his uniform of sorts. Only today, the T-shirt he pulled from the shelf was green, like her eyes. She followed the cotton as it skimmed over his head and down his ripped stomach. Next came his jeans. One leg at a time, he pulled them up the thick thighs that armored and protected his manhood, which still lay heavy against his leg.

When he exited the closet and turned toward the bed, he said, “Coffee’s ready, Lily.” Those three words turned her crimson. The man had no shame. He knew she was watching him dress. Did he know she stood in the bathroom and pleasured herself while…? Curled into a ball, she tucked herself deeper into the covers. If only the big bed could swallow her up.

Sadly, her time here was limited, so she didn’t have the luxury of lying in bed hiding her shame or daydreaming about the life she wanted. She had to figure out a way to maneuver through the life she had.
You have choices
. Eli’s voice murmured in her head. Choices were a luxury she’d never been afforded, or was it simply she never demanded anything different? A sparkle of hope flickered inside her.

After rolling out of bed, she trotted to the shower with a spring in her step. As the water ran over her body, she replayed the events of the morning. A broad chest, thick muscular thighs, and hands that could barely encircle his cock were all aphrodisiacs. His size frightened and fascinated her, but it was the pure passion he exuded that drew her to him. That, and the vulnerability he showed when he told her he wouldn’t allow her to break his heart. Lily had been attracted to him, but in that moment, she fell a little in love.

After a confusing few days, Lily was certain of one thing. She needed more of Eli Silver, but how much more did she dare to take? Her heart was on the line as well.

* * *

cream and sugar in mine,” she called from the hallway before she entered the great room.

“Is that right?” Eli rushed to her and folded her into his arms. Nibbling and nipping on her bottom lip, he said, “You’re sweet enough on your own.”

Just when she thought he’d press her for more, he turned and walked away toward the counter. The damn man was teasing her.

“I’m not as sweet as I could be after a cup of coffee with cream and sugar.”

When he turned around, he held two cups in his hands. “If you’re going to be with me, you’re going to have to get used to honey.”

Of course she would. What was she thinking when she asked for white, processed sugar? The steam swirled up, carrying with it the aroma of fresh ground coffee beans, cinnamon, and the sweet scent of honey.

Pulling the cup to her lips, she watched Eli move with the fluidity of a dancer despite his body being built like a heavyweight boxer. The mantra for Ali was, “fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee.” That fit Eli to perfection.

He dished up some fresh berries and set a box of danish on the table. “Change of plans. On the way to get your car, we’ll stop by Brody’s to talk business. Then, we’ll get some staples in town. I don’t know what you eat, but I’m happy to provide whatever you need. I want you to be satisfied.” There was too much emphasis put on the word
to be a coincidence. And when she looked at him, she saw a glint of knowing in his eyes.

“I’m quite satisfied, Eli. What about you?” Lily decided to throw back what he gave. It was obvious he wasn’t talking about breakfast, but she wasn’t sure if he was referring to the peep show or her peeping tom behavior in the bathroom.

“I told you, darlin’, I’ll never be sated when it comes to you, but…I did find that my shower this morning was quite stimulating.” His grin turned into a broad smile.

Lily gasped. “You’re no gentleman.”

Stepping into her personal space, he pulled the mug from her hands and put it on the table. “No, but you’re quite a lady.”

She tried to pull away and shrink into the hardwood floors. His hands grasped her hips and pulled. Nestled against him, she relaxed into his chest. The truth was out, and she was embarrassed by her unabashed behavior. Where was the lightening when she needed to be struck?

“Don’t run from me, sweetheart. All you need to know is that was hot as fuck. God, the sounds you made…”

“Eli, you’re embarrassing me.” With her nose pressed into his chest, she drew in a long breath of him.

“There’s no need for embarrassment. When two people belong together, they can share without subterfuge. Tell me your truths, Lily? Did it feel good?”

“Oh, yes.” Muscle memory caused a flutter in her stomach, and an ache crawled inside her and settled in that one spot that needed Eli the most.

“Just say yes, Lily, and I’ll take you places you’ve only read about.” His hands skimmed her body and rested on her hips. With a quick pull, he tugged her against his rock-solid length. Granite-like, it pressed into her stomach, making her heart rock unsteadily in her chest.

With only a thread of resistance left, she answered. “I’ve read a lot, Mr. Silver. Don’t forget, I’m an expert on romance.”

“That doesn’t count because it only happens on paper. I’m willing to give you a real-life demonstration. I just need one word.”

Lily licked her dry lips and imagined Eli naked above her, pressing his thick, hard shaft into her body. She was certain he would fill her up in more ways than one. He was a salve to her hurts, a light to her darkness, and an affirmation that good men still walked the Earth. God, she wanted to say yes, but she couldn’t. He required more than she had to offer. She’d sacrifice herself in a second. Having sex with Eli was one thing, but letting him claim her would put him in danger. Donavan Becket wouldn’t go so easy on a man who took something he promised to another.

Rather than say no, she reached around him and grabbed the berries. If she couldn’t feed his desire, she’d feed his stomach.

Chapter Twelve

he truck bumped and bounced
, jostling them in the cab. Eli didn’t try to miss the potholes that peppered the country road. It was juvenile, but knocking some sense into Lily was his motivation. Maybe a little jarring would help straighten out her thoughts with regard to him.

All he needed to do was look at her. Their attraction to each other was obvious. She might as well have been waving a flag that said, “I want you.” But her brain and heart had a disconnect somewhere, and he’d made it his mission to fix that.

“Will you show me your bees?” She wasn’t looking at him, but the air around them buzzed with tension.

“I’ll show you everything of mine.” Yes, he loaded every answer and question with innuendo. Something told him the way to break down Lily’s reserve would be to chip away at it, piece by piece.

His plan was to be everywhere. Whether it was in the shower knowing she was watching him, or right here in the car where he could picture laying the seat back and sliding his cock inside her. Eli was going to be on Lily like a bee on honey.

“I’ve seen everything of yours. Twice.” She dipped her head, but the angle couldn’t hide that sweet smile that lit up her face.

“Care to get an up close and personal introduction?” He reached across the console and threaded his fingers through hers.

“Maybe.” She nibbled on her lip.

“Tell me, Lily, what will it take to make you mine.” She gripped his hand like a vice.

“I can’t be yours.”

Eli pulled his truck over and threw it into park. He turned in his seat and looked at his future. Eli was completely out of his element. He wasn’t the mating kind, at least, he’d never considered “fated to be mated” a real thing until this woman walked into his life. Now, he couldn’t imagine his life without her. His bear clawed at his insides to get out and claim her. He desired her in every way possible, but mostly, he wanted to see her by his side, in a day, a year, and a decade from now.

“That’s bullshit and you know it. You’re scared and running, but you shouldn’t be running from me, Lily. Don’t you feel it? It travels through your cells and lodges in your heart. I feel that with you. You’re half human and your bear might not be as powerful, but mine is shredding at my insides to get to you. Why can’t you be mine?”

“Eli, I can give you my body, but I can’t promise anything else.”

Her words were an echo from his past. Kari had said something similar. In the end, she left him because he didn’t have enough to offer.

Eli flipped around and shoved the car into drive. “I get it.” He pressed the gas pedal to the floor and took off down the road. “You want more than a beekeeper.”

“No, that’s not it. I’m—”

“You what, Lily? Want more than I can give you?”

“No, Eli. I want you. You offer more than I have a right to take. You’re the fantasy. I want that, but I can’t have it.”

“Why?” He whipped the car through the maze like it was a straightaway.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lily brush at the tears that flowed down her cheeks. She gulped in air between her sobs. “Because, I’m promised to another.”

The screech of the tires and a cloud of dust enveloped them. His shift was imminent. Fury erupted with each hair that broke through his skin. Lily didn’t look at him with fear. She looked at him with sadness and he couldn’t stand it. The universe hated him. It had teased him with a woman he loved, and now it tortured him with a woman he needed.

“Eli.” She stroked the fur that covered his arms. “Stay with me.” She unbuckled her belt and climbed over the console and into his lap, pressing her cheek against his emerging snout. “I want you as much, or more, than you could imagine.”

Her touch was a soothing balm to his frenzied nerves. Even his bear backed down and took refuge under her gentle touch.

She peppered his face with kisses meant to console, but Eli didn’t want consoling, he wanted answers.

“Do you love him?”

Lily’s eyes popped open wide. “No.”

“Why him and not me?”

He pressed her away and knew from her grimace the steering wheel pushed into her back had caused her discomfort, but didn’t care. He needed answers. Now. She had his heart in her fist and every time she said no, she was squeezing it to death.

“My dad chose him. I didn’t have a choice.”

He pulled her to his chest. “That’s archaic. I know deals are made all the time, but you have choices, Lily, and I know, deep in my core, you choose me.” He covered her mouth and stroked her tongue with his. “Does he kiss you like this?”

She pulled back. “I’ve never kissed him.”

“And you never will. Lily, you’re mine.”

“I’m yours,” she repeated, but the words were uncertain, and Eli wouldn’t go any further until she was ready to give him everything. He knew she wasn’t there—yet.

“Never forget it, Lily, your mine, and I’ll never let you go.” He lifted her from his lap and placed her back in her seat. “Tonight, Lily, when I hear you say yes, you’ll be mine forever.” Every instinct told him to turn the truck around and take her to bed, but Brody and Fawn were waiting. Right then, he wished he was a simple beekeeper, but he was more. BE’s Brews had made him a millionaire, and Brody was waiting. For the first time in forever, he regretted his bees and the brew because they were taking him away from Lily.

The rest of the trip was spent in silence. Lily rolled her bottom lip between her teeth until it swelled and pinked. Air filled with passion and anticipation also carried the weight of something less than happy and exciting. Eli couldn’t pinpoint the emotion, but it lay like a heavy cloak around Lily’s shoulder.

He rested his hand on her thigh. “It’ll be okay, Lily.” Off to the right, the lake passed by, and up ahead, an enormous cabin came into view. As they got closer, Brody and Fawn became visible. They were rolling on the grass in the front yard with their children. Eli’s heart galloped at the sight. Soon, he’d be holding his children. They’d have fur the shade of honey, and eyes the color of just-bloomed clover, like their mother.

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