Hadley (The Club Girl Diaries Book 3) (16 page)

BOOK: Hadley (The Club Girl Diaries Book 3)
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“We need to pack,” Leo said, turning his gaze to Optimus. “You need anything else from Hadley?”

Op scrubbed his hair, and Chelsea placed her hand on his cheek, trying to ease his agitation. But it wasn’t with me. He wasn’t upset that I hadn’t spoken up earlier. He understood the position I’d been put in. And I was thankful.

“Nah. Go get your shit ready. I don’t even know how to deal with this.”

I cleared my throat, drawing his attention. “Can I make a suggestion?”

He nodded.

“Support him, but don’t cut him off. He doesn’t want to be treated like he’s dying. He needs shit to keep his mind occupied, but he’s also getting weak, so watch out for him.”

Chelsea gave me a soft smile. “Thanks, Hadley.”

Leo pulled me to my feet and guided me to the door.

“He gonna die?” I heard Op’s voice ask from behind me.

Leo and I both froze.

Swallowing against the lump in my throat, I turned my head to look over my shoulder. Optimus was a strong leader, he had to be. His men looked up to him, they trusted him and relied on him to make decisions that were best for the club.

But right now, all I could see was a man who was concerned about losing a friend, a member of his family.

“I don’t know,” I answered honestly. “I don’t know.”

Chapter Twenty-Five



Leo stopped to grab Macy from Rose before we headed upstairs to his room to pack.

Rose gave me a gentle hug. “Welcome to the club.”

“Thanks,” I said, hugging her back before Leo pulled me away.

Macy ran up the stairs ahead of us as I chased her, snapping at her ankles playfully.

When we finally reached their room, Leo grabbed her and sat her on his lap. “We’re gonna take a trip for a while.”

“I come?” she said, looking up at him with sad eyes.

He nodded. “This time, you’re coming too, baby girl.”

Her eyes widened dramatically, and I giggled. “I come!” she beamed, jumping off his lap and running over to her bed.

She struggled to drag out a small bright pink suitcase with white daisies, flinging it open and proceeding to fill it with toys.

“Woah, woah, there kid.” Leo laughed. “You need clothes, not just toys.”

“I’ll help her,” I offered, crouching down beside her as she looked confused. “You get your stuff,” I told Leo over my shoulder as I took Macy’s hand a directed her over to the small set of drawers that were also painted pink.

I pulled them open. “What do you want to take?”

“Dwesses,” she answered seriously.

I laughed. “Okay, dresses. Maybe we should pack some shorts and pants, too?”

“Yes. And shirts.”

Handing her one thing at a time, she placed them carefully inside her suitcase, after emptying out the stuffed animals and blocks.

Turning to the side, I caught Leo looking down at us. He hadn’t moved.

I smiled. “What?”

He shook his head. “Nothing.”

I pushed off the floor. “Pick a few toys to take, and then grab your toothbrush and hairbrush,” I told the little girl before walking over to Leo and sitting beside him on the bed.

“Strange, to have someone helping do this kind of shit.” He scratched at his beard. “I mean, sometimes the girls around here would help, or Carly. But this feels…”

“Different,” I offered.

His eyes met mine, I wanted to smooth away the frown on his features. “Feels good,” he corrected.

“You’ve done amazing with her.”

Leo scoffed. “Can’t take all the credit for that. She’s been shifted around, passed off to whoever was free. Haven’t been there for her like I should have.”

“You’re not any different to any other single parent, Leo.” He laughed, but I continued. “When it’s just you, and you need to work in order to support her, there’s really no other option than to pass care on to others. It happens, you shouldn’t feel guilty for trying to provide for your child and give her the life she needs.”

He didn’t answer, his eyes watching Macy as she scurried into the bathroom, returning with a handful of soaps and shampoo and everything but her toothbrush and hairbrush.

He laughed, the deep rumble in his chest causing me to smile.

Macy froze for a second, looking at her father with a wide cheeky grin before tossing everything into her suitcase and heading back for more.

“Woah, there kid.” He snatched her off the ground, and she giggled loudly as his beard tickled her face. “You really think you’re gonna need all that stuff?”

“Yes!” she beamed. “Need to keep cwean.”

Leo lifted her up, running his nose over her body, making loud sniffing noises as she laughed and squirmed in his arms. “You don’t smell,” he joked.

“Not me, Daddy. For you!”

Laughter burst from my mouth at the child’s not so subtle dig. “Yeah, Leo. You need to keep clean.”

His eyes flashed to me, and I knew I was in trouble. He pulled Macy into his chest, whispering conspiringly with her.

“No…” I protested as they both turned to look at me. “Uh-uh. No.” I shuffled back on the bed as they advanced, Macy’s smirk identical to the one her father wore.

“Let’s get her!” he crowed.

They both dived on me and I fell into a fit of laughter as their fingers tickled at my stomach.

“Stop!” I pleaded, trying to breathe through the giggles.

After a minute or two and more begging on my part, they finally relented. Macy jumped off the bed, clapping her hands and smiling widely. Leo collapsed next to me.

“You’ll pay… for that…” I struggled.

“I go tell Jaywa, we going on twip?” Macy tugged on Leo’s arm, suddenly excited about sharing this new information with her friend.

Leo nodded. “Yeah, kid. Real quick, though.”

She didn’t need to be told twice, shooting out the door at record speed.

“How quick do you think she’ll be?” I asked casually.

Leo snorted. “She’ll get distracted, and we’ll have to go searching for her no doubt.”

Shuffling to the end of the bed, I jumped off and walked over to the door, pushing it closed. Turning, I pressed my back against it and smirked. Leo propped himself up on his elbows and watched me carefully.

“Don’t move off the bed,” I told him as my hands lifted the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head and dropping it onto the floor.

“You want some music for this?” He smirked.

I shook my head, my bra dropped next, and suddenly he wasn’t so smug, his eyes falling down to my breasts. He pulled himself up, sitting a little straighter.

Popping the button on my jeans, I used one hand to pull down the zip while the other gripping my breast, kneaded it gently.

“You’re playing with fire, Hadley,” Leo warned, gripping the bulge that was forming in the front of his pants.

“Don’t move off the bed,” I told him again.

“You know you’re mine now, right? Pretty sure I should be the one giving the orders.”


Slipping my hand down the front of my pants, I watched him. His eyes glazed, a sheen of lust covering them. “This your idea of making me pay?” he hissed.

I didn’t answer. My finger came in contact with my clit, and my head fell back against the wooden door.

“Fuck,” he whispered, and it only spurred me on.

I worked myself feverishly, moaning softly as I imagined Leo’s hands on me.

“Come closer,” he ordered, this time I obliged. Slipping my jeans and panties down, I stepped out of them and moved to the side of the bed.

I bent my back, putting my pussy and ass completely on show, only feet from where he sat. Bracing one hand on the wall, I used the other to reach between my legs and continue to build the orgasm that I could already feel settling over my body.

I heard a zipper and froze, looking over my shoulder.

“Ain’t touching,” he confirmed. “But fuck, can’t watch you get off while I just sit here with a fucking hard cock.”

My breathing began to quicken, I couldn’t see him touching himself, but I knew he was and that was enough to send a whole new rush of excitement through my body.

“Damn fucking hell, baby,” he gritted.

Part of me wanted to say fuck it, and jump on his dick, my pussy aching now to feel him inside me. But I’d started this, I was going to finish.

“Leo,” I whispered, my heart racing. “Oh God, it feels good.”

My fingers were slick with moisture and sliding across my clit so fast. I locked my knees, knowing that it was going to hit me hard and fast, and collapsing to the floor wasn’t my idea of sexy.

“Oh God.” I flung my head back, pressing my palm hard against the wall as the wave rushed over me. My body wasn’t sure what to do. It took me higher and higher and then suddenly came crashing down sending sparks and explosions through every single muscle of my body.

I groaned loudly as I rode it out, moving my hips against my hand, grinding them like I was riding his cock. I raised my other hand to the wall, trying my best not to let my shaky knees give way. My heart pounded in my chest and I struggled to breathe.

There was no time for that, though, and I cried out as Leo’s tongue swept over my tingling pussy. “Holy shit,” I gasped, his hands latching onto my hips as he lapped and sucked away my release.

“Fuck it,” he growled, pulling away. I was about to turn, desperate to see him but before I could, hot liquid spurted across my ass cheeks, tickling my burning skin as it dripped down over my curves.

I turned my head, just in time to see him deliver a sharp slap, right where he’d left his release. I jumped, spinning on unstable feet and attempting to glare at him through the orgasmic haze that still held reign over my body.

His jeans pooled around his ankles, and he still had his cock in one hand, and it was still completely hard. “You trying to fucking kill me?”

I smiled weakly, leaning back against the wall. “Maybe.”

“Fucking, damn,” he groaned, his eyes running over my body one last time before he reached for his jeans.

Stepping closer, he pinned my body against the wall. I was thankful, thinking I would possibly drop to the floor soon, my legs still shaking.

He lowered his mouth to mine, capturing my lips and sending a whole new wave of excitement through my body. I could taste myself on his lips. “You’re getting cum on the wall,” he whispered, pulling back just far enough to allow air into our lungs.

“I’ll clean it off.”

His eyebrows raised. “With your tongue?”

“You’re disgusting.”

“That’d be sexy as fuck,” he retorted, a smile creeping onto his lips.

I frowned. “Get off me you animal. I need to shower.”

He stepped back. “You started it…” he paused, smirking at me, “…I’ll finish it.”

I rolled my eyes, pushing at his chest as I forced my legs to move to the bathroom. “Pack your bags, caveman.”

Chapter Twenty-Six



I stepped out of the shower just as Leo opened the bathroom door and came inside.

The mood had changed dramatically, I could feel it.

“Felt like I needed to apologize,” he said gruffly, propping himself against the vanity as I wrapped a towel around my body.

I frowned. “For what?”

“When I heard what he was saying, I got defensive and accused you of doing shit that I knew you wouldn’t do.”

Sighing, I began to rub the fluffy blue towel over my body. “This won’t work if you don’t trust me.”

“I trust you,” he answered quickly. “You think I’d leave Macy with you, or ask you to be my Old Lady if I didn’t trust you?”

I shook my head but concentrated on removing the water from my bare skin.

“I’m meant to be able to trust my brothers with my life, to know without a question that they are watching out for me,” he continued, hanging his head. “I don’t doubt them or question them, because as soon as we start to doubt each other, our brotherhood falls apart. Our family falls apart.”

“I begged him to tell you,” I said quietly.

There was silence in the small space.

“When I came looking for you that night…” I cleared my throat and looked up, meeting his eyes, “…I haven’t been with anyone since that first time with you.”

He nodded, rolling his shoulders as if the tension was leaving them. “He should have never put that burden on you. It wasn’t fair.”

Tucking the towel around me, I walked over to where he stood. I could tell this was rattling him, it was going to affect the whole club. I hoped that Slider took the support around him, and used it to lift him up and that he didn’t push it away. He needed them, and they needed him. Pushing them away was only going to cause more tension.

“He’s scared,” I told Leo, taking his hand.

He sighed heavily. “So am I.”

We stood there for a few moments, he squeezed my hand, showing me that he appreciated the support. If there was one thing I’d learned during my time here, it was that these men and their hearts were pure.

Scary on the outside with their tattoos and rough looks, but just like anyone else out there, all they wanted was to love and support their family in any way possible. But this was even more than that. Their family wasn’t just the women they fell in love with, their children, or their blood relations.

It was every single person here.

The bonds they had ran deeper than just blood.

It was loyalty and trust, sacrifice and honor.

“Get dressed,” he finally said, dipping his head and pressing his lips to my forehead. “Meet me downstairs.”

I hurried to put my clothes on, knowing that there were things Leo needed to sort before we left for Troy.

Just as I stepped out of the bedroom, Harmony was closing Optimus’ door behind her. She hit me with a broad smile. “I called it,” she said, causing me to laugh.

She fell in step with me as we walked down the hall. “Guess you did.”

“Kit said you’ll be joining us for a while.”

I nodded. “For a little bit, not sure how long. I think he said he’d try to get us a stay with Oz or something? I’m not sure who that is.”

Harmony chuckled. “Oz and Bright Eyes are Kit’s parents. They have a big home, and it’ll be more comfortable for Macy while you guys are there.”

“Sounds good. She’s so excited about coming with us.” My stomach tightened. “I really hope nothing happens while she’s there. She’s been through enough.”

Harmony stopped at the top of the stairs, and I pulled up with her. “It sucks that she’s a part of this all. But I know that these guys will do whatever it takes to keep you both safe.”

“I hate that I caused all this. That I’ve put her in danger.”

Harmony shook her head before I could even finish my sentence. “Hadley, this life is both amazing and dangerous. People get hurt sometimes. But we never place blame. Because that’s not what it’s about. You screw with one, you screw with the whole club.”

I gave her a soft smile, appreciating the pep talk.

She hooked her arm through mine as we descended down the stairs. “It’s going to be good to have another girl down there. Those club girls, they can be ruthless, they aren’t like us.”

“Oh, joys,” I commented sarcastically.

“Just remember, you’re an Old Lady.” She turned to me and smirked as we reached the bottom. “They fuck with you, give them hell.”

We both laughed.

“Come on,” Leo said, walking toward us with a bouncing Macy on his shoulders. “Kit wants to leave in an hour, and I need to talk to Carly before we head out.”

“See you soon!” Harmony called as I followed Leo out the doors.

I could tell Macy was a little nervous as we drove to Carly’s house, her eyes darted around like she was waiting for something.

“Hey Macy,” I said, turning to look at her. Her eyes flicked to me and I smiled. “It’s going to be a long drive down to Kit and Harmony’s place. Maybe we should stop and get some coloring books and stuff for the trip.”

Her curls bounced as she bobbed her head. “Yes!” she beamed enthusiastically.

She seemed to calm a little and settle back into her car seat, so I turned back around.

Catching a smile on Leo’s lips as he watched the road, I couldn’t help but grin. “What?”


As we pulled up to Carly’s house, Leo turned to me. “Now probably isn’t the best time to tell her about us, so I’ll try to be quick.”

I nodded, understanding his apprehension. Carly’s welcome hadn’t exactly been so warm the last time we were here. And with everything still up in the air and tensions running high, I understood why he’d want to leave it for now.

Macy grabbed my hand as we walked up to the door.

Leo pushed it open and walked right in, calling out to his sister-in-law. “Yo!”

“Up here!” I heard her call back from upstairs somewhere.

Leo gestured with his head to the living room that was just to the side. “Play with Mace for a bit. I won’t be long.”

I gave him a reassuring smile and followed Macy as she made a beeline for the box of toys that sat in the corner next to the sofa. Dropping myself onto the soft carpet, I giggled as Macy proceeded to build up piles of blocks, only to smash them down again, laughing maniacally.

I looked up when I heard the door open. Meyah appeared in the entranceway to the living room, a soft smile on her lips and a dreamy look in her eyes.

“I know that look,” I commented, seeming to startle her out of her haze. “That’s caused by a boy.”

She blushed, pulling her backpack off her shoulder and tossing it back toward the door. “It’s that obvious, huh?”

I giggled. “A little.”

She walked over and dropped onto the floor beside us, giving Macy a little tickle as she greeted her.

“He special?” I asked casually as I folded my legs.

She cleared her throat, and her eyes darted around nervously before coming back to rest on me. “He’s popular and cute. He brings me little presents.”

I sensed her hesitation. “But…”

She cringed as she swallowed like there was a huge lump in her throat.

I understood now. “He wants more,” I continued, keeping my voice low.

She eyed me for a second. I could see her mulling over in her mind about whether she could trust me. This being only the second time we had met.

I let her make her own decision about me, turning my attention back to Macy as she attempted to undress a Barbie doll.

It was a few minutes before Meyah finally spoke again, “I don’t know if I’m ready,” she whispered, shuffling a little closer. “He’s done it before. I think he expects it.”

“Never feel like you have to give him anything,” I told her quietly, meeting her eyes. “It’s your body, your choice. One
have to live with forever, not him.”

She chewed on her lip. “Maybe I want to.”

“Maybe you should talk to your mom?” I offered, thinking that that was the best approach to this.

Meyah laughed. “She would lock me up and throw away the key. She got pregnant young. So for her, abstinence is the only option.” She rolled her eyes as if she knew just how unrealistic and naïve the idea was.

I agreed.

Telling teens not to have sex was not the way to approach things. They rebel, and there’s so much pressure on them from their peers that they will go into it blind if they think it will make them like everyone else.

They needed to be prepared. If they know the risks and how to be safe, then they were less likely to make a mistake that would possibly impact on the rest of their lives.

I lowered my voice and made sure her eyes were on me before I spoke. I knew it wasn’t really my place, but Leo cared about Meyah. A lot. I knew that he would want her safe.

“Always use protection,” I said seriously. “He tries to get away without it, you tell him no. If you mean as much to him as you think, he should respect that. If you’re uncomfortable… you step away, you tell him no. He does anything you don’t like, you tell someone you trust.”

Her hands rubbed nervously against her jeans.

“You think he would?”

I shook my head. “I’m just saying, you have a very scary uncle up there that would step up for you in a heartbeat. Don’t think that you have to deal with something alone. You don’t.”

She nodded, listening intently to what I was telling her.

“I really like him.”

I smiled. “That’s really great, Meyah.”

“Are you and Uncle Leo like a couple now?” she asked suddenly, her head tilted to the side.

I looked at Macy out of the corner of my eyes but saw she was seriously engrossed in her dolls. Turning back to Meyah, I nodded. “We aren’t telling your mom just yet,” I said softly, hoping she’d understand.

“You keep my secret, I’ll keep yours.” She grinned.

I chuckled. “Deal.”

We both watched Macy play quietly for a few minutes before she spoke up again, “I really want them to be happy,” she said, her eyes focused on her baby cousin.

I could hear the love and adoration in her voice.

“Me too,” I answered with a smile. “Me too.”

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