Heart of Europe: A History of the Roman Empire (177 page)

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Leo VIII (d.965), pope from 963 50

Leo IX (1002–54), pope from 1049 53, 54

Leo (1150–1219), king of Armenia from 1195 140

Leopold I (1640–1705), emperor from 1658; death 166; defence reform 459–60; election 158; governance 410, 418, 443, 444–5, 468, 471, 473, 474, 746, 749; legacy 469–70

Leopold II (1747–92), emperor from 1790 482, 645, 751

Leopold (1290–1326), duke of Austria 587

Leopold (1351–86), duke of Austria from 1365 369

Leopold Friedrich Franz (1740–1817), prince of Anhalt-Dessau from 1751 640–41

Lepanto, battle (1571) 148, 151, 166

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim (1729–81) 276

Letter of Majesty (1609) 118, 124, 743

Leutkirch Heath 591

Leyen family 134, 661

liberalism 13, 292, 498, 502–3, 668–71

libertas ecclesiae
52–3, 61, 91

liberties: character 12, 43–4, 128, 223, 265, 508, 633; defence of 158, 419, 596, 600; as immunities 519, 541–2; invoked 75; threats to 281, 521

liberty: ideal 12–13, 43, 264–5; symbols 263; universal 265

licet juris
(1338) 70

Lichtenfeld monastery 367

Liechtenstein, principality 412, 661, 838

Liège, bishopric 199, 528, 620, 642, 643

liege lord 199

Liguria 224, 225

Limburg 199, 200, 362, 387

Limes Saxioniae

Limnaes, Johannes (1592–1663) 279

Linz 402

Lion’s Society 573

Lippe, principality 447, 631, 635, 657

literacy 87, 101, 277, 300, 491, 525

literary societies 551

Lithuania 95, 98, 211

Little Ice Age 496

Liudgard (931–53) 315

Liudger (742–809), bishop of Münster from 805 81–2

Liudolf (d.866), count of Saxony 82, 86, 246

Liudolf (930–57), duke of Saxony 614–15, 616, 707

Liudolfinger family 246, 342, 706;
see also
Ottonian dynasty


Livonia 98, 218

Livonian Order 98, 209–10

Locke, John (1632–1704) 502

Lodi 569

Lombard League: and emperor 12, 64, 282, 356, 516, 569–70, 715; formation 63, 715; legacy 667; membership 569–70; papacy 506, 569; reformed 719

Lombards: capital 21, 35; conquests 21, 24, 49; Frankish conquest 25–6, 29, 36, 702–3; governance 21, 335–6, 341; kingdom 25–6, 27, 163, 183, 187–9, 234, 701; law code 238; origins 21, 249–50; nobles 703; religion 22

Lombardy, region 21, 25, 63, 180, 193, 225

London 266, 522, 523

Long Turkish War (1593–1606) 124, 150, 226, 439, 450–51, 456, 743

lordship: absentee 580, 585; corporate 519, 554–5; defined 486–7; development 487–98, 591;
see also
jurisdictions; vassalage

Lorraine, duchy: attacked 201; and Burgundy 200; and emperor 348, 350; and Empire 52, 198–9, 230, 343, 419, 474, 704; and France 198–9, 230, 419, 468, 749; identity 237; nobles 196, 346; origins 195, 705; partitions 198, 336, 349, 387, 709; religion 120; rulers 51, 164, 198, 315, 343, 348, 614–15, 619, 750; ruler’s title 335, 343, 362; towns 506

Lorraine, Lower 198

Lorraine, Upper 91, 198

Lorsch, imperial abbey 88, 373

Losenstein, lordship 838

Lothar I (795–855), emperor from 817; coronation 36, 310; and papacy 50; realm 195, 340, 704; rebellion 617; titles 36, 47

Lothar III von Supplinburg (1075–1137), emperor from 1133; election 299, 305, 352, 357, 712; family 248; governance 352, 355, 356; and papacy 62, 190; and Staufer 327, 352, 712; wife 314

Lothar (941–86), king of West Francia from 954 155, 256, 270

Lotharingia: church 87; and Empire 185; extent 47, 183; governance 616; legacy 183–4, 227–8, 343; origins 35, 47, 155, 256, 340, 704; partition 48, 182, 195–6, 200, 704

Louis I ‘the Pious’ (773–840), emperor from 814; coronation 36, 310; governance 40–41, 47, 617, 703; piety 30–31; sons 256, 617; wives 30, 315

Louis II (825–75), emperor from 855; coronation 36; and Italy 315; and Jews 101; and papacy 47–8; wife 315

Louis III ‘the blind’ (880–928), emperor 901–5

Louis IV ‘the Bavarian’ (1281–1347), emperor from 1328; coronation 35, 69, 724; death 389; education 300; election 69, 388, 724; excommunication 69, 389, 724–5; governance 69–70, 313, 318, 384, 386, 388–90, 401, 428, 724–5, 727; and Italy 69, 392, 393; legacy 669; name 257; and papacy 69, 103, 257, 724; symbols 269

Louis II ‘the German’ (806–76), king of East Francia from 840; finances 326; justice 615; name 256; realm 340, 704; wife 314

Louis ‘the Child’ (893–911), king of East Francia from 900 705, 706

Louis IX (1214–70), king of France from 1226 32

Louis XIV (1638–1715), king of France from 1643 129, 157–8, 173

Louis II (1506–26), king of Hungary and Bohemia from 1516 148, 221

Löwenstein, county 369

Lower Saxon Civic League (1382) 573, 594

Lower Saxon Kreis: assembly 415, 474, 646; effectiveness 467; influence 564, 567, 657; membership 415

Lower Saxony, federal state 679

Lower Union (1474) 562

Löwler League 556

Lübeck, bishopric 130, 132, 517

Lübeck, imperial city: autonomy 657, 662; and Empire 384, 408; foundation 98, 506, 570, 714; governance 515; and Hansa 213–14, 570–71; law 95, 507

Lublin, union (1569) 211

Lucera 146–7

Ludewig, Johann Peter (1668–1743) 280

Ludowinger family 306, 374

Ludwig I (1786–1868), king of Bavaria 1825–48 671

Ludwig II (1845–86), king of Bavaria from 1864 673

Ludwigsburg 277

Leuka, battle (1307) 723

Lund, archbishopric 710

Lunéville, treaty (1801) 649, 752

Lunigiana 224

Lusatia: Estates in 260; and Bohemia 208, 391, 726; inhabitants 203; and Saxony 440, 480; princely status 361; rulers 712;
see also

Luther, Martin (1483–1546): anti-Semitism 105; and Empire 264; and German language 260; outlawed 110, 114, 275, 737; and Reformation 109–11, 118, 121, 263, 374, 668, 737

Lutheranism: church 120–21, 129; decline 129; legal status 75, 116–17, 128, 741; social impact 535; spread 120, 286, 577, 584, 597, 659, 739


Lützen, battle (1632) 126, 431

Luxembourg, duchy: and Burgundy 730, 830; development 387; ducal title 373; emigration from 95; and Empire 1, 184, 198–9, 728

Luxembourg dynasty, comital line (extinct 1136) 346, 347

Luxembourg dynasty, ducal line: court 267; dynasticism 386, 388; governance 11, 180, 208–9, 212, 260, 323–4, 387–96, 401, 552, 573–5, 723, 725–31; and imperial title 379; influence 428, 723, 724, 725; inheritance pact with Habsburgs 212, 389, 401, 428, 727, 731; origins 208, 297, 387; possessions 147, 181, 211–12, 387–8, 394, 723, 725, 728; symbols 269–70, 301

Luzern, city 589, 590

Macedonia 38

Mäcon 195

Madison, James (1751–1836), fourth US president 1, 8, 683

Magdeburg, archbishopric: Estates 528, 732; founded 50, 85, 186, 707; influence 306, 351; Reformation in 132

Magdeburg, city 95, 286, 332, 507, 571, 578

Magna Carta (1215) 170, 359

Magyars: defeated 41, 84, 187, 205, 268, 299, 344, 706, 707; and Empire 142, 202; origins 204; raiding 8, 30, 82, 189, 201, 204, 205, 488, 615, 704, 705, 706; religion 77, 83, 205–6; written culture 322

Mailberg League 555

Mainz, archbishopric: and coronations 305, 310; and depositions 386; dispute (1459–63) 398; electoral title 258, 306, 359, 410, 552, 727; foundation 23, 84, 86, 702; governance 641; and imperial governance 319–20, 324–5; influence 115, 134–6, 175, 204, 207, 306, 317, 351, 373, 380, 440, 445, 552, 566, 572, 615, 620, 722; Jews in 101, 102; knights 545, 561; rulers 133, 264, 315–16, 344, 398; status 84–5, 89, 91; territory 371, 373, 386

Mainz, city: and archbishop 505, 514; as centre 72, 185, 259, 301; economy 549; influence 572; Jacobin republic 644; palace 332

majesty, royal 269, 478

majority, age of 315, 341

majority voting 304–5, 416, 529

Malaspina family 224

Malta 99

Mamalukes 144, 149

Manchu dynasty 179, 180

Manderville, Bernard (1670–1733) 502

Mannheim 291, 508

manorial economy 487–90, 491–2, 496–8, 511–12, 605, 660

manors: as communities 246, 250, 504; development 488–90, 525; ownership 328; persistence 660; size 504

Mansfeld, county

Mantua, duchy 224, 226, 393; sequestrated 456, 470

Mantua, town 514, 569

Mantuan Succession, war (1627–31) 226, 744

Manuel I (c.1120–80), Byzantine emperor from 1143 141

Manzikert, battle (1071) 97, 142


Marbach League 575

Marburg 374

marcher lordships: created 186–9, 201, 706; defined 186–7; role 200–202; sustained 329


Marengo, battle (1800) 649

Maria Theresa (1717–80), empress: and Empire 159; as Habsburg monarch 108, 222, 244; husband 230, 478, 750; inheritance 316, 363, 476; and Joseph II 290, 478–9

Marie Antoinette (1755–93) 160, 647

Makedonian dynasty 138

Mark, county 375, 598–9

market rights 91, 345, 463, 505

marriage: aristocratic 238, 242, 336, 424–7; cross-confessional 128, 130–31; ecclesiastical 57, 241; legal status 245–6, 313, 424–7, 495, 535, 606; monogamous 246; morganatic 426–7, 444; princely 426–7, 444, 474, 548; restrictions 509; royal and imperial 208, 214–15, 230, 297, 313, 343, 401, 426, 731, 734; and status 242, 363, 425–7, 521, 579

Marsilius of Padua (c.1275–1343) 69

Martin V (1368–1431), pope from 1417 72, 680

Marxism 678

Masovia, duchy 98, 209

Matilda (d.968), German queen 86–7, 314, 315

Matilda of England (1102–67), German queen from 1114 214, 314

Matilda (1156–89), duchess of Saxony 215, 358

Matilda (1048–60) 297

Matilda (c.959–99), abbess of Quedlinburg 316

Matilda of Canossa (1046–1115) 54, 58, 59, 61, 190, 224, 512, 514, 711, 713

matricular system
imperial register

Matthias (1557–1619), emperor from 1612; crown 430; death 595; and Dutch 595; governance 565, 743–4; and Spain 226; successor 414; symbols 272; wife 314

Maurienne, lords of 196

Mauser arms factory 135

Max Franz (1756–1801), archbishop of Cologne and bishop of Münster from 1784 539

Max I Joseph (1756–1825), elector Palatine (1799) and king of Bavaria (1806) 641

Maximilian I (1459–1519), emperor from 1508; anti-Semitism 104; court 432; diplomacy 154; dynasticism 110, 228; finances 447–8; governance 437, 529; and imperial reform 402–3, 407, 416, 435, 436, 627, 642, 734–7, 741; imperial title 73, 270, 737; knightly ideal 241, 299; symbols 263, 274–5; ‘system’ 437; wars 73, 447, 563, 589, 735–6

Maximilian II (1527–76), emperor from 1564; election 74, 439; governance 465, 560; and Italy 225; peacemaking 175; religion 118, 121, 123; symbols 272

Maximilian of Austria (1832–67), Mexican emperor from 1864 76

Maximilian I (1573–1651), duke (1598), later elector of Bavaria from 1623 125, 565

Maximilian III Joseph (1727–77), elector of Bavaria from 1745 478, 480, 481

Mayer, Theodor (1883–1972) 328, 676

Mazarin, Jules (1602–61), cardinal 157

Mecca 144

Mechelen 627

Mecklenburg, duchy: ducal title 213, 714; economy 497; emergence 187; and Empire 213–14, 218, 633, 714; Estates 530, 627, 660; and imperial courts 627, 635; possessions 733; Prussian occupation 479–80; and Russia 154–5; survival 660, 662; and Wallenstein 458

mediatization 412, 447, 650–52, 656, 659, 663, 668–9; defined 690; risk of 459

Medici dynasty 226

Medina 144

Mediterranean 79, 144, 148, 464, 517, 714

Meersburg 517

Meersen, treaty (870) 195, 256, 704

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