Harker's Journey (9 page)

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Authors: N.J. Walters

BOOK: Harker's Journey
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He sat back in his chair and raised an eyebrow. “Put your feet flat on the table and spread your knees wide.” His tongue came out to stroke one of his fangs. “I want to see your cunt. Are you hot for me? Are you wet for me?”

Pushing back slightly until her bottom was securely on the table, Johanna raised each foot and placed both heels flat on the table. Widening her knees, she pushed her legs wide open, letting him see all of her. As she sat there totally exposed, she could feel the trickle of her juices flowing from inside her pussy, down the outer lips, and disappearing into her behind.

Reaching out a single finger, Cris stroked the sensitive flesh before bringing it back to his mouth and licking it. “You belong to me now.”

“Yes.” Using one of her hands for leverage, she pushed the other one between her legs and stroked her aching sex.

Cris captured her hand in his, not allowing her to pleasure herself. “Tell me what you want.”


N.J. Walters

“You.” She moaned as she tried to pull her hand from his grasp. She might be stronger now that she was a vampire, but she was no match for Cris.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Fuck me, Cris. Now.” She stopped trying to pull her hand away from his and instead tried to push his hand closer to her damp flesh. His dark, satisfied laughter washed over her and he pushed out of his chair and stood. Opening his pants, he released his cock, which was huge and red. Gripping her knees in his hand, he held her wide as he probed for her opening. One slow inch at a time, he sank into her waiting depths.

Johanna moaned with pleasure as she lowered her upper body back over the table. Now that her hands were free, she covered her breasts with them, reveling in the feel of the tight nipples stabbing her palms as she rubbed them. Cris reared back and drove hard, stopping once again when he was buried to the hilt. “You are my one true love.”

Johanna intentionally squeezed her inner muscles around his throbbing length.

“And you’re mine.”

Cris’s eyes darkened as he laid one hand on the table by her head for leverage and wrapped his other arm around her waist. “Forever.” Pulling back, Cris began to fuck her. Hard. It was if he felt he needed to reassure himself that she was real and that she was his. Johanna reveled in his possession, needing their intimate connection as much as he did.

The table groaned beneath her as she bucked and arched on its hard surface as he rode her. She turned her head to one side and watched the flames leaping wildly in the fireplace. Their shadows moved in a raw, primal dance on the wall. Reaching up, Johanna pulled his head down to her even as she hooked her legs around him and held him tight.

Cris buried his face in her throat, nuzzling it before moving to her shoulder. Cradling her head in the palm of one hand, he held her mouth to his throat. His fangs 66

Harker’s Journey

sank into her the same moment that she sank hers into him. While he continued to thrust in and out, the table creaking in distress, they shared each other’s blood. It was the most incredible thing that Johanna had ever experienced. More intimate and intense than any of their previous lovemaking. Johanna’s whole body tightened, and for a second she was suspended between need and pleasure. Cris stroked hard into her once more and she went over the edge.

Her entire body jerked as she came. A gush of liquid flowed from her pussy as she continued to suck from his neck. She could feel the sucking motion of his mouth on her neck all the way down between her thighs as if they pulsed to the same powerful rhythm. Johanna pulled her fangs free from his flesh and licked his neck. Cris’s entire body heaved and shuddered. He withdrew his teeth and gave a cry, pumping his cock into her until it was empty. Leaning forward, he licked the puncture marks on her neck, closing and healing them in one motion. Resting his head on her chest, he lazily licked at one of her nipples, making her moan once again.

“We can come back later.” The new male voice was quite amused and very close. With a panicked look at towards the door, Johanna gave a shriek and pulled the bodice of the dress closed, smacking Cris’ nose as she did so. Cris swore and reared back, glaring at the intruders. “You have terrible timing.”

Cris withdrew from her body, but was careful to make sure the fabric of her dress covered her. Casually, he adjusted his pants and refastened them. His face softened as he took in her disheveled state. Ignoring their guests, Cris helped her lace her gown shut, ran his fingers through her hair and gently lifted her from the table so that she stood beside him.

Johanna was almost too embarrassed to look at their guests. She had a good idea who they were, and this was not how she envisioned this meeting. Cris caught her chin in his hand and tilted her face upwards. He kissed her lips, sensually moving his over hers.


N.J. Walters

The sound of a male clearing his throat interrupted them. “I am most sorry to have to interrupt your lovemaking, madam, but as we are leaving tomorrow, we wanted to meet you before we left.”

Cris sighed and turned her towards the voice. Two men stood side by side, not far from the table. They both had long black hair and vivid green eyes, just like Cris’. “May I present my brothers, Lucian and Stefan.”

Johanna noted that Stefan was slightly taller than Lucian. They were both dressed formally, and Johanna wasn’t sure if she should offer her hand or curtsy. She smiled nervously and decided to be herself. Sticking out her hand firmly, she offered it to Lucian first. “Hi, I’m Johanna.”

Picking up her hand, he kissed the back of it before passing it to Stefan, who also kissed it. Not the handshake she’d expected, but it tickled her all the same. Her smile warmed.

Cris wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her back against his body. She could feel his still-hard erection poking her behind, and snuggled back closer to him.

“This is Johanna Harker, my love and my life. I present to you the Dalakis bride.”

Cris leaned down and captured her lips in a searing kiss. The sound of male laughter echoed in the big room, followed by the sound of a door being pulled firmly shut.


About the author:

N. J. Walters had a mid-life crisis at a fairly young age, gave notice after ten years at her job on a Friday, received a tentative acceptance for her first novel, Annabelle Lee, on the following Sunday.

Happily married for over seventeen years to the love of her life, with his encouragement and support she gave up the job of selling books for the more pleasurable job of writing them. A voracious reader of romances of all kinds, she now spends her days writing, reading and reviewing books. It’s a tough life, but someone’s got to do it.

N.J. Walters welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1337 Commerce Drive, Stow, Ohio 44224.

Also by N.J. Walters:

Annabelle Lee

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