Hagen, Lynn - Montana's Vamp [Brac Pack 16] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (12 page)

BOOK: Hagen, Lynn - Montana's Vamp [Brac Pack 16] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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Montana climbed onto the bed, pulling Gabby to drape over his chest. “I thought we were going to do each other?” Gabby asked.

Montana smiled, and Gabby forgot what he was thinking.

“We are. Can’t I enjoy looking at heaven?”

Gabby blushed. He didn’t know about that. Purgatory maybe, but not heaven. Montana was heaven. His mate reached up and ran his hand over Gabby’s hair, pulling him down for a kiss.

Gabby fisted his hands against his mate’s chest, opening wide for the exploration. He could feel goose bumps rise on his skin at the sensual way Montana’s tongue made love to his. He didn’t tell his mate, but the wolf was the first person to kiss him, and that first kiss was when he knew Montana was wedged in his heart.

“I love you, pumpkin,” was whispered softly against his lips.

Gabby fell apart. He began to cry at the long-awaited words. Someone finally loved him. No, not someone, his Tanny.

“Are you okay, baby?” Montana pulled back and looked at Gabby with concern.

“No,” he blubbered. “I’ve waited my whole life to hear that. I’m crying because I’m happy.” Gabby’s bottom lip shook as he let the tears fall.

“Oh, baby.” Montana pulled him into his arms, holding him gently. Gabby took a deep breath to compose himself. A man wasn’t supposed to cry during sex. He lay there listening to the beat of his mate’s heart, the sound washing over him, soothing the pain he had felt his entire life.

“Can we have sex now?” Gabby chuckled as he wiped his eyes.

Montana ran his thumbs under Gabby’s eyes, wiping away the salty tears. He then took a thumb and sucked the tears that had clung to it. “Cry any time you want, baby. You taste good.”

Gabby smiled, leaned down, and took back the kiss he had interrupted with his emotional moment. “I love you, too, Tanny. I’ve loved you since you smiled at me in the diner.”

Montana pulled him up and turned him around, Gabby quickly getting the idea. He straddled his mate’s face as he took the wolf’s lengthy girth down his throat. He closed his eyes and moaned at the taste on his tongue and the feeling of his cock in his mate’s mouth. The double pleasure tantalized his senses.

Gabby pushed back, feeding his length to Montana as he slurped around the mushroomed head, the tip of his tongue drawing the pre-cum out like a bear with honey. His thumb slid around the
under the crown, gently applying pressure and slowly pumping his fist, which was wrapped around the base.

Oh, god, he wanted to be fucked so badly. As if reading his mind, his mate pushed fingers into him. He could tell it was more than one. The burn was making his hips gyrate around.

Gabby fisted the cock in his hand harder, his spine tingling and buzzing. He doubled his efforts, sucking up and down the shaft, slobbering and licking, humming and moaning. His hips bucked, pushing his cock further down Montana’s throat.

He was close, so very close. Gabby slid his hand down, caressing his mate’s balls, letting the pads of his fingertips feel every ridge, every wrinkle. His mate’s sac drew up, telling Gabby he was just as close.

Gabby opened wider, sinking his fangs into the large vein as Montana cried out around his cock, his mate’s fingers fucking his ass fiercely. Gabby drank his mate’s blood and seed as he rocked up and down, fucking the wolf’s mouth until his balls released, his seed shooting out. He quickly sealed the wound as he cried out, his mate applying pressure around his shaft to make a tight seal as he drank his essence.

“Tanny,” Gabby panted then collapsed his head onto the wolf’s thigh. His heart raced out of control as the endorphins raged on through his system. He felt light, boneless.

“Come here, pumpkin.” Montana reached down and grabbed Gabby under his arms, pulling him around and settling him in the
of his arm. “I still call it sex.” He chuckled.

Gabby smiled, content and sated.

* * * *

“Have you thought about what Christian told you?” Montana asked as he rubbed his hand over his mate’s back.

“About having children?”

“Yeah, what do you think?”

Gabby lifted his head up and stared into Montana’s eyes. “Would you be mad at me if I said I didn’t want any?”

Montana cleared his throat. He wanted his opinion heard. This involved him, too. “I wouldn’t mind one.” He would respect Gabby’s decision, but there was a part of him that became excited at the prospect.

His mate sat up, looking back down at him, “I’m just now adjusting to having a mate, having friends, and also having a new life where I don’t have to worry every second that someone is going to taunt or ridicule me. Can I adjust to that first? It seems like so much is coming at me at once. I only want a chance to get used to all this before we talk of babies,” Gabby said softly.

Montana’s fingers were running up and down his mate’s arm as he listened. “Take all the time you need, pumpkin. I just want to know that the subject isn’t closed, that we can revisit it when you feel you’re ready to talk about it again.”

His mate nodded. “I’ll let you know.”

* * * *

Cecil paced the library. “I’m tired of being cooped up. There’s got to be a way we can have some fun without worrying about rogue this and rogue that. The vehicles have tracking devices, and the Timber wolves have added three more Sentries to their ranks. How the hell are we going to get out of here?”

Nero raised his hand. “We could dig a tunnel. I know you don’t like tunnels, but it’s a way out. It is.”

Johnny’s hand shot up. “We could have Melonee take us.”

Cecil’s brows shot up. “You are so smart, J-man, but Melonee is too young. She would end up taking us to Pluto.” The light came on over his head. “But there is someone else that could.”

“Carter.” Blair snickered.

“Yep. Now how the hell do we get a hold of him?”

“Someone call my name?”

The mates jumped, Cecil’s heart beating out of his chest. “Don’t do that!”

The elven chuckled. “Why not? It’s fun.”

“How did you know we wanted you?” Gabby asked.

“You said my name, I heard, I came. The older we Wood Elves get, the better we are at our powers. I’m not that old yet, but I know how to listen for my name.” He winked at Gabby.

“We want to blow this one-horse town. Will you take us?” Cecil begged.

“Depends, will it piss Maverick off?”


“Then I’m in. Where to?”

Okay, Cecil hadn’t gotten that far in his plan yet. A lot of the mates weren’t twenty-one yet, so a bar was out of the question. Besides, their last experience imbibing made him wince.

“I know.” Gabby jumped up and down as he raised his hand.

“I’m listening.” Cecil walked over to the pint-sized mate. “Go on.”

“I used to sneak away from the coven to these caves. They’re beautiful. Inside them, there are crystals, and bats, and even these little glowing creatures. It’s like a whole other world. You can see water running down the walls. I think there’s a natural spring in there somewhere, but I haven’t found it yet.” Gabby curled his lips in.

Cecil thought about what Walkie-Talkie suggested. He was terrified of dark tunnels. He knew that to conquer his fears he had to face them. Could he? If he became too frightened, he could have Carter pop him back home. A smile crossed his face. “Lead the way, Gabby.” He could do this.

“I can’t take all of you at once. I’m not that good yet. I can take six, and then come back for the other six.”

“Okay. Johnny, Gabby, Nero, Kyoshi, Keata, and Blair go first.” Cecil pointed at them.

“Me, Oliver, Caden, Murphy, Tangee, and Drew will go next.”

“I think some of the bigger mates should go first. The smaller ones shouldn’t go all at once,” Caden advised.

“Fine. Everyone buddy up with a small mate, and then the first three pairs will go. But Gabby has to go first. He knows where it’s at.”

Gabby nodded and took Oliver’s hand. He smiled up at him.

“Hurry, go.” Cecil waved his hands at Carter.

* * * *

Excitement was coursing through Gabby. He had friends, and they listened to his suggestion! No one made fun of his idea.

“Wait. What about Gabby…you know.” Blair waved his hands around the area of Gabby’s rounded belly.

“Right, because my mom got pregnant visiting a cave.” Cecil rolled his eyes. “I don’t think visiting the caves will make Gabby pregnant, dork.”

Blair narrowed his eyes at Cecil. “You don’t have to be a smartass. I was just trying to look out for him because he is fertile.”

“I’m fine, I swear. I can go.” Gabby was afraid they would change their minds or think his idea was dumb after all. He didn’t want to lose the friends he had made. “Can we go? I really, really promise I’m fine.”

Blair studied him for a moment and then nodded. “Okay. Let’s go.”

Gabby squeezed Oliver’s hand tight. He wasn’t sure how this worked. Johnny grabbed his other hand, the other three mates doing the same until they had a circle.

Carter laid his hand on Gabby’s shoulder. “Think of the cave.”

Gabby closed his eyes and thought of the sparkly crystals and glowing little bugs. A cool breeze tickled his cheeks. He opened his eyes and gasped. They were actually in the caves.

“Okay, I’m going to go back. Do not move a muscle until I return with the others.”

They all nodded. Gabby, Oliver, Johnny, Drew, Keata, and Murphy had come on the first trip.

“How do you feel?” Drew asked Murphy.

Gabby wondered why he asked. The guy looked fine.

“Almost healed. I still tire when I walk too much, but at least I can walk again,” Murphy replied.

“What happened?” Gabby asked before he could think better of it.

“I was shot in the back by Cindernightmare. She was a crazy woman who was out to destroy me. No one knows why still.”

“Oh my god! Are you okay? I think if someone shot me in the back I would have freaked out. That must have really hurt. I think it would. Not like I want to find out for myself. Oh, god, I wasn’t saying you wanted to find out either. I was just—”

“Gabby!” Johnny shouted. “Relax, stop being so nervous. We don’t bite.”

Gabby blushed. “But I do.” His eyes grew round as he stared at Johnny. “But I wouldn’t bite you, I swear. You’re my friend. I wouldn’t do anything to make you mad—”

Johnny put his hand over Gabby’s mouth. “I know you wouldn’t.”

“Is it me or are the others taking too long?” Oliver asked.

“Can we go?” Keata asked as he pointed further into the cave.

“Carter said not to move,” Drew reminded them.

“Obviously something’s happened. Maybe we should find a way out and call home. Although I’d rather face a pit of snakes than Micah,” Oliver joked nervously.

The six began to walk along the cavernous walls, careful of where they stepped as Gabby lead them out.

“Look.” Gabby pointed up at the water trickling down a smooth wall. “Can we try and find the spring? I just know one is here, and I bet it’s real pretty, too.”

“Okay. We’ll call Carter’s name if we get too lost.” Murphy reminded them of their magical way out.

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