Heart of Europe: A History of the Roman Empire (180 page)

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(1529) 114

Provence 67, 180, 187–8, 196, 197

Prüm abbey 87

Prussia: architecture 433; army 237, 241, 455, 461–2, 472, 474, 475, 476, 481, 511, 645, 648; and Britain 657; court 472, 473, 474; defeat (1806) 657, 661, 665; education 276, 523; emigration 464, 475; and Empire 3, 159; Estates 473, 542–3; and France 160, 162, 168; great power status 15, 217, 660, 664; identity 237, 253; imperial ambitions 646, 658; and imperial institutions 285, 413, 474–5; influence 130, 175; justice 629; landownership 498; law 511, 660; nobles 434; population 95; possessions 414, 472, 476, 584, 645, 649–50, 652, 659; religion 83, 107–8, 129, 475; royal title 201, 230, 271, 311, 434, 445, 471, 472–4, 478, 673, 748; Russian invasion 480; sovereignty 210, 473; size 476; symbols 672; Teutonic rule 98–9, 209–10, 718; toleration 108, 276;
see also
Brandenburg, electorate; Hohenzollern dynasty

Prussia, royal (Polish) 209, 262, 481

Prussian language 260

public order 397, 468, 513, 577

public peace (
): breached 113; defined 620, 690; effectiveness 464; enforcement 115, 455, 557–8, 593, 631–2, 634; influence 607; maintenance 397, 434, 557, 563, 572; origins 619–20; renewed 621–2, 625; of 1103 102, 620, 621; of 1152 620; of 1235 259, 620, 621, 719; of 1255 621; of 1268 621; of 1287 403; of 1383 403, 574, 624; of 1389 729; of 1495 110, 172, 402–3, 625, 632

Pufendorf, Samuel (1632–94) 2, 176, 279–80, 639

Puritanism 121

Pütter, Johann Stephan (1725–1807) 244, 280


Quedlinburg, imperial abbey 86–7, 317, 332

Querfurt , Conrad I von (d.1198), bishop of Hildesheim from 1194 140

Ranians 203

Ranke, Leopold von (1795–1886) 2, 8, 365, 667, 678

Raoul (1320–46), duke of Lorraine from 1329 199

Rastatt, treaty (1714) 470, 749

Ratzeburg, bishopric 92, 733

Raumer, Friedrich (1781–1873) 674, 676

Ravenna: as imperial centre 21, 24, 25, 35, 188, 190, 192, 354, 505, 700, 702; palace at 36; Theodoric’s tomb 674

Ravenna, archbishopric 305

Ravensberg, county 375, 599

Ravensburg, imperial city 357, 577, 591

Ravenstein 599

rebellion: against monarchs 8, 30, 50–51, 59, 187–8, 196, 213, 215, 302, 342, 343, 344, 346, 348–52, 354, 357–9, 384, 614–18; against princes 386; legal status 125, 170, 307–8, 349 , 440, 457, 479, 611, 632; punishment of 30, 50–51, 125–6, 170, 187, 222, 343, 344, 348–9, 354, 357–9, 378, 440, 611–18, 709; of relations 30, 59, 302, 313, 344, 362, 378, 617, 707; rural 167, 193, 587–8, 591–3, 601–2, 633–4; urban 50–51, 282, 520

148, 164

Reformatio Sigismundi
(1433) 400

Reformation: anxieties 536; causes 89, 109, 733; in Bohemia 118; in Germany 74, 109–14, 288, 522, 577, 592; in Italy 119; in Netherlands 108, 117; in Switzerland 118–19, 590; impact 10, 46, 74, 104–5, 108, 116–19, 131, 241, 246, 250, 278, 407, 426, 430, 438, 464, 502, 509, 535, 550, 608, 737; interpretations 111, 114, 670

Reformation, right of (
ius Reformandi
) 116, 117, 122, 128, 174, 577, 740

regalia: defined 60, 355; imperial 153, 463, 513–14, 569; revival 63, 355–6, 715; value 355, 516;
see also

regencies 55, 315–16, 346, 708, 710;
see also Reichsregiment

Regensburg, bishopric 638, 663

Regensburg, imperial city: autonomy 517, 556, 563; coronations at 310; as imperial centre 180, 405, 662; Jews 104; palace 332; Reichstags at 119, 274, 285, 408, 418, 441, 638, 746; town hall 274

Reggio, bishopric 341

Regino (d.915), abbot of Prüm 236

Reich: defined 4; problematic term 677, 679, 682–3

Reichenau, abbey 80, 332

Reichenbach, convention (1790) 642

Reichsbund see
Imperial League

172, 289, 429

Reichshofrat (Imperial Aulic Council): case load 106, 225, 281, 629, 630–31, 643; dissolution 657, 658; effectiveness 106, 128, 464, 542, 544–5, 628–36, 642, 648; established 403, 435, 627; and Habsburg government 325, 435, 627; jurisdiction 225, 627, 631–2, 641, 741; legacy 636–7; and peasants 287; personnel 284, 629, 657–8; procedures 260, 628–9; venue 627;
see also
imperial courts

Reichskammergericht (Imperial Cameral Court): case load 106, 281, 563, 630–31, 643; dissolution 659; effectiveness 108, 123, 628–36, 638; established 403, 625–6, 736; finances 446, 629, 653; jurisdiction 116, 123, 227, 228–9, 231, 275, 406, 626–7, 631, 633, 650, 736, 738; legacy 636–7, 659; personnel 284, 285, 320, 403, 417, 446, 523, 626, 629–30, 659; reform of 629, 641; venue 626;
see also
imperial courts

Reichskammerzieler see Zieler


405–6, 409, 434, 436, 447, 450, 454

Reichspublizistik see
imperial publicists

434–5, 736

Reichstag (imperial diet): ceremonial 286, 411, 473, 640, 736; committees 415–16; as communications centre 260, 272, 275; development 331–2, 406, 432, 735; disrupted 130, 418,440, 450, 565; emperor’s commissioner at 418, 432, 664; foreign envoys at 155, 160, 176; German envoys at 285, 414, 477, 599, 638, 647, 655; interpretations 275; Italians at 194, 225, 227, 473; judicial function 128, 560, 629, 665; legislative activity 105, 115–17, 135–6, 163, 173–4, 210, 403, 420, 437, 456, 464–8, 576, 608–9, 631–2, 650, 652, 739, 740–41; and Mainz 320, 325; as model 176, 662; name 407; news about 275, 288; origins 406–7; papal envoys at 73–4; permanence 176, 274, 416, 418, 420, 443–4, 552, 746; personnel 284; reform of 640, 651; representation in 228, 230, 231, 317, 408–14, 425, 437, 443, 474, 517, 524, 529, 651, 654, 661, 735–6, 741; role 172, 175–6, 226, 229; and Swiss 588–9; and taxation 405, 439, 446–54, 457, 458–60, 557–8, 576; venue 274, 407–8, 638; voting arrangements 128, 130, 416–18, 420, 529; in 1495 402–3, 407, 589, 735–6; in 1500 736; in 1507 446; in 1521 110, 131, 735; in 1522 408; in 1526 113, 114, 120, 632; in 1529 114, 117; in 1541 119; in 1544 173; in 1547–8 115, 117, 228, 408, 438, 739–40; in 1555 115–16, 407, 740; in 1566 560; in 1608 418, 440, 450, 743; in 1613 418, 450; in 1640–41 441, 451; in 1653–4 418, 442, 465, 599, 745–6; in 1742–4 408, 477

Reichstag, German national 673

Reims 310, 338

Reinkingk, Dietrich (1590–1664) 278–9

relics 82, 83, 90, 156, 207, 268, 286, 569, 668

Renaissance 170, 223, 260, 300, 502, 509, 522, 579, 639; Carolingian 33, 266; Ottonian 266

republicanism 521, 531, 555, 581, 599–602, 644, 664, 673

Restitution Edict (1629) 125–6, 128, 440, 744

Reuss 375, 635

Reuchlin, Johannes (1455–1522) 104, 275

Reutlingen, battle (1377) 573


Revindication policy 368, 382–6, 389–90, 691, 721–2, 726, 728

revenue: level 532, 541, 650; sources 532–3;
see also

revolution, absence in Empire 522, 636–7, 643–5

Revolution of 1848 263, 667–8, 671

Rhenish Alliance (
) (1654–66) 566;
see also
Confederation of the Rhine

Rhenish Civic League (1226) 572

Rhenish Civic League (1254) 572–5, 621, 720

Rhenish Civic League (1281) 728, 729

Rhense 395

Rhetia 185, 186, 260, 585, 586, 588, 590–91

Rhineland: economic 462; and France 135, 161, 459, 644, 649–50, 659; as imperial centre 180, 185, 384, 395, 396, 407, 486, 552, 563, 572–5, 709, 722; nobles 556, 558, 561; political composition 133, 195–200, 247, 318, 346, 351, 362, 372–4, 385; tolls in 384, 469, 532; violence 399

Riade, battle (933) 299, 706

Ribémont, treaty (880) 704

Richard (1209–72), earl of Cornwall and German king from 1257; as crusader 299; death 68; election 67, 298, 378, 382, 572; and England 1, 216, 378–9; governance 215–16, 378–9, 383, 467, 572–3, 621, 720; public peace 380; successors 382

Richard I ‘the Lionheart’ (1157–99), king of England from 1189 215, 354, 716

Richard II (1367–1400), king of England 1377–99 71, 395

Richenza of Northeim (c.1087–1141), empress 314

Rietberg, principality 658

Riga 98, 209

Rigord (c.1150–c.1209) 157

Rijswick, treaty (1697) 129, 748

Rinteln university 277

riots 51, 130–31, 282, 577, 743

76, 224, 282

‘robber barons’ 399, 553, 669, 729

Rogendorf, lordship 838

Rohan-Guemené, Louis Réné Edouard de (1734–1803), bishop of Strasbourg 1779–1801 108

Romagna 21, 193, 354, 569, 701

Roman empire: and Christianity 19–20, 22, 27, 147, 699; decline 20, 79, 699–700; and Empire 1, 3, 19, 38–9, 258, 263, 266, 487, 600; and Germans 256, 262–3, 671; governance 4, 80, 179, 302; legacy 6, 33, 38, 41–2, 43, 84, 138, 148, 153, 186, 196, 234, 268, 286, 314, 322, 504, 586, 599–600, 671, 732; longevity 158; symbols 270–71

Roman expeditions: Carolingian 330; of Charles IV 70, 282, 392–3, 622, 726; of Charles V 74, 149, 183, 223, 446; defined 8, 691; of Frederick III 73; frequency 67, 283, 312; of Henry VII 68–9, 388, 399, 723; of Louis IV 69, 392, 724–5; of Maximilian I 73; opposition to 68, 282, 723; Ottonian 49–50, 316; resources for 87, 329, 392, 404, 521; of Ruprecht 73, 393, 730; Salian 214; of Sigismund 73; Staufer 63

Roman Months (
Römer Monate
): defined 446, 691; value 446–7, 449–54

Romanov dynasty 153–4, 649

Romans, king of the (
Römischer König
): candidates 641; coronation 310; origins 37, 307, 727; significance 391–2; title used 70, 74–5, 126, 222, 307, 317, 435, 439, 442, 445, 573, 728, 734

Romansh language 260

Romanticism 79, 290–92, 640, 664, 669–71, 674

Romanus, pope in 897 48

Rome: ancient city 21, 152, 430; as capital 34–6, 180, 188, 505; clans 23, 26, 48, 50, 54; as free city 162; imperial coronations in 26–7, 36, 68, 73, 75, 213, 223, 310, 388, 703, 731; population 35; sack (410) 28, 263; sack (1527) 74, 263, 738; senate 34–5, 310; source of relics 82; struggles over 50–51, 59, 68, 703

Rome, treaty (1957) 682

Romzug see
Roman expeditions

Roncaglia 355–6, 569, 715

Rosenberg, Alfred (1893–1946) 455

Rossbach, battle (1757) 289

Rostock University 551

Rottweil, imperial city 594

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1717–78) 178, 231

royal domains
crown lands

royal entrées 272, 285–6, 290, 442

royal progress: decline 269, 291, 331–2, 390, 394, 432; destination 204, 231, 348, 352, 383–4, 392, 394; purpose 308, 331, 337–8; resources for 86–8, 273–4, 285, 332–4, 346, 348, 383, 390, 506, 513–14, 516, 526;
see also
monarchy: itinerant

Royal Touch 32

Rückert, Friedrich (1788–1866) 674

Rüdesheim 674

Rudolf I (1218–91), king from 1273; burial 67, 721; and crusades 147; election 382, 385, 427, 586, 721; finances 385; governance 380, 403, 467, 621–2; imperial ambitions 68, 733; interpretations 379; and Italy 192–3, 318; piety 430; and princes 208, 306–7, 382; Revindication policy 368, 382–6, 587, 721–2, 726, 728; territorial acquisitions 385, 388, 427, 430, 586, 721

Rudolf II (1552–1612), emperor from 1576; accession 310, 439; court 432, 450; crown 268; cultural policies 105, 272; death 440; governance 578, 584, 742–3; religion 118, 123, 124, 742; succession crisis 166, 427, 439–40, 743; wars 124, 456

Rudolf of Rheinfelden ((1020–80) anti-king from 1077; defeat 59, 711; election 58, 305, 308, 351, 711; relations 297; support 351

Rudolf I (c.880–936), king of Burgundy and West Francia from 923 155, 268

Rdolf IV ‘the Founder’ (1339–65), duke of Austria from 1358 429, 733

Rudolfinger dynasty 196

Rügen Island 203, 214

Ruprecht I (1352–1410), king from 1400; as count Palatine 575; crown 301; election 71, 301, 395; finances 395; governance 284, 323, 730; influence 395–6; Roman expedition 73, 393, 730

Rurik dynasty 152–3

Rus 152, 202, 234

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