Haunting Secrets (22 page)

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Authors: Marie Higgins

Tags: #Victorian, #Historical Romance, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Teen & Young Adult, #Ghosts, #Witches & Wizards, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Literature & Fiction, #Historical

BOOK: Haunting Secrets
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Victoria leaned her elbows on the table and scooted closer. “What an interesting story. Do you know how she and Roderick started courting?”

Jonathan’s face reddened. “Well, I do know Bethany had her eyes set on my other brother, Justin, but he didn’t want anything to do with her. My brother had just taken over the manor and lands with the death of our father, and Justin wasn’t interested in falling in love. His heart was in making money.” He shrugged. “So when Bethany couldn’t make Justin her husband, she set her sights on Roderick.”

“And how did she do that?”

“Well, you know Roderick and how he enjoys, er…the company of women?”

Victoria tried not to laugh over Jonathan’s discomfort. “Yes.”

“One day while he was riding, he caught Bethany swimming in the water hole.” Jonathan’s face reddened again. “She was in her altogether,” he whispered. “As it was, Roderick couldn’t resist taking a swim with her. When Justin caught them, he forced Roderick to do the right thing since what they were doing was improper and would ruin her.”

She grinned. Justin must have done that so Bethany would stop loving him. “And Roderick accepted this without a fight?”

“I thought he would pitch a fit, too, but he accepted it.”

“That’s good. Maybe they were meant for each other after all.”

Jonathan chuckled. “Well, that’s a different story if you ask me.”

“I suppose you’re right.” She laughed. “So how did she treat Justin after she moved into the house as Roderick’s wife?”

“I’m not certain. Not too long after that I went to Eton. That’s when Justin died.” He lost his energetic smile.

She touched his hand. “I’m sorry to bring up such bad memories.”

“They’re not bad memories as much as they’re regretful ones. I wish I’d been here. I would have done everything I could to try to save Justin from the fire. I do miss him terribly.”

“I’m certain you do.”

Why didn’t he know Justin was alive? Justin had told her his family was ashamed of his curse, which is why he hid in the East Wing. Apparently, Roderick and Bethany had chosen not to let Jonathan in on their little secret. Justin’s words echoed in her head:
Ghosts are much easier to believe than the truth.

Now she understood why Jonathan was kept in the dark. His simple mind wouldn’t grasp the truth. Even she was having a hard time understanding.

“Jonathan? Will you tell me about your parents? I don’t know that much about your father and mother and how you boys were raised.”

His face flushed with color and he glanced down at the list on the table. “Justin and Roderick have a different mother than me.”

“Indeed? I didn’t know your father remarried.”

Jonathan shook his head. “He didn’t. I’m the result of an affair my father had with one of the maids.”

“Oh, dear.” She placed her fingers to her mouth, wishing she hadn’t said anything. How embarrassing. “I’m sorry.”

He met her gaze and took her hand in his. “There’s nothing to be sorry about. That happened a long time ago. My father and brothers have treated me no differently.”

“Is your mother still alive?”

“No. She died when I was young.”

“Do you remember her?”

“Not much. Father kept her on as one of the servants, I do remember that. She took care of me while in my infancy, and from what I remember, she was a loving woman.”

Victoria smiled and patted his hand. “I’m relieved to hear this.”

From the corner of the room, the curtain moved. Her heart leapt and she held her breath. Peeking from around, Justin smiled at her and motioned with his hand. He needed her to come to him. What could be so important he’d risk his exposure?

Jonathan made the move to look over his shoulder, so Victoria pulled his hand, bringing his attention back to her.

She smiled. “Jonathan? Do you mind terribly if we put off addressing these invitations for a bit? I didn’t sleep well last night and I’d like to take a nap.”

“I don’t mind at all. You should have said something sooner.”

“No. It was very enjoyable talking to you. I feel I know Bethany better now, thanks to you.”

He cupped her face, his gaze dropping to her mouth. “Whenever you need to talk, let me know.”

He leaned in and kissed her lips. She allowed it for only a second before she pulled away. “Thank you, Jonathan. You’re a gem.” She winked, and then stood.

As she walked out of the parlor, she tried not to hurry. She couldn’t have Jonathan suspicious. But when she reached the stairs, she lifted her gown to her ankles and sprinted up, rushing to her room. Once inside, she locked the door and hastened back toward the hidden tunnel.

Just as she pulled back the curtain, Justin’s hand was there, grasping hers and pulling her through. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. He answered back, moving his hands over her and gathering her body against his.

“Oh, Justin,” she muttered. “I missed you.”

“I’ve missed you, also.” He withdrew and looked into her eyes. “I know I took a chance being noticed in the parlor, but I’ve found something that I need to show you.”


Chapter Thirteen


Victoria clutched Justin’s hand as he led her through the dark tunnels, only a candle lighting their way. With very little light, the walls seemed to close in on her. If not for Justin’s presence, suffocation would have been overwhelming. Instead, excitement bubbled in her chest as she studied him, looking like a little boy who had found a treasure. She sincerely hoped he had, since the map might be what would lift his curse. She wanted to be with him every second of the day, and she couldn’t wait for that day to arrive.

“What were you doing with Jonathan?” he asked.

“Addressing invitations to his masked birthday ball.”

“Where was Bethany? Usually she watches him like an over-protective mother.”

Victoria chuckled. She’d thought that, too, and now she knew why. “Bethany made some excuse to leave the manor to run errands not too long before you came to get me. Roderick and Mrs. White went into town a few hours ago.”

“Ah, so I have you all to myself for a while?” He squeezed her hand.

She giggled. “So it seems. Tell me, what did you find? The anticipation is nearly killing me.”

Looking at her, his grin widened. “You’ll have to wait, my love. But I can tell you something now. This doesn’t have anything to do with the surprise, but I know you’d want to hear this, nonetheless.”

He stopped, faced her and took both her hands. “While listening in on Beth and Roddy earlier today, I learned something about your maid.”


“Beth has done something with her—taken her some place, but your maid is alive.”

A gush of air released from her mouth and she hadn’t realized she’d been holding her breath. “Why would they take her? What could they gain?”

“I wish I knew. My brother and sister-in-law enjoy playing with people’s lives.”

“But you don’t know where they took Francine?”

“No. They didn’t name a precise location, and I couldn’t figure it out.” He cupped her face. “But we will. Beth and Roddy have a reason for everything they do, and it’s usually a greedy purpose.”

“I’ve learned that about them.”

Justin turned back toward the path and she took quick steps to keep up with him.

“Beth has always wanted more, no matter what her purpose,” he said.

“Jonathan told me a little about her life. Apparently, she’d set her sights on you at first.”

He glanced at her over his shoulder, disgust encompassing his face before he shook his head. “Don’t remind me. That girl used to follow me when we were children. Every time I thought I’d gotten rid of her, she’d show up at the most unexpected moment.”

She chuckled. “Well, if you were half as handsome then are you are now, it’s no wonder she was love-struck.”

He stopped short, causing her to bump into him. He turned and gathered her in his arms. “You think I’m handsome?”

Strange he would ask such a question. From what she’d gathered, he’d been quite a lady’s man before the curse. Why would he doubt his appearance now?

“Yes, Justin.” Smiling, she swept her fingers through his hair. “You literally make me sigh with pleasure every time I look at you.”

He pulled her closer as his mouth opened over hers in a slow, meaningful kiss. She cupped his face and answered back, love blossoming in her chest with every second passing.

He pulled away and a smile graced his lips. “Victoria, either you need spectacles or you lie extremely well.”

She laughed and shook her head. “Justin, I’m not lying. You’re the most handsome man I’ve seen—both inside and out.”

He stroked his fingers across her cheek. “I never thought I’d hear those words again, especially after I was cursed. Victoria, you’ve made me one happy man.”

Taking his fingers from her face, she kissed them, staring into his dark gaze. “Justin, I’m—” Dare she tell him she was falling in love with him? Although she longed to bare her soul, she didn’t want to confess such a thing. Confessing would only make her heart ache that much more knowing she couldn’t have him. Until his curse was lifted, they wouldn’t be able to live a normal life and marry.

“Yes?” he urged.

“I just wanted to say you’ve made me one very happy woman, also.”

“Oh, Victoria.”

He pulled her against his body and buried his face in her neck. Heated tingles moved through her. Tears filled her eyes as emotion clogged her throat. How could fate allow her to fall in love with such a wonderful man without being with him the rest of her life? No! She wouldn’t settle for that.

She grasped his hands and squeezed. “Justin, we need to find the treasure map and lift your curse. I can’t go on like this, and neither can you.”

“Agreed.” He kissed her once more before pulling her back through the tunnels toward his bedroom. Once they entered, bright lights made her squint. This was the first time she’d seen his chambers lit up so lively. This resembled an actual room instead of a dungeon.

“After we were almost caught by the witch,” he began, “I noticed I’d broken a couple of picture frames when I’d accidentally kicked them over.” He released her hand and knelt in front of the pictures lined side by side against the wall. “When I started putting them together, I realized they weren’t several different pictures, but one large picture just separated into sections.”

She knelt beside him and studied each one, realizing he was correct. Arranging them the way he did, it resembled a large island. She gasped and snapped her attention toward him. “Slumbering Giant.”

He nodded. “That was my conclusion. It doesn’t resemble the island perfectly, but close enough. I also wondered why the painter would make four different pictures of the same thing. Unless—”

“Unless he was trying to hide something?”

He grinned. “Like the treasure map?”

She clapped her hands and focused on the pictures again. Her heart beating a different rhythm. “Oh, Justin, do you honestly believe?”

He stood and ran his fingers through his hair. “Amazing as it sounds, I actually do, Victoria. What if there was a treasure map, and that’s why the painter gave these to your father? The painter had read your father’s book, which explains there is no treasure. But what if the painter knew differently?”

She rose and stood in front of him, clasping his hands. “Oh, Justin. If we can find the treasure, the witch will lift the curse.”

“I can only pray.”

She tore away from him and grabbed the first picture. “I’ll take this one, and you take the other. We’ll study them closely to see what we can find.”

They sat together on his bed as she concentrated on the painting. But slowly, Justin’s nearness disrupted her thoughts. Occasionally, his arm would bump with hers, reminding her how close they sat. Although nothing they did anymore could be considered proper, sitting on his bed like this was far from appropriate. The longer she thought about it, the more her passion awakened. Then again, being around him did it to her every time. She looked away from the painting and glanced at his profile. So handsome. His heart was so kind and tender.

He was also cursed to shift into a beast.

Suddenly, she remembered about Anne and that the beast had attacked her. Did he know?


“Yes?” he answered without looking at her.

“Have you heard about Anne yet?”

He lowered the painting to his lap and looked at her with wide eyes. “Besides that she is carrying my brother’s baby? What else can there be?”

“She was attacked last night by the wolf.”

His face hardened. Victoria wanted to wrap him in her arms and assure him everything would be all right. Instead she placed her hand on his stiff one, squeezed and added, “But she wasn’t killed.”


“She’s in town at the hospital right now. Roderick and Mrs. White went into town earlier today to see how Anne is fairing.”

Justin set the painting on the floor, and rested his elbows on his knees as he held his head. “Oh, Victoria. I know I shifted last night, but I really thought I hadn’t hurt anyone.”

Leaning into him, she stroked his hair. “I know. It’s not your fault.”

“Why do I attack women I don’t care for? True, I shift when I desire a woman, and since you’ve entered my life, I’ve been doing it a lot.” He sat up and looked at her. “But why would I hurt them? Why would I kill? They don’t mean anything to me. You’re the only woman that means anything.”

“I wish I knew the answers.” She cupped his face and left a brief kiss on his lips. “But I still believe you’re not the murderous animal everyone has made you into. What if the white wolf didn’t attack Anne? What if those rabid dogs are the murdering culprits?”

He frowned and shook his head. “I’d love to believe you, my dear, but I don’t dare. That’s why you can’t be around me at night when I shift.” He wrapped his arms around her, bringing her up against his chest. “I don’t know what I’d do if I harmed you in any way. I’d rather die than hurt you.”

“You won’t hurt me.” She clutched his shoulders and held him tight. “Even when you were the white wolf, you cared for me.”

“I wish I could remember.” He rested his head in the crook of her neck. “I wish this nightmare would disappear. I want to be normal again.” His embrace tightened. “I want to be with you forever.”

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