He Loves My Curves

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Authors: Stephanie Harley

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Other works:

Innocent Wife Makes Trouble In Paradise: Volume I

Innocent Wife Makes Trouble In Paradise: Volume II

Seducing My First Love



He Loves My Curves


Published by Stephanie Harley


Copyright © 2016 Stephanie Harley


All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under the copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission.



This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten


Chapter One


I looked down in horror as I watched the scales tick over two more pounds to the right since last week. I stepped off the scales and anxiously placed one foot back on them and then the other and I prayed that this time the result would be different. I weighed myself every Monday and at one point in my life, that had been a day that I dreaded because it meant that I’d be going back to work, but now my hatred of Mondays had a completely different reason.


“Amy! Come back to bed,” Richard, my husband shouted. How could I come back to bed after this? Now I knew that I was heavier than I did less than five minutes ago, my whole body felt like a frumpy dead weight. I turned around to face the mirror and hoped that when I opened my eyes to look at myself, I’d see a whole different person looking back, but no, there I was. I posed my body in several different angles to try to convince myself that I only looked plump because of the bright lights in our ensuite bathroom. What had happened to that beautiful girl who stood at the altar, happy and so in love? I still desperately loved my husband but as I looked down at my stomach, I couldn’t help but feel unsexy. He had the body of a Greek statue but he was far more endowed. There wasn’t a muscle on him that wasn’t toned to perfection and yet here I was, tipping the scales once again.


There weren’t many Mondays that went by lately where I hadn’t gained something and it was chiselling away at the little amount of self-esteem that I had left. I hadn’t always been this big, I was a runner when Richard first met me but somewhere along the way, I had woken up one morning and I couldn’t recognise the chubby woman that looked back at me in the mirror. I blamed it on the cosy nights in that we had watching TV boxsets. He’d bring home an array of snacks that I would devour but I knew that it couldn’t be because of that since he never gained a pound of anything, except muscle. When I thought back over our nights together, I couldn’t remember him ever eating any of the food that I would, he’d drink water and then eat a banana after dinner and that was it. We’d go shopping for food and he’d pressure me to
treat myself
as we filled the shopping cart with all of my favourite snacks.


Over time my loose fitting jeans became snug, then tight and then unwearable but I just shrugged it off and bought new ones. I didn’t mind at first, my ass got bigger and my already large breasts certainly had a boost, but each week that the scales ticked over, I worried that my husband would eventually be repulsed by me. I’m ashamed to admit that when I first started getting bigger, I demanded that we could only make love if all the lights were off and we were under the bed covers. It hurt him deeply as I refused his touch and I somehow convinced myself that he was angry about my weight instead of my constant rejection. The fear of him realising how big I’d become brought me to a point where I’d wince as he caressed my body in case his hands felt something that he wouldn’t like. One afternoon after we hadn’t made love in a couple of weeks, he came up behind me while I was washing the dishes and groped at my hips as he kissed my neck. I craved his touch but my anxiety would rise as he seduced me. He kept telling me that I was sexy but as he reached his hand up towards my stomach, a wave of fear crashed over me thinking that he’d feel my curves and be disgusted. I pushed him away but he’d had enough and stormed out. It took me a while to believe that he was still attracted to me even though I didn’t truly understand how he could be.


He barged into the room and I hid my body with a towel.


“What are you still doing in here?” he asked, as he looked first towards my tearful face and then down at the scales that he venomously hated. He came in wearing his boxer shorts but I could see that his cock had been waiting for me to come back to bed. “I thought I’d told you not to use them anymore, you always get upset.” He walked over to me and wrapped his strong arms around my waist and kissed my forehead while stroking my hair.


“I know, I just feel so unattractive, I’ve put on two more pounds,” I cried. He began pulling off my towel, I tried to stop him, to shield my body, but he wouldn’t let me. He stood behind me as we faced the mirror and he ran his hands across my stomach and then my round ass. “Stop Richard, I feel ugly,” I whimpered but he kept groping me. I couldn’t bear watching my handsome husband having to feel up his pudgy wife as I watched us both in the mirror. I tried to look away but I could see how badly he wanted me. I felt his thick veiny cock pressing against my ass cheek.


“You don’t know how sexy you are,” he breathed. He kissed down my neck and began subtly humping at me as he pinched my large nipples. He gently pushed me towards the sink counter and leaned his body on top of mine. “I love your soft curves and your big round ass,” he said as he jiggled it. “You’ve been teasing me all morning.” I knew that he’d been waiting for me to wake up because he’d been purposely shuffling around in our bed, fluffing his pillow and tossing and turning. He pressed his hard bulge against my entrance and urgently squeezed himself into my tightness. I looked up at the mirror that was in front of us and I saw his wolf blue eyes ogling my curves, but I didn’t know how he could fancy me. He traced his fingers up along my hips and I felt a tingle run down my spine as my clit throbbed. I loved the way that he saw me and I wanted to see myself through his eyes. He gripped at my waist as he began mounting me and I watched the passion on his face as he inhaled. He kept pumping away like a wild animal as he kissed along my shoulder. I felt his weekend-old stubble scratch against my smooth skin. He arched his back and began ramming into me. I could see him purposely pounding my cheeks as he watched them bounce around. His hands trembled along my butt as he squeezed it. The look on his face was of pure bliss and I felt my pussy tremor as it frantically wanted to please him. I could tell that he was nearing climax and it brought me to the edge. My breathing deepened as he grabbed at me and then came a rush of ecstasy as my walls pulsated around his dick. I knew that he could feel it as he started exhaling low harsh grunts. I felt his warm sticky seed splurge against my walls as he lost his rhythm and pressed his sweaty body on top of mine. He laid down and rested himself on me. He was panting and I felt his heart pounding against my back. Between his breaths, he kissed my back and hugged his arms around me. He laid there for a long time while he stayed inside of my pussy. “Now forget about those measly two pounds and get your hot ass in the shower with me.”


“They’re not measly to me,” I whispered and they weren’t. How many more ‘measly’ pounds would I end up putting on? I just couldn’t understand how he could be happy knowing that the thin woman that he’d married hadn’t kept her perfect figure. Yes, his appetite for me had increased year on year and yes, it sometimes left me sore for days on end but isn’t that how all husbands are? I didn’t know and I didn’t ask. My friends would moan about the lack of attention that they received from their husbands but I had always put that down to them acting modest and so I would lie and tell them the same was true about my marriage, but it wasn’t. No, I’ve never caught him staring at another woman or even masturbating and sometimes we’d even be out on a pleasant drive somewhere like to my parent’s wedding anniversary dinner and I’d reach over to change the radio station and I’d catch him leering down my top. A few moments later he’d pulled up along a street that was too busy for my liking, he then reclined my chair and ravaged me like we were horny teenagers. He’d messed up my hair and I was anxious for the rest of the night that his cum would seep out onto my dress but he couldn’t control himself.


“Come in the shower sexy, I’m going to be late,” Richard said. He wouldn’t be late, he owned his own consulting business but he’d say anything to get his own way. As soon as I got in he pushed me up against the wall and passionately kissed me, rubbing his rough hands across my hips.


“Haven’t you had enough?” I teased.


“I can never have enough. Besides, just because I’ve had my way with you, it doesn’t mean that I can keep my hands off of your body.” The corner of his eyes crinkled as he gave me a lustful grin. I could see his dick growing slightly and I wondered what he saw when he looked at me.


“I’m thinking about joining the gym,” I said in impulse.


“You’re what?” he turned around and looked at me like I’d told him to fuck off.


“Well I don’t have to go at the same time as you if you don’t want me to. My friends have been wanting me to join for ages.”


“You’re perfect as you are,” he snapped as he quickly finished showering and got out. His manhood was now completely flaccid.


“I think that it’s great that you think that, but I want to feel good about myself too.” I turned the shower off and wrapped a towel around myself.


“So my attraction to you means nothing?” he asked, clearly hurt.


“Of course it does! But wouldn’t you prefer me to be thinner?”


“I’ll love you at any size, you know that, but your curves just drive me wild. You’re just so sexy and you haven’t even put on as much weight as you think you have.” He ogled at my body like he was picturing what was underneath my towel. “And its gone to all the right places.” I could see his bulge pressing against his towel.


“Please, I just want to lose a few pounds.”


“It’s not like the gym’s the best place to do that. You’ll be even hungrier after all of that exercise. I’d much rather give you a workout in bed,” he teased as he flashed me a cheeky smirk.


“Richard stop it! I’m serious.”


“Fine.” He marched off in a huff so I got dressed and went to make our breakfast. He’d always had a vegetable smoothie for breakfast and I’d shamefully chowed down on pancakes, but not today. Today I was having toast with a boiled egg. I took my birth control pill but then I couldn’t wait any longer for him to come downstairs, so I began eating. He came down wearing a sky blue shirt that matched his eyes and his newly clean shaven face accentuated his broad jaw. He’d combed his thick dark hair and after all this time he still made me weak at the knees. He began sipping at his smoothie and then looked over at my nearly empty plate. “What are you eating?”


“Toast and a boiled egg, I wanted something healthier.”


“You see this is how it starts! You’re already starving yourself,” he yelled as he slammed his smoothie down onto the kitchen counter and turned to face me.


“How what starts? I’m just trying to make better choices.”


“I’m not going into work to then spend my day worrying about you starving yourself. You’re becoming obsessed. I’m not leaving until you’ve eaten some pancakes.”


“I’m not starving myself, stop overreacting! I’ve already had more than enough.”


“I mean it, now come on, I’m already late.” He tapped his watch and I gave into him and began getting my ingredients together. He stood over me and made sure that I made as many as usually did. I piled them up onto my plate and had hoped that he’d forgotten about the syrup that I normally drizzled onto them but he opened the cupboard door to find it and squeezed on much more than I usually did.


“That’s enough, I’ll have a heart attack,” I said, as I began eating them while he stared down at me.


“You don’t know how much I love seeing you happy,” he said, but I wasn’t happy. I’d already eaten far more calories for breakfast than I usually did and even then I was still gaining weight weekly.


I smiled at him as I carried on shovelling forkfuls into my mouth but I wanted to stop. Who knows how long it would take me to burn this off?


“I’ll eat this but I’m only eating a chicken salad for dinner. I’m joining up to the gym too,” I said, trying to gain some kind of victory.


“Fine but the moment you start getting mopey from punishing yourself, you’re coming off your diet. Right I really need to go.” He kissed my forehead and we exchanged ‘love yous’ as he left.


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