Great Dog Stories (12 page)

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Authors: M. R. Wells

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Bill called 911. He urged them to send help, including what was needed for underwater rescue. Penny asked Mark and his friends to start searching too. At some point, the family realized that Bogie was also missing. This had never happened before. They had an electronic fence and their dog had never breached it—until now.

All these years later, memories differ. What the family does agree on is that Noah was missing for about 45 minutes. At some point, Mark spied Bogie from the end of the Allyn’s dock—and possibly Noah too. They were some distance away, near the lake. Bill leaped into his car and raced to the spot. They also got a call from someone saying they had seen a toddler running with a German shepherd.

When Bill reached Bogie, she was standing between Noah and the water. Noah was throwing stones over Bogie’s back. There was also a woman nearby who said she’d seen Bogie blocking Noah from going onto the docks.

There was more. To reach this location, boy and dog would have had to travel through a densely wooded and swampy area near the highway. There were deep gullies, and one spot where a plank was laid across a creek. This was a journey fraught with peril for a toddler. Bill and Penny believe Bogie must have guided Noah and kept him safe.

In the case of the Allyn family, God used a caring dog to protect and save a human child. In the case of Jews exiled to Persia many long centuries ago, God used an initially reluctant young woman to prevent a mass extermination.

The place was Persia. The time was the Babylonian captivity. The life preserver of God’s choosing was a beautiful young Hebrew woman named Esther. Through a series of circumstances, the Persian king, Xerxes, chose Esther to be his new queen. However, he did not know that she was Jewish.

Haman, a high official at court, was plotting to have all the Jews in the kingdom killed. Esther’s cousin, Mordecai, begged her to speak with the king. But at first she hesitated. If she went to the king without being summoned, she could be put to death. Mordecai responded with the now-famous words, “Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:13-14).

Esther asked that the Jews fast and pray for her. She and her maids also fasted and prayed. God gave her favor with the king, the Jews were spared, and Haman was hanged.

I believe Bogie and Esther were both used by God for “such a time as this.” I believe He has special things for each of us to do. In big and small ways, He calls all of us to minister to one another. He could choose to act directly, but instead He allows us the privilege of participating with Him. Will you pray and ask how He might choose to use you even today to be an instrument of His miracles and love?

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10).

Consider This:

Is there a person or pet God has used in a special, and perhaps surprising, way in your life? What happened? How did it bless you? How did it strengthen your faith? How might God want to use you in someone else’s life today?

Dream Dog Guarantee
Take God at His Word

In God we trust. All others we virus scan.


fter many years as a bachelor, Chris longed to find the woman of his dreams. But with no soul mate on the horizon, he decided the next best thing was to find the dog of his dreams. Surely fear of commitment would be easier to overcome with a dog than with a lady. There wouldn’t be a time-consuming and expensive dating process, either. He could just go online or cruise the local pet shops, check out all the doggies in the window, and pick one. That would be that.

Chris decided he’d go for a mutt—no fancy, high maintenance pup for him. He checked out the online site for the Pasadena Humane Society. Though he found a few cuties, when he went down to meet them in person he discovered they were already taken. Then, just as he was about to leave, a particularly unkempt dog caught his eye. It gave him such a friendly look that Chris had to stop. He knelt down and looked through the wire cage into this dog’s eyes. They were kind and gentle, and Chris felt an instant connection. He wondered if his heart was saying, “This is your canine soul mate.”

When Chris inquired about the dog, he learned she had a shattered hip, probably the result of being hit by a car. It had mended, but she had residual pain. For the rest of her life, this dog would walk with a limp and have to run on three legs.

Chris had a decision to make. Was this mangy, crippled stray the dog of his dreams? As he weighed the pros and cons, he felt the familiar fear of commitment creeping up his spine. What if he made the wrong choice? Luckily, this dog came with a warranty that eased his fear. The shelter workers told him that their dogs came with a guaranteed unconditional return policy. For as long as this dog lived, if things didn’t work out for any reason, Chris could bring her back.

Chris had to wonder, with a chuckle, if he’d have married by then had the women he dated come with a guarantee like that. In the case of the dog, it tipped the scales. This shelter had a great reputation. People he knew had had positive dealings with them. Chris threw caution to the winds and brought the dog home.

That was a few years ago, and Chris and Luna turned out to be a perfect match. The lowly Cinderella dog proved to be a princess and, like in the fairy tale, these two are living happily ever after. As for Chris finding his dream woman—stay tuned!

I have also been emboldened to make decisions based on warranties from reliable guarantors. We often shop at a very popular membership warehouse store. Normally, I’d never buy pants or shirts without trying them on. But because friends and relatives have told me this store has an amazing no-questions-asked return policy, I recently grabbed up a pair of pants and some shirts and fearlessly tossed them straight into the shopping cart. Likewise, I purchased a previously-owned laptop online, sight unseen, from a total stranger because that seller offered an eBay-approved warranty. That outfit’s reputation and track record made me feel confident I would not get stuck with a laptop lemon.

Guarantees are only as good as the source that backs them. Would Chris have taken Luna home if her guarantee was given by a guy selling dogs out of his van? Would I buy pants at a swap meet and believe I could get a refund two months later if they didn’t fit? Would I purchase a used laptop online because “Joe Private Party” assured me it was in perfect condition? No, no, no—because I’m afraid of making a wrong decision and I couldn’t trust the credibility of those guarantors.

Choosing pets, pants, and laptops is one thing. But what about the larger decisions of life? In a different way from Chris, I faced the fear of making a wrong choice when I was deciding whether to marry my wife. I was in grad school getting my MFA in screenwriting. This is not exactly like getting a degree in brain surgery. Arts degrees often translate into a freelance lifestyle, meaning you’re “free” from a regular paycheck and company health insurance. I had some fear about whether or not I could provide for Celine, and she did too. Luckily, we had a Guarantor of proven reliability we could turn to for reassurance—God.

Okay, so God didn’t offer us a return policy on each other. Scripture says marriage is meant to be for life. But He did guarantee He would provide for us as His children. In Philippians 4:19, God promises that He will “meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

That lifetime guarantee from God greatly eased our fear about getting married. We believed that regardless of our job situation or the size of our bank account, God would meet our needs as long as we walked with Him. After 12 years, the ever-faithful Backer of that guarantee is still keeping His word.

Scripture is filled with many other marvelous eternal guarantees and promises God offers because of His great love for us. Who knows what fears we might shake off and what decisions we might dare to make if we learned those promises and took Him at His Word?

Not one of all the L
’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled (Joshua 21:45).

Consider This:

Has a guarantee or warranty ever been a crucial factor in your decision-making? Did you have to use it? Was it honored? How has a promise of God helped you overcome fear and make a crucial choice?

Papillon Heaven Can Wait
God’s Timing Is Perfect

Never be afraid to trust an unknown
future to a known God.


or years and years, a sweet friend of mine dreamed of having a little black-and-white papillon puppy. Her boys had their pets as they were growing up, but the little papillon remained her unfulfilled longing.

When her youngest son graduated from high school, he also had a dream—to join the military. His dream would bring more challenges than hers. On July 4, 2001, he entered the U.S. Army’s 82
Airborne Trooper Division. On September 11, 2001, she knew where her son was headed. She waited and waited to hear from him. She wondered what he was thinking. How was he doing? Was he prepared?

Finally she got a letter in the mail. It read, in part: “Mom, please remember that I chose to be here. It is my honor and privilege to serve my country and protect the ones I love.”

This young soldier’s parents were overwhelmed with relief to hear from their son, and in awe of the courage he had. He had taken on the responsibility of a man. During the three years of his military service in Iraq and Afghanistan, my friend’s life was consumed with prayer for him. Her concern was taking a toll and her zest for living had been smothered. Her husband saw that she needed a distraction. Maybe it was finally time to make her papillon puppy dream come true!

My friend’s husband took her to a breeder’s home. As they stood on the porch and knocked, they could hear several little barks from inside. When the breeder opened the door, my friend literally fell to her knees as 15 little papillon puppies swarmed excitedly around her. She was in love! They were so welcoming and happy as they jumped all over her. She was in papillon heaven!

How was she going to pick only one? Well, it finally came down to two. One was a very small black-and-white male, happy and full of energy. He was just like the puppy she had pictured all those years. The other was a timid, insecure, scared, constantly shaking little sable-and-white female.

My friend spent some time sitting on the kitchen floor with the puppies, trying to decide. All at once, the little female jumped into her lap. She let out a growl, declaring to her brother that this lady was her new master. That little puppy sealed the choice. It seemed that God had chosen them for each other. This puppy needed love, and my friend had an abundance of love to give.

With her sons grown, my friend had felt an emptiness inside. She had always wanted a papillon puppy, but the need for one grew in her heart as concern for her son robbed her of her joy in life. She understood that a puppy wasn’t the answer to all her problems. She knew Jesus as her personal Savior and realized that He was the One who had filled the spiritual hole in her life many years before. But Jesus knew of her desire and I believe it was His timing to bless her in this way. Her husband also knew about her dream, and wanted to make it a reality and see his beautiful wife smile again. When she couldn’t decide which puppy to pick, a puppy decided for her. I believe that God had chosen just the right puppy and this was His way to delight her.

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