Heart of Europe: A History of the Roman Empire (171 page)

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confederations, tribal 185–6, 202–4;
see also
Bohemian C.; German C.; Rhenish Alliance

Confessio Bohemica
(1575) 118

confessionalization: defined 121, 688; impact 124, 128–31, 253; and state 111–12, 539

conflict resolution: decentralized 610–12; disputes 610–11; mechanisms for 11, 417–21, 461, 534–8, 560, 610–37, 643; open ended character 12, 417–18; within elite 314–15, 344, 369, 613–17;
see also
public peace

Congo 164

Conrad I (d.918), king of East Francia from 911; accession 239, 342, 706; death 301

Conrad II (990–1039), emperor from 1027; accession 189, 248, 301, 304, 346; appearance 300; and Burgundy 194, 207, 347; and Byzantium 141; coronation 37, 213, 524, 617; education 300; governance 44, 51, 188, 212–13, 347–8, 349; imperial ideal 45–6, 348, 617, 709; relations 246

Conrad III (c.1093–1152), king from 1138; accession 65, 300, 305, 352, 355, 713; and Byzantium 141; as crusader 145, 299, 620; excommunication 62; governance 356, 357–8; and imperial church 93; imperial ideal 62; relations 246

Conrad IV (1228–54), king from 1250 64, 306, 378, 392, 719, 720

Conrad (1074–1101), co-king 1089–98 59

Conrad I (c.1187–1247), prince of Masovia from 1194 209

Conrad of Dachau (d.1180), duke of Merania from 1152 358

Conrad of Staufen (c.1134–95), count Palatine from 1156 373

Conrad ‘the Elder’
Conrad II

Conrad ‘the Red’ (d.955), duke of Lorraine from 944 315, 614–15, 707

Conrad ‘the Younger’ (c.1002–39), duke of Carinthia from 1035 347

Conradin (1252–68), king of Sicily from 1254 378, 720

Conradiner family 341, 342, 367

Conring, Hermann (1606–81) 263, 265

conscience, freedom of 116, 128;
see also

Constance, church council (1414–18) 72, 99, 109, 170, 263, 680, 730

Constans II (630–68), Byzantine emperor from 641 24, 701

Constantine I ‘the Great’ (c.280–337), Roman emperor from 306 22, 22, 32, 139, 699

Constantine VI (771–c.805), Byzantine emperor 780–96 27, 703

Constantinople (Istanbul) 20, 22, 24, 38, 139, 141–3, 144, 148, 149, 152–3, 268, 699, 701, 732

Constanza d’Hauteville (1154–98), empress 64, 192, 715

consuls 515, 518

505, 516, 518, 520–21, 528, 569, 586; defined 688

Continental Congress (1774–89) 1

Contarini, Gasparo (1483–1542), cardinal 120

contributions (war taxes) 457–8

Coptic church 22

Córdoba 145

core–periphery model 4, 6–7, 179–81, 258

coronations: attendance at 213, 235, 286–7; Austrian 162, 210; Bohemian 311; Burgundian 182–3, 196, 197, 267, 709; of emperors 8, 26–7, 32, 35–6, 45, 65, 67, 70, 74–5, 138, 143, 149, 161, 187, 213, 222, 235, 286–7, 309–11, 388, 703, 705, 713, 714, 717, 723, 724, 726, 739, 752; of empresses 313–14, 705; of Frankish kings 25, 309, 311; of German kings 75, 182–3, 217, 267, 268, 309–10, 378, 388; of German queens 214, 313; of Italian kings 51, 68, 163, 182–3, 267, 709; Prussian 210, 311, 473, 748; rejected 309; rituals 75, 268, 286, 301, 309–11; Russian 153; significance 309; timing 310; venue 36, 68, 73, 73–5, 273, 301, 309–10, 739;
see also
Roman expeditions

(confessional blocks) 128, 130, 409, 441

Corpus evangelicorum
130, 409, 475

Cotrone, battle (982) 83, 188, 191, 299, 315–16, 345, 708

Cotta, Christoph Friedrich (1730–1807) 644

Cottbus 96

Counter Reformation 75, 126, 222, 548, 741

comital titles; imperial counts

Courland, duchy 210, 262

courts, judicial: appeals 623–7, 633–6; effectiveness 592, 602; feudal 614; lesser 493, 511–12, 538, 622–3, 631; procedures 606–37; superior 493, 538, 611, 623;
see also
Reichshofrat; Reichskammergericht

courts, princely: cost 541; criticism 231, 531; development 243, 358, 517, 522, 526; itinerant 536; patronage 433, 474, 531; size 433

courts, royal and imperial: ceremonial 221, 319, 408, 478–9; cost 291, 333, 450, 472, 541; culture 31, 433; development 391, 406; influences on 266–7; size 319; staff 395; structure 306;
see also
palaces; royal progress

Cracow 83, 96, 204

Crailsheim 105

Crécy, battle (1346) 197


Cremona 53, 188, 513, 516, 569, 570

Crescenti family 50, 617

Crimea 143

Crimean War (1853–6) 153

Croatia 140, 149, 159, 202, 203, 205, 223

Cromwell, Oliver (1599–1658) 600

crown: archducal 430; Byzantine 29; Charlemagne’s 161, 267, 270, 673, 677; German 267, 311; Hungarian 205; imperial 209, 267–8, 283–4, 673; Italian 163, 183, 267, 793–4; Ottoman 149; papal 149; Polish 205, 209–10; Rudolf II’s 268; Ruprecht’s 301

crown lands: Burgundian 196–7; changes to 351, 383–6, 389–90; dissipated 308, 334, 372–4, 379, 382, 384–5, 388, 445, 514, 516, 727; extent 327, 332, 355, 506; and imperial church 79, 87–8, 91, 93–4, 112, 372; location 180, 204, 331–2, 343, 355, 383–5; Lombard 188; management 320, 327, 332–4, 343, 347–8, 355–6, 376, 383–5, 390, 517, 572–3, 586, 605, 726–7; pawned 356, 384–5, 389–90; revival 382–5, 389, 721–2; subsequent fate 364; value 383, 395;
see also

crusades: economic impact 505; against emperors 66, 69, 731; emperors on 40, 145–7, 156, 165, 299, 322, 620, 714, 716; First 31, 59, 77, 102, 140, 145, 192; ideology 62, 66, 79, 97–8, 148; last 399, 732; Northern (Wendish) 98–9, 203, 209, 213, 583, 714, 718; origins 97; Second 141, 145, 147, 714; Third 64, 102, 145, 147, 322, 716

culture: of memory 36, 248, 251, 285, 314, 334, 367, 371; print 73, 270, 272, 274–7, 400, 592, 601; representational 243, 267, 433; written 9, 13–14, 19, 22, 29, 42, 69, 73, 93, 99, 109, 243, 254, 260, 319–25, 328, 357, 365, 400, 404, 417, 419–20, 444;
see also
administration: and written c.; personal presence, c. of; symbolism

Curia Romana

currency: debasement 457, 465–7; gold 191, 465; paper 467; political symbolism 23, 33, 269, 270; regulation 403, 437, 465–7, 518, 740

custom 237, 322, 417, 535, 605, 607, 612; appeals to 419, 609

Cyprus 140, 142, 227

Cyril (826–69) 140

Czech: identity 204, 208, 236–7, 281, 667–8; language 236, 260, 596

Czech Republic 1, 8, 384

Dachau, counts of 358, 360

Dalberg, Carl Theodor Anton Maria (1744–1817), elector of Mainz (1802–3) and prince primate (1803–14)

134–6, 161, 641, 652–4, 655, 659, 661, 662–3, 664

Dalmatia 223

Damascus 145, 702, 714

Damiani, Petrus (1007–72) 30

Danegeld 142, 201

Danewerk 201–2

Danish–Swedish War (1563–70) 175

Dante Alighieri (1265–1321) 68, 69, 137, 282


Dassel, Rainald von (1120–67), archbishop of Cologne from 1159 569

Dauphiné 197–8

David, Jacques-Louis (1748–1825) 161

debts: amortization 534, 543; civic 544, 545, 556, 650; comital 651; commericalization 544; imperial 544; princely 373, 398, 425, 448, 555; relief from 465–5, 540, 544–5, 635, 641; territorial 477, 532, 534, 540–41, 543–5, 646, 651

349, 616–18, 688

Defenestration of Prague (1618) 124, 596, 597

‘defensive modernization’ 634

democracy 4, 43, 265, 443, 499, 531, 534, 579, 585, 681; ‘deficit’ 684

Denmark: colonies 168; and crusades 209, 213; and Empire 1, 125, 187, 202, 212–14, 219–20, 264, 281, 458, 491, 578, 744; German possessions 219–20, 582, 657, 661; governance 577; and imperial title 430; wars 748

depositions: of monarchs 57, 71, 302, 386–7, 394–6, 401, 439–40, 552, 719, 723, 725, 729; of popes 50, 51, 58, 72, 707, 710, 724, 730; of vassals 349, 351, 611, 614–17, 633

designation 239, 299, 301, 305, 713; defined 302–3

Deventer 715

assemblies; Reichstag

diplomacy: ceremony 162, 478; representation 150, 174, 284

disease 51, 69, 103, 388, 401, 494, 496, 535

Dinkelsbühl, imperial city 577

districts 370, 585, 622–3, 678, 732

Ditmarschen 581–3, 589, 592

Dobneck, Johannes
Cochlaeus, Johannes

Döffingen, battle (1388) 574–5, 729

Donation of Constantine 29, 71

Donation of Pippin 29, 49, 189–90

Donauwörth, imperial city (until 1607) 523, 577, 743

Doria family 224

Dortmund, imperial city 517

Drang nach Osten

Dreieich Forrest 331

Drenthe 228


imperial politics, alleged d.

ducal titles: disputes over 419; elevation to 186, 187, 194, 204, 213, 253, 351, 358–63, 373, 709, 713; extinction of 185, 361; hereditary possession 204, 343–4, 348; and imperial church 132, 359, 361, 372–3; origins 21, 44, 184, 335–6; perquisites 343; and royal family 342–4, 348

Duisburg 97

Duisburg University 107

Dürer, Albrecht (1471–1528) 269, 270, 670

Dürnkrut, battle (1278) 385, 388, 721, 722

Dutch Republic: colonies 167–8; economy 542, 596, 599; and Empire 125, 166, 229, 444, 584, 599; finances 544; governance 529, 595; and Habsburgs 454, 470, 477, 595, 748–9; international contacts 582; origins 529, 547, 595–7, 599–600; and princes 545, 567

Dutch Revolt (1568–1648): causes 117, 742; conduct 121, 127, 166, 225, 595, 742, 744; and Empire 173, 229, 436, 456; impact 105, 420, 456, 600

Dutch War (1672–9) 175, 459, 746, 747

dynasticism: defined 45; development 144, 247, 424–7, 734; discipline 387, 425, 427; impact on Empire 304, 380; impact on territorial politics 200, 631, 661, 675; interpretations 224; partitions 369, 375, 381–2, 386, 425, 428, 721; and property 327;
see also

Eagle Dalmatic 269

eagle symbol 256, 270–71, 672, 673; double 270–71, 286, 671–2

East Frisia, principality 122, 528, 584, 599;
see also

Eastphalia 186

Ebersberger family 367

Eberhard I (1265–1325), count of Württemberg from 1279 368, 384

Eberhard II (c.1315–92), count of Württemberg from 1344 368, 575–6

ecclesiastical principalities
imperial church

ecclesiastical reservation 116

economic change 51, 91, 184, 209, 349, 355, 487–98, 541, 586, 591; and politics 462–3, 486

economic regulation: imperial 393, 462–9, 576, 578; territorial 464, 535–7


Edith of Wessex (910–46), queen 214, 314

education 253, 260, 276–7, 285, 526, 437, 539–40; of clergy 90, 113, 320, 540; of emperors 300;
see also

Edward I (1239–1307), king of England from 1272 379

Edward III (1312–77), king of England from 1327 216

Edward ‘the Confessor’ (1003–66), king of England from 1043 32

Eger (Cheb) 355, 383, 384, 797

Egypt 22, 149, 151, 649, 701

Eichstätt, bishopric 348, 372, 650

Eighty Years War
Dutch Revolt

Eike of Repgow (1180–1235) 306, 607

Einhard (c.775–840) 26

Einsiedeln abbey 411, 585, 587

Eisenmenge, Johannes Andreas (1654–1704) 108

Ekaterina Ivanovna (1691–1733), duchess of Mecklenburg 154

Ekbert (d.1068), count of Brunswick 92

Ekkehard (d.1002), margrave of Meissen from 985 346

Ekkehardiner family 201, 206, 347

elections, double: 1198 64, 69, 192, 215, 301, 302, 306, 354, 570, 716; 1257 67–8, 215–16, 298, 302, 378, 380, 382, 720; 1314 69, 298, 302, 380, 388, 724; 1410 396, 730

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