Hathor Legacy: Burn (6 page)

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Authors: Deborah A Bailey

BOOK: Hathor Legacy: Burn
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"I doubt it. But they're foolish enough to believe it."

"I've never heard anyone say the Elders were foolish," Nadira said. "Wasn't one of your relatives an Elder?"

"Yes, one of my great uncles. But that was before Elder Dakar's father became leader of the Guardians." Mikal shoved his hands into his pants pockets. "Around the time of the Corporate Wars."

"What was that about?"

"There were other companies here that were mining and terr
aforming Hathor. Novacorp wanted the resources, and all the mining rights. They sent troops here to secure them." Mikal leaned back against the mirrored siding, his hands still deep in his pockets. "That's when the people with abilities connected their powers for the first time, supposedly with the help of Dakar's father."

"But why do they think I can do the same thing?"

"I don't believe in old stories, Nadira. Whatever they think they can accomplish, it won't work. But I mustn't criticize Elder Dakar even if I feel that some of his actions are questionable," Mikal said.

"Are you going to tell me what you mean by that?" Nadira asked. "What has he done?"

Mikal looked off in the distance. "Your transport is coming."

"You're not going to answer me, are you?"

"I'm his assistant and it's not my place to say anything against the Elder," Mikal said, as he glanced back down the street. "But I know he'll do everything in his power to force you to comply with him."

"Force me? None of them can force me to open myself up to them. That would be a violation."

The transport trundled up the street and pulled over to the curb. It stopped and the door swung back with a hiss.

"Yes, it would be, Nadira. But they're desperate and afraid of what Novacorp may do to us. And desperate people can do violent things." He reached out and ran his hand along her cheek.

His touch was like fire against her skin, searing her with his open desire. Startled she jumped back and stumbled as she tried to stay on her feet. "Mikal, don't. I have to go." Brushing past him, she climbed into the vehicle and moved to the opposite side of the seat. Sitting there huddled in the corner, she felt vulnerable, like cornered prey.

"I'm sorry if I was too forward, Nadira," he said, leaning into the cabin. "My emotions overpowered me. These past months I've been under a strain working with the Elder. It's been difficult to see what he's doing and not be able to speak out. Thank you for liste

"Good night, Mikal," she said.

"Good night, Nadira." He stepped back and the metal door slid closed.

She placed her palm on the ID plate. "Take me to my apar
tment." All she wanted to do was get as far away from him and this house as she could. Something about the way he'd looked at her made her feel like all her protections had been ripped away. Maybe spending so much time with him had been a bad idea.

"Affirmative. ID accepted, Guardian Sentry Nadira," the co
mputerized voice replied.

For once she regretted the 360-degree view that the clear glass windows gave her. Mikal was still standing at the curb, watching as the transport pulled away.

"Tint windows," she ordered, not wanting to remain on display.

The windows went from clear to grey, giving her a view out and blocking anyone from seeing in. But she couldn't help glancing back just in time to see Mikal walk inside the house.





Keeping Secrets

Even after the half-hour ride back to her apartment building, she still felt like she was being watched. And not just by the ne
twork of city cams that observed the activity on the streets of Nova City.

As the transport pulled out of the traffic lanes, she scanned the street.  The heavy door slid back, and Nadira climbed out of the vehicle. Other than two men coming out of the building across the street, there was no one else around.

Shivering, she hurried to the front door. Hopefully, Jonathan was inside. She was desperate to feel his arms around her.

She was about to press the fingerpad to open the door when a shiny, ruby red transport pulled up and stopped at the curb. The door slid back and Jon climbed out. When he saw her, he rushed over.

"Just getting back?" he asked. "That's Lani Zakry's transport. It's the latest model."

The vehicle pulled back into the traffic lanes. Jon stood watc
hing it as it headed down the street.

"How did it go?" Nadira asked.

"Fine. I met some club owners and company execs. Lani knows a lot of people."

"That's good." She didn't know what to say. Her head was still spinning from what had happened at the Gathering.

"So what did Brant have to say?" Jon pressed the fingerpad to ID himself and the door opened.


"Your meeting. With Brant--remember? The one you just came from?"

"Oh…it was…he just wanted to talk about some security i
ssue." She followed him into the apartment. "It was nothing."

"I hope you got dinner at least." Jon took off his jacket and threw it on the couch. "Lani took us to this new place over by the waterfront."

"He…I…we went to a Ready-Eat." She walked over to the couch and sat down. "I wasn't hungry."

"I'm not surprised. Since when do you eat synthetics?" Jon dropped down beside her. "Is something wrong?"

"What?" She leaned back against the cushions and closed her eyes. Her head was aching and her stomach was churning. Not only had the Gathering left her feeling troubled, but lying to Jonathan made it worse. She forced herself to put up a shield between them, walling up her emotions. If he picked up on what had happened, he'd start asking questions she didn't want to answer.

"You're shutting down. You forget? I can feel it. What ha

Damn it. Hiding her feelings from him was getting harder and harder. "I'm just tired. But there is one thing. I talked to Dakar, the leader of the Guardian Elders. He wants to meet you," Nadira said.

"Really? When?" Jonathan asked.

"Day after tomorrow at his home. Will you be available?"

"Should I be prepared for any specific questions?" He rested his hand on her knee.

"It's not an interrogation, Jon." Even as she said it, it felt like another lie.  "We don't have to go."

"No, we should. I have to meet them at some point if we're going to be together. Don't I?"

She didn't answer at first. If the Elders had their way, Jonathan would be removed from her life just as her mother had been. But she couldn't let that happen. She wouldn't let it happen.

"Don't I?" he asked again.

"Yes, you do." She leaned against him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"You're trembling." He put an arm around her. "What happened tonight? Something's wrong."

"It's nothing," she whispered. "Nothing."

"I know there's something you're not telling me. But I'll wait," he said. "You'll let me know when you're ready."





When they arrived at Dakar's home, Nadira found it hard to keep herself calm. Her heart was beating like she'd just run a few kilometers, and it was hard to stay focused.

By comparison, Jonathan was calm and quite eager to meet another Guardian. In the four months since they'd met, she'd never tried to introduce him to any of the others. After her experience at the Gathering, she wasn't sorry she'd kept him away from them. 

The carved wood door swung open, revealing Mikal wearing a brown suit that had gold embroidery around the slim lapels. U
nderneath, his light grey shirt appeared to be made of a fine silk, with a collar that encircled his neck with a band trimmed in gold.

"Nadira. Welcome!" Mikal stepped back to allow them to enter. "And you are welcome as well," he addressed Jon.

"Mikal, this is Jonathan," she said.

"Welcome, Jonathan." Mikal held out his hand. "I can't tell you how long I've waited for this moment."

"I've been waiting to meet you all too," Jonathan said, as he shook it.

"You are enjoying your time here?" Mikal asked, as he led them through to the adjoining living area. "Nova City is the largest city on Hathor. I'm sure you'll find much to entertain you."

"Yes, I am being very well entertained." Jon flashed her a look of amusement.

The living area was filled with light, as usual, and this time there were large pots of flowers set on the tables and on the floor. The room was fragrant with the smell of sweet berries that had been placed in a large bowl at the center of the room.

"Nadira. I'm pleased to see you again. And this is Jonathan? I'm honored to be finally meeting you." Dakar entered the room. Holding out his hands, palms up, he greeted Jonathan, then came over to press his cheek against Nadira's.

"I'm also honored to meet you." Jonathan reached out his hand for a more traditional company-type greeting.

Dakar grasped his hand, a smile on his face. "I have tea ready. Mikal, would you bring it out?"

"Well," Dakar said, as he sat down. "Do you like the flowers? They bloomed just last evening and I could not resist bringing some in."

Nadira sat down on the couch across from him, and Jon sat beside her. "They're beautiful, just like your garden."

"Do you have someone tending it?" Jon asked.

"Usually I do it myself. I've had a lot of practice." Dakar's eyes twinkled. "Before I was a Guardian, I lived up in the North. The weather could be harsh, but in the warm season there are a lot of gardens there."

"I noticed that when I was by the shore," Jonathan said. "But there aren't a lot of flowers back in the city on Astarte."

"Ah, I see. But even in a mining port, one needs beauty. Here's the tea."

Mikal set the cups and teapot down on the table in the middle of the room, setting out the delicate pieces with care.

Nadira watched Jonathan for any reaction that would reveal his feelings about sitting down to tea with the Elder. This wasn't his usual pastime. Jonathan was more at home in the entertainment clubs or the expensive restaurants that the company executives usually frequented.

"Ah, that's delicious," Dakar sipped his tea, and then set the cup down on the table next to him. "So, Nadira, let me tell you what I found in my garden this morning."




About an hour later, Nadira was out back with Mikal, and Jon
athan was left in the room with Dakar. It was obvious why the older man had sent her off to look at some berry bush or whatever. He'd wanted to talk to Jonathan without her being there to hear them.

By now Jon had consumed more tea than he ever wanted to drink again, and though the couch was plush and extremely co
mfortable, he was tired of sitting. It didn't make sense that they'd come here just to talk about flowers and the weather and other things that were, well, boring. He'd tolerated it because obviously Dakar was someone very important, and he'd wanted to check Jon out. But still, he couldn't understand why they'd spent so much time talking about so little.

"Jonathan, you've been on Hathor for three months? Or is it four? Do you like it here?" Dakar asked.

"I've been here for four months. It's different, but I like it."

"You've been living with Nadira during that time."

"Yes." Jonathan wasn't sure how to read Dakar. He'd had a half-smile on his face throughout their entire time there.


"Jonathan, I'll speak honestly. Guardians are discouraged from having close relations with people who are not part of our world. We must be careful of how we use our energy, and what we allow to influence us."

"I'm not influencing Nadira one way or the other, sir. But if one day Nadira wants to go into a contracted relationship with me, I don't see why it would be a problem." Jon kept his voice steady.

"A contract would not be a problem for the Guardians, Jonathan. But your psychic connection will be a problem for you. By engaging with you, she is exposing her emotions and thoughts to you. In time, you might find it difficult to maintain the emotional onslaught that comes with it."

"So, you're saying ordinary humans can't be with Guardians because we can't handle the emotions? What about your families? How did they deal with it?" Jon took a deep breath and held back his annoyance.

It wouldn't work to let Dakar see that he was getting to him. The Elder would keep pushing buttons to see which one was going to set him off.

"When we develop abilities we are taken into training. Our r
elations with our families are not maintained because our connection to the Guardians takes precedence. That is how it must be for us, Jonathan. We must be apart from the 'ordinary,' as you call it. We have work to do and nothing must interfere with that." Dakar crossed his legs, still relaxed and still smiling that little half-smile.

"I'm in the way of Nadira's work? I don't see it that way."


"Did I imply that? Please forgive me, because that was not my intention. I only want to point out that by engaging with her, you are opening yourself up to things you may not be prepared for." Dakar leaned forward, grasping his hands before him. "She must never be in a position where she is forced to choose between you and the rest of us."

"Do you really think I'd do anything to hurt her?'

"Not intentionally, but you are not of Hathor. You can't poss
ibly understand her position here. I know your emotions for her are very deep. I can sense that. But just know that if there is ever to be a choice, it will not go in your favor."

Jonathan's heart was thundering in his chest as he clamped his teeth together, forcing himself not to reply without thinking first. Offending this man would not help the situation, and neither would admitting that his mother had been born on Hathor.

But he couldn't admit any of it, not without risking the safety of his family. So, instead he had to sit here and take this nonsense without being able to tell Dakar what he thought about all of it.

"You underestimate me, sir."

Dakar leaned back against the cushions and winced as he rubbed his forehead.  "Perhaps I do. But, you have no idea what will be expected of her. Maintaining an emotional bond with you could have a negative effect on her abilities. We can't risk that. The Elders told her that the other night at the Gathering."

"What Gathering? I don't know what you're talking about."

"It was for Guardians only," he said, as he pressed his fingers against his temple. "Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned it, Mr. Keel."

"Then why did you?"

Dakar's smile faded a bit, and his lips became tight. "This has been an enlightening conversation. I'll see what they're doing out there."

Jon watched as Dakar rose and walked out of the room. A m
oment later he heard voices, and laughter coming from out back. Heat spread up his neck and face, as he listened to them laughing together.



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