Guns n' Boys Book 1 Part 1 (38 page)

BOOK: Guns n' Boys Book 1 Part 1
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Seth couldn’t help a
smile at that serious confession. “I would mock you forever if you did.” He
loved the way Dom held him in a grasp firm, yet gentle at the same time. Seth
brushed his face against Dom’s hair. If it were up to him, he’d never let Dom
cut it. Thank God, Domenico was far too vain for that.

“I know.” Domenico
chuckled and rolled his hips between Seth’s thighs, pressing the cock even
deeper. The muscles on his chest constricted under the skin. Watching them move
was such a turn-on. They’d have to repeat all this just so Seth could get a
look at other angles and feel Dom in all ways possible.

“Oh, fuck!” Seth moaned
and wrapped one of his legs over Dom’s hips, open to anything Dom was willing
to give. He slid his palm to Dom’s chest, tracing the short, prickly hairs. Dom
was masculine perfection, and Seth was growing to like having him around.
Having someone who knew what to do. How to slalom between the Family members.
How to break the neck of an assassin. How to sew up a wound. How to fuck like
the whole world depended on it.

Dom was like a machine,
but one with hot flesh that begged to be not merely touched, but worshipped.
The way he moved inside and over Seth spoke of confidence and complete control,
despite the shudders that kept running down his back every time he withdrew his
cock almost all the way. As the rhythm increased, their bodies shifted close,
Domenico folding Seth in two and staring straight into his eyes with burning

Seth was Dom’s complete
opposite. Squirming, writhing, without control over his expressions or how
tightly he grasped onto his lover. His stomach was sweaty with all the heat
between them, but he didn’t mind one bit, caught in the moment that was
perfection. Without pain, the sensation of Dom’s shaft sliding into him over
and over was clear, and this time Seth was sure he enjoyed it. It was hard to
acknowledge, but there was no point lying to himself. Seth loved how Dom
breathed out with each thrust, grunting every now and then, as if fucking
Seth’s hole was the highlight of his year. Maybe it was.

Seth pulled Dom’s head
lower and kissed him in the same fervent way Dom fucked him. Their tongues
coaxed each other, struggling to work out who was penetrating whom. Seth moaned
at another forceful thrust of hips, only hugging Dom’s head closer. Fuck. He
wanted to feel Dom come inside of him, pump his ass and leave his mark. It was
amazing how pliant his flesh became under Dom’s scrutiny, molded by his
strength and determination. And he could hardly resist the waves of pleasure
rolling through him with each of his lover’s moves.

Seth half-closed his
eyes, never tearing away from Dom’s lips. There was a faint taste of blood and
lemon to their kiss, and the mixture seemed to fit the intensity they shared.
Sour, metallic, with an underlying note of sweet tobacco.

Each of Dom’s thrusts
was now so well adjusted to brushing over Seth’s prostate, every time it
happened Seth arched with a moan, no longer embarrassed to express just how
horny he was. His balls kept tightening, making him balance on the brink of
orgasm, as if he were standing on the edge of a knife.

“Fuck me faster,” he
uttered into the kiss, squirming with need only Dom could now satisfy.

“Yeah? You’ll finish
yourself off?” gasped Domenico, whose cock was by now pistoning in and out of
Seth, heating up his ass. The searing pleasure was coursing all over their
bodies, without Seth knowing where his ended and where Dom’s began.

“Yeah, I will.” Seth let
out a needy moan and reached between their bodies. All his cock could take was
a few tugs, and he came as hard as ever, spurting come on his and Dom’s
stomachs, and arching his head back. He whimpered obscenities as his ass
clenched over his lover’s hard dick, which still fucked him to order—fast and
forceful. “So fucking good!” Seth panted, grabbing onto Dom’s arm with his
other hand. His muscles were on fire and relaxing all at the same time.

Domenico rose over Seth and
closed his eyes, pounding his ass in sharp, shallow strokes. It didn’t take him
long to arch over Seth and bury himself to the hilt again, freezing like a
beautiful, sweaty statue, caught in the moment of orgasm. Only his chest was
moving rapidly, all flushed with arousal.

Seth slid his hands over
Dom’s sides and all the way to his pecs, still panting and absentminded. “So
fucking glorious,” he sighed in unashamed adoration. It didn’t feel bad to
spread his legs for a guy like

“Yeah,” whispered Domenico,
slowly, somewhat stiffly resting his body on top of Seth’s. They were both
slick from sweat and sperm, but there was nothing Seth wanted more right now
than to remain like that until the situation forced them to scrub the traces of
sex off their bodies.

And that wouldn’t be
just yet. Seth slowly put his feet back on the mattress, feeling Dom’s cock
slip out from between his buttcheeks. He pulled Dom into a tight hug and kissed
his ear. “That didn’t hurt,” was all he had in him.

Dom sighed, lazily petting
Seth’s chest. He was spent. “I know.”

“Sleep?” Seth gave the
side of Dom’s face a few more tender kisses.

“Yeah, we’ve earned it,”
muttered Dom, rolling off Seth to rest beside him on top of the comforter. With
his hair spread all over the pillow, he looked good enough to eat.

“I really like you, you
know,” Seth said after a moment spent contemplating Dom’s defined stomach
muscles. “Not just for protection or whatever. I’d totally do you if I met you
under different circumstances.” His lips spread into a small smile. It was all
he could manage with how little energy he had left.

One amber eye opened to
peek at him. “I’d do you too. Love the hairy stomach.”

Seth kept up the eye
contact and entwined his fingers with Dom’s. It was only fitting. His own hand
without one finger, Dom’s cut in the middle of the palm by the knife Seth threw
him just hours ago. Seth didn’t know how to put what he felt into words, so he
stayed silent and gently squeezed Dom’s hand even though he knew it had to
hurt. The tight squeeze he got in reply made his chest warmer than he’d be
willing to admit.


Chapter 18


Domenico felt a tug at
the hairs on his forearm.

“Dom? Are you still
asleep?” Seth whispered into his ear, his big, hot body spooning Dom from the

“Hn?” whimpered
Domenico, stretching on the bed, still in the haze of sleep. He wondered what
time it was.

Seth rolled back to his
side of the bed. “I was thinking, you know, that maybe I could still find a way
out of this whole marriage thing.”

Domenico groaned,
covering his face with his hands. He just wanted to go back to sleep. “I’m
afraid she has sisters. You can’t get rid of all of them.”

“I— Huh? That’s not what
I was thinking,” Seth moaned. “I thought maybe I could make some deal with her.
She probably wants this just as much as I do. I could tell her more about me,
someone else could get her pregnant, and that would be that.”

Domenico jerked up to a
sitting position and blinked, trying to focus on Seth’s face. “Are you insane?
You don’t know her, and she has no reason to sympathize with you. She’ll tell
someone right away.”

Seth looked up at him
with those big brown naive eyes. “But… maybe she’d be cool with it.”

Domenico rolled his
eyes, looking to the clock. It was almost two. “She wouldn’t. Stop being such a

“Well advise me then, oh
master of planning.” Seth pouted and looked away. “I have to think of

Obviously, the two dead
bodies and someone all too alive in the room next door were not Seth’s concern.

“Impregnate her as
quickly as possible.” Domenico rolled to his side and closed his eyes again.
The cool air was starting to get to him without the closeness of Seth’s body to
warm him up, but he couldn’t force himself to get under the comforter.

“You don’t get it. So,
even if I force myself to do it, whore myself out for a couple of days, what
next? How do you think she’ll feel? I don’t want to hurt her.”

Domenico wasn’t sure
whether Seth actually cared for the woman he hadn’t even met yet, or if it was
his own fear of feeling used. “Come on, she knows what she’s getting into.”

“So, you’re saying she
won’t want me?” Seth frowned at him and sat up.

“You don’t want her
either. I don’t know what you even expect from an arranged marriage.”

“I don’t know,” Seth
growled at him. “I’ve never been in one. What if I grow to like her?”

Domenico hardly
suppressed a laugh. A gold star gay suddenly coming out as bisexual? That was
rich. “You’d probably impregnate her more than once.”

“Oh, yeah? And everyone
will be happy. Who are you gonna fuck then?” Seth got up from the bed, already
agitated all over again.

Domenico opened his
eyes, following his moves with a frown. “What do you mean?”

“I’ll be oh-so-happy
with my new freaking wife and a load of babies.” Seth spread his arms to the
sides, presenting his meaty form in full glory, though showing off was probably
not his intention right now. He was gorgeous, and Domenico found himself
staring at the dark bush on his stomach that trailed down all the way to a
thick cock. What was this fit all about anyway? It ruined the potential for a
perfectly good blow job.

“Calm the fuck down.”

“Aren’t you even a
little jealous?” Seth huffed and wrapped his arms on his chest, his meaty pecs
slightly bulging over his forearms.

Oh, so that was what it
was all about. Domenico rolled off the bed with one last longing gaze at the
sheets and walked up to Seth, whose tension was threatening to rip his skin
apart and crawl out into the open. “Why would I be jealous over a woman?”

“Why would you not be?”
Seth watched Dom with his eyes wide but didn’t move back.

Domenico took the hint
and leaned in to kiss him, but Seth turned his face away. Dom sighed and let go
of his arm. “A woman can’t possibly give you what you need.”

“She’ll give me
something else.” At this point Seth seemed to be just saying whatever his
tongue unraveled.

“And finally, you will
be happy,” muttered Domenico, crossing his arms on his chest.

Seth bared his teeth
with a growl. “Ah, fuck you.” He turned his back on Dom and walked off to the
bathroom. Rolling his eyes, Domenico followed him and slid his arms around his
lover, expecting him to fight the embrace, but that never happened.

“Stop. I’m not the one
you should be mad at.”

“Easy for you to say.”
Seth rubbed his forehead, and Dom saw the distress on his face in the mirror.

“Don’t unload on me.” He

Seth bowed his head and
snorted. “I’m sorry. There’s no one else I can talk to about this.”

Domenico moved closer,
watching the muscular arms he just longed to knead and kiss. “Can I do

“You can’t run away with
me, so I suppose just don’t leave me to the vultures when we go back to Italy.”
Seth took a deep breath and leaned his back against Dom’s chest. His body
became so limp that his head felt like a dead weight.

“If only the Don allows
it, I will.” Domenico rested his chin on Seth’s arm and hugged his warm body
from behind.

Seth ran his fingertips
over the top of Dom’s bandaged hand. “You’re a good bodyguard.”

Domenico snorted and
patted Seth’s bubble butt. He already loved that ass with a deep passion. It
was soft enough to use as a pillow. “So how about we find out whether our
lady’s ready to speak?”

“I suppose it’s about
time.” Seth sighed and turned around in the embrace, just to hug Dom close. It
was nice to have him so eager to touch, actually inviting Dom for a fuck. All
things considered, Seth had been easy to groom.

“You want to dress
first?” asked Dom just to make Seth feel like he had that choice.

“Yeah, I’ll shower and
come over.” Seth leaned down and kissed him, like a pliant husband. Dom was
actually quite proud of himself. He’d squashed an argument in the bud and
didn’t even have to hit anyone. That would have been bad for his injured hand.



After a quick shower
taken while watching Seth shave, Domenico tended to his face as well. He let
his mind drift to the early morning and the stupid e-mail address he got off
the younger attacker last night. He’d already browsed through their smartphones
and read the original message. All it contained was the info about their
whereabouts, signed “Mr. Tropico”, but to know more, he’d have to possibly mail
back, or find someone with abilities to trace an e-mail back to its sender. It
was possible it was the same man who betrayed Seth earlier, but that wouldn’t
make much sense since Seth’s new role was only announced after the kidnapping.

It was interesting to
watch Seth make breakfast with a spring to his walk even though the smell of
disinfectant still lingered in the air. The white bandage wrapped around Seth’s
arm was the only reminder of yesterday's drama. It was as if Seth cleaned the
slate in his brain at the end of each day, and Dom did actually appreciate
that. Seth wouldn’t do well if he kept dwelling on every single thing that
happened to him. Unless it was the fucking that gave him that wide white smile
as he put two fried eggs in front of Dom and sat opposite him with a cup of

There was also some
simple salad, and toast sprinkled with herbs. Seth was an amazing man to live
with indeed. “Thank you,” said Domenico, digging in right away. “I always say
it’s not good to question people on an empty stomach.”

“Yeah? Worried you might
run out of energy?” Seth rubbed his knee against Dom’s, as if he were cheering
Dom on before a boxing match.

“Nah, but it sometimes
takes too long, and I get hungry.” Domenico brushed his foot over Seth’s calf
and winked at him.

“Let’s just hope she
talks, and we can forget about all this.” Seth sipped the coffee, his face
devoid of any worry. It was so endearing Dom wanted to fuck him right away, on
the breakfast table. But they needed to get shit done first. Pleasure had to

“Yes, as soon as she
does, you will be safe again,” lied Dom and it was worth it, to see that smile
widening and reaching Seth’s dark eyes.

“Finish your food then.
I think I’m ready.”

Domenico growled with a
smile. “My, my, someone’s getting bloodthirsty after tasting proper meat last

Seth blinked, his face
turning a delightful shade of pink. “Hey! It’s not like that.” He rubbed his
nape and looked away.

“Don’t get all resistant
on me now. I enjoyed it a lot.” Domenico shoveled the last of his eggs into his
mouth and smiled.

Seth poked Dom’s shin
with his toes. “Me too. It was hot.” He seemed as shy as a stallion ready to be
mounted for the first time. Yearning for that saddle, but not ready to accept

Domenico slid off his
chair and with coffee in hand, circled the table, and pulled Seth’s head to
rest on his hipbone. “
are hot.”

Seth looked up with a
smile. “Let’s get out of here so my body doesn’t go
any time soon.
Someone who doesn’t like us knows this address.”

Domenico downed his
coffee, playing with Seth’s hair but eventually withdrew. “So right. Let’s go.”

Seth took a deep breath
and got up. He followed Dom all the way to the door. The smile was long gone.
Domenico stopped in his tracks and looked at him. “Do you want some menthol?
The bodies might stink.”

There was no sign of
that virginal blush on Seth’s face either, and he just shook his head. Domenico
shrugged and reached for the small box in his pocket, to spread some of the
sharp-smelling salve under his nose. It stung his bruised flesh, but he didn’t

“Just don’t puke all
over the floor.”

Seth scowled at him.
“Shut it.”

Dom rolled his eyes and
walked up to the door, unlocking it with ease. After only so many hours, the
smell couldn’t be that bad as bodies took time to rot, but he still didn’t want
Seth to make even more mess. After he put the stiffs into the cell the night
before, he’d moved them into a fetal position, strapped them with strings, and
put them into a double coat of plastic bags, so that only the heads would stick
out for an additional scare factor. The arrangements would make later transport
much easier, and as long as the flesh was warm, he didn’t have an issue with
handling the carcass.

Salieri was curled up in
the opposite corner of the room and looked up at them with wide, reddened eyes.
“Please take them away,” she whined. It seemed that two dead bodies were
exactly what they needed to unwind her tongue, maybe because it made the
possibility of her own death so much more real.

Domenico sighed,
relaxing. He put his hands into his pockets and approached her slowly. “That
depends on you.”

“I’ll tell you who my
contact was,” she whispered and looked away. Dom heard Seth’s steps behind him.
So he wasn’t running just yet.

“I’m listening.”
Domenico yawned and kicked one of the bodies to check if it was as hard as it
ought to be.

Salieri’s lips trembled,
and she turned away to face the wall. The nervous twitch in her shoulders
betrayed just how much she’d given up. All her hopes had been on the slim
chance that they would release her. There was nowhere to run now. “It was
Angelo Pecora. But you can’t tell him I gave away his identity. Please, I will
leave the country, disappear, I can do that,” she turned to her knees and
crawled their way, her eyes wide and desperate as they dripped with tears
again, her voice high-pitched and whiny. Any other time, Dom would have laughed
at her, but the name came as such a shock, he could just stare at her while his
body refused to move. Angelo was the last person he’d suspect. They’d known
each other for such a long time...

Seth came closer, into
Dom’s line of vision. He cleared his throat. “Dom? Can we do that?”

The stupidity of that
question was enough to help Dom shake off the stiffness in his body. He
snorted. He was banned from doing serious harm to the bitch in case her contact
was someone important, but that worry went out the window the moment she gave
them a name. “Of course not. You may kill her now.”

BOOK: Guns n' Boys Book 1 Part 1
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