Healing a Cowboy's Heart (Cowboy Dreamin' 2) (14 page)

BOOK: Healing a Cowboy's Heart (Cowboy Dreamin' 2)
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fuck me, Jeff. No prelims, just raw sex.”

grabbed a condom from his wallet, unbuckled his pants, shoving them to the floor
in his haste and then rolled the condom down his impressive cock. “Are you

right, I’m wet. I’ve been dripping since you walked down the aisle after Ben
with your tight ass in those jeans. You are one impressive cowboy, cowboy.”

head of his cock bumped at her opening.

Baby Jesus.”
He slowly pushed his cock inside her
pussy, dragging out every inch in sweet agony. His thumb found her clit, pulling
a moan from between her lips. It felt wonderful, magnificent. She lost the
ability to think as he moved in and out of her pussy.

you feel like heaven.”


pace increased. Heat crawled up from her toes. She was going come and come
hard. “Kiss me.”

pulled her in for the most devastating kiss she’d ever had in her life, just in
time for her body to explode in a climax big enough to curl her toes where they
rested around his hips.

kiss broke as he panted her name over and over until he climaxed in a rush.



Who the hell is calling you now?”


Jeff scrambled to ditch the condom and right his jeans so he could answer his
brother while she quickly grabbed hers from the pile to slip on. They were
going to be caught red-handed fucking in the stock room.

on, Jonathan. I’ll be right out.”

you in the tack room?”

where you are,” Jeff growled as he tucked his shirt into his pants. “You
dressed?” he whispered glancing her way while she struggled to get her bra back

it fucking look like it?”

meet him out there so you have time to finish.”

Hell, she still needed to get her pants back up. Guys had it so much easier.
Whip it out, fuck like bunnies and stuff it back in.

closed the door behind him, but she could still hear the voices.


needed to ask you something about the program to keep track of the feed so you
aren’t doing it all by paper anymore.”


we go into the tack room? I need to see how big the sacks of grain are so I can—”


the hell not?”

a mess.”

Who the fuck cares if
it’s a mess?”

do. I’ve got shit all over in there. I don’t want you messing with my system.”

You don’t have a damned system, Jeff. I need to see the sacks.”

next thing she knew, the door flew open and she came face to face with



His face turned bright red as he dropped his gaze to the hay covered floor.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

didn’t,” she said, holding back laughter as she put her shoes back on her feet.

uh…get those later, Jeff.”

do that, Jonathan.”

took off at a dead run out of the barn, his face still bright red even from
where she sat on the hay bale.

I guess I should have hid or something.”

it’s fine. It’s not like he’s a virgin or somethin’. He’s kind of shy, is all.
He takes care of our website and computer stuff around here. He’s building me a
program to keep track of all of this without having to do it on paper.”

She stood in front of him now, wishing
they’d had more time. It had been so great having him sleep beside her all
night, but she knew it wouldn’t happen again anytime soon. Ben took priority
over everything he did, as it should be for a father. It just made her realize
with kids, personal time took a backseat to the needs of the child. “What else
can you tell me about the operation?”

have six guest rooms outside of the man lodge house. Ten more rooms upstairs
from the family quarters where my parents sleep.”

like you can take a lot of guests.”

We have a few double rooms upstairs where families can have two rooms or two of
the cabins have connecting doors for families too.”

you ever been in a lawsuit for an accident on the ranch?”

frowned. “What kind of question is that?”

curious is all.”

not that it’s any of your business, but no, we haven’t. Keeping our guests safe
is a huge priority for us. We make sure everyone who rides is given
instructions beforehand. They are screened to make sure their riding ability is
good before they ever get on a horse. If they’ve never been on one before, they
are given their own riding lessons.”

didn’t mean anything by it, Jeff. I would think this would be a high risk
operation for liability purposes is all. I’m thinking of you.”

accident could shut us down.”


cell phone jingled in her pocket, but she planned to ignore it. She knew who it
was without looking since she’d assigned a specific ringtone to the developers.
The last thing she needed to do was answer it in front of Jeff.

you gonna get that?” he asked, propping himself up against the doorframe with
his arms over his chest, looking all the more enticing with his clothes back in

know who it is. It’s my mother. I’ll call her back in a bit.” She stepped
forward and ran a fingernail down his chest. “Is there another time we can get
together, maybe?”

don’t know.”

about at your place?”

have Ben.”

fiddled with the buttons on his shirt as she glanced up through her lashes. “I
know, Jeff. I wouldn’t ask you to put anyone in front of his needs. He’s your

cell phone jingled again.

Maybe you should answer it.”

guess so.” She glanced at the screen.
Yep, the developers.
“It’s almost lunch time anyway so I’m going to head back to my room to freshen
up. I’ll see you in the main lodge.”

He kissed her quickly on the lips.

simple brush of his mouth against hers, but her panties felt drenched from the
small touch.

smile she gave him was genuine. She really liked him.
a little too much.




took the phone from her pocket as she opened the door to her cabin, to call the
developers back. Annoyance rushed through her. She had a job to do, but they
certainly didn’t seem to want to let her do it.

phone redialed with a push of her finger.

the receptionist rattled off her greeting, Terri asked to speak to one of the
partners. Mr. Cole picked up the line. “Terri, we need an update.”

don’t have an update for you. I haven’t learned anything really. It hasn’t even
been half a day.”

source on the counsel has informed me the committee has all but agreed with the
idiots at Thunder Ridge to postpone the land development until they can do more
research on land impact. I need something right now. What about the operation
itself? Surely you’ve been able to find out some information on their financial

know they haven’t had any lawsuits.” She frowned. What did all of this have to
do with the development and building houses on their property? It almost
sounded like they wanted to put Thunder Ridge out of business if they could.

maybe we’ll need to work on that then.”

do you mean? These are nice people.”

get attached, Terri. We’re in business to make money. We need more property to
make more money. It’s as simple as that.”

just a family run guest ranch with some cattle on it. They are no threat to

in the area is a threat to us.”


need more land. We don’t care how we get it.”

don’t understand?”

get the information we need or you won’t have a job when this is through. Maybe
not even a company to go back to.”

What the fuck?

didn’t seriously just threaten me, did he?”

guess is, yes, he did.”

spun around to find Jeff at her open door.

left your underwear in the feed room. I thought I’d bring them back before
someone else found them.”

concern in his eyes had feelings blooming that shouldn’t be there. Feelings for
him would complicate things. “It’s not what it sounds like.”

moved inside the room and shut the door. “Explain it to me then. Is someone
threatening you?”


there is something I can do, tell me. I don’t like the thought of someone
hurting you for any reason.”


grown kind of attached to you while you’ve been here. If someone is hurting you
and I can help, then let me.”

nothing, Jeff.
I can handle it.”

you sure?”

She took the underwear from his hand. “Thanks for bringing these back.” She
tossed them on the bed. “Going commando isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.”

it’s not. I’ve done it a time or
two myself

you now.”


glanced down at the straining material of his jeans. “Like now?”

but somethin’ is
to come out and play.” He
glanced at his watch. “We have about fifteen minutes.”

think we should wait.”

he asked, his eyes wide with confusion.

might be able to get off in fifteen minutes, but we women like to take it a
little slower sometimes. The quick fuck in the feed room should have satisfied
you for a little bit, cowboy.”


little pout on his mouth made her smile. A quick nibble on his lips brought the
reaction she wanted as he moaned softly and took the kiss to explosive in record
time. When they finally came up for air, he groaned as he pressed his forehead
against hers.

My place.”

thought you didn’t want to do anything with Ben there?”

be asleep by seven. We can have the whole night. Bring your car so you can
leave whenever you want. You can follow me home after supper tonight.” He
grasped her butt to pull her closer. “Ever had a man in your ass, honey?”



butt cheeks clenched at the thought. She’d always wanted to try, but she hadn’t
had the nerve or the trust in someone to allow them to go that far.

worry. You’ll love it and if you don’t we don’t have to pursue it any further.”

rock hard chest beneath her breasts made her nipples ache for friction. She
wanted to run them all over the front of his shirt.

lookin’ at me like that.”


you’d strip me to bare skin and ride my hips into tomorrow if we had time.”



good to me.”
The lunch bell clanged. “Well damn.” He
laughed, rich and deep.
Damn, I like his
. “You should laugh more often.”

know, darlin’, I’ve laughed and smiled more since I met you than I have in
several years.”

glad I could help.”

done wonders for me.” He hugged her, and then opened the door. “I love you.”

What the hell?
stumbled over her feet before she glanced up into his eyes.

didn’t mean that how it sounded. “I meant I love

around you. You’ve brought a lot of joy into my life I haven’t had for a long

took her hand as he shut the door behind them.

You had me scared there for a minute.”

glad I let you in, Terri. I’ll just be sorry when it has to end.”

me too, Jeff.
Me too.


* * * *


mentally kicked himself in the ass as they walked to the main lodge for lunch.
What the fuck was I thinking? That had to be
the stupidest thing I’ve ever said in my life, well maybe except for when I talk
to Misha.

Terri seemed to go with his explanation because he sure as hell didn’t have
anything else to say.
I love you.
Stupid, man.
Really stupid.

walked through the doors into the chaos of the noonday meal. Several new guests
had come in during the morning hours it appeared. “Do you want to eat with us
at the family table again?”

course,” she gushed and he frowned.

God, I hope she isn’t taking this
too seriously.
Maybe they needed to slow this shit
down. Hell, he wasn’t sure anymore himself. He seemed to by flying by the seat
of his pants and the fuckers were on fire for this woman.

greeted everyone at the table with hello. His
brothers seemed
to be keeping a secret with all the smiles and looks
their way.
Hopefully, they didn’t think there was something else going on between him and
Terri. He’d have to straighten them out before too long. His mother played
matchmaker all the damned time with her sons, but he wasn’t gonna to fall for
the whole lot of them trying to hook him up. He didn’t need their help. He was
gettin’ laid on a semi-regular basis while Terri hung around and that suited
him just fine, thank you very much.

is everyone
’?” she asked quietly.

is the second meal you’ve shared at the family table. They’re probably gonna be
askin’ about church bells soon.”

no,” she hissed.

thoughts exactly.”

I tell them?”

let them wonder. It’s a game. Think of it that way.”

green eyes twinkled with mirth. “Oh, I like pulling the wool over their eyes. I
think it’ll be fun.”


guests were served so everyone at the family table got up to get their food.
“Can I get you some coffee or lemonade?” he asked.

Lemonade sounds great.”

they returned to the table and sat down to eat, conversation sped around the
table in varying degrees, everything from problems on the ranch to issues with
the cattle from the morning rounds.

I found a couple of cattle down in the south pasture. The water trough was
empty again.”

I fixed it two days ago.”

a big hole. Looks like a bullet hole to me.”

we have to start patrolling the fence line again? Jesus.”


Ma, but this is nuts.
You’d think we were livin’ in the
’ eighteen hundreds.

about cattle rustlers is crazy.”

deal with it, son,” James added before he took a bite of his food.

don’t have the man power to have to patrol the fence twenty-four/seven, Dad.”

know we don’t, but we’ll figure somethin’ out. First thing, move the water
trough to behind a rock so it’s not visible from the fence line. At least it
will make it more difficult for someone to take potshots at it.”

take care of it, Dad,” Joshua said.

Josh. I’ve got some things to work on in the barn this afternoon,” Jeff

we know,” Jonathan added with a smirk and a look at Terri.

I hope the whole damned bunch
doesn’t know about our tryst.
“Jonathan,” he
growled, hoping his brother would take the hint.

must have been possum in the feed room earlier. Did
get it?”

wanted to punch his brother. “Yeah, I got it.”

whole table erupted in laughter.

did I miss?” Terri asked, apparently not getting the joke.

mind, darlin’. I’ll explain later. Just ignore shithead over there.”

kind of hard to ignore being the butt of a joke, Jeff.”

leaned over and whispered, “Apparently, Jonathan has informed the whole family
of what happened in the barn between us earlier.”

bit her lips as her eyes closed. Red swept up her neck, splashing across her
face in a bright hue as everyone laughed.

James shouted. “You boys should be ashamed to treat a guest this way.”

I didn’t mean to embarrass you.” Jonathan sounded
trite, but Jeff wasn’t sure it was genuine. Either way, he planned to kick his
brother’s ass for him after lunch.

opened her eyes and smiled. “It’s fine.”

Wow. She’s a better person than I

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