Harker's Journey (5 page)

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Authors: N.J. Walters

BOOK: Harker's Journey
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“Go,” he commanded her.


N.J. Walters

She hesitated for a moment and he felt his resolve falter. “Go.” His shout echoed down the empty stone corridor.

This time she didn’t hesitate. This time she ran as fast as she could on her broken shoes and didn’t look back. He closed his eyes and felt the pain move inside him as, with her, she also took his heart.


Harker’s Journey

Chapter Five

Johanna tore through the front door as if the hounds of hell were after her. A cold gust of wind rushed over her as she raced through the utter blackness of the night. Dark, ominous clouds now obscured the moon, which had been so bright moments ago. She didn’t look back as she skidded and slipped along the gravel path, her heart pounding and breathing labored.

Her body still ached with unfulfilled passion as she ran. She could hardly believe what had just happened to her. Vampire. For all her fascination, reading, and encounters with Cris in her dreams, the logical side of her brain had always told her that it was impossible. Vampires didn’t exist, except maybe in dreams. The hidden, wilder side of her nature, the part that craved the visits of her dream lover, had always believed in the possibility. But believing that it might be true and coming face-to-face with the fact were two different things. In the firelight, she could still se his fangs gleaming bright and his eyes glowing an eerie red. Johanna had always kept the untamed part of herself tucked away, confined to the dark of the night. Most people knew her as sensible and career minded. No one knew the real her.

No one but Cris.

The night air around her seemed to still for a moment. Then the unnatural silence was filled with a roar of utter anguish. Deep in her soul, she knew it was him. Her legs slowed their frantic pace until she finally came to a complete stop in the middle of the road.

Opening her mind to him, she was suddenly filled with such despair that her legs crumpled beneath her, and she fell to her knees. Pain. There was nothing but pain, 35

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longing and suffering. Wrapping her arms around her stomach, she rocked back and forth in the dirt, keening softly.

For the first time, she truly understood the suffering he had endured by choosing to wait for her. Everything was suddenly becoming crystal clear. He had given her time to forge her own path in life. Time to grow and experience life before offering her a choice. It was due to his patience that she’d had the opportunity to grow into the intelligent, independent woman that she was. Even now, he thought only of her and released her at the peril of his very soul.

Tears tracked down her cheeks as she was forced to face her own fears and selfishness. He had given her so much over the years and she had turned her back and run from him, treating him like some monster, when confronted with the reality of him. Johanna was ashamed of herself. It was time to stop acting like some overwrought heroine from a Victorian novel, and be the strong, mature woman that she really was. This was the man she’d known and trusted for years, the man who, years earlier, had saved her life, the man she’d secretly loved for twelve years. But instead of embracing him and accepting him, she had feared him, scorned him, and run from him like a frightened child.

Another roar filled the darkened sky and suddenly she was back on her feet, running once again. Only this time, it was back towards the castle. Back to him. A flash of something caught the corner of her eye, and she looked towards the woods. Something was running in there, keeping pace with her. She tried to run faster, but her lungs were burning and her stomach cramping from exertion. The shadowy figure leapt onto the road in front of her, and the dark shape of a wolf took form. It was large and muscular, it’s silver-gray coat shining in the moonlight as it blocked her path. Skidding to a halt, she froze as the animal bared its long, sharp teeth and growled. Eyes glowing, it stood in the center of the road staring at her. Johanna whirled around, looking for an avenue of escape, but she came face-to-face with another large silver-gray wolf blocking the road behind her. This one looked 36

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slightly bigger than the other and had a silver patch on its chest. It too stared at her, but instead of growling, it was silent and still, but watchful. They were both beautiful in a deadly way, with their powerful bodies, and intelligent eyes. Slowly, they began to circle her, readying themselves for attack. In that moment, Johanna knew that she was going to die.

Gripping her leather briefcase with both hands, she turned in a circle with them, watching their every step. She waited for them to make their move, prepared to swing the briefcase when they attacked. It wasn’t much of a weapon, but it was all she had, and she wouldn’t go down without a fight.

Mentally, she opened her mind and called to Cris, screaming that she was sorry for how she had reacted to him and that she would have returned to him if she’d only had the chance. She didn’t want to die without trying to tell him how much he meant to her. The first wolf sprang suddenly and Johanna swung the bag hard, hitting it in the head. With a yelp, it landed on all fours a few feet away from her, and scrambled to regain its composure. The large wolf canted its head and looked almost quizzical, as if it couldn’t believe that she’d actually hit it. Tilting back its head, it howled. The sound was long and soulful and made her unbearably sad.

It howled once again before swinging its gaze back to her. “Great,” she muttered as she braced herself for the next attack. “All that did was piss you off even more.”

Her fingers tightened on the bag and she found herself praying as she waited for the wolves to spring. The larger of the two launched itself towards her, but never reached her. A blur flashed in front of her, and then the wolf was flying through the air and crashing into the bushes.

Another wolf had joined them. This one was just as big as the other two, but heavier and more muscled. Its silver coat was thick and Johanna was filled with the desire to run her fingers through it just to see if it was as soft as it looked. Now she knew she was losing it. She had bigger concerns that what the wolf’s fur felt like. Staying alive was at the top of that list. While two of the wolves were 37

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distracted, she started to edge towards the woods. She didn’t think that wolves could climb trees, so if she could just get close enough, she might be able to take refuge in one of the large trees that filled the forest.

The third wolf planted itself between her and the possible safety of the woods. Its tongue lolled out of its mouth and if Johanna hadn’t known better, she would have sworn it was laughing at her. A growl startled her from behind and she swung around, swinging the bag as she turned. The momentum turned her in a complete circle and she struggled to maintain her balance.

All three wolves were sitting in front of her, watching her every move. The stronger of the three, the one who had stopped the attack, padded over to her and sat directly in front of her. Johanna was afraid to move, not wanting to incite them to any more violence.

The wolf stuck out its head and nudged her hand. Her heart pounding, Johanna opened her hand, placed it on the wolf’s head and then slid it down over its massive neck. The beast groaned and moved closer.

Sinking to her knees in the middle of the road, Johanna plunged her fingers through the thick silver coat. The muscles flexed beneath her fingers as she stroked its back and sides. Now that she was closer, she could see that its eyes were a familiar green and shining with intelligence.

“I’m not sure I’m ready for this.” The other two beasts growled when she spoke and her wolf whirled around and growled at the other two. Before her very eyes, the beast began to change. His limbs lengthened outward and his hair began to recede into his body. The muzzle retracted and a familiar face took shape. In less than a minute, Cris stood before her, totally naked and still very aroused. His eyes were still feral as he growled at the other two wolves.

Cris was planted in front of her like a dark, avenging angel. With his arms spread wide, he spoke to the wolves in a harsh tone. As she watched in amazement, both 38

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animals hung their heads and whined. At his signal, they sat and waited. Johanna held her breath when he finally turned his dark gaze towards her.

“Did you mean it?”

Johanna was reeling from what she’d just witnessed, but she immediately knew what he meant. “Yes. I was coming back to you.” She could feel conflicting emotions rolling off him in waves.

“I cannot release you again. I will not.” He hadn’t moved, but she could feel his threatening presence growing larger.

Johanna knew there was no choice to make. Slowly, she got to her feet, walked towards him and took him by the hand. “Take me…” She glanced at his huge erection and felt her nipples tighten in anticipation. “Home.”

He squeezed her hand for a moment before leading her over to the waiting wolves, which were sitting and waiting patiently with their tongues hanging out. Her natural instinct was to run from them, but she trusted Cris and allowed him to hold out her hand towards them.

“Mine,” he uttered in a low, but authoritative tone. Both animals sniffed her fingers before licking them in a friendly gesture. They were acting more like oversized dogs than ferocious wolves, and Johanna patted one on the head, unable to resist its thick, lush fur. “They will protect you with their lives, and they will inform all the other wolves in the forest to do the same.”

“Why would they do that?” She was still slightly dazed by the fact she hadn’t been torn apart by the wild creatures. ”It goes against all their natural instincts.”

“They do not want to face my wrath if you come to harm.” There was humor and affection in his voice now as he gave both wolves one last stroke and sent them on their way.

Johanna fell silent at his reply, awed by his power to command the wild beasts. Both animals paused at the edge of the woods and gave them one final look before 39

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disappearing into the forest. It was almost as if they were saying goodbye, which was a foolish thing for her to think.

“You will see them again.” Cris turned towards her as he spoke, the wolves forgotten as he focused all his attention on her.

She nodded absently, still trying to absorb all that she’d seen. There was no doubt that Cris was standing in front of her with no clothes on. He looked totally relaxed and comfortable with the fact that he was standing in the middle of the road, buck-naked.

“Aren’t you chilly?” She realized how absurd her question was, but she’d never learn all she needed to know if she didn’t ask.

“No. I’m quite warm.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and allowed his body to brush against hers. “In fact, I’m quite hot.”

“You were really a wolf?” It seemed obvious, but she was compelled to ask. Cris buried his face in her hair and nuzzled it. “Yes. I can shape-shift when I choose.”

“But doesn’t it hurt when your body changes that drastically?” She hated the thought that he might have been in pain.

His tongue absently stroked the outer edge of her ear before he whispered his reply.

“No. It is as natural to me as breathing. I can shift into an owl as well, but it is a much harder thing to do. I prefer the wolf.”

It was hard to think when Cris was thrusting his tongue into her ear. She sighed as his teeth nibbled at her earlobe, tugging gently before returning to trace the whorls with his tongue.

“I want you.” His dark, velvet voice filled her with need even as his hands slowly glided over her shoulders and down her back before coming to rest on her behind.

“Here.” He gripped her ass and pulled her close. She could feel the steel of his arousal against her stomach. “Now.”


Harker’s Journey

For better or worse, Johanna knew she’d made her choice. Man, wolf, or vampire, he was Cris and he was hers. “Yes,” she sighed as she leaned closer, rubbing her breasts against his chest. “Right now.”


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Chapter Six

Cris bent down and wrapped his left arm around her upper thighs. Straightening, he tossed her onto his left shoulder. Her head and shoulders hung down over his back while her legs dangled down his front. His move surprised Johanna and she gasped and bucked slightly as he carted her towards the woods. Cris gave her a swat on the backside when she continued to struggle, trying to free her hands that were pinned between their bodies. “Settle down.” As he walked the short distance from the road, his large hand smacked her once again before caressing her behind through the fabric of her skirt.

The heat from his hand shot straight to her sex, making her squirm even more. His laughter was dark and sensual as he gave her bottom another sharp smack. This time his fingers stroked between her legs, pulling the material of her skirt tight. Johanna pushed back against his hand, wanting his fingers on her. Frustration built as she was unable to get the close contact she needed.

His hands stroked down over her legs until he was gripping the hem of her skirt. With one motion, he ripped the back of the skirt open all the way to the waistband, popping the button off at the top. The cool night air hit her bare legs as he tore the fabric away from her body.

Intellectually, Johanna knew that Cris would never hurt her. But there was something thrilling and slightly scary about being carried off by such a large, powerful man for his sexual pleasure. Hanging over his shoulder like she was, she was certainly getting a great view of his backside. And Cris had a prime ass. Her mouth watered as she watched the flex and movement of it as he strode to whatever destination he had in mind. She longed to nibble and bite his firm behind. 42

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This time his hand stung when it hit her behind. “Cris,” she gasped, but it soon turned to a moan as his fingers stroked the crotch of her panties. Johanna knew they were already damp and getting wetter by the second. She could feel her cream coating her sex, readying her for him.

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