Heart of Europe: A History of the Roman Empire (173 page)

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Franche-Comté 196, 197, 200, 229–30, 727

Francia 26, 41, 700, 702

Francia, East: and Empire 41, 47; extent 256; origins 35, 155, 340, 704–5; rulers 256, 341–2; subdivision 183;
see also
German kingdom

Francia, West: and Empire 41, 47; extent 195, 198, 256; monarchy 155–6, 201, 269, 315, 341–2; origins 35, 155, 340; subdivision 183, 704;
see also

Francis I Stephen (1708–65), emperor from 1745; election 424, 477, 478, 750; imperial ideal 159, 290; wife 222, 230

Francis II (1768–1835), emperor from 1792; abdication 2, 15, 135, 163, 639, 654, 656–7, 665, 674, 753; coronation 287, 752; daughter 647; defends Empire 649, 651, 653; imperial title 162, 219; interpretations 647; successor 665

Franciscan order 39, 69, 724

Franco-Prussian War (1870–71) 667, 672

Franco-Spanish War (1635–59) 157, 175, 442, 744

François I (1494–1547), king of France from 1515 157, 298, 746

François d’Anjou (1555–84), duke 595

Franconia, duchy: ducal title 361, 373, 640; economy 490, 495; feuding in 398–9; nobles 556, 557–9, 561; origins 24, 250, 336; political composition 133, 185, 247; and monarch 341, 343, 346, 348, 384, 392, 711; towns 575

Franconian Kreis: assembly 415; counts 412, 562; defence 461; demise 653; finances 452; influence 564, 567; membership 415

Frankenhausen, battle (1525) 287

Frankfurt, grand duchy 135, 659

Frankfurt am Main, imperial city: attacked 573; book trade 275; economy 469; elections in 286, 290, 310; as imperial centre 180, 185, 272, 323, 379, 388, 394, 405, 408, 434, 616, 664, 665, 739; influence 572; Jewish population 104, 105–7, 285; law 507; palace at 332; trade fair 463–4

Frankfurt an der Oder 507, 523

Frankfurt Parliament (1848–9) 668, 671, 674

Frankfurt Union (1803) 652, 663

Franks: and Christianity 79–82, 87; dress 34, 300; economy 240, 487–90, 509; empire 24–6, 179–80, 184–91, 195, 200, 203, 238, 246, 335, 374, 582, 681; identity 237–8, 253, 438, 704; kingship 26–7, 34, 40–42, 335–42; law codes 238, 605; legacy 34, 157, 256, 257, 342, 485, 681; nobles 34, 238, 236, 449–42, 702; origins 20, 24, 78, 237–8, 699–700; partitions 2–3, 25, 34, 35, 40–41, 47, 155, 180, 195, 256, 339, 340, 702, 704–5; warrior culture 33–5, 43, 79, 82, 161, 201, 340;
see also

Franz Joseph (1830–1916), Austrian emperor from 1848 665

Frederick ‘the Fair’ (1289–1330), anti-king from 1314 69, 301, 313, 387, 388, 401, 428, 587, 724

Frederick I ‘Barbarossa’ (1122–90), emperor from 1155; and Burgundy 197; coronation 35, 62, 617, 714; criticism of 169; and crown lands 355; on crusades 102, 145–6, 322, 620, 716; excommunicated 64; governance 356, 620, 714–16; and imperial church 93; imperial ideal 31, 39–40, 45, 287, 307, 617; and Italy 63–4, 355–6, 516, 569–70, 667; and Jews 102; memory 40, 287, 660, 667, 674, 676, 678; and nobles 241; and papacy 63–4, 322, 716; symbols 270; and Welfs 213, 215, 357–8, 374, 714; wife 197

Frederick II (1194–1250), emperor from 1220; accession 64, 304, 359, 716; character 66, 147, 389; coronation 717; and crown lands 355; dynasticism 247; excommunicated 66, 146, 718–19; governance 99, 313, 317, 354–5, 404, 427–8, 550, 618, 620, 624, 717–20; imposters 269; interpretations 66, 676; recovers Jerusalem 39, 66, 146–7, 313, 718–19; minority 64, 716–17; and Muslims 66, 146–7, 221, 378; names 192; and papacy 64–7, 98, 715; and princes 207–8, 209, 606; relations 378; and son 302, 313, 317, 361, 378, 715, 719; titles 62; wives 66, 147, 215, 285

Frederick III (1415–93), emperor from 1452; character 401; coronation 73, 429, 733; election 401, 424, 732; governance 401, 434, 555, 562, 624–5, 732–4; finances 400; imperial ideal 401, 418, 420, 732; imperial reform 401–2, 732; and Jews 104; legacy 428; and papacy 72, 73, 89; and princes 200, 219, 228, 401–2, 407, 581, 584; and print media 274; and Russia 153; wife 313–14

Frederick I (1657–1713), king ‘in’ Prussia from 1700 472, 473–4

Frederick II ‘the Great’ (1712–86), king of Prussia from 1740; architecture 433; dynasticism 426; and Empire 434, 475–82, 632; enthusiasm for 291; governance 502; image 288–9, 498; toleration 108; wars 455, 472, 476, 750

Frederick III (1831–88), German emperor in 1888 673

Frederick V (1596–1632), elector Palatine from 1610 125, 597

Frederick William (1620–88) ‘the Great Elector’ of Brandenburg from 1640 425, 472–3, 599

Frederick William I (1688–1740), king ‘in’ Prussia from 1713 108, 241, 472, 475

Frederick William II (1744–97), king of Prussia from 1786 482

Frederick William III (1770–1840), king of Prussia from 1797 219

Frederick William IV (1795–1861), king of Prussia from 1840 663, 670

Frederiksten 476

Free County

conscience, f. of; Frisian f., German f.; liberty

Freiburg 506, 515, 714

French language 231, 256, 259

French and Indian War (1754–64) 175

French Revolution (1789): attitudes to 643–4; ideals 580, 670; impact on Empire 160–61, 601, 751; measures against 644–6; outbreak 482; violence 601, 602; wider impact 32, 79, 265, 276, 291

French Revolutionary Wars (1792–1802) 15, 134; impact on Empire 135, 227, 229, 231–2, 273, 292, 639, 751–2; impact on territories 370, 546, 659–60

French Wars of Religion (1562–1629) 121, 158, 171, 173, 420, 456, 600, 742

Freytag, Gustav (1816–95) 673

Friaul 187, 189, 341, 359, 611

Fribourg, canton 231, 588

Friedberg, imperial city 105, 554, 572

Friedberg, knights 554–5, 561

Friedland 511

Friedrich August I (1670–1733), elector of Saxony (1694) and king of Poland (1697) 129, 222, 426

Friedrich I (1754–1816), duke (1797), elector (1803) and king (1806) of Württemberg 655

Friedrich I ‘the Victorious’ (1425–76), elector palatine from 1451 398

Friedrich II Babenberg (1211–46), duke of Austria from 1230 378, 379

Friedrich II Staufer (1092–1147), duke of Swabia from 1105 299, 300, 712–13

Friedrich IV Staufer (1169–91), duke of Swabia from c.1190 146

Friedrich IV Hohenzollern (1371–1440), burgrave of Nuremberg and elector of Brandenburg from 1417 369, 396, 730

Friedrich Karl August (1743–1812), prince of Waldeck-Pyrmont from 1763 544

Friedrich, Caspar David (1774–1840) 655

Friedrichstadt 167

friendship 338–9, 341, 346, 350, 358, 640

Frisia: Christianization 81–2, 84; communities 580–84; crusades 146; law code 238; origins 186, 250, 700; raided 201; rulers 228, 582–4;
see also
East Frisia

Frisian freedom 582, 585

Fronsperger, Leonhart (1520–75) 502

frontiers: defined 248–9; imprecision 1, 183–4, 340, 366; and identity 33, 77, 248–50; ‘natural’ 160, 249; symbolized 137;
see also
marcher lordships

Fructholf of Michelsberg (d.1103) 38

Fruitful Society (1617) 264

Fruttuaria movement 52

Fugger family 167

Fulda, abbey 53, 88, 105, 374, 530

Fulda, department 658

Fulda, town 102

Fürstenberg, principality 368

Fürstenbund see
League of Princes

Fürth 105

Gaeta 191

Gagern, Hans Christoph von (1766–1852) 655–6

Galicia, kingdom 159, 481

Gandersheim, imperial abbey 82, 86, 246

Ganzer, Karl Richard (1909–43) 677

Gaul 20, 24, 179, 258

Gaulle, Charles de (1890–1970) 681

Gdansk 209, 507

Geismar 81

Geizkofler, Zacharius (1560–1617) 405–6

Geldern (Gelderland): ducal title 373; governance 370; influence 199; rulers 200, 375

Gelesius I (d.419), pope from 492 28

Gelnhausen, imperial city 355, 572

Gelnhausen Act (1180) 359

General Law Code (Prussian) 511

Genoa, republic: economy 149, 506, 516–17; and Empire 194, 224, 283, 393; governance 193, 521; and Spain 225

Gentz, Friedrich von (1764–1832) 162

Geoffrey of Anjou (1113–51) 214

George III (1738–1820), king of Great Britain and elector of Hanover from 1760 219, 600–601

George IV (1762–1830), king of Hanover (1814) and Great Britain (1820) 663

George Podibrad (1440–71), king of Bohemia from 1458 110

Georg ‘the Pious’ (1484–1543), margrave of Ansbach-Kulmbach from 1536 113

Georg ‘the Rich’ (1455–1503), duke of Lower Bavaria from 1479 411

Georg Friedrich (1620–92), count, later prince of Waldeck 283

Gerberga (913–84), queen of West Francia 39, 315

Gerbert of Aurillac (c.945–1003) 300

German Confederation (1815–66) 659, 660, 663–6, 667, 670; and Empire 663–5; Federal Assembly 656, 664–5, 671

German Democratic Republic (1949–90) 678

German Federal Railways 680

German freedom: communal 579–94; criticized 645; defined 264–5; elements 174, 175, 278, 600–602; invoked 127, 226, 283, 288, 455, 479–80, 481, 655, 670; safeguarded 289; threats to 158, 398, 431, 434, 501;
see also

‘German fury’ 51, 63, 68, 282

German kingdom: and Empire 37–8, 65, 156, 180, 257–9, 304, 312, 347, 378, 391–2; extent 183–7, 194, 217–20, 226–7, 336, 718, 727; governance 319–20, 331–52; origins 2, 155; population 490; royal title 37, 74–5, 182–3, 217, 223, 298, 307, 309–10, 326, 390, 401, 727, 737, 739; society 487

German language: development 233, 257, 259–61, 400, 501; used 96, 208, 236, 256, 280, 291, 607, 675; written 260

German Peasants War (1524–6) 12, 99, 110, 287, 563, 592–4, 738; impact 501, 632; memory 669–70

German War of Liberation (1813–15) 656, 663, 670–71

Germania, imagery 263, 671, 674;
see also
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius

Germany: cultural life 265; and Empire 1–3, 7, 12–13, 46, 111, 183–4, 224, 235, 255, 281, 298, 366, 485, 523, 668–81; flag 671–2; Greater 262, 667–8; origins 2, 155, 255–6; partition 678; ‘third’ 423, 481, 669; unification 3, 7, 111, 183–4, 499, 661, 671–3;
see also
nationalism: German

Germany, Federal Republic of 9, 366, 679, 680, 681

Gersau 589

Gesmold 643

Ghent 87, 228

Ghibellines 57, 68, 70, 688

Girondins 160

Gisela (985–1065), Hungarian queen 206

Giselher (d.1004), archbishop of Magdeburg from 981 85

Glaber, Rodulfus (d.1045), monk 97

Glatz 476

Gniezno 83, 202, 205, 207; pilgrimage to 31, 83, 205–6

Godfrey II da Castiglione, archbishop of Milan 1070–75 56

God’s House League (1367) 388

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832) 276, 277, 285, 290, 291, 553, 630, 655, 669–70; mother 639

Goebbels, Joseph (1897–1945) 676

Goering, Hermann (1893–1945) 676

Golden Bull (1356): contemporary commentary 280; invoked 395; origins 70, 727; terms 103, 194, 260, 301, 306, 308, 309, 310, 317–19, 389, 391, 555, 622, 636, 727

Golden Bull of Eger (1213) 717, 718

Golden Bull of Rimini (1226) 718

Golden Fleece, heraldic order 183, 228

Golden Horde 152

Göllheim, battle (1298) 387, 388, 723

Gonzaga dynasty 194, 224, 393

Görlitz 391, 425

Görtz, Johann Eustace count von (1737–1821) 285

Görz, county 369

Gorze, monastery 52, 53

Goslar, imperial city: crown lands 358; and emperor 384; and leagues 571, 577; palace at 90, 332, 674

Goslar, imperial throne at 673


Gothic culture 300, 390, 674

Gothic War (532–62) 21, 700

Goths 20, 36, 258, 700

Gottfried ‘the Bearded’ (d.1069), duke of Lorraine from 1040 198, 619

Göttingen university 640

Gottschalk (d.1098), imperial notary 32

governance, defined 295–6, 312

Granada, kingdom 148

Granvelle, Antoine Perrenot de (1517–86) 165

Gratian (d. c.1159) 606

72, 134, 733

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