Healing Hark (Doms of Chicago) (2 page)

BOOK: Healing Hark (Doms of Chicago)
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“There you are, Mistress.” He pulled her into his arms.

She relaxed against him, savoring the comfort their nightly ritual gave her.
This is why I agreed to Caelan and Gabriel’s scheme. Hark deserves to have this.

Chapter Two

" Diachi opened his eyes and reached for the vacant spot next to him in bed. The pillow next him was dented from his submissive's head. A touch confirmed it was cold. To his sleep-bemused mind, it could only mean Bryan hadn’t merely slipped from their bed for a trip to the bathroom. A quick glance at the clock told him it was still early. Where had his beloved flower run off to? After their scene last night at the club, Bryan should still be curled around him. Sitting up, he allowed the silk sheet to pool around his waist.

There was a nearby rustle, and he turned his head. Next to the doors leading to the terrace overlooking their backyard, Bryan was half way through his Sun Salutation sequence. For a moment he studied his lover's body as he dipped and swayed. As he moved fluidly from position to position, Diachi found himself wanting to touch the flowing muscles. Tall, blond and blue eyed, the man screamed American. His chest was wide but nearly hairless, his stomach flat and toned. Bryan was strong and firm but not in the way of a body builder. Other than his first submissive, he hadn't gone for the muscle bound slabs of meat who worked out at the gym every day for hours. The one man he’d made an exception for hadn’t come from any fitness center. Working under the hot Arizona sun on his mother’s small homestead had given Hark a physique Diachi had wanted to explore from the first time he’d seen him bare-chested. It took some effort but he pushed away the thoughts of Harkahome Akula. There would be time later to think about the man and his promise to Olivia.

Rising from the bed, he slipped into the bathroom to take care of nature’s call before rejoining his submissive. He had a firm rule:  he never interrupted Bryan's morning yoga. His lover needed the centering process for his high stress job as the CEO of Sterling Foods. It was almost as therapeutic as a good session under his whip for the other man. Besides the ritual was as much a part of his submissive as his tanned skin or crooked smile. He’d been practicing yoga long before he’d met Diachi. But it did make Diachi wonder why the man was doing it on Saturday when he could've been sleeping in his arms. He would ask.
When he finishes.

He continued to watch as Bryan slid into the final moves of ‘downward dog.’ For him to have been this far into the routine meant Bryan had slipped from their bed over an hour ago. It disturbed him. His man should've been worn out from their demonstration the night before. Sitting down on the edge of their bed, he waited. When Bryan took a deep breath, then gave a loud exhale, he knew his lover's yoga was done.

"Master?" Bryan seemed genuinely surprised to see him sitting on the edge of the bed. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"Did you honestly think I wouldn't notice when my man leaves my bed?" He snapped his fingers and looked down at the empty space between his parted legs. It didn't take long for his lover to scramble into the position Diachi wanted. As the blond head pressed against his knee, he ran his fingers through his submissive’s hair. It was soft to the touch. He continued to pet his lover, simply reaffirming Bryan was his by touch. Finally he spoke. "What drove you from my arms? Is it something at work?"

"No, Master." A long sigh feathered over his skin before his submissive looked up at him. "Last night was intense, but…” He paused as if gathering his thoughts. “It just seemed like something was different. Like you were distracted… and your attention was on something other than me. It only lasted a moment but I still felt it, Master."

Diachi sighed. He knew exactly what Bryan was referring to. The single moment during his demonstration when he could’ve sworn he sensed the predatory eyes of his former submissive. He’d paused, expecting to look up and find Hark’s fathomless gray gaze watching him. But he saw no one. "You know me too well,
Something in the crowd caught my attention.” Something he was going to have to talk to his submissive about.

“It’s the first time it’s ever happened. Did I do something wrong?”

The words were soft but Diachi heard them, and the underlying doubt. His beautiful submissive, the man he’d been in love with for the past five years, had uncertainty in his voice once again. Hurt in the past, Bryan still at times harbored concerns about his place in Diachi’s life.
And our upcoming talk is only going to cause more issues. Why the hell didn’t I tell Olivia ‘no’ when she asked me to give Hark a temporary home?

“Did I say I was unhappy with you, Bryan?”

The blond head shook against his knee.

“The few times we’ve had problems, did I let either of us hide from them?”

Bryan shook his head again. “No, Master.”

He buried his fingers in Bryan’s curls, pulling his sub’s gaze up to meet his. “That’s correct. I’m honest with you, even when being quiet would avoid issues. I won’t ever lie to you. Yes, I was distracted. We’ll talk about the reason later. But first I need my
fix.” He released Bryan and pointed to the center of the bed. “Up.”

Rising smoothly, Bryan settled in the middle of the bed, his blue eyes down cast, but his exquisite form displayed on the rumpled bedding. The submission radiating off his lover was more than just a standard ‘present’ position the man was holding when he knelt with his legs spread, palms up on his thighs, and his head turned to the left with gaze lowered. The familiar thrill Diachi got from it never failed to surprise him. There was just something about experiencing Bryan’s submission that made him feel like he was the king of his world. Of course seeing the rigid stalk of flesh standing proud between Bryan’s thighs only added to the feeling. Knowing he still affected his man this way, even after all their years together, sent blood pounding to his own cock.

Crawling over, he knelt in front of the man - knee to knee. Bryan didn’t even flinch when Diachi’s hand found his submissive’s cock. “This is mine, isn’t it?” He squeezed firmly as he stroked up the shaft. Bryan groaned and a pearl of clear fluid appeared in the tiny slit.

“Yes, Master.” Bryan’s chest heaved, the glint of silver reflecting in the rising sun, stroking Diachi’s desire higher. The piercings decorating Bryan’s flat nipples were another visible reminder of his ownership. It made him hot, knowing when his lover left for work, he wore them under his silk dress shirts and thousand dollar suits.

“That’s right. You gave me your body and its submission when you accepted my collar.” He eyed the simple gray PVC collar with its silver clasp. To a casual observer it looked like nothing more than an ordinary play collar, but it was more than that. Unlike play collars, this one would never be removed – at least not without a lot of work. Once he’d placed it around his submissive’s willing throat, the lock attached to the clasp had been soldered shut at Bryan’s request. Diachi had told him it wasn’t necessary, but Bryan had quietly begged. He needed the security it offered.

“Along with my heart, Master,” Bryan whispered.

Gazing into their azure depths, Diachi slowly urged him onto his back. “No matter what, never forget I own every part of you.” He hovered over Bryan’s form, savoring the feel of their skin touching. “Mine.” He dipped his head to tug at the silver rings adorning his lover’s chest with his teeth. Back and forth, he toyed the nubs. Bryan whimpered as Diachi lashed at them with the flat of his tongue before drilling them with the tip. Pulling back, he blew a steady stream of air over the damp flesh. Under him, his submissive wiggled and panted. The rub of Bryan’s cock against his own was enough to drive Diachi right out of his mind with lust.

Reaching between their bodies, he took Bryan’s hand and wrapped the calloused length around their swollen sexes. “Hold.” The order rumbled free of him as he resumed his attack on the wet ringed peaks before him.

“Yes, Master,” Bryan obeyed, his grip tightening until Diachi grimaced with the pleasure-pain. Sucking on the skin just above Bryan’s left nipple, he brought up a love mark, savoring the involuntary twitch of the muscle beneath his mouth. Using his teeth, he lightly nipped the captured flesh. “Oh, God!” Bryan twisted under Diachi’s weight. “Please….”

“Hmmm.” Humming against Bryan’s chest, he shoved his lover back down with his hips, savoring the friction of their cocks rubbing together. The room filled with pants, groans and hisses as they rocked against one another.

“Gonna come…”

Bryan’s wail wasn’t lost on Diachi. Lifting his head, he pried away the hand holding their trapped cocks. “Not yet.” He jerked back, pushing up Bryan’s legs until they were draped over his shoulders. “There will be no coming until I’m deep inside you.” He exhaled loudly as Bryan wiggled into place while the sensitive head of his cock found the spongy entrance to his submissive’s dark passage. “Impatient little subbie,” he groaned, unable to resist the urge to rub the length of his shaft up and down over Bryan’s hair roughened balls.

“Always, Master.” Bryan’s blond head thrashed against the bedding. “
” His fingers dug into the rumpled sheets under him. Diachi smiled tightly in response. His sub knew the consequences of touching without permission.

“Hmmm, that’s what I love to hear,” he taunted before leaning off to the side to grab the ever present bottle of lube on the low stand next to their bed. “My beautiful
begging for my possession.” Flipping it open, he poured a generous amount of slick on his fingers. Then he circled the warm entrance of Bryan’s ass. With each pass, he pressed a little harder, until the firm ring parted and engulfed his damp digits.

“Ahhhh.” Bryan pressed against his hand.

“Shhh.” Diachi leaned over and pressed a kiss to his parted lips. Licking their outer contours, he sampled his lover’s unique taste before plunging deep inside to explore every crevice he could find. He groaned softly as their tongues rubbed over one another, then entwined in an erotic dance, leaving them both breathless.

By the time their mouths parted, Diachi had several fingers knuckle deep inside of Bryan. Deeming he was slick enough, he removed his fingers, replacing them with the head of his cock. “Fuck, I need you.”

“Take me,” Bryan pleaded. “I’m yours.”

Sweat dripped down Diachi’s nose before landing on Bryan’s sternum. “Yes, you are.” He flexed his hips and hissed as he was encompassed by pure sweet heat. It was almost perfect. He just needed one more thing for his claiming to be complete. “Wrap those legs around me.”

Bryan moaned, his legs slipping off Diachi’s shoulders and down his torso. Moving his arms out of the way, Diachi growled as the lightly hair dusted legs wrapped around his waist, just above his hips. “Good boy.” He tipped his head back and began to move. “Hang on. Don’t let go.”

“Ne…ver…” Brain’s hands clung to his shoulders.

Too wrapped up in their mutual pleasure, he didn’t bother to scold him. He merely wrapped one hand around Bryan’s cock and stroked his lover in time to his own thrusts. It wasn’t long before babbling pleas passed his lover’s lips, and Diachi found himself on the edge of release.

Straightening, he abandoned Bryan’s cock to cup his hips. “Stroke your cock for me.” He met Bryan’s wild eyes. “I want you to cover me in your come,

“Shit….” Bryan squeezed his eyes shut as his hand found his erection. Stroking hard and fast, the tendons in his arm continued flexing and contracting with each move.

Breathing through his mouth, Diachi watched the erotic sight and prayed he could last ‘til Bryan came. There was something about the way he clamped around Diachi in orgasm that was like nothing he’d ever experienced, not even with Hark.
Guilt threatened to swamp him, when he realized the damned man had slipped back into his thoughts, at a time when he should be solely focused on Bryan.

“Aw…fuck…can…I…come, Master?” Bryan’s moaned request and the sudden clamping down on his cock followed by the warm scent and feel of his sub’s seed, sent Diachi over the edge.

Diachi arched and his hips snapped and held against Bryan’s ass as he came hard. The vaulted ceiling of the bedroom tossed their cries of ecstasy back at them.

* * * *

A few hours later, after a long nap in his master’s arms, Bryan moved around the kitchen, preparing a light brunch for them. While he hadn’t done any real cooking – that was his Master’s domain — he was more than capable of cutting up fresh fruit, toasting bagels, and brewing the oolong tea his lover drank. After arranging the items on the bamboo tray, he grabbed the small crock of softened butter off the counter and the tub of cream cheese from the fridge. With everything accounted for, he carried the tray into the living room where Diachi waited for him.

Lying back against one of the large throw pillows scattered around the low table on the floor, his Master looked sexy as hell with his loose flowing hair, still damp from their shared shower, and the low riding silk pajama bottoms he wore. Even after their intense encounter, he felt his dick stir under the silk kimono he wore at the sight of all that golden exposed skin.

“Breakfast, Master.” He set the tray on the table before sinking to his knees next to it. Stirring, Diachi straightened up to accept the steaming cup of tea.

“Thank you,
He sipped on the cup, groaning softly. Any other time, Bryan would’ve smiled at the sound. Despite the sophisticated persona Diachi showed his associates, under the thousand dollar suits, lurked the earthy man before him. One who loved the bite of oolong against his tongue, and reveled in driving Bryan out of his mind with pleasure. But with the passion banked for the moment, he couldn’t find his usual humor in the sound. Today, Bryan still worried about Diachi’s lapse from the night before.

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