He Loves My Curves (3 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Harley

BOOK: He Loves My Curves
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Chapter Five


The next morning I stumbled downstairs to find endless snack packets from last night and I wondered how much I’d eaten. I threw away the evidence so that Richard wouldn’t truly see my lack of self-control. I rushed into the kitchen to make his smoothie and my pancakes.


“Morning sexy,” Richard said as he walked over to me and slapped my ass. I didn’t feel sexy at all, all I could feel was a big cloud of shame hovering over me. “Back to your pancakes, I knew you loved them.”


“Well I didn’t want you guilt tripping me again, but I am going back to the gym.”


“Again? Why? You need to pace yourself.”


“I’ve read some articles on the net that say…” he interrupted me.


“The net? You’re taking advice from some article instead of your husband?”


“I have tried to take your advice but the scales don’t lie and I want to get back down to the size that I was when we met.”


“Babe it’s understandable that your body’s changed. See, you’re not the only one who reads articles you know,” he teased. “You can’t expect to stay the same size that you were at our wedding and I can’t believe that you still refuse to see how gorgeous you are.” He ran his hands up the front of my thighs and pressed his erection against me, but I was too frustrated to let him.


“You’re not listening to me!” I yelled as I shrugged him off.


“See this is what I hate every time that you go on another stupid diet!” he sulked. He picked up his bag and stormed off towards the door.


“Richard, wait, I’m sorry. Finish your breakfast at least!” I cried, but then I heard the door slam and I knew that he was gone.


Chapter Six


I was quite anxious all morning because of our argument as I felt like I lacked any support from him yet he was the one that I was losing weight for. I was about to give up on going to the gym today when I received a text from him,


“You know that I’m proud of you. Pick you up after the gym? X.” I rushed upstairs to get dressed as I texted Sian to come pick me up and then I texted Richard back,


“Eee love you! Pick me up around 4. Xxxx.”




I couldn’t help but clock watch as I waited for Richard to pick me up. My calves were still sore from yesterday, so I turned my attention to some upper bodyweight exercises using dumbbells. Emily was already there before I arrived and I wondered how many hours a day she spent here. I hoped that she’d finally see sense and would leave me alone for today but she followed me everywhere I went. I could feel that she was trying to intimidate me and in a lot of ways it was working. Whatever weight I was lifting, she’d lift more and she’d copy each exercise that I did. When she’d take a break, she’d stand there watching me and laughing. It killed my mood as all I could think about was that I was making a fool of myself.


“Why are you following me?” I yelled as I’d had enough.


“I’m not following you.” She said with a smirk on her face. She was definitely following me. I was ready to throw down the towel and just leave but thankfully Richard showed up early. He was still dressed in his suit but was carrying a beautiful black dress.


“Ready to go?” he said with a big smile on his face.


“Oh wow! You’re so sweet.” I just hoped that it would fit. I hugged my sweaty body against him and he whispered in my ear that he wanted to take me right here while I was hot and sweaty. I giggled as he flirted with me and out of the corner of my eye I could see Emily seething with her arms crossed.


“Hi Richard!” she said, as she instantly changed her whole body language. She tried to hug him but he stepped back from her and told her to watch the dress. “You’re wife’s so lovely,” she said, as she touched his forearm.


“I like to think so too,” he laughed as he put his arm around my waist. “We’ve really got to get going now.”


“Anywhere nice?” she asked as a wide toothed grin stretched across her face.


“I can’t say, it’s a surprise. Bye.” We walked out into the hall and as he groped at my ass, I knew what he had planned.


“We can’t,” I whispered.


“How’d you know what I was thinking?”


“I’ve been married to you long enough to know what
means.” I pointed to his hand that was making its way down to my pussy.


“Come on. Why not?” His hand got more urgent as he started rubbing me through my trousers.


“You know why, we don’t want to get banned for scarring someone for life.” He pulled me around a corner and pushed me up against a wall as he started pulling down my trousers. “Come on now, I mean it.”


“I’ll make it quick,” he said, like that would somehow convince me.


“No, now give me the dress and wait out here.” His face turned sour as he realised that I wouldn’t give in.


“Fine, but you’d better give me a blowie on the way.”


“Where are we going?”


“Oh see, now you want something from me,” he teased. He began walking away but I turned him around and kissed him before I rushed off.


The dress fit me perfectly as I squeezed into it and I knew that he’d chosen it for the ample amount of cleavage that it would show off. I only had my gym shoes so I walked out barefoot. He was standing with Emily who was leaned up against the wall like a naughty school girl and it was hard to see both laughing together. He double took as he saw me and then rushed over to me. He took my gym bag out of my hand and kissed me.


“You look so hot! You should’ve let me have you,” he whispered, as he starting hurrying me out of there so that I could please him. “Hold on, I forgot to bring in your shoes. They’re in the car, I won’t be long,” he said as he rushed off.


“I guess that you had to have something to distract people from the rest of your body,” Emily said, as she pointed to my breasts.


“You wouldn’t know much about that would you?” as I pointed back at her flat chest. “Now if you don’t mind, I’m waiting for my husband.”


“You know we were laughing about you while you were getting changed. He agrees with me that you’re too big.” I just stared at her as I scanned her words. There was no way that Richard would talk about me like that and I came to the realisation that she might have been more invested in Richard than I first thought. “But don’t worry, I’ll have plenty of time to make him see that he has other, better options, now that I’ll be spending my days working for him.” My eyes lingered at her scouring face as Richard brought my shoes in and I still couldn’t really fathom what had happened even as we left the gym.


I didn’t say a word when we got into the car, all I could think about was she might’ve meant. He pulled over and placed his hand on my thigh as he began unzipping his trousers.


“Your curves are killing me!” he said, as he pulled out his swollen cock.


“What were you talking to Emily about?” I asked, as I turned to face him.


“What? Nothing.”


“She says that you were both laughing about my size and that you gave her a job.” I analysed his face for the truth.


“No, look, she was just saying how much effort you’ve been putting in at the gym and she wondered if you were curvy when we met. And well, I saw how good you two were getting on, working out together and everything, and then she mentioned that she was thinking about leaving her job so I offered her one.”


“You offered her a job because you thought we were friends? She’s been horrible to me since I started there!” I yelled, “What did you tell her about me?”


“Look I’m sorry, I didn’t know, I’ll talk to her. I said that you’re a little bit bigger now but that I didn’t want you to change and then she asked me if I liked curvy women and I said no, I like one curvy woman and that was all, I swear.”


“You know that she’s attracted to you right?” I said, to try to make him see why I was upset.


“Yeah, I know.”


“So why didn’t you tell me?”


“You want me to tell you every time that a woman’s attracted to me?” I could tell that he expected that to make me see sense but it just made me livid.


“Take me home right now!” I bellowed.


“Please Amy, I have something great planned.” I stared out of the window in silence. We arrived at our favourite Indian restaurant and my stomach growled as I smelled the spices. “See, I knew that you needed a treat,” he laughed. He wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked in. We took our seats at our reserved table and I was afraid that I’d end up drooling. He began ordering our usual and I was cringing at the amount that I usually ate.


“Maybe not the chicken korma today babe? Maybe something lighter,” I said.


“Are you kidding? It’s your favourite,” he scoffed. “She’ll have the korma,” he said to the waitress. My belly grumbled as we waited and I worried that other people would hear it. I wolfed down my onion bhaji and samosa starter as Richard ate his small portion of prawns. I caught him staring down my dress as I ate but he just winked at me. He reached his hand over to mine and stared at me lovingly. I knew that all he’d ever wanted was to take care of me and when I was in his presence that’s all that I wanted too, but when he was gone, my self-loathing would return and his sweet smile wouldn’t be there to soothe me. My korma arrived and I lapped up the creamy sauce with some thick naan breads while he had a small chicken tandoori and before he was even half way through it, I was finished. I was full but Richard kept pressuring me to have a dessert.


“Are you having one?” I asked.


“No but this is your treat. Go on, have one.” I gave in and read over the menu.
One little cake won’t hurt,
I told myself as I ordered a chocolate fudge cake. I ate two thirds of it before I felt bloated. “You only have a few more bites.” He picked up my fork and spoon-fed me the rest. I kicked my shoe off and gently slid my foot up his calf and made my way up to his dick. I rubbed my foot against his shaft and watched his body tense up as he tried to stop his sultry breathing. I moved my foot away from him to tease him further. He frantically paid the bill so we could hurry and leave and I giggled as we left as I knew what he had planned.


He opened the passenger car door for me and rushed me in but I still couldn’t stop giggling.


“Have you got room for another course my lady?” he said as his eyes pleaded for me to say yes.


“What? Here in the carpark?”


“Yep.” He unzipped his fly and lunged into me for a kiss. I worked my way down his shirt towards his throbbing cock. I pressed my lips against his soft tip and gently kissed around it. I placed him into my mouth and began teasing the head. He sharply inhaled as I starting bobbing my head up and down. He fumbled his hand down into my dress and worked his fingers around my breast. I moved my lips down his shaft as I laced my tongue against him. I lightly tugged on his balls as I sucked him. He placed his other hand on the back of my head as he interchanged between stroking my hair and subtly pushing my head down. I obliged his faint request and took him deep into my mouth. I felt his balls stiffen up in my hand and I could tell that he was enjoying it. I loosen up my jaw and deep throated him as he applied pressure to my head to let me know that he desired even more. My pussy was getting soaked as I felt his cock preparing to climax. He rocked his hips into me and spurted ropes of his sticky sweet fluid down my throat and I had just enough room for it.


“That was my favourite course,” I teased, as I licked up the rest of his drips.


“Fancy coming back here tomorrow?” he smirked as he placed my hand into his and kissed it.


Chapter Seven


It was the day that I feared most – Monday. I’d eaten far more than I wanted to over the week and on Friday, Richard had ordered a takeaway to celebrate the weekend but I told myself that going to the gym would cancel all of that out. I hadn’t been feeling well for a long time and I was getting worse but I put that down to getting food poisoning from my greasy takeaway so I secretly hoped that it would mean that I’d lost weight. My heart raced as I trembled one foot onto the dreaded scales and then the other. I closed my eyes and winced as I waited for the needle to decide my fate. I felt my nails dig into my palms as I involuntarily clenched my fists and then I looked down at my lifelong enemy as its judgement pierced into my brain.


“Three pounds!” I shouted, as I jumped off the scales and ran into our bedroom to tell Richard.


“Amy, you can’t keep upsetting yourself like this every Monday morning,” Richard grunted as he peered his head over the bed covers.


“No, I’ve lost three pounds!” I squealed, as I jumped on top of him but he looked up at me like I’d told him that I’d gained it.


“That’s great babe!” He said as he rolled me off of him and stood up.


“Aren’t you happy?”


“I don’t know. I’m proud of you and everything but it just takes me some time to adjust,” he said as he went downstairs. I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t happy; I knew that he thought that I was restricting myself too much, but I expected him to say at least one positive thing. I followed him downstairs in the purple fluffy pyjamas that he’d bought me and I was in for a shock when I saw that he was peering over the frying pan cooking up our breakfast. Richard had cooked for me in the past but apart from some toast or a baked potato, he was lost in the kitchen. I sat on a stool and watched him frantically staring at the pancakes as he got ready to flip them over and I couldn’t help but gush over how cute he was.


He stacked my pancakes up into a pile and went onto make his own smoothie.


“Well? Do you like them?” he asked, as he stared at me intently.


“They’re lovely babe,” I mumbled as I chewed them. “Come here!” I yelled as I pulled him close to me by his shirt and kissed him. I remembered that I needed to take my birth control pill so I fetched it out of the cupboard. He watched me as I swallowed it and then he silently walked over to the kitchen counter and stared out of the window as he drank his smoothie.


“Why are you still taking those?” he asked.


“So that you can keep having fun with me without wearing a condom,” I teased.


“I’m serious Amy, I thought that we’d discussed this. I want to start a family with you.”


“And I’ve told you over and over that I want to be in better shape first.” He slammed his fist down on the counter.


“Why does everything have to be about your weight?” he seethed.


“It’s not! In a couple of months when I’m slimmer, I won’t be talking about it anymore.”


“You’ve already lost three pounds, are you going to carry on saying
just a few more pounds
until you disappear altogether?” I couldn’t help but laugh, so I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.


“You’re overreacting,” I giggled, “but I love how much you care.” The truth was that he should be worried about the crippling tiredness and headaches that I’d been hiding from him. I’d spent the last couple of days vomiting while he was at work and I wondered if that’s how I’d truly lost my three pounds.


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