He Loves My Curves (4 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Harley

BOOK: He Loves My Curves
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Chapter Eight


A few weeks later after I felt no better, I sat in the doctor’s office and nervously twiddled my thumbs. I waited for them to hand down the sentence of whatever illness I had. I feared the worst as I waited, so I read through my emails and prayed that I wasn’t sick because of my weight loss. I’d lost fourteen pounds and was feeling great but I was afraid that I’d somehow damaged my body.


An hour had passed and my blood test had come back healthy, so they wanted to run further tests.


“Is there any possibility that you’re pregnant?” the doctor asked.


“Well, no, I’m on the pill,” I said in confusion.


“Right well to be safe, I think you should take a test.” My mind was racing as I tried to fathom why the doctor believed that I could be pregnant even though I was on the pill.


It seemed like all I’d done since I got here was wait around. I’d read the bulletin board over and over and I now knew the emergency signs for meningitis by heart.


“Well Amy, your test results have come back positive which means that you’ll have to…” I interrupted him.


“What does that mean? Am I pregnant?” I cried as my hands shook. I felt like I was about to have a panic attack.


“Yes, congratulations! Your symptoms were in line with pregnancy so I’m glad that we didn’t need to run any further tests. You’re perfectly healthy, you’re just experiencing morning sickness. You’ll have to immediately stop taking your birth control pills and we’ll book you in for a scan because based on what you’ve told us you’re about eight weeks pregnant.”


“Eight weeks? Two whole months?” I cried.


“Oh yes, your husband will be very pleased,” he said with a delighted look on his face like he couldn’t tell that I was distressed.




As soon as I got home, it finally sunk in that I was having our baby and after the shock had passed, I couldn’t stop jumping around our front room with excitement.


“You have to come home ASAP! X” I texted Richard. When I received no reply, I became anxious. He had been in a huff with me for the first couple of weeks that I was losing weight. He’d complain that he was scared that I’d lose my curves so often that some days we wouldn’t even have sex and when we would it would be quick romp in the dark. I was worried about him until he caught a glimpse of my body as I was getting ready to get into the bath. I came out to find him laid on our bed, covered in whipped cream with his cock already begging for some attention. He still brings my diet up every now and then but with the way he still groped my ass and tits, I didn’t think that my weight loss was as traumatic for him as he first thought that it would be.


I hardly ever went to Richard’s office, it just wasn’t of much interest to me and I preferred to keep his image of me separated from it as I was a firm believer that you shouldn’t mix business with pleasure. I was his fun-loving wife who fed him, sexed him and soothed him after a stressful day.


I couldn’t remember where his office was so I asked Betty on reception, who I hadn’t seen in years, for directions. She had always been very friendly with me.


“Oh Amy, you look wonderful!” she gushed.


“Thank you, so do you.”


“Go down the hall and his office is the third door on the right,” she said as she gave me an apprehensive look. I was confused but I thanked her anyway as I walked to his office.


There they were both were, my husband and Emily. He was sat at his desk and Emily was peering over him. She had put on a lot of weight since I last saw her and I didn’t know if it was because she was stressed about her new job or because she wanted to get Richard’s attention. It was nice to actually see her for once with her stomach covered up, but I was right in my belief that she wouldn’t develop a nice ass or tits. She just had massive thighs that pinched against her work trousers and a bloated face. They both looked shocked when they saw me and Richard jumped up out of his chair but Emily’s expression soon turned into a smug smirk. I could feel my own face, completely unprepared to see them both together, was horrified.


“Amy?” he veered off as panicked filled his voice. “What, what are you doing here?” he croaked and I realised that his uneasiness meant that he had been doing something that he shouldn’t have.


“I texted you but you didn’t text back and I was worried because you always do,” I said.


“I’ll just leave you both to it,” Emily sniggered. “Bye Rich,” she said with a giggle.


“I thought you hated being called Rich? I might start calling you Dick from now on, it suits you better,” I fumed. He rushed around his desk and tried to put his hands into mine, but I wouldn’t let him. I didn’t know what he’d done but I had a feeling that it wasn’t good.


“My phone died babe, I swear,” he showed me his phone and it was dead, I even tried turning it on.


“Okay, so what were you doing with her?”


“She has messed up the VAT on a load of invoices and we were just looking over it.”


“So why did you look so nervous?” I couldn’t help but yell.


“Because I could see by the look on your face what you were thinking! You haven’t come to see me in who knows how long and when you finally do, she’s in here with me.” He grasped at my arms like he was desperate for me to believe him and his blue eyes looked too sad for me to stay angry for much longer.


“So nothing is happening between you two?” He looked down at the ground like he was preparing himself for my reaction.


“Well she did sort of come on to me but I blew her off Amy!”


“What happened?”


“She brought in some wine when we were working late the other week and after a few glasses, she started undoing her shirt. I told her to stop but she reached over and starting feeling up my leg so I stood up to leave and she tried to kiss me,” he choked. I could see his eyes tearing up.


“And what did you do then? How could you not tell me?” I screamed.


“I told her that I was happily married and the next morning I looked over some employee guidelines and realised that I couldn’t sack her, so I didn’t tell you because I knew how much it would hurt you.” I felt like my big announcement was ruined.


“How are you going to get rid of her?”


“I’m working on it Amy, I promise you, she’ll be gone before the year’s over.”


“Well I have some news for you, not that I want to tell you now,” I said, as I heard that the anger in my voice hadn’t fully dissipated.


“Amy, please.”


“Okay, I’ve been keeping it from you but I’ve been quite ill lately, throwing up, constantly, tired…” he interrupted me as he fell back onto his desk.


“Oh Christ what is it?” he choked.


“No it’s not something like that. I’m pregnant,” I said, as I braced myself for his reaction. He just stared at me stunned and then out of nowhere bounced up off of the table and squeezed me tightly.


“Pregnant? he bellowed, “that’s, that’s amazing!” His hug got tighter and tighter.


“Careful now, you’re going to hurt the baby,” I laughed.


“Oh, sorry,” he said, as he backed away from me.


“I’m kidding! Come here.” I leaned into his chest.


“So is it a boy or a girl?”


“I don’t know, I’m only eight weeks in, you’ll have to wait,” I laughed.


“Eight weeks? Our baby’s two months old?”


“I guess so,” I giggled. He kissed me and I could feel our love radiating between us. He glided his hands down my waist and began tugging off my trousers.


“What, here?” I whispered.


“Mmm, hmm,” he mumbled as he thrust his tongue back into my mouth and walked us towards his chair. He sat down on it and pulled me on top of him.


“Does your office even have a lock? Someone could see through the blinds if they really wanted to,” but he just carried on caressing me and then he pulled off my top.


“You never used to mind when I first started the business,” he teased as he unlatched my bra and began kissing down my breasts and sucking at my pink nipples. “Oh Mummy,” he groaned.


“Stop it!” I squealed as I gently slapped his arm but it just got him more excited. He pushed me down onto his shaft and because I was already wet, his cock slid in all the way and we both quivered. I slowly started riding him as I wrapped my arms around his neck and bounced my breasts into his face. He smoothed his hands along my thighs towards my ass and began groaning into my ear.


“Call me Daddy,” he growled.


“Ooo, Daddy,” I giggled. It must’ve riled him up because he gripped my hips and began pumping my body up and down. Seeing how much he liked it sent sharp tingles down my spine towards my clit. “Fuck me Daddy, please!” He started bouncing me up and down faster and his legs tensed up.


“Oh Amy!” he shuddered.


“I’m all yours Richard, you’ve impregnated me and owned me. Everyone will know I’m yours,” I breathed. I felt his fingers dig into my hips as he let out a loud moan while he filled me up with his cream. I pumped away at him hard as my dirty talk turned me on and I gripped his hair and neck as my walls convulsed around his cock. I tried to stay quiet so no-one in the office block would hear me but I couldn’t help it and I cried out moans as I bounced on him. He kissed me as I calmed down my rhythm and my senses re-acclimatised to the room. He stroked his hand across my face and I nuzzled into his palm, when someone barged in. I covered my breasts and Richard wrapped his arms around me to shield my modesty. I couldn’t see who it was as I was facing the wall.


“Wow, sorry, I thought she’d gone home,” Emily’s familiar voice echoed in my ears and my embarrassment turned into satisfaction.


“Come back later!” Richard snapped and I heard the door slam. “Now where were we?” He laced kisses down my neck.


“How are you going to explain that?” I asked.


“I won’t have to explain anything,” he laughed. “I’m the boss baby,” he said in an impersonated voice.


“Don’t tell anyone that I’m pregnant, it’s bad luck.”


“You can trust me,” he grinned. After getting dressed, he wanted to drive me home but I told him to fix the invoices and then come home early. He walked me out to my car and passionately kissed me as I saw Emily looking out of a window at us and I just sniggered.


Chapter Nine


He bolted through the door with a bouquet of beautiful flowers, balloons and a bag that trailed behind him.


“I couldn’t help it, I had to get you something!” He had obviously been on cloud nine all afternoon. I placed the white lilies in a vase and when I came back into the room, he’d set up a foot massager and placed a box of chocolates onto the table.


“I’m not that far gone you know,” I snorted.


“I know, but you will be and I want you to have everything that you’ll need. Besides you went to the doctor because you felt so ill, I had to do something. Come sit down and try it.” I placed my feet into the lovely and warm foot bath and I was afraid that I was going to pee. “Do you like it?”


“Feels sooo good!” I moaned as I reached over and picked out some chocolates.


“Your moaning has reminded me, Brian heard all of your naughty loud noises through the wall,” he licked his lip and was clearly baiting me.


“Oh Christ! Are you being serious? What did you say?” I wriggled my body around in an attempt to remove my shame as I buried my head into my hands.


“Oh yeah and he was so jealous of me! He said that he didn’t know a woman could make those sounds. He asked me what I was doing to you.” His face was beaming with pride but I just flopped over to my side and planted my flustered face into a cushion.


“I’m never going back to your office again,” I breathed into the cushion.


“You don’t have to, I don’t want you to move for the next seven months. I mean it, no gym, no diet, nothing.”


“I can still diet even though I’m pregnant you know?”


“No way Amy, you’re not carrying your weight loss on now, it’s not just about you anymore! All pregnant women put on weight, you’re going to see the scales go up every week and then there’ll be your post-baby body…”


“I’m seriously going to have to stop you from reading whatever magazine it is that keeps telling you these things,” I teased. “Besides, I’ve already been taking the pill for two months, I think my diet is the last thing that we should be worried about.”


“Yeah, of course,” he quipped as he coughed and walked off. A second ago he was all over me, laughing and stroking my thighs and then the next moment, he’d run off into the kitchen, so I followed him.


“Why did you walk off like that?” I quizzed.


“Like what?” he said coyly.


“You know what I mean, now tell me. Are you mad at me for taking them?”


“No, well, a little bit. Look don’t get mad but you know how you put your pills in a container? Well you kept telling me that you weren’t ready to have a baby because of your weight and let’s be honest, I’ve been wanting one for a long time and…” I could see where this was heading but my mind was too fried to react. “So I kind of swapped your pills for placebos. But it’s fine because now you don’t have to worry.”


“Are you fucking kidding me?” I scared myself with how loud I was yelling. In that moment I couldn’t even place where my anger was coming from, was it that he’d changed my pills and forced me to get pregnant against my will or was it just that he betrayed me? My mind ran over the times that we’d made love over the last couple of months and I imagined him laughing to himself each time that he filled me with his seed.


“Amy calm down.” He waved his arms out in front of him.


“Calm down? How long have you been doing this?” I seethed.


“Three months, but think about how happy you were earlier!”


“So every time we made love, what were you thinking?” He looked down at the floor like a naughty toddler.


“Look I’ll admit it okay, it turned me on. It was some kind of stupid animalistic urge and I felt like I needed to impregnate you. It was just so hot watching your beautiful face as I was putting a baby inside you. What man wouldn’t want to do that to his wife? Baby come here.” I didn’t understand why I let him hold me, but he pulled me close into his strong chest and I sobbed through my frustration onto his shirt.



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