Grayslake: More than Mated: Unbearable Love (Kindle Worlds Novella) (6 page)

BOOK: Grayslake: More than Mated: Unbearable Love (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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Chapter Nine

ily was flooded with warmth
. Grasping at Eli’s neck, she held on to lengthen the kiss. When he moaned, she grew bolder. Her fingers slid up the soft cotton of his shirt. His skin was hard and soft at the same time. She traced the scars on his chest and skimmed her fingers over the hard nub of his nipple. She’d never felt like this around any man.
Holy shit, Eli was her one.
How lucky to happen into a town where the only man made for her resided. How unlucky to be Becket’s daughter, and know she’ll never get to keep him. But she had this moment, and she wanted to shove a lifetime of passion into it.

Her experience was limited to stolen kisses, and that one time she hid in the forest with Kade Waller and they showed each other their parts. She was only twelve, and it seemed more of a science experiment than a sexual one. The memory of that day still ate at her. Her mother shrugged it off, telling her dad it was natural to be curious, but after he took a switch to her bottom, he marched Kade home, and Lily didn’t see him for days. When she did, he sported a rainbow of bruises and walked with a permanent limp.

Word got around the Itan’s daughter was off-limits. From that point on, everyone avoided her, but she still had her mother. When she died, Lily got her first glimpse of true loneliness and despair. She was completely on her own. She’d had no one—until now.

Eli’s one step back created a void that was unbearable. A kiss from this man made her want to name the kids they’d never have.

“Lily, come and sit down.” Eli plopped on the brown leather sofa and patted the seat next to him.

For the first time since she walked in, Lily took stock of her surroundings. The cabin was larger on the inside than she thought, but that made sense since Eli was a big man, and she knew, without a doubt, when he shifted, he’d need the vaulted ceilings and wide walkways to move.

She soaked in the rustic walls and comfortable furnishings while she walked to where he sat. The soft leather of the couch felt like a hug as the cushion cupped her thighs.

“I love your house.” For a man, Eli had done a stand-up job putting his place together. Upholstered chairs bracketed a wooden coffee table. The air smelled of something sweet, but it wasn’t cloying like air freshener trying to hide cigar smoke, fried food, or spilled beer. It was pure and simple, like honey. Then, she saw the candle on the table and brought it to her nose. Made from beeswax, it smelled like the sweet outdoors. “Where did you get this?”

The man was deadly with that smile of his. He lifted his lips and she was lost in the moment.

“I made it.”

She laughed. “You made a candle.” Her tone was incredulous. Somehow, Eli didn’t come across as the candle-making type, but then again, she knew one type—the alphahole. Those were men like her father and Dane—men who took and claimed for their own benefit. Dane wasn’t interested in Lily. His only interest was pressing his bloodline into her body so his progeny could inherit the clan. But Eli was different. She felt it all the way to her marrow.

“We have to talk.”

“I’d rather kiss.”

He laughed. “Me too, but we have to talk first.”

“This sounds serious.” She wrung her hands in her lap, twisting and turning them until her skin pinked. Anything that started with the words
we have to talk
was never good. It was how she found out her mother had died. “Should I be drinking?”

“Wait here.” He popped off the couch and walked to the open kitchen where knotted cabinets flanked modern appliances. In between her and him sat an island where another candle waited to be lit. Eli returned with two BE’s Brews and took his seat. “This time, drink it slow.” He popped the top and handed her the cold bottle.

She sipped at the mead and relished the flavor as she swallowed. “I love this stuff. Where do you get it?”

“My friend Brody makes it. You’ll meet him tomorrow. He and his mate, Fawn, are coming over to discuss expansion.”

Completely interested in anything Eli, Lily prodded him for more. “You’re in business together?”

He pointed to the B and E on the bottle. “B is for Brody and Eli is for me.”

“No, way, you’re the local?”

“Yes, way.” He sipped at the bottle, taking long, slow draws until he had his fill.

Mesmerized by his lips, and the way they covered the neck, Lily wondered what his mouth would feel like on her breast. Would he suckle or pull hard? Would he lick and lave like the heroes in the books she read, or would Eli make his own rules? “What’s your part in this?” She licked at the sweetness that coated her lips. Honey, and berries, and a touch of cinnamon danced on her tongue.

“Do you remember what Van told you about me in the office?”

Eli sat back and relaxed. His body took up half the couch—a man without a care in the world.

“All I remember is a swear jar, and paperwork, and you. I was too mesmerized by you to hear much of what he was saying.” She squirmed in her seat at the honesty that spewed forward. She hadn’t even drunk enough to make her lips loose.

“You thought I was a sheriff, and he told you I was undercover and they wanted people to think I was—”

She sat up straight. “He said something about being a beekeeper and I said…Oh, shit. I said you could never be a simple beekeeper.” Lily clunked her bottle on the table and buried her face in her hands. “Eli, I was so disrespectful. I’m sorry.”

He didn’t speak right away. It was like he was gauging her apology for sincerity. “I’m a simple beekeeper. It’s what I do.”

Lily sidled close to him, making sure their bodies touched. She lifted her hand to his cheek and rubbed the day’s stubble against her palm. “There’s nothing simple about you.”

Amber eyes swallowed her whole. Light headed, she gripped the cushion for stability and questioned the wisdom of mixing this sexy shifter with fermented honey. “My words were terrible, and yet, you helped me. You even kissed me.”

“I’ve never wanted anyone so bad. You’re like a hot drug racing through my veins, and I don’t understand it. My animal instincts are screaming at me to mate you, to make you mine.”

Lily gasped. She knew he desired her, but to want to mate her was something entirely different. He felt the same pull she did.

“Eli, I’m not your mate.” The lie tasted bitter in her mouth.

In general, Lily considered herself honest, unless, of course, the truth would hurt her or someone else.

“Lily, you can lie to me, but your body can’t.” He pulled her into his lap and nipped at her lips. “Your body tells me you want me.”

“I do want you, Eli.” That was the truth. She wanted him more than anything. “But I can’t keep you.”

Was she being a selfish Itan’s daughter like he described? One could argue yes, but she needed this time with Eli—this one moment to collect good memories that she could pull from when her life became unbearable.

“You have choices, Lily.” He gripped her shoulders and forced her to look at him.

“I told you, I choose you.” Her hands came up to cup his face.

“Yes, I heard you, but it was followed by a ‘for now,’ and that won’t do.”

Chapter Ten

f Lily thought
she was getting away, she was mistaken. It had been years since Eli felt anything but anger and disdain. Now, he felt an emotion so powerful, it nearly crippled him. One kiss of her lips, a touch of her fingers, the scent of her skin, and he was caught—hook, line, and sinker. She was tattooed to his senses, and he’d likely never be free of her, and he didn’t want to be.

“You will keep me, Lily.” He cupped her cheek and soaked up the emotion in her pale green eyes. “Or, maybe, I’ll simply keep you, and you’ll get used to me.”

She wasn’t like Kari; she wasn’t an Itan’s daughter. She didn’t seem to judge him based on his occupation. Kind, compassionate, and witty were her calling cards. She bantered and teased. The way her emotions burst forth without thought charmed him. She was real, and he liked real.

“For now.” She forced a smile, but he saw the pain that flashed through her eyes.

“I’m not a hard man like your father, Lily. I’ll take care of you.” How did he get to this place when only days ago he was extolling the virtues of staying single?

“When I arrived, I had no intention of getting involved with anyone. I needed a break from my life and thought Grayslake would be the perfect place to…” She looked around like she’s hunting for words. “Anyway, I came here and then, I met you. You’re perfect in every way, but that doesn’t change my life back home. You and I,” she chewed her lip until it reddened to a lush raspberry color, “we have limited time, but I want it all while I’m here.”

His inner bear was ready to explode. It bristled and growled to be set free, but Eli didn’t dare let it control him. “What are you not telling me, Lily?”

She shook her head and dropped her chin. “Nothing.” Rolling off his lap, she moved to the far side of the couch. “Maybe it’s better if I stay in town.”

“That’s not happening.” He reached forward and picked up his bottle from the table. The liquid slid down his throat and cooled his temper. “I can’t keep you safe if you’re in town, and you won’t let me get Ty involved.” Crossed arms, no eye contact, and the distance were clear indicators she was holding back. There would be no information given tonight. She had locked herself up as tight as Fort Knox.

“What now?”

Eli glanced out the window. The sky was dark, like his mood. “You’ll take my bed; I’ll take the couch.” He stretched his body to his full height and offered his hand to his sweet Lily. He wasn’t giving up on her. He was putting it to rest for the night. Deep inside, he knew tomorrow would look brighter. “Let me show you where you can sleep.”

“No, I’m not going to impose on you.” She pulled her hand back and burrowed into the corner of the couch.

“With me, you’ll always have choices, Lily. You can choose to sleep on the couch, but I’d rather you take my bed. It would make me feel better.” Hands roughened from years of manual labor reached for her. When she gripped his palms, he let out a sigh of relief. This was one step over a long bridge they needed to cross together. Earning her trust would earn him her love, and then, he could have everything else that Lily offered.

With her suitcase in his hand, he led her down the hallway to his room. A king-sized bed filled the masculine space—dark curtains, dark bedding, and yet, it felt light and airy.

Soft and feather light she whispered, “Sleep with me, Eli.” That familiar blush covered her skin.

“I can’t, darlin’. If I climbed into that bed with you, I’d never want to leave it.”

She sat on the edge of the bed and bounced. “Is that such a bad thing?”

He placed her bag on the chair in the corner and sat down beside her. “No, but until you decide to give yourself to me completely, I can’t have you.” He patted her knee and stood to leave.

“You’d bring Julia home and do whatever you did with her, but you won’t give a fraction of yourself to me.” She thumbed a tear from her cheek. “You’re just like the rest of the men I know. You make the rules, and that’s the end of it.”

“Damn it, Lily, that’s not it at all. I need you like a fish needs water, or a fire needs oxygen. I never thought I’d feel this way about anyone. I don’t even know you, but you’re a part of me, and I recognize it. Hell, I didn’t even feel this way about Kari. Then, you show up and ruin all my theories about fated mates and love. The problem is, you intend to leave, and I refuse to give my heart to another woman who won’t protect it.”
Shit, did I really say that?
It’s odd how the truth forces its way out when it wants.

“It’s not a choice I’d make if I had the luxury of choosing.” She reached for him, but he stepped back. His resolve to leave her alone was waning. The inner beast itched to take her up on her offer. Was he crazy? This girl was offering herself to him with no strings attached. He could taste her, and tantalize her. He could take her, and she wouldn’t say no. In the end, he’d turn away from this amazing woman because she wouldn’t say yes.

“You’re a virgin for goodness sake. Why would you want to gift me with something so precious and then leave?”

“I’ve had sex, Eli.” She stood up and blocked his exit.

If he found out she was playing games with him, he’d let his bear loose and God help her. “That means you lied earlier, or you’re lying now. Which is it?” The pictures on the walls rattled from his roar.

She straightened her five-foot something frame and shoved her shoulders back. “I didn’t lie. I’m technically a virgin. It’s been me, a vibrator, and a pack of batteries.”

Relief washed over him, and a howl of laughter filled the air. “Darlin’, that doesn’t count, but I’m happy to hear it. I was wondering how long it would take me to hunt down every man who’s had you or done you wrong.”

“I’ll gladly give you his address, but I’m not sure I’d relish being an orphan.”

“I’ll deal with your father. All you have to do is say yes.”

She tilted her head back and forth. Hope filled him as she debated. “Can I say maybe?”

“Are you bargaining with me?”

“Will it work?” She pressed her body into his and rolled her hips against him. It was novice and awkward and so damn sexy.

“Oh, my sweet, Lily. I want to lick every inch of your body, but it would never be enough to sate my desire for you.”

“That reminds me.” She tilted her head up and looked at him from beneath a fringe of honey-colored hair. “I still need to be held accountable for that code sixty-nine.”

Eli couldn’t quite believe this girl. One moment, she was the coy, blushing virgin, and the next, she was reminding him of how nice it would be to bury his face between her legs.

This was the Lily he was growing to love. The woman who, when pushed, would bristle and bite back. This Lily needed to step up and take charge. Somewhere inside of her, she was waiting to emerge, and he’d wait for her.

With his lips pressed to her hair, he kissed her. “Goodnight, Lily. You know where to find me if you change your mind.” Her groan of frustration was music to his ears. He was getting under her skin, and he wondered how long it would take to work his way into her heart.

He tossed a few blankets onto the couch and made up his bed. Lying awake for most of the night, he considered his situation. It baffled him how fast he went from hell no, to absolutely yes. He’d razzed Ty, Van, and Keen, without reserve, when they found their mates. Even Brody, a confirmed bachelor, had succumbed to a woman’s wiles. Eli thought it was all about the sex, and he was sure that was an important component, but it was so much bigger than he’d believed. It was about finding the missing piece to a puzzle, the other half to a whole, and Lily was his.

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