Hathor Legacy: Burn (11 page)

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Authors: Deborah A Bailey

BOOK: Hathor Legacy: Burn
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Paying the Price


When he got the Novacorp Entertainments tower for an early meeting with Lani Zakry, Jon hadn't expected to run into Karin Luke.  As he got out of the transport in front of the building, she was just getting out of her vehicle.

"Early meeting?" he asked as he stepped up on the marbled curb.

"No. I'm usually here at this hour. Someone has to manage the family business. My brother doesn't rise before midday." She smoothed her short white jacket over her billowy, purple pants. "However, I do have a meeting this afternoon, which explains this outfit."

"Who are you meeting with?" Jon asked as they walked into lobby of the office tower.

"Lani Zakry and a few board members. I refuse to clothe myself in one of those awful brown suits, so this is the closest I intend on coming to corporate garb."

"I'm meeting with Lani now, actually. I've never met any of the company board members." With so many executive levels in the company, it wasn't likely anyone knew who all the managers were.

"It's not the Novacorp board, just the board members of the Entertainments division. My brother was unavailable, as usual."

"Sorry we had to leave the reception early," Jonathan said. "There was an emergency."

"Yes, I saw that man run in. I've seen him before. Who is he?" Karin asked as she led the way into the lift.

"A Guardian. He needed Nadira to look into something." The fire had probably been in the news alerts, but he doubted Karin would've paid much attention to it.

"He's a Guardian?" she asked, her mouth open in surprise. "I see." Recovering quickly, she smiled and flicked her hair back. "I'll forgive you for leaving so soon. But tell Nadira that we'll still need to have that talk."

"About what?"

She reached over and brushed his cheek with her fingertips. "I had a question for her. Although it is possible you've just answered it."

What the hell did that mean? One thing for sure, no one on Hathor knew how to answer a question with a direct answer.

After Karin exited the lift, Jon rode up several more levels to Lani's office. When he got off the lift, he was greeted by a human assistant who showed him into her office.

Just like with most executives, she didn't have a holographic assistant. The higher the rank, the more likely they didn't use co
mputerized holo helpers.

"Jonathan," Lani greeted him with the standard handshake. "I'm glad you could meet me. Have you had breakfast?" She waved him over to her conference table.

"Not yet." He'd left the apartment without even having a cup of coffee.

"Then please join me. I'm about to have mine. By the way, do you have a permanent residence here yet?"

"Um, no. Not yet." He sat down across from her. "Is that a problem?"

"Well, I didn't know where to find you. I was ready to use the facial recognition software and look for you on the city cam."

I don't have my com with me. I lost it shortly after I got here." Remembering back, it must've happened during the attack at the Emerald Club. "I tried to get another one but they said it wasn't allowed."

Lani nodded. "There are no private com devices allowed in the city. But I know they use them on Astarte. As soon as you esta
blish a residence here, you'll be on the network." She smoothed her hair back off her shoulders. "The company only allows Hathor residents to have access."

"I'm staying with someone right now. I haven't decided where I want to live yet." Actually he had mentioned it to Nadira several times. But she'd been against moving out of her apartment.

"Well, in the interests of business, you'll have to get a perm
anent residence. It'll be expected that you'll have a place in the Palatine. Until your office is completed, you can use it for meetings and entertaining."


"Yes. Most business is conducted during social events," Lani said. "Jonathan, you'll be running a very important part of the new complex. You'll be expected to live in a certain way."

"What way is that?" he asked.

"A way that is in line with your status." Lani motioned to their surroundings. "Surely you don't think this comes without a price."

"I'm not following you."

"Jonathan, I've been to Astarte. I know they are much more relaxed there. Your father is an executive but he goes into the mines. That type of behavior may be okay elsewhere, but here on Hathor it's not done. Novacorp makes certain allowances for people who create huge profits." She folded her hands on the table. "But there can't be too many outliers within the corporation. If you want to be successful on Hathor, you must do as the others do."

All this time he'd looked at his father as a company man. He hadn't wanted to follow Brandon's example. Now he was about to do something far worse.

"Lani, I'm not a follower," Jonathan said.

"I know that. But some concessions are expected. Small co
ncessions." She smiled. "We'll provide an apartment for you in the meantime. By the way, I saw a news alert that Matt Bento is being released from detention tomorrow. I have a feeling he'll want to keep a low profile until people forget his connection to the thief who robbed your father's mine."

"How long do you think that'll be?" Jon asked.

"It won't be long," Lani replied. "Matt is still a very wealthy man. The company will forgive his mistakes as long as he has a lot of credits in his account."




Nadira looked out on the jewel-toned towers of the Palatine as the transport rumbled towards the Administration Building. Just like the night before when she and Jon had left the scene of the fire, she couldn't help the feeling that she was being watched.

When she went up to Brant's office, Nadira was surprised to find her former mentor, Zina sitting at his desk studying som
ething. But as soon as she saw Nadira, she tapped the glass and cleared it.

"Brant's in a meeting with the City Manager," Zina said, as she slowly stood up. Her brown suit was fitted and closed to the neck. She kept her long black hair clipped back, where it hung down past her shoulders.

An empath by nature, she was skilled at zeroing in on the vulnerabilities of her targets, allowing her to use their own energy against them. Zina never wore jewelry or engaged in affectation, other than her expensive residence in the Palatine District and its furnishings.

After Zina had taken her from her mother, she'd been brought to the apartment to live.

Nadira had never told Jonathan her real reason for not wanting to move to that area of the city. Filled with the most pampered and wealthy people on the planet, the District symbolized raw extravagance. But growing up surrounded by luxury had only disgusted her.

Knowing the pleasure her former mentor took in showing off her possessions, at thirteen years old Nadira broke her favorite piece, a precious crystal vase. In a fit of anger, she'd sent out a blast of energy and hit it in the center, shattering it instantly.

Leaving it in pieces on the granite floor for Zina to find, she'd been surprised and disappointed when her mentor hadn't reacted. Instead, she'd been grudgingly pleased at Nadira's boldness.

"Why are you here? You have your own office." Nadira stopped near the door. She hadn't been in the same room with her former mentor since their last encounter at Matt Bento's house in the North.

"I needed to access something."

"If you couldn't use your ID at your own desk, then perhaps it's not something you should look at," Nadira replied.

"Just because you are a Sentry does not make you more powerful than anyone else."

"Oh, but it does. If you remember the last time we met." N
adira's body trembled as pings of energy lit up her nerve endings, preparing her for a possible confrontation.

Would Zina be foolish enough to attack her? The last time they'd met, Nadira had slammed her with emotions. Zina's e
mpathic abilities had been so overwhelmed that she'd almost passed out. 

Zina's lips tightened. "You punished me for what I did. Well, you had your revenge."

Nadira stifled an urge to send a blast in the woman's direction. As much as she had contempt for her, she had to accept that Zina was her one remaining family member.

"Don't threaten me, Zina. Unless you'd like me to tell Dakar that you killed Ilana to cover your own crimes."

Zina's head jerked and she dropped her arms. For a moment, Nadira thought she was preparing for a fight. When it came to Zina, it was hard to judge what she might do.

And to make things worse, she resembled Nadira's mother, M
inona. Though, as Nadira examined her, she noticed that her former mentor wasn't looking well. It was said that empaths were more likely to develop physical issues due to the energy they took. After a while, their own life force would begin to weaken.

Zina was in her fifth decade now. A lot of time to be leaching the energy of others. Perhaps that explained the dull cast to her skin. Grayish brown wasn't, as far as Nadira knew, a skin color found in nature.

"Becoming the partner of a CEO's son has made you bold. Or are you? Maybe you're just Jonathan Keel's plaything," Zina snapped.

Nadira's heart rate sped up as her energy pulsed. Holding back right now was taking every bit of her control. All she'd have to do was send her emotions back at Zina, but this time she wouldn't let up.

That's all it would take and she could silence this woman and never have to hear her voice again.

A tight smile spread on Zina's lips. "You're thinking about it, aren't you? You want to destroy me. But you won't. Even when you hurt me before, you couldn't force yourself to finish the job. You'll never be able to do it, Nadira. In that way, you're just like your mother."

"You can't push me into reacting anymore."

"One day, Nadira, you will have to make the decision. Destroy or be destroyed. Until then, you'll always be vulnerable because you'll leave your enemies standing."

"Are we finished?" Nadira asked. "I'm not a trainee."

"No, you're not. But one more thing you should remember." She leaned against the desk, her fingers tapping against the glass top. "I taught you how to push your feelings aside and use your power. Don't ever doubt that you will always be my creation."




The Interloper

By the time Jon got back to the apartment, a message from Matt Bento was waiting for him on Nadira's com unit. Since her video only worked when it felt like it, he just got the audio part.

"Jonathan. I hope you get this. Not sure where you are. Your ID says you're still on Hathor, but I didn't see a location in the public directory. Back at the hotel? Look, I know how you feel about me. But we have to talk. It's important. Come to my apartment. Tonight or tomorrow. I'll be there."

Matt's raspy voice sounded like he hadn't slept in weeks. But then, he'd been in the city detention center for over four months. Living in a tiny holding cell beneath the city could have that effect on a person.

Jonathan remembered going down to the subterranean levels of the building the one time he'd visited his father's former friend. Matt had been confined to a small room with silver, metal walls. It had felt like a cage.

He couldn't understand how anyone could endure being held against their will like that. Having his freedom restricted was un
imaginable. If anyone ever tried to stop him from going where he wanted to go, they'd have a fight on their hands.

When they'd last met, Matt had admitted to being in love with Jon's mother, Estrella. Not only that, but he hated Jon's father and blamed him for taking her away. Matt had betrayed their friendship and almost gotten his father killed. What would be the point of talking to him again?

Jon threw his jacket on the couch and headed to the bedroom. Nadira had left after him that morning, and as usual she'd neatened everything up after his departure. The covers were pulled taut with no creases in sight. Her clothes were neatly folded and placed in the corner shelving unit. Even the shirt he'd left on the floor that morning was now folded and sitting with the rest of his garments. Most of his personal things were back on Astarte in his apartment in the port city.

His nice, comfortable and very large apartment. Did he miss it? Well maybe at times. Like when he wanted to have more room or some modern convenience that Nadira's basic apartment lacked.

Groaning, he dropped down across the bed. It would be good to get back to Astarte for a bit and see his family before he assumed his new position as an executive. Maybe he and Nadira could stay a couple of weeks with his family.



It was the door signal. Nadira has set it up as an alert. The monitors outside the building were programmed for facial recogn
ition of specific people. For the most part, they had no visitors.

Guardians weren't the type to just stop by without an invitation. They weren't social that way. But the alert also had the purpose of warning them if someone who might pose a threat was out there.

Nadira's location was not public knowledge, but there was always the slim chance a criminal might be able to track her to her residence.

Jon headed out to the large panel window near the front door. "Display outside monitor," he called.

The window went from transparent to slightly grey around the edges. In the center was a magnified view of the front entryway. There was a man outside staring up at the building. What the hell? It was Mikal.

Was he supposed to meet Nadira here? She hadn't mentioned it. Jonathan opened the front door and walked out to the foyer. The main door to the apartment building was just a sheet of frosted glass. He pressed his palm against the ID plate. The door slid open and he went outside.

"Jonathan. Is Nadira at home?" Mikal asked.


"Oh." Mikal looked down for a moment, and then met Jon's eyes. "Would you mind if I waited for her? I want to discuss what happened last night with the fire."

Jonathan wasn't getting good feelings off him at all. Not that he claimed to have any Guardian abilities, but still. There was som
ething he couldn't quite put his finger on. "No, I don't mind. Come in."

Jon led the way back inside, waiting for Mikal to enter the apartment. "Have a seat." He motioned to the couch.

Mikal saw Jon's jacket and made sure to leave room between it and him. "So, are you settling in? Life on Hathor can be very different if you're from a less-populated planet."

"Astarte isn't the frontier." Jonathan pulled one of the dining counter chairs over and set it directly in front of where Mikal was sitting. "Though I've been told otherwise."

Mikal chuckled. "Of course it isn't. Astarte was settled first you know. Or rather the mine on Demeter was settled first. Everything else sprung up around it."

"I thought the First Families came to Hathor before Novacorp showed up."

"The crystals were discovered on Demeter first. After that Hathor was terraformed."

"Very convenient." Jonathan tried to make himself comfortable on the stool. Finally he leaned his foot against the lower rungs and balanced himself. It wasn't comfortable. But it would do.

"So, Jonathan, I've wanted to ask you if you were considering going into a contracted relationship with Nadira." Mikal leaned forward and rested his folded hands on his knees. "I would expect that to be the next step."

"Next step to what?"

"Why, progeny, of course."

"And how the hell is that your business?" Jon boomed, almost sliding off the stool.

"Your pardon," Mikal said, his hands outstretched. "I didn't mean to alarm you. But you realize that Elder Dakar will expect that Nadira does her duty at some point."

Jon couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was this man i
nsane?  A raging desire to punch him in the face roared through his body, like hot lava spewing from a volcano. Deep breaths. He had to calm down. This was Dakar's assistant and if he did anything to this man, Nadira would pay for it. And it would prove to the Elder that Jon wasn't worthy of her.

"She's her own person, Mikal. Not a laboratory experiment."

"Of course, of course," he nodded. "I realize I've insulted you.  My apologies. You're not used to how things are here. I realize that someone who has been sheltered within the executive class of Novacorp would not be knowledgeable of the ways of Guardians."

"That has nothing to do with it."

"Oh, but I'm afraid it does. The Guardian ways are the old ways that have evolved from the original settlers of Hathor. That is why they might appear to be strange to you." Mikal folded his hands again. "It can't be easy being seen as an interloper."

"A what?" This was too much. Was this man deliberately goa
ding him? "I don't care how anyone sees me. I only care how Nadira feels."

"Yes, that's understandable. But if she's called to do her duty, she will."

Jonathan gripped the edge of the seat and clamped his teeth down. Don't let him get to you. He's wants you to respond. He'll use your energy against you.

"That's why Nadira is investigating these fires. She wants to do her duty for the Deshtu. She doesn't realize how they are also d
oing their duty."

"How, by burning to death?" Jonathan snapped.

"No, by being productive citizens. Their abilities are not strong enough for them to be on our level. By servicing their clients, they're providing value. They have a position, even if it can't be--"

"On your level?"

Mikal smiled. "Yes, that's it. They serve a purpose in our society. Even if it's not an exalted one. Just as you and Karin Luke serve a purpose."

"Karin? What do you know about her?"

"Her family has associated with Elder Dakar on occasion. She and her brother Ron are very important people here on Hathor."


"I think that you have more in common with them than with Nadira."

Jon stood up. "And I think you should--"

The door opened and Nadira entered the apartment. "Jonathan, I--" She stopped short when she saw Mikal on the couch. "Hello Mikal. I wasn't expecting you."

"Yes, I know." He jumped up and smoothed out his jacket. "I was having a talk with Jonathan while I waited. Have you heard anything more about the fires?"

"No, nothing since last night." She kept looking back and forth between him and Jonathan.

"Nadira, Novacorp believes we are involved in these fires."

"I'm going to talk to the survivor again."

"Let me know when you do. And please inform me if Lt. Lin contacts you. If Guardians really are involved, we may not be able to depend on the Elder to make decisions. We will have to take charge."

"I will let you know." She locked eyes with Jonathan.

"Fine. Then I suppose there is nothing more," Mikal said.

"I'll see you out." Jonathan motioned towards the door. He'd rather throw him out, but that would make things worse.

Mikal nodded to them both and headed to the door. Jonathan walked him to the front entrance of the building then watched as the man headed over to his transport.

When Jon returned to the apartment, Nadira was standing at the window watching Mikal's transport pull away from the curb.

"Why was he here?" she asked, her eyes filled with concern.

"He wanted to ask you about the fires. And tell me I was stopping you from doing your duty."

"My duty?"

"Evidently you're supposed to mate with a Guardian and produce progeny."

"You're not serious." She rolled her eyes. "He told you that?"

"More or less." He went over and grabbed his jacket from the couch.

"What did you say?" she asked as she followed him into the bedroom.

"I told him you are your own person." He threw his jacket towards the shelving unit and pulled her into his arms. "And you're not a laboratory experiment."

She wrapped her arms around him. "Years ago, Dakar wanted me and Mikal together. I didn't agree."

"Looks like Mikal isn't giving up on it."

"But I did." Nadira ran her fingertips along his cheek. "It's odd though. He's never come here before without being invited."

"He'll know better than to do it again." Jon nuzzled her neck. He felt the energy pings along his face and arms. Their connection allowed him to experience her emotions along with his own, which was an advantage at times like this.

"Are you jealous?" she asked.

"No more than you are of Karin."

She laughed. "Maybe the two of them can get together."

"Karin wouldn't mind. But I doubt Mikal would survive. He looks like the nervous type." Jon ran his hands over her hips and pressed her body into his. Should he tell her about Matt right now? No, he didn't want to think about him or Mikal or any of it. Not now.

"I have an idea," he whispered against her ear. "If you'd like to hear it."

She sighed against him, reacting to his breath against her sensitive ear lobe. "Tell me."

The intensity of her emotions and reactions amplified his own. Of course every time they were together it wasn't always quite so shattering, but it came close.

He answered her by drawing her into a kiss that intensified in its passion. As she moved against him, he released her just long enough to undo her jacket and slide it off her. Moaning as he continued to undress her, he planted kisses along her body. After easing her down on the bed, he pulled off his own clothing and joined her.

As their connection strengthened, their desire had also grown. And he was at the point where he couldn't imagine being with an
yone else. His life prior to meeting her had been a blur of women who'd come and gone, leaving no impression. But that was over now. He wasn't going to be parted from her by Dakar or any one else.

Once Nadira went with him to Astarte to meet his family, esp
ecially his mother, their relationship would be cemented. Her family had been taken from her when she was a child. But his family would come to know her and embrace her. Of that, he was certain.



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