Heart of Europe: A History of the Roman Empire (169 page)

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Azo of Bologna (c.1150–1230) 170

Babenberg dynasty 306, 347, 358, 383, 427, 430, 720; possessions 380, 713

Babenberg feud (902–6) 341

Babylon 38

Babylonian Captivity (1309–77) 69–70, 193, 282, 723

Baden: electoral title 410; emergence 185, 362, 367–8; Estates 528, 533, 593; expansion 649–50, 659, 661, 664; finances 546; and Germany 672; governance 540; grand ducal title 653; influence 640, 648, 651–4; nobles 554; partitions 375; rebellion 592; and Reichstag 413

Baden, treaty (1714) 749

Baden-Durlach 537

Baghdad 144, 145

bailiwicks 383–4, 386, 390, 573, 587, 591, 721, 726

balance of power 158, 176

Balderich, margrave of Friaul 819–28 611

Baldwin II (1217–73), emperor of Constantinole 1228–61 156

Baldwin (c.1285–1354), archbishop of Trier from 1307 68, 387–8

Balkans 21, 144, 147, 149, 155

Baltic 82, 92, 94, 154, 167, 203, 262, 464, 571

Balzac, Honoré de (1799–1850) 680

Bamberg, bishopric: anti-Semitism 285; Estates 530; foundation 86, 708; governance 133, 517, 561; influence 348, 373, 556; law 608; neutrality 458; rebellion 592; rulers 51, 341

banking 221, 395, 405–6, 448, 450, 464–5

Bar, county 198–9

Barbarossa, operation 678

, warship 674

Bari 703, 710

Basel, bishopric 528, 585, 634, 727

Basel, canton 590

Basel, church council (1431–49) 400

Basel, city 231, 259, 589

Basel, treaty (1499) 589

Basel, treaty (1795) 646, 648, 752

Basil II ‘the Bulgar Slayer’ (c.958–1025), Byzantine emperor from 976 142

Bastille 276, 643, 644

Bautzen 96

Bavaria: army 270, 452, 473, 477; ducal title 336; economy 494, 495, 497–8; electoral title 125; and emperor 206, 270, 395, 456, 457, 470, 563, 573, 616–17, 619, 620, 713; and Empire 8, 41, 59, 185, 305, 336, 342, 402, 472, 635; Estates 527, 528, 556, 732; feuds 399; finances 382; Frankish conquest 81, 84, 186, 239, 335; and Germany 672; governance 259, 335, 367, 370, 527, 535; identity 237, 250, 669, 676; imperial ambitions 431, 462, 476–8, 750; influence 122, 123–7, 133, 136, 158, 187, 415, 440, 458, 479, 563, 565, 574, 576, 577, 646, 651–4, 662, 725, 742–3, 748; landownership 498; law 238, 660; nobles 343, 345–6, 348, 357, 359, 367, 555–6, 561; Palatine inheritance 480–81; partitions 381; population 496; possessions 185, 187, 336, 343, 440, 442, 522, 591, 649–50, 651, 659, 664, 715; religion 114, 120, 663; revolts 633; rivalry with Palatinate 125, 428, 440; royal title 187, 471, 478, 653, 663; rulers 343, 345–6, 348, 357, 359, 367, 616–17, 641, 713, 715–16, 724; size 472, 476

Bavaria, Lower 381, 725

Bavaria, Upper 259, 367, 381, 388, 533

Bavarian Kreis: assembly 415; defence 461; demise 653; finances 452; influence 567; membership 415

Bavarian Succession, war (1778–9) 155, 481, 751

Bayezid I (1360–1403), Ottoman sultan from 1389 144

Bayreuth, margraviate: Estates 530; finances 556; influence 556; origins 362; and Prussia 480–81, 752; religion 120; rulers 373, 475

Beatrix of Burgundy (c.1145–84), empress 197

Beatrix of Tuscany (d.1076) 198

Beauharnais, Eugéne de (1781–1824) 135, 663

Bebenberg, Leopold von (c.1298–1363), bishop of Bamberg from 1353 70, 73

Becker, Zacharias (1752–1822) 277

Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770–1827) 161

Belgium 1, 8, 163–4, 184, 642, 643

Belgrade 147

Benedict V (d.966), pope from 964 50

Benedict XII (c.1280–1342), pope from 1334 725

Benedict XVI (b.1927), pope 2005–13 682

benefices: church 87, 90, 94, 122, 132, 335, 371, 526, 732; defined 327, 687; military obligations 201, 329–30; numbers 122

Benevento, duchy 21, 26, 30, 191, 701, 702, 710

Berchtesgaden, priory 574

Berengar I (840–924), king of Italy (888) and emperor (915) 705

Berengar II (c.900–66), king of Italy from 945 49, 50, 182, 282, 298

Berg: duchy 373, 598–9; grand duchy 653, 658, 659, 662, 666

Bergamo 569

Berlichingen, Götz von (1480–1562) 553, 558, 669–70

Berlin 108, 187, 288, 291, 433, 473, 507, 523

Bern, canton 590

Bern, city 231, 520,586, 587

Bernard (c.797–818), king of Italy from 812 41

Bertha (Irene) of Sulzbach (d.1161), Byzantine empress 141

Berthold (d.917) 344

Besançon, archbishopric 84

Besançon, city 838

Bethlehem 146

Biberach, imperial city 577

Bibra, Konrad von (1490–1543), bishop of Würzburg from 1540 559

Billung family 206, 343, 351, 357

Bingen 577

Bismarck, Otto von (1815–98) 111, 673

Bismarck Towers 674

Bithynia 144

Black Death 103, 494, 507, 516, 550, 574, 587, 491, 726, 728, 729

Black Eagle, heraldic order 673

Blenheim, battle (1704) 748

Bodin, Jean (1529–96) 165, 171, 174, 278, 279

Bodmer, Johann Jakob (1698–1783) 669

Bohemia: arch title 319; chancellery 391, 435; Christianization 82–3, 204; church 85, 89, 99–100, 118, 207; and crusades 209; cultural influence 204–5; ducal title 204, 705; economy 204, 468, 490, 494, 497; electoral title 208, 221–2, 307, 392, 407, 410, 411, 470, 552, 725; and Empire 82–3, 118, 180, 182, 185, 194, 203–4, 206–9, 218, 221–2, 257, 319, 343, 346, 355, 360, 379, 382, 390–91, 402, 403, 436, 612, 641, 647, 668, 708–9, 710, 714, 721, 726, 736; Estates 433, 527, 529, 595–7; finances 382, 391, 596; governance 343, 390–92, 394, 527; and Habsburgs 118, 212, 218, 220–22, 387, 394, 401, 428–30, 433, 438, 442, 552, 596–7, 634, 731, 734; identity 204, 208, 236–7, 597; influence 382, 386, 395, 552, 722; Jews in 102, 107, 108; languages 208, 222; law 507, 511–12; Luxembourg rule 386, 388, 390–92, 394–6, 723, 728–31; mythic origins 202; nobles 124, 222, 284, 394, 401, 433, 458, 468, 511–12, 555, 661, 729, 733, 743; patron saint 204, 391; peasant revolts 634; plague 494; population 107, 507; possessions 208, 383, 390–91, 726; royal title 159, 187, 202, 207, 221, 223, 227, 311, 358, 359, 379, 382, 429–30, 714, 744;
see also
Czech; Hussites; Premyslids

Bohemian Brethren 118

Bohemian Confederation (1619) 596–7

Bohemian Revolt (1618–20) 124–5, 151, 420, 440, 457–8, 529, 595–8, 600

Bolanden, Werner von (13th century) 572

Boleslav I Chrobry (‘the Brave’) (967–1025), duke of Poland from 992 83, 205–6, 268

Bologna 74, 149, 183, 310, 519, 569, 739

Bologna University 236, 270, 276, 356

Bonaparte, Josephine (1763–1814), empress 661;
see also
Jérome Bonaparte; Napoleon Bonaparte

Bonn 433


Bornhöved, battle (1227) 213

Bossi, Umberto (b.1941) 667

Bouillon 362

Bourbon dynasty 278, 666, 749

bourgeoisie 510, 522–4

Bouvines, battle (1214) 66, 156, 215, 359, 717

Brabant, duchy: ducal title 362; economy 462, 506; influence 199; liberties 359; princely status 361; rulers 164, 200, 374, 704; towns 506, 508

Brandenburg, bishopric 83, 84

Brandenburg, electorate: arch title 319; Askanier rule 389, 727; colonies 168; dispute over 388–9; economy 497, 511; electoral title 307, 391, 401, 407, 552, 727; emergence 187, 202; Estates 528; finances 244; governance 370, 712; Hohenzollern rule 369; and imperial title 430–31; influence 386, 396, 415, 440, 458, 459, 552, 722; Luxembourg rule 181, 369, 391, 396, 727, 728, 730; migration to 95, 168–9; nobles 368, 511; and Pomerania 419; population 496; possessions 442, 598–9; princely status 361; religion 114, 122, 129, 130; symbols 270; union with Prussia 210, 218; villages 511; Wittelsbach rule 389;
see also
Hohenzollern dynasty; Prussia

Brazil 167

Breisgau 529, 556, 587

Breitenfeld, battle (1631), 126

Bremen, archbishopric: foundation 81, 82, 702; influence 92, 212–13, 348, 710; migration to 95; possessions 581, 583; Protestants in 123; secularization 112

Bremen, imperial city: autonomy 252, 514, 657, 662; neutrality 578; religion 122; town hall 513

Brescia 569

Breslau (Wroclaw), bishopric 83

Breslau (Wroclaw), town 205, 507

Bretzenheim 651

Brindisi 710

Britain: civil wars 600; constitution 278; economy 542; empire of 162, 163, 164, 169, 179, 180, 238, 481; and Empire 166, 219, 444; finances 544; and Habsburgs 454, 470, 477, 648, 652, 748–9; and Hanover 169, 219–20, 222–3, 433, 471, 473, 600–601, 640, 650, 657, 661; monarchy 291, 671; parliament 275, 380, 443, 534, 601; and princes 567, 643; and Prussia 482, 657; religion 23, 81, 84, 112;
see also
England; Ireland; Scotland

Brixen, bishopric 528, 585, 650, 838

Brok family 584

brokerage 4–5, 12, 15, 314–15, 339, 340, 344, 350, 402, 615, 618, 623, 635;
see also

Brothers’ Quarrel (Habsburg) 439–40, 743

Bruchsal 517

Brühl 517

Brunner, Otto (1898–1982) 676

Brunswick, duchy: attacked 114; as county 357; court 358; established 186, 361, 375, 521, 717; influence 410, 474; population 496;
see also
Welf dynasty

Brunswick, town 260, 464, 523, 578, 714

Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, duchy 433

Buchenbach 660

Bulgaria 140, 142, 611, 732

Bünau, Heinrich von (1697–1762) 256

Buonconvento 69


burghers: and emperor 349, 437, 512, 517; feuds 399; identity 242–4; and nobles 245, 523, 650; origins 514; and princes 521, 523–4;
see also popolo
; towns

Burgos, edict (1524) 110, 113

Burgundian Kreis: and Empire 166, 228, 468, 474, 626, 627; French annexation 752; and Habsburgs 218, 228–30, 403, 434, 436–7, 470, 577, 736, 740, 745; and Reichstag 228, 413; taxes 436, 447, 450

Burgundian treaty (1548) 167, 228–9, 438, 740

Burgundians, tribe 195, 699, 700

Burgundy, duchy: expansion 200, 582, 588, 589, 727, 730, 734; origins 195; States General 529, 595, 597; struggles over 200, 228; symbols 183

Burgundy, kingdom: breakup 197–8, 727; chancellery 320; church 54, 60, 84, 97, 117; economy 494; and Empire 7, 37, 182, 194, 217, 255, 257, 283, 305, 315, 343, 347, 378, 704, 709, 727; and Europe 183–4, 485; extent 24, 164, 226, 585; governance 52, 297, 336, 343; nobles 52, 187–8, 196–7, 284, 305, 525; origins 182, 705; partition 185, 336

Burgundy, Lower 196

Burgundy, Upper 195–6


Byzantine empire: army 139, 321; church 21–4, 26, 28, 54, 80, 84, 139–40; court 139, 319; and crusades 97, 141–2; cultural influence 268, 270; demise 143, 144, 164; and Empire 38, 77, 140–43, 145–6, 155, 189, 191–2, 204, 205, 214, 315, 345, 707, 714; governance 22, 27, 30, 138–9, 146, 156, 505, 700, 702, 709; legacy 148–9, 152–3; origins 20–21, 138; population 139; possessions 21, 55, 142, 188, 192, 701–2, 709

Caesar, Gaius Julius (100–44
) 30, 33, 34, 152

139, 148

Cairo 508

Calabria 191

Calenberg, duchy 410, 445, 526, 747;
see also
Hanover, electorate

calendar dispute (1584) 130–31

Caliphate 144, 145, 149, 702

Callistus II (1050–1124), pope from 1119 61

Calvin, Jean (1509–64) 114

Calvinism: decline 129; spread 121–2, 439, 552, 560, 584, 597, 741, 742; legal status 128, 741

Cameral Court

cameralism: defined 468; influence 544; measures 468–9, 537

Campo Formio, treaty (1797) 135, 649, 752

Canada 4

canons regular 87, 122, 133, 371, 650–51

Canossa, Henry IV’s supplication at 31, 58, 189, 350, 618, 711;
see also
Matilda of C.

cantons 560–61, 585, 687

Capetian dynasty 155, 195, 318, 341, 705

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