Harker's Journey (4 page)

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Authors: N.J. Walters

BOOK: Harker's Journey
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Deciding they probably hadn’t heard her, she banged on the door with her fist. Five minutes later, she was still banging, but now she was yelling as well. “Anyone home?”

The sun had just set completely as the clicking of a set of locks being turned got her attention. “It’s about time,” she muttered.

The huge door opened slowly, creaking as it went. Squinting slightly, Johanna could make out the stone walls and an old wooden bench just inside the entryway, but she still didn’t see anyone.


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Enough was enough. She walked over the threshold, reciting her favorite lines from Stoker’s book. “‘Enter freely and of your own will! Come freely. Go safely, and leave something of the happiness you bring!’”

She thought she was alone until a voice came out of the darkness. “Surely it’s not as bad as that. This is not Dracula’s castle, but Dalakis Castle. We are much more civilized here.”

Feeling the heat creeping up her cheeks, Johanna decided that her only option was to brazen it out. Tilting her chin up, she summoned her most professional voice.

“Johanna Harker from the Baxter Corporation to see Mr. Dalakis.”

Inwardly, she was thankful that it was only the butler, or whatever his title was, who had heard her. Hopefully, she’d have her papers signed and be out of here before Mr. Dalakis heard about her little opening speech.

“It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Cristofor Dalakis.” A tall, dark shadow moved from behind the door and started towards her.

Johanna wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole. Shifting her briefcase to her left hand, she stuck out her right one. “I’m sorry, Mr. Dalakis…” she began, but he interrupted her.

“Call me Cris.” The rich tone of his voice sent her senses reeling before his words registered in her brain. Her head snapped up and she watched in horror as the man from her dreams coalesced in the light of the full moon flooding the entrance. Her briefcase fell from her nerveless finger, hitting the floor with a thud. Shaking her head, she tried to deny the evidence in front of her. It had to be a trick of the light. Her head was spinning as she watched him getting closer and closer to her. Blinking, she tried to clear her fading vision, but it was no use. He was real. It was her last thought before she felt darkness overtake her.

Cris moved quickly to catch her before she hit the stone floor, grateful for his preternatural speed. He winced at the thought of her beautiful body being bruised, or 27

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worse, seriously hurt. And it would have been his fault. In his eagerness to have her here, he had taken her off guard and frightened her. Lifting her easily in his arms, he stopped long enough to snag her briefcase off the floor before carrying her down the long stone corridor and into the study.

A deep contentment filled him as he held her in his arms. Nothing would have pleased him more than to keep her locked in his embrace all night long. But that was not possible. He knew she would be frightened if she awoke that way, so he laid her on a long, plush velvet sofa that sat in front of a roaring fire, and placed her leather bag next to her. It took all the considerable willpower he possessed, but he forced himself to release her.

Waving his hand in the air, various candles around the room sprang to life. She didn’t stir, so he took his time and examined her thoroughly. He threaded his fingers through her short brown hair. It was soft and silky and slid easily through his fingers in a cascade of chocolate, coffee, and a touch of auburn. Even though her eyes were closed, he knew they were a golden brown. Her slightly pointed nose and high cheekbones gave her an inquisitive air. Her complexion was flawless to him, even though he knew she despised the few freckles that scattered across her nose. They were hidden from view under a carefully applied layer of makeup, but he knew they were there. Her lips were parted slightly as she breathed easily. Unable to resist, he bent over her still form and kissed her soft, waiting lips.

Johanna moaned and turned towards him, returning his kiss for a moment before her eyes fluttered open. Stepping away from her, he retreated to the shadows by the fireplace and watched her awaken. Like a little owl, she blinked several times, trying to get her bearings.

Pulling herself upright, she ran a shaky hand through her hair and looked around the room. Her eyes came to rest on him and she took a deep breath. “What happened?”

“You fainted.” Johanna shivered slightly and ran her hands up and down her arms as if to warm herself even though a roaring fire heated the room. 28

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“I don’t remember what happened.” She frowned as she looked towards him. “I’ve never fainted before in my life. I’m really not sure what happened, but I do apologize.”

“You owe me no apology. It is I who owe you one.” Slowly, he left the shadows and walked towards her. “I’m afraid I startled you.”

She stared at him as he approached, her look a combination of disbelief and amazement, as she took an unsteady breath to calm herself. “This is impossible.” Her voice was little more than a strained whisper.

Cris hunkered down in front of her and her hand rose to touch him. It shook so badly that he wrapped his own hand around hers and held it to his cheek.

“You’re real.” Her fingers lovingly traced the features of his face. As he watched, he could see all her memories tumbling over themselves. She pulled her hand away and scrambled backward towards the corner of the sofa.

“You’re my dream man, but that’s impossible.” Johanna wrapped her arms around her chest as if trying to ground herself in a world gone mad. “I don’t understand how this is possible. You’re Mr. Dalakis, but you’re also Cris. My Cris.”

“Yes. Surely you knew by now that you weren’t dreaming all those years.”

“Well, yes, but this is different. You’ve only ever come to me in dreams. I came to Transylvania on a business trip and to fulfill my dream of seeing this country. I never expected you to actually appear in my
life.” Johanna frowned at him, shaking her head in denial. “Who are you, really?”

“I am Cristofor Dalakis and it is I who have brought you here.” He saw the exact moment that she began to see all the possible implications of the situation. Her dreams and reality had collided and there were many truths she now had to face. Her face was pale, but calm as she straightened her shoulders and met his gaze. Clutching her hands in her lap, she held them so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

“What are you?”


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“I am the same man who has come to you all these years.” Standing, he began to pace the room, trying to give her some space, and at the same time find the words to make her understand. “I am of the family Dalakis. We have always been different.”

“Different!” she exclaimed. “You’ve been in my dreams for years.” She swallowed hard and her face paled even further before a blush began to creep up her cheeks.

“We’ve had mind-numbing, heart-pounding, raw sex over and over in my dreams.”

Her voice lowered until it was barely a whisper. “Was it real?”

“Don’t lie to yourself. You knew it was.” He refused to soften the blow. “All of it was real. You are mine and I am yours. As it has always been.” Coming to a stop at the end of the sofa, he loomed menacingly over her. “Ask the question you really want answered.”

Scrambling off the sofa, she stood her ground and glared at him. “In my dreams, you’re not human. But vampires don’t really exist.”

“Are you sure?” he taunted her.

Johanna took one step backwards. “Are you a vampire?”

“You know I am.” As he was finished speaking, Johanna started to bolt, but he reached out and grabbed her wrist, whirling her around to face him. Her fear of him made him unreasonably angry. “Why do you run from me? I have had years to hurt you if that was my intention.” His voice was soft, but she heard the underlying anger and flinched.

He released her and she backed slowly towards the door. “I’m not sure I’m ready for this.” Her hand went to protectively to her neck. “It’s not that you tricked me, but maybe I’ve deluded myself into believing that you were just a harmless fantasy.”

Cris stalked towards her, not stopping until her back was pressed hard against the door. He loomed over her much smaller frame and ignored the hand she held out to ward him off. “You are fascinated by the idea and the lure of the vampire, but not the reality even though I have never harmed you.” Wrapping one hand around her neck, he 30

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tilted her chin up as he slowly lowered his lips to hers. “Although at the moment, I am reconsidering my options.”

Her eyes widened as he held her immobile with his gaze, and she did not fight him as his lips brushed hers. His tongue swept inside her mouth to claim what was already his.

For a moment, she did not move at all, but within seconds, he could feel her whole body softening towards him as her body remembered all the pleasure they had shared. Closing his eyes, he savored the taste of her and moaned when her tongue tentatively touched his.

While he explored her mouth, his fingers slowly undid the buttons of her jacket. Pushing the lapels back, he placed his hands on her waist, enjoying the way she arched her back and pushed her chest towards him.

Her nipples were hard little buds stabbing against his chest, driving him mad with desire for her. Unable to resist her allure, he swept his hands upward until they were covering her breasts. The lush mounds filled his hands perfectly, as he caressed them through the silk of her blouse.

As he nipped a path down her neck, he opened her blouse one button at a time. He could feel the heat of her skin on the backs of his fingers, and a rush of pleasure filled him. Expertly, he flicked the front clasp of her bra open and pushed the lacy cups out of his way until she was totally exposed to him.

Bending, he captured one of her nipples between his teeth. He rolled the tasty morsel around in his mouth, teasing it with his tongue, her hot flesh tempting him to take a bite.

Growling, he gripped her waist tighter as he feasted on her breasts. He could smell her arousal now and he inhaled deeply, allowing her fragrance to fill his nostrils. Her warm, musky scent enthralled him.

His cock was hard and throbbing, and every instinct he possessed was urging him to rip off the rest of her clothes and take her now. She was his. Pulling back from her 31

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luscious breasts, he grabbed her hips and ground her soft feminine mound against his cock. He could feel her heat through the layers of their clothing and knew that she wanted him.

Her tight skirt kept him from pushing her legs wide open, so he reached down and yanked it upwards. Thrusting his hand between her legs, he fingered her pussy through her panties. She was so wet. So ready for him.

Sliding his fingers under the edge, he pushed the material away. He closed his eyes and savored the feel of her soft, downy pubic hair. Sifting his fingers through it, he slipped them between her legs, stoking the moist flesh of her sex. Not stopping, he dipped two of his fingers into her pussy. Johanna moaned and pushed her hips towards him. His cock strained against the front of his pants, wanting to be buried in her hot depths. Cris pushed his fingers deep inside her cunt, enjoying the way her inner muscles squeezed them. Using his thumb, he flicked at her clit. Johanna responded immediately, circling her hips and driving his fingers deeper. Anticipation grew in him as he envisioned taking her here in his study with her back against the wall. He’d strip her clothing from her a piece at a time and pound into her hot, wet flesh until she was begging him for release. Cris felt his whole body tighten in anticipation.

Everything was perfect. Until she spoke.

“What are you doing to me?” The accusation in her voice as she turned her head away from him nearly shattered him.

It took every ounce of discipline he had to pull his hands from her aroused body. He brought his fingers to her mouth and stroked them against her lips, knowing she could taste her own juices. There was no denying that she wanted him.

“I am doing nothing to you. If anything, it is you who are tormenting me.” The air in the room was electric now, his anger and lust a living thing waiting to explode. He clasped her face in his hands, forcing her to face him. “For years, I have had to be content with stolen moments with you.” His grip on her tightened and for a moment 32

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the temptation to just fuck her against the door taunted him. He could still smell her arousal on his fingers.

Clamping down hard on his primordial lust, he took a step away from her, but kept her pinned to the door with his fierce glare. “You have tormented me every night in my dreams.” He stalked away from her, afraid that if he didn’t, he might shake her. Like some wary animal, she never took her eyes off of him as she shoved her skirt down, pulled her blouse closed and crossed her arms protectively over her chest. That she felt the need to hide herself from him enraged Cris. “I have waited endlessly for you to come to me and now that you finally have you are full of accusations and fear.”

He forced himself to take a deep breath and center himself. A feeling of defeat swept over him. If she truly did not want him, he could not, would not, make her stay. He had to let her go quickly, for if he did not, the beast inside him would claim her regardless of what she wanted. Then she would hate him forever, and he would rather face the killing midday sun than face her hatred.

Determined, he strode past her, ignoring the fearful look in her eyes as he grew closer. Grabbing the briefcase from the floor by the sofa, he stalked to his desk. Opening it, he pulled out the folder with his name on it, withdrew the papers, scanned them, and signed them. Stuffing them back into her case, he returned to her and hooked the bag back over her shoulder.

He stared at her for one long moment, imprinting her image on his soul, knowing he would not see her again. Keeping his hands fisted at his sides to prevent himself from grabbing her and locking her away in a tower, he felt what was left of his soul begin to shrivel. He knew his eyes were glowing red now as the familiar longing to possess her raced through his blood. The full moon was rising. He could feel it, and longed for the nights gone by that they had spent together in its welcoming glow. Gathering all his strength, he turned on her and smiled cruelly, flashing his elongated teeth. Gripping the door handles behind her, he flung the doors wide open.

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