Haven's Choice (6 page)

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Authors: Tarah Knight

BOOK: Haven's Choice
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Haven nodded as she wiped a tear from her cheek. “My mama died righ
t after I was turned. I was too unstable to trust myself around my family, so I didn’t attend her funeral. But I made myself feel better by telling myself that I would see her again in heaven. But then I got scared that our kind wouldn’t be allowed in.” Deacon reached over and took her hand. “We are all His creations Haven. You will see you mother again.” They both turned their heads when they heard footsteps coming toward them.


Chapter Six~


“How very sweet, Deacon. Telling her that she will one day see her mother again.” Barron stepped out of the shadows looking like sin himself in his low-slung jeans and unbuttoned dark silk shirt. He smiled at Haven. “If I may I see your hand, I will do you one better.” He held out his hand and after looking at Deacon, who just shrugged, Haven placed her hand in his. “I want you to close your eyes and remember your most cherished memory of your mother when I say open your eyes, open them.” She closed her eyes and thought about the day her mother had surprised her with Rascal for her fifth birthday. She nodded. “Ok.” Barron placed his warm hand on her forehead then whispered. “Open your eyes sweet Haven.”

Haven opened her eyes then gasped! Her mother was walking right toward her holding a
squirming wiggling Rascal. “Mama!” She started to go to her but Deacon stopped her. “It’s only a memory projected from your mind, Haven. She isn’t really here. She can’t respond to you.” 

As she continued to watch through blurry eyes, her mother turned and handed the pup to someone. Smiling at someo
ne that Haven couldn’t see. She realized it was her. She wasn’t able to see herself in the memory because it was her memory! Haven turned away closing her eyes. “Make it stop… please.”

When she looked up again the image was gone. Barron placed his hand on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry Serah, I truly only sought to bring you comfort. Forgive me for causing you distress.” Barron looked truly remorseful, which was a look she had yet to see upon his handsome face. Gone was the smug, self-satisfied look she was accustomed to. “It’s ok, Barron. There is nothing to forgive. I know your intentions were good… mostly. I also know you were looking to upstage Deacon. But considering the circumstances I can understand that too.” Her empty tummy chose that time to growl loudly. She placed her hand over it looking from one twin to the other thinking this couldn’t get more awkward, when of course, it did! Both men immediately bit into their wrists and offered them to her. Haven’s face turned as crimson as the rich blood that dripped from their arms as she wondered how in the world to handle this? The thought of putting her lips on their warm flesh and having the uncontrollable reaction to the bond terrified her! Fortunately she was rescued when Brooklyn appeared by her side with a beautiful blue goblet in her hand.

“Good evening everyone. I thought you two would be showing up about now. Haven, darling just so you know exactly how this works, the blood must come from your
Serah, however you don’t have to take it directly from them. So here boys, fill it up. Half each please.” She handed the goblet to Deacon who filled it halfway up under the careful watch of Brooklyn who nodded when it was time to pass it to Barron who did the same. Haven was so grateful to have a more dignified way to eat she could cry! She raised the goblet her lips to take a sip when she saw how intently both men were watching her. Suddenly she was very uncomfortable under their close scrutiny. Once more Brooklyn was her hero!

, if you don’t mind I think Haven would dine more comfortably without your stares.” She looked at each twin pointedly until they both nodded then vanished. Haven breathed a huge sigh of relief when they poofed out of view. She sat down on the steps again and started drinking her dinner. Brooklyn wondered around her garden looking at all the new plants that Haven had grown. “I see that someone has been teaching you some new skills, Deacon, I would guess?”

Haven smiled. “Yes, Sorry if I got a little c
arried away. It’s just so cool! My feelings won’t be hurt if you want to chop them down. I know it’s really crowded in here now.” Brooklyn smiled then waved her hand. “Nonsense, you did a beautiful job. Very well done for your first time.” She paused then continued. “You know each flower and plant has its own strengths and weaknesses. They all have good points and bad points, but they all deserve a place in the garden. Don’t you agree?” Haven nodded in agreement, but she had a feeling that Brooklyn was speaking about more than plants.

“Barron is the eldest, by four minutes. He is head strong
, quick tempered, and stubborn. He often does outrageous things to watch people’s reactions. However, he is also loyal and dependable. If he gives you his word you can count on it. He protects fiercely those that he considers friend or family. Barron feels things much deeper than what you would otherwise think. He tries to hide behind his sarcasm and smug expression. I would recommend that you learn to see past them if you truly want to know the man he keeps hidden away. Don’t judge him by what he presents to the world.” Haven finished her meal and sat the goblet down. “And Deacon? I feel like he is pretty much an open book or am I wrong?”

Brooklyn smiled. “Of the two Deacon is probably the most misunderstood
.” She sat down next to Haven and was quiet for a few moments. “I will tell something that Deacon told me in confidence. I normally would never betray a confidence, but I feel this is an exception that I need to make. Deacon was always more of a homebody than Barron. He was closer to their parents and lived at home until well past the age that most of us stay. I’m not saying that he is or was, a mama’s boy, he was simply content to stay where he was. He didn’t have the burning need that Barron had to see what lay beyond the next hill or around the next bend. That’s why when the tragedy happened he felt it so deeply.”

Northcross family lived on an estate just outside of Budapest. The       people of the town knew what they were, but they didn’t fear them. The family was peaceful. They were respectful of the humans when they fed, never killing or frightening them. They helped the poor and gave freely of their time and their wealth as they saw need. The people of Budapest nearly worshipped the family, for they protected them from outside raiders. However that changed when an outside vampire showed up and started killing the villagers. No one saw him that lived to tell anyone that it was not the Northcrosses. No matter how much they denied or was horrified by it, the family was burned out. Deacon was not there when it happened. He had chosen that time to take Barron up on his offer to see some of the world. When he returned it was to find the estate in blackened ruins still smoldering with his parents trapped inside.

Haven gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. “That’s so terrible! I don’t e
ven know what to say. Poor Deacon!”

Brooklyn smiled sadly.
“I haven’t even got to the bad part yet. Deacon went to work trying to dig his parents out. He burned his hands nearly to the point that they couldn’t regenerate. If you look closely you will see they still bare the scars. When he unearthed his parents his father was already gone. He was burned nearly beyond recognition. He had protected their mother with his own body from the flames. When Deacon reached his mother she was barely alive. She begged Deacon to take her head so she wouldn’t starve to death. She vowed she wouldn’t want to live without her Serah, even if she could. Deacon honored her final wish.”

Haven stopped her. “I don’t understand. Why couldn’t they leave the house? I saw both Deacon and Barron just disappear
into thin air, you as well. What had them trapped there?”

“The only thing that held them there was their love for the twins. The villagers agreed that being the boys were away they could not have been the ones committing the crimes. So if the parents agreed t
o die they would spare Deacon and Barron as long as they lived somewhere else. Of course that may have been an empty promise. But it was a chance their parents were willingly to take.”

“That doesn’t make sense! They had lived there for so long with no problems, why couldn’t the villagers see that it had to be someone else besides the
Northcross family? Didn’t they think that the brothers would want revenge for the murder of their parents?”

“The villagers didn’t think there were
anymore like the Northcross family, and to answer your final question, they soon realized their mistake. Deacon did indeed extract his revenge. So great was his pain and rage that Barron felt it from where ever he was at the time. But by the time he got there it was too late. Every man, woman and child was dead. Deacon was crazed with bloodlust. Barron had to cage him for years until he regained his sanity. That’s why Deacon keeps himself under such a tight leash. He fears what will happen if he loses control. He no longer trusts himself. I tell you this so you will be able to understand why Deacon appears stoic at times. Haven, I believe that unless something happens to clearly indicate which brother is your true Serah that you will have to choose. I want you to be able to do that fully knowing and understanding each man in his own right. In all honesty both would make you a good mate. Both would love, honor and protect you at all costs. They are both honorable men. The question will come down to which one will win your heart?”

Haven sighed looking up at the clear night sky. “You know my biggest complaint
in all of this, has been about me not having a choice. I didn’t have a choice about being turned or being someone’s Serah. But I’m starting to think that in this maybe not having a choice would have been easier. Brooklyn, how do I choose? How do I decide which man is right for me? Before you told me a little about them I would have said it was Deacon, but now I can see the good in Barron as well. The way he took care of his brother reminds me of how Deacon took care of me. Then the absolute horror of what Deacon went through, yet he stands now as a rational being. The strength and fortitude he must possess is astounding! I truly don’t know!” Brooklyn patted her knee. “I cannot imagine being in your place right now. However I do have somewhat of a suggestion. You need to spend time alone with both men. I would advise against feeding directly from the flesh or engaging in physical consummation with either until you know in your heart which one is your Serah. I’ll leave you alone now. Let me know what you decide to do my dear.” She picked up the empty goblet then she too, poofed out of sight, leaving Haven alone with a heavy mind and an even heavier heart. 

Several evenings later Haven approached Brooklyn and
Verlon as they sat chatting in the moon room, a vamps version of a sunroom. Brooklyn smiled warmly as she entered the room. “Good evening sweetling, would you like to join us?” She gestured to a nearby chair and Haven sat down.

have made my decision.” She announced suddenly. Brooklyn’s eyebrows rose swiftly.  “Truly? You have decided who is your Serah?”

Haven shook her hea
d. “Oh no, not at all! I’ve decided to go with your suggestion and spend time with both. I was just wondering how to go about it. Should we spend time here or perhaps go somewhere else?”

spoke up. “If I may make a suggestion? Perhaps you should leave the location up to the men. It is their future at stake as well. Perhaps you should allow them to chose the place where they feel they will be best represented?”

Brooklyn clapped then laughed. “Of course darling! I
, for one, think that is an excellent idea! We have forgotten that it is three lives at risk here, not just Havens. Thank you my love for reminding us.”

Haven nodded. “I
agree. I should let each man choose our destination. It’s only fair really. Now who do I choose to go first?” Then she laughed shaking her head. “Seems like I’m overrun with choices now doesn’t it? I’m finding them to be overrated. Perhaps we should draw names from a hat or maybe I could think of a number between one and ten?”

“None of that will be necessary. I will allow Barron to go first.” Deacon stepped into the room bowing slighting toward Brooklyn while giving
Verlon a nod of his head. But his eyes were fixed firmly on Haven. “Please forgive my intrusion, but I do agree with Verlon’s suggestion as I feel Barron will. I will make the decision easy by allowing my brother first opportunity.”

“Ah, brother that is very noble of you, however I feel that being you did indeed find her first you should have the first opportunity.” Barron stepped into the room from the opened French doors leading out onto the patio.
The brothers stood facing each other a challenge clearly thrown down. Haven rolled her eyes then went to get paper from the den muttering under her breath about stubborn pig-headed men. When she came back she held out her hands to both men.

“Ok, at the exact same time I want each of you to pick a piece paper from my hand. I can’t deal with any more macho guy crap. Now pick!” They each reached and picked up a small slip of paper. Barron opened his first then crushed it in his hand. Deacon opened his
and stood there staring at it before he looked up at Haven. “It appears that I will go first.”

The next evening Deacon showed up right
at dusk in a sleek 1953 corvette. Haven was impressed. She didn’t think he would even own a car. It was long and low and as black as midnight. She trailed her fingers over the glossy paint job as he loaded her bags in the truck. Verlon gave him a long list of rules that he insisted be followed to the letter. Barron didn’t show up, which did, and didn’t surprise Haven. She could really see him going either way.

“Alright Deacon you have seven full days and nights to spend with Haven. Remember no feeding from the flesh and no consummating the relationship. If you do not have her returned at the specified time I will come looking for you and you know I will find you.”
Verlon frowned down at Deacon from his towering height. Deacon simply nodded then opened the door for Haven. She slid onto the soft as butter black leather and watched as Brooklyn and Verlon waved as they pulled away. They were silent for several long minutes with Haven racking her brain trying to come up with something to say. She finally cleared her throat and just opened her mouth.

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