Hathor Legacy: Burn (10 page)

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Authors: Deborah A Bailey

BOOK: Hathor Legacy: Burn
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Under Suspicion

Nadira headed over to Dakar's house after she left the Administr
ation Building. Mikal opened the door before she could touch the fingerpad.

"Nadira, I wasn't expecting you," he said, a big smile on his face as he greeted her. "I had the security turned on and happened to see you on the monitor."

"Hello, Mikal. I'm in a hurry." She walked into the cheery living area, her attention going to a vase of bright, red flowers on the table. "Brant told me that Dakar's ill. What's wrong with him?"

Mikal gave her a quizzical look. "He's been having headaches lately, that's all."

"Then I can talk to him." She glanced over at the stairway that faced the front door. "Is he upstairs?"

"He's resting. Do you have a question about something? I can ask him when he wakes."

"I'm investigating the Service House arsons. There's information I want to follow up on."

His eyes widened as though he was startled by her statement. "You're investigating that? Why? That's security's job."

"And I work with them from time to time. I would've expected you to know that since you work closely with Dakar," she said. "Brant said all the assignments go through the Elder now. Why?"

"It's more efficient to have one person control all the assig
nments. That way we can keep track of what everyone is doing."

"We?" Nadira asked.

"Yes. I help the Elder manage his work. That's what an assistant does, Nadira." He folded his arms and leaned against the front door. "What information do you want from him?"

"I want to know who went to the Cold Towns to pick up trai
nees about two years ago."

"Two years ago?" Mikal frowned. "Why is that important?"

"Does he keep those records somewhere? I want to access them."

"You can't access them. You're not authorized."

"Then get them for me. You can do that, can't you?" All this back and forth wasn't getting her anywhere.

"Nadira, I'm sorry, but I don't see a reason to do that," he said. "Why is it so important? What does a Service House have to do with us?"

So far her powers of persuasion weren't working. "There was a survivor, and she claims she was brought here by Guardians."

Mikal's lips tightened, like he was holding back from saying something. Instead, he walked over to the window and looked out. "Do you believe her?"

"I don't know what to think. But she's afraid to give any details. I'm going to try to read her thoughts."

"Is that a good idea? Going into someone else's mind can be dangerous. There's a point where you can't tell the difference b
etween their experiences and your own."

"I know. But if she won't tell me what happened, I'll have to try," Nadira replied. "But it's possible that someone with abilities started the fire."

Mikal's head jerked in her direction. "How can she be sure? Do you know what that would mean? If security believes that, it will put all of us under suspicion."

"That's why I want to access the records," she said. "First I want to see if any Guardians were there two years ago. Then I can look into the other accusation."

He shoved his hands into his pockets. "I'll ask the Elder when he wakes up. I don't want to disturb him now."

It wasn't quite the answer she wanted. But she had to get going so she could meet Jonathan before the event started. "I'll check back later tonight, then. I've got to go."

Before she could reach the front door, Mikal stepped in front of her. "Are you going to talk to the survivor now?"

"No, I've got an event at the Emerald Club," Nadira said. "I'm meeting Jonathan."

"Oh. So, that's still going on," Mikal remarked. "I know the Elder told Keel your relationship can't continue. It must be difficult for him knowing he can never be your equal."

"That's not your concern, is it? Now, let me pass."


Nadira didn't wait for the door to open all the way before she walked out. Brant was right about Mikal. He was beginning to think he was the one in charge.

Unfortunately, she hadn't been able to get the information she'd wanted. But there was another way to get it. There was no choice now but to get Varyn to open up her thoughts. Somehow Nadira would have to get the woman's trust.




Jonathan was waiting by the glass-walled entrance of the Emerald Club when he saw Nadira step out of the transport. Months ago she'd rescued him here when attackers had busted into his suite. He hadn't been back since then.

"You're right on time," Jon said as she joined him. "Ron Duvol is going to make a speech."

He motioned to the man standing on a platform in the middle of the atrium. Above him, a crystal chandelier hung like a pendant from the ceiling. As usual, Ron was wearing as many pieces of jewelry as he could manage. Whenever he moved his hands, light glinted off one of his rings.

"He looks ridiculous," Nadira said. "Who are all these people?"

He'd been wondering that himself. At least a couple hundred guests filled the space. Most of them dressed in company standard grey and brown suits, while others weren't nearly as conservative. Anything went as far as colors and fabrics, though rich, jewel tones seemed to be in fashion. Jonathan wasn't sorry that his dark blue shirt and pants were almost boring by comparison.

"Karin invited them, I suppose."

"Where is she?" Nadira glanced around the room.

"I don't know. Haven't seen her since she took me over to the construction site."

Jon met Nadira's gaze, a half smile on her face. Was she reading him? He didn't feel any of the telltale energy pings he usually felt when she did it. Why was she looking at him like that?

"Did she make any suggestions yet?" Nadira asked.

"You mean about the project?" He knew perfectly well what she was asking. "Or something else?'

"Executives are used to getting what they want."

"I'm not interested in her." At least Nadira was still smiling. Sort of. "Isn't that obvious?"

"To me it is.  Just wondering how long it would take her to find that out." She was already standing close to him, so it didn't take much for her to plant a kiss on his lips.

Not only had she kissed him, but she'd done it here in public. That wasn't the norm for her. He wasn't sure whether to be pleased or suspicious.

"Well, this must be Nadira," Karin appeared seemingly out of nowhere. She reached out her hand in the standard company gree
ting. "I'm Karin Luke. No doubt Jonathan has mentioned me."

"He certainly has," she said, as she shook Karin's hand.

Karin linked her arm with Jonathan's. "I'm pleased to finally meet you. Seeing you in person, I can understand why he's so much in love."

Damn. Why was his face so hot all of a sudden? Did she have to say it like that? "Karin, when is Ron making his speech?" he asked.

"Soon, I hope. As long as he doesn't drone on like he usually does. By the way, Nadira, I'd like to talk to you later," Karin said. "You won't mind, will you Jon?"

"What about?" Nadira asked.

"I can't go into it now. Oh, there he is," Karin replied, motioning to her brother in discussion with a woman with bright blue hair. "I'd better hurry Ron along." She rushed off towards the platform.

"Wonder what she wants to talk to you about?" Jonathan asked.

"Maybe she wants to ask if I'll share you." Nadira smirked. "Oh, that's right. She's already asked you."

"And my answer was, hell no." Jonathan slid his arm around her waist.

"What else did you talk about?"

"She was talking. I was thinking about you," he replied. "By the way, I have an idea."

"Really?" Nadira asked. "Will I like it?"

"You'll love it. And it'll be much more fun." Sure Karin had told him that being social was part of business. But he could do without making conversation with executives and overdressed business people.

They were so close to the entrance. If they slipped out, no one would even notice. In minutes they could be on their way back the apartment. Jon was about to reply to her when the glass doors slid back and a man wearing executive brown rushed into the lobby.

"Nadira!" Mikal stopped in front of them, his breathing heavy. "I just heard the news alert. You must come. There's been another fire!"





Walking through rooms charred black and filled with the smell of burning flesh, Nadira clamped her lips together as tangy bile filled her mouth. Shivering, she shielded herself from the emotions that continued to linger, like echoes reverberating.

Only these echoes weren't fading. Instead the terror and anguish of the five people who'd died here just an hour or so before her arrival remained suspended in the burned out house. A smothering fog that clung to her as she inspected the scene.

Jonathan hadn't wanted her to do it, knowing how it would a
ffect her. But she'd insisted. Even Lt. Lin had tried to stop her, claiming that the officers had to examine it first. In response, Nadira ordered them out of the way, invoking her status as a Guardian to outrank everyone there.

At the rear of the house, she stood in the remains of the kitchen. The back door was still shut tight, and as the officers had informed her, secured from the outside. Up above the door the small, rectangular window was cracked. Had someone tried to climb up on the cooker and break out? It hadn't mattered; the smoke had overcome them before the flames had consumed their bodies.

She headed back through the ground floor rooms, from the kitchen, through the sitting area and out to the foyer. Stairs leading to the upper level were partially destroyed, as was part of the ceiling.

When she returned to the foyer, Jonathan was talking to Lt. Lin in a low voice. Three of the security officers, two men and a woman, were standing by the door, their dark uniforms covered with light grey soot.

"What about the safety protocols? How did this happen?" Nadira asked Lt. Lin.

"An accelerant was used at the front door and the stairs. It ha
ppened very quickly. By the time we were alerted, the house was in flames," she replied.

"Once again, the fire safety system was disabled," one of the male officers said, as he clutched his shiny helmet. His cropped, white hair ran down the middle of his head like plumage. "Ever
ything is the same as the other two fires."

"Who owns this house?" Nadira asked. "Was it a Service House too?"

"We'll have to confirm. I'd say so, since it's not listed in company records as a private residence. If it's not in the system, it's probably the same as the other two," Lt. Lin replied.

"The medics have taken what's left of them to the medi-evac." The white-haired officer was still gripping his helmet, his knuckles tight. "Do the Guardians have a record of the people who lived here?"

"We didn't bring them here," Nadira snapped. She knew what he was hinting at.

"Sgt. Tragg's report included the survivor's statement about b
eing recruited by Guardians. Do you think she's lying?"

How could she answer? She wasn't sure herself what had ha
ppened. But to admit that now would be like saying the Guardians had no control over their own people. And even worse, that they were setting the fires. "I plan to question her again. Then I'll know what really happened."

"Of course," Lt. Lin replied, her eyes downcast.

So they all had the same thoughts about Varyn's accusation. At that moment it hit her that the only person in the room who really trusted her was Jonathan. 

The white-haired officer nodded. "That's what the other Guar
dian told us when the medics were here. We'll check their DNA profiles, like we did the others."

"The other Guardian?" Nadira had forgotten that Mikal was waiting outside. "Oh, yes. He was correct."

"Do we have your clearance to continue our inspection?" Lt. Lin asked. "We want to get our report filed before the fire engineers come back in."

"Yes. I'm done here." Nadira watched as Lin and the officers gathered in a corner of the room. The white-haired officer took out a scanner and started a vid recording of the scene as the lieutenant pointed to areas she wanted him to capture.

"Let's go." Jonathan grasped her arm and led her outside. As she walked down the stairs, Mikal approached them from the end of the walkway.

"Nadira, do you have any idea who did this?" he asked.

"No. I couldn't pick up anything about the arsonists. Mikal, you said you saw the fire in a news alert?"

He wiped sweat off his face with the back of his hand. "Yes. As soon as I saw it, I tried to find Brant. But he wasn't available. That's when I rushed over to get you from the Emerald Club."

"How did you know this fire was like the others?"

Mikal was trembling. Maybe he was picking up the energy trails. But he hadn't come into the house with her and Jon.

"I just knew. The alert said the fire consumed the house. That's when I figured the safety system must've been disabled...like in the other fires." Beads of sweat continued to break out along his hairline. "After our conversation earlier, I thought you'd want to come and get some impressions."

"Is that what you call them? Impressions?" Jonathan asked, an edge to his voice.

"Let's go." She tugged Jon's arm, indicating they should keep walking.

"You can take my transport," Mikal offered, as he pointed to the vehicle they'd arrived in. "I'll have to get back and give the Elder an update."

"No, thanks. We'll get one. Don't want to inconvenience you." Jonathan's hand found hers, and they continued down the stone walkway.

"Jon, there's something wrong," Nadira said. "That officer said he talked to the other Guardian when the medics were here. But they'd already left by the time we arrived. Mikal never came into the house."

She could feel Jon's grip tighten as they turned the corner. Through their connection, pings of energy reverberated between them. He'd been affected by the scene, as she had been. But he'd managed to hold it in while they'd been inside.

"Maybe the officer talked to Mikal outside. Lots of people were coming and going when we got here."

"It's just that something felt off about Mikal. I felt it when I went to Dakar's."

"You stopped there earlier?" Jon asked.

"Before I got to the Emerald Club. I went there to ask about the recruiting records to confirm Varyn's story. Mikal said he'd talk to Dakar about it."

"Where was Dakar?"

"He was resting, supposedly. But Brant thinks Mikal is keeping people away from Dakar." She matched Jon's long strides as they walked down the deserted street.

In this area, there were more warehouses than residences. Set far away from the main boulevard, it felt cut off from the other parts of the city.

Up ahead at the corner, she saw lights and transport vehicles passing back and forth. They could get one and head back to the apartment. She was in no mood to return to the reception. Not after what she'd just seen and felt.

"What the hell could be the reason to set these fires?" Jon asked, picking up the pace as they neared the corner.

"The officers think the Guardians are doing this. They believe Varyn's story."

At the corner, they hurried to the transport stand and got into the first one of a long line of shiny, blue and black vehicles. Once the doors closed behind them, she pressed her palm against the clear ID plate. "Take us home."

"Affirmative, Guardian Sentry Nadira." After retrieving her data from the system, the transport pulled into the traffic lanes, heading towards the apartment building.

"When are you going to talk to Varyn again?" Jonathan asked, as he glanced behind him.

"As soon as I can. I wanted to give her a little time. But I don't think I can wait much longer," she replied. "Is something wrong?"

"Huh? No. I just felt like we were being watched." He settled down in the seat and slid his arm around her. "It's nothing."

She remembered having that same feeling when she'd come home from the Gathering.

As a Guardian she'd tracked people before. She'd used her abil
ities to sense their locations and read their thoughts. Was that happening now? Were she and Jon being tracked by the people who'd set the fire?



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