Haunting Secrets (20 page)

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Authors: Marie Higgins

Tags: #Victorian, #Historical Romance, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Teen & Young Adult, #Ghosts, #Witches & Wizards, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Literature & Fiction, #Historical

BOOK: Haunting Secrets
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As they passed down the hallway, she glanced at the paintings on the wall again. Would Jonathan know anything about these? Probably not, since they were the ones Justin had brought back after seeing her father.

What about the journal sent to Justin? She really wanted to read that with him. Since her father had hoped to match her and Justin together, being with him while they read her father’s notes was the perfect opportunity.

Jonathan clutched her hand. “You don’t know how happy you’ve made me since your arrival. You’re quite a fine woman, Victoria.”

She smiled. “Thank you for such a sweet compliment. You’re a charming man, yourself.”

He chuckled. “I hope you don’t mind if we take a stroll outside.”

“Not at all. The weather also seems agreeable for a walk.”

If she could keep him from getting intimate with her, then everything would be fine. She needed to keep talking, that was the key to keep him from becoming intimate. Then again, his mind didn’t retain a lot of information, so what was the use of talking?

“I heard Mrs. White was appointed your new maid,” he said after they’d left the house.

Victoria snapped her gaze to his. How did he find out? She hadn’t been in the parlor that long for Bethany and Roderick to update Jonathan on their decision. Now she doubted Jonathan could be trusted.

“Yes. Francine left quite suddenly, so I’m relieved Bethany and Roderick found me someone to replace her.”

He stroked his thumb across her hand. “I’m sorry to hear she was afraid of staying here.”

“I knew she was from the very day we’d arrived, but I still can’t believe she left without me. She’s such a timid woman.”

“Mrs. White will be a very good maid for you. She has been with us for many years.”

Victoria scrunched her forehead, once again, confused. “She has? I didn’t know that. How many years?”

He shrugged. “Since I was a boy, I believe.” He chuckled. “She has a loving heart.”

“She sounds like a special woman.”

Jonathan nodded, still keeping his gaze on the path ahead of them. “She is. Out of all the women Roderick has seduced, she’s been one that hasn’t fallen for his charms.”

His comment took her unawares, and she laughed. “Then I like her even more.”

He looked down at her and winked. “And because of your reply, I like
that much more.”

She smiled. “Thank you.”

“Just know that whatever you need, Mrs. White will take care of you. She’s been supervising our staff for quite a while. We’re like family to her.”

“That’s good to know.” And it was. Now Victoria worried what would happen if the housekeeper discovered she was in love with Justin. She had no doubt now Mrs. White knew of Justin’s existence, even though she tried to discourage Victoria about the East Wing the first day she arrived.

* * * *

Justin’s chest was heavy with sorrow as he trudged back to his hidden sanctuary. It was his own fault for spying. Up until this time, he’d never experienced the pain of jealousy.

Then again, he’d never been in love before.

Trying to convince himself Victoria kissed Jonathan the way she did was because she had to, just didn’t work like he’d wanted. His heart still ached with rejection. And he couldn’t stop thinking about how happy his brother looked with Victoria in his arms.

It was hard to persuade Justin’s heart she’d only been acting with Jonathan. Justin desired Victoria more than he wanted any other woman. At the same time, she was perfect for his brother, because he knew Jonathan had never been in love, either.

Now it seemed as if both brothers competed for the same woman’s affections.

Unfortunately, Victoria was better suited for Jonathan. At least he was human and not the cursed beast that roamed the land at night seeking innocent women to kill. Jonathan could carry on a normal life, even though he was simple-minded. He didn’t need to hide from civilization like Justin did.

If only he could find the treasure map for the witch, she’d remove this dreaded curse and leave him alone.

At least he hoped she would.

He removed his waistcoat and cravat and unbuttoned the first two buttons on his shirt before relaxing in the cushioned chair by the fireplace. It was late in the afternoon, but not late enough for him to shift. That would come once the sun disappeared and darkness covered the land. He had a few hours. Undoubtedly, he’d shift tonight just as he had the night before, and the night before that.

Sighing, he picked up the book lying on the side-table next to him. He’d returned to his old bedroom to locate the hiding spot he’d put Peter Fawson’s journal. Victoria would be very pleased to receive this. He’d do anything to make her smile and gaze at him with those adoring blue-green eyes. She was the closest thing to heaven he’d ever experienced.

Weariness came over him and he closed his eyes. He hadn’t slept very well since Victoria entered his life. He smiled lazily. It didn’t matter. He’d given his heart to her, which was good enough reason to be exhausted.

Sleeping on the couch would not be comfortable, but sitting next to the fire was too relaxing. Especially when thoughts of being with Victoria drifted through his mind. The imprint of her body against his still tingled within his chest. The taste of her sweet lips continued to linger on his own. Her fragrance of lilacs filled his head and wouldn’t leave. Even now the scent was so strong…


A soft hand touched his shoulder and he jumped. His reaction caused Victoria to gasp and pull back.

“Oh, forgive me, Justin. I thought—”

Quickly, he stood and pulled her into his arms, burying his face in her neck as he inhaled her scent. “Victoria, my love. You’re here.”

Her body melted against his as she clung to him, holding tight. Happiness filled him. Although she gave his brother a passionate kiss, Justin knew he held her heart.

He withdrew and looked into her eyes, dark with desire. He grinned. Sliding his fingers over her face, he kissed her mouth. “I’m so happy you’re here. You must have heard my silent plea for your company.”

Her lips stretched into a lazy grin as she snuggled against his hand. “My heart must have, because I knew I needed to be here with you.”

“Is there any other place to be?”

“Not for me.”

He tugged on her arms and pulled her down to the couch with him, then picked up her father’s journal. “I have something for you. I thought we could read it together.”

When he brought forth the book, she gasped and grabbed hold of it, bringing it to her chest. “You found it.”

He slid his arm around her shoulders, keeping her by his side. “Yes.”

“Oh, Justin. You are so wonderful.” She turned and kissed his cheek.

Holding his breath, he waited for her to cringe or display a look of disgust since she had touched the scarred side of his face, but she didn’t. In fact, she acted as if she didn’t realize what she’d done. His heart soared with the realization that she wasn’t bothered by his deformities. Was it any wonder he found her so easy to love?

As she opened to the first page, he turned up the lamp to help them see the words better. She smiled, and her eyes twinkled. He wished he could make her happy forever. Unfortunately, there were many obstacles standing between them. How he’d love to tear them down.

Victoria snuggled against him as they read aloud through her father’s journal. Peter Fawson wrote about the research he’d done when he’d visited Slumbering Giant. He’d mentioned the old wives tales circulating about the island, but none were true. There was no silver and gold. No treasure had been found.

On occasion, Justin caught Victoria wiping a tear from her cheek. His heart mourned with her. Peter had been a good friend and mentor to Justin. He’d loved the older man. Peter would be pleased to know Justin had fallen in love with his daughter, too.

Further into the journal, Peter wrote about his love for his daughter and how she meant the world to him. More tears came from Victoria, but she continued to read. Closer to the end of the journal, Peter had written about a visitor he had. A very old man had read Peter’s story about the island. The stranger had told Peter there was gold on the island, but only someone with a pure heart would find it.

Victoria chuckled and looked up at Justin. “Your family seems to believe this, too. The first day I was here, this is what Jonathan told me. Even your lecherous brother, Roderick, commented that I might be that woman.”

Justin stroked her cheek. “For once, I agree with my brother. You’re certainly a treasure.”

A blush covered her face and she quickly looked back to the book. She read on and he enjoyed the sound of her voice. It didn’t matter the tone, he loved every bit of her.

In the journal, Peter mentioned the stranger giving him some paintings he’d worked on with regards to the island, suggesting they were special works of art. Peter wrote how overcome he was from the stranger’s kindness, but he didn’t know what he would do with those paintings.

Victoria looked up at Justin again. “Do you think those are the paintings Father sent you?”

He shrugged. “They would have to be. But why would he send them to me?”

“Let’s read more. Maybe he’ll say.”

But as they read, Peter didn’t saying about that. Although, there was an entry that made Justin extremely curious, Peter mentioned a woman coming to see him. Another stranger. But this one was very beautiful. She, too, asked about the secrets of the island and what Peter had discovered while doing his research.

The next entry talked about Justin’s visit, and how much Peter had enjoyed it. Justin had to smile when Victoria read the part that mentioned how Peter wanted his daughter and Justin to meet. Peter thought of Justin as a son, and would very much like to have him marry Victoria.

The last entry in the journal, Peter wrote about how the strange woman came back, more aggressive this time, and even angrier when he didn’t answer her questions to her satisfaction. He said he definitely wouldn’t let her back in his house if she ever came calling again.

Sighing heavily, Victoria closed the book and relaxed against Justin. He stroked her arm as he pulled her closer to his body.

“It makes me wonder,” she began, “if this woman was the one who killed him.”

“It’s a possibility. But why?”

She tilted her head and gazed up at him. “The paintings?”

“How did she know about them?”

“I don’t know, unless she’d been watching my father all that time.”

“That’s something to consider.” He kissed the top of her head as she pressed her cheek against his chest. “I wish I knew what to tell you. I want to help you discover who killed your father, because this person needs to be hanged for such a crime.”

“I agree.”

“Tomorrow we’ll take a closer look at those paintings. See if they might give us a clue to why that man gave them to your father.”

“I like that idea.” She lifted her head again. “Shall we meet here in your chambers?”


She smiled. “Splendid, because I enjoy being alone with you.”

He groaned and kissed her forehead. “I enjoy it, also. More than you can ever imagine.”

Keeping his face close to hers, he moved his lips down, placing tender kisses on her eyelids, cheeks, nose, and then her mouth. She lifted her fingers to his hair and pushed them through his waves to hold his head to hers.

As much as he wanted to hold her all night, he knew he couldn’t. Soon it would be dark, and then the beast would make an appearance. He couldn’t have her see that. He couldn’t bear to watch the disgust in her eyes.

She looked upon him as a man now, and he never wanted that to change.


Chapter Twelve


Justin broke the kiss and rested his forehead against Victoria’s. Inhaling deeply, he matched her breaths perfectly.

“Victoria, my love, I could kiss you all night.”

She withdrew only inches away and smiled. “There’s nothing wrong with that.”

His heart melted. It pleased him to know she wanted him as much as he craved her affection. “Oh, but there is.” He cradled her face in his hands, his thumbs tracing her bottom lip, still swollen from his kiss. “Being with you like this puts you in danger.”

“I beg to differ. Have you forgotten? When the white wolf came to me the other night, he was very gentle. He didn’t harm me at all.”

“I’m not thinking about the white wolf, I’m thinking about the witch.”

She frowned. “Oh, her.”

“Yes. If she knew you were with me now, I fear what she might do.”

“I understand.”

Her disappointment tugged at his heart. “The problem is, although I know I’m putting you in danger, I cannot seem to let you go. I want you, Victoria. I desire you more than I have desired any woman.”

“Oh, Justin. I feel the same way.”

He gathered her back into his arms and covered her mouth with his. She clung to him and answered with an urgent kiss. Pushing his fingers through her hair, he released the pins holding the coil together until thick locks cascaded over her back.

She was so beautiful. So tempting.

“Justin,” she sighed as she kissed his forehead.

From down the hall, he heard creaking on the floor. His heart slammed against his chest and he panicked.

The witch!

Cursing, he pulled Victoria off the couch and pushed her into the adjoining room. Her mouth opened to speak, but he put his finger to her lips.

make a sound. The witch is here.”

He quickly hurried out of the room, closing the door behind him. He ran back to the couch and sat before the witch entered.

She sashayed through the doorway before leaning against the wall. As always, her overpowering scented perfume made him gag.

“Do you ever knock?” he snapped.

Her throaty laugh hung in the air. “Oh, Justin darling. Why would I knock? I’m the only one who comes here.”

“You can stop that at any time. I’d be most grateful.”

“I’m quite certain you would.” She moved away from the door and slunk toward him.

He held his breath, waiting for her to say something about his visitor, but as he studied her, he realized she didn’t know. He said a silent prayer of thanks.

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