Read Heart of Europe: A History of the Roman Empire Online
Authors: Peter H. Wilson
Venice, treaty (1177) 64
Vercelli 188
Verdi, Giuseppe (1813–1901) 666–7
Verdun, bishopric 91, 198, 230, 447, 740
Verdun, treaty (843) 2, 34, 35, 41, 85, 155, 195, 256, 340, 438, 704
Verona, city 305, 345, 514, 569
Verona, marquisate 187, 362
Versailles palace 274, 433, 672
Versailles, treaty (1919) 675
Vicenza 569
Victoria (1819–1901), queen of Great Britain (1837) and empress of India (1876) 163, 169, 291
Vienna: besieged 148, 149, 151, 470, 738, 747; cultural centre 291; economy 168; as Habsburg capital 408, 432, 435, 627, 654; French occupation 658; and imperial insignia 677, 679; and imperial title 162; inhabitants 237; inns 287; Jews in 107; law 507; papal nuncio at 134; population 523
Vienna, bishopric 89
Vienna, concordat (1448) 72, 73, 732
Vienna, congress (1814–15) 663–4
Vienna, university 71, 429
Viennois 197
Vikings: Christianization 80, 212; extortion 142, 201; kings 212–13; and Normans 191, 341; raiding 8, 82, 201, 332, 340–41, 488, 504, 704; and Russia 152; slave trade 79
villages: associations between 579–94; as communities 250–52, 504, 508, 579–80; development 96, 504; economy 508; governance 317, 508–9, 510–12, 519, 520, 579, 584; numbers 506–7; size 487, 503–4, 506;
see also
imperial villages
violence: causes 495, 520, 555; extraterritorial 171, 174–5; level 121, 340, 346, 376, 398–400, 573–5, 588, 593, 613–15, 644; minimization 172–3, 315, 340, 344, 420, 461, 533, 619–22; renunciation 115, 117, 128, 402–3, 625, 632
Virginia 150
Visconti family 392–3, 521, 722, 730
Visigoths 20, 699–700, 701
visitation (judicial review) 128, 629, 641
viticulture 494
Vladimir (955–1015), prince of Kiev from 978 152
Vladislav II (1110–74), king of Bohemia 1158–73 207, 358
Vojtech (956–97) 83, 207
Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de (1694–1778) 2
Voralberg 260, 528, 585, 588
Wagner, Richard (1813–830 670
Waiblingen 57
Waldburg, Georg Truchsess (1488–1531) 593
Waldeck-Pyrmont, principality 544–5, 657
Waldensians 39, 62, 119
Wallenstein, Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von (1583–1634) 126, 457–9, 466
Walrum (d.1311) 68
war: cost 399–400, 447–54, 540–41, 648; declaration of 172–3, 296, 460, 645, 647, 752; private 448, 477;
see also individual conflicts
War of Devolution (1667–8) 746
Wartburg castle 110; festival (1817) 668
Weber, Max (1864–1920) 7, 171
Weigel, Hans (c.1522–77) 261
Weimar Republic 672, 675–6
Welf dynasty: branches 196, 357, 363, 375; influence 57, 215, 347, 355, 413, 471, 584, 713, 717; origins 705; possessions 827; and Staufer 64, 156, 192, 213, 352, 357–9, 361, 374, 378, 521, 713, 716–17; and Tuscany 349
Welser family 167
Wends 92, 96, 202–3, 209, 212, 213–14, 260, 571;
see also
crusades, Northern
Wenzel (1361–1419), king 1376–1400; accession 70, 307, 392, 573; allies 200, 225, 393, 395, 573; anti-Semitism 103–4, 729; as Bohemian king 391, 394–6, 728–9; character 302, 394, 728; deposition 71, 394–5, 401, 439, 552, 729; governance 323, 394, 403, 573–5, 7128–9; and Italy 393
Werner, Anton von (1843–1915) 673
Wernigerode, Dietrich (d.1386), count of 624
Westminster Abbey 234
Westphalia, duchy 105, 186, 358–9, 361, 373, 640
Westphalia, kingdom 658, 659, 662, 666
Westphalia, region 133, 136, 199, 599; justice 624; origins 186; peasants 489; town 572
Westphalia, treaty (1648): criticism 160, 676; guarantors 129, 155, 163, 442, 479, 649; implementation 467, 745; interpretations 441; negotiations 127, 176, 264, 279, 304, 441, 458; significance 8, 151, 154, 159, 471, 500, 683, 745; terms 75, 127–8, 132, 174–5, 229, 416, 437, 441–2, 452, 467, 578, 599, 745
Westphalian Kreis: assembly 474; counts 412, 562; defence 461, 564, 567; dissolution 657, 658; membership 228, 415
Wettin dynasty: Albertine branch 410, 560, 739; Ernestine branch 410, 528, 560, 631, 661, 739; governance 530; influence 471, 730; partitions 363, 375; possessions 374–5, 413, 473, 722, 723, 730
Wetterau, counts 412, 554, 562
Wetterau, region 368, 573
Wetzler, imperial city 572, 626, 659
White Mountain, battle (1620) 125, 458, 596
Widonen family 190
Widukind (730–810), Saxon chief 82
Widukind of Corvey (925–after 973) 239, 339
Wiener Neustadt 89, 555
Wildberg 522
Wildeshausen monastery 82
Wilhelm (928–68), archbishop of Mainz from 954 85
Wilhelm I (1797–1888), German emperor from 1871 671, 673, 674
Wilhelm II (1859–1941), German emperor 1888–1918 167, 674, 675
Wilhelm IX (1743–1821), landgrave of Hessen-Kassel from 1785 642
Wilhelm von Wittelsbach (1330–88), count of Holland, Zeeland and Hainault from 1345 386
Wilhelmsbad League (1794) 643
Willehard (d.789), bishop of Bremen from 787 81, 82
William of Holland (1228–56), anti-king from 1247 378, 379, 572, 582, 720
William III d’Hauteville (1185–95), king of Sicily in 1194 618
William V (929–1030), duke of Aquitaine from 990 196–7
Willigis (940–1011), archbishop of Mainz from 975 315–16
Wilsnack 71
Wimpfen, imperial city 355, 545
Wipo of Burgundy (c.995–1048) 45, 246, 524
Witchcraft 628
Wittelsbach dynasty: branches 122, 129, 369, 381, 410, 565, 742; court 433; identity 669; and imperial title 431, 462; influence 375, 381, 388, 389, 395, 428, 651, 724–5, 726, 748–9; internecine conflict 428, 440, 743; partitions 375, 381, 389; possessions 359, 381, 413, 715–16, 725
Wolkenstein, lordship 838
women: as captives 79; clothing 261, 316; education 276; as fief holders 363; and imperial church 80, 86–7, 132, 317, 419, 650; legal status 244, 245, 425–7, 537–8; maternity care 641; political influence 141, 169, 214–15, 246–7, 297, 301, 313–17, 339, 346, 419, 432, 602, 615, 705, 708
Wörlitz gardens 640–41
Worms, bishopric 247, 373, 374, 572
Worms cathedral 248
Worms, concordat (1122) 60–62, 65, 72, 74, 92–3, 190, 712
Worms, duchy 709
Worms, edict (1521) 110, 114, 275
Worms, imperial city: attacked 558; economy 549; emancipation 505, 514, 715; influence 572; Jews in 101, 105, 106, 285; Reichstags at 110, 131, 402–3, 407, 735–6; synod at (1076) 57
Wörringen, battle (1288) 199, 373, 386, 387, 722
Wotan 249, 674
Würsten 583
Württemberg: ducal title 363, 722; electoral title 410, 471; expansion 185, 361, 368, 369–70, 594; Estates 524, 530, 531, 533, 534, 538–9, 591, 732; fief-holding 364; French alliance 652–4; and Germany 672; governance 367; identity 676; and imperial courts 557, 632–3, 634–5; influence 556, 563, 573–5, 631, 648, 651, 662, 728; judicial system 538; and monarch 384, 728; monasteries 113, 132, 135; nobles 554, 561, 575; population 496; possessions 650, 659, 661, 664; rebellions 591–2; and Reichstag 413; religion 120, 427, 659; royal title 653, 655, 663; rulers 427, 471, 574; and Russia 155, 649; sequestrated 557; towns 369
Würzburg, bishopric: ducal title 361, 373, 714; Estates 530; fief-holding in 368, 560, 561; governance 517, 561; influence 556; rulers 133, 559–60; secularized 410
St Boniface
Yiddish language 260
York 82
Zachary (d.752), pope from 741 25
Zähringer family 351, 361, 362, 363, 368, 506, 586, 620
Zedler, Johann Heinrich (1706–63) 638–9, 654
Zeeland 185, 186, 200, 386, 725
Zeitz, bishopric 85, 201
Zell am Harmersbach, imperial city 545
Znaim 287
Zobel von Giebelstadt, Melchior (1502–58), bishop of Würzburg from 1544 559
Zoe (978–1050), Byzantine empress from 1028 141
Zoe (Sophia) Palaiologina (1440–1503) 152
Zsitva Torok, treaty (1606) 150
Zürich, canton 351, 590
Zürich, city 520, 586, 587, 589
Zütphen 200
Zweibrücken 220, 530, 640, 641
Zwingli, Huldrych (1484–1531) 114, 118, 594