Heart of the Unknown Alpha

BOOK: Heart of the Unknown Alpha
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Sometimes there is more to a person then even they realize.

    Aryana has been living a shattered life ever since her fiancé brutally abandoned her at her fathe
s death bed. She never would have guessed that she was
t as alone as she thought.

   Darian is busy avoiding his fathe
s demands that he accept being heir to the Supreme Alpha while trying to figure out why the pack Alphas son wants him dead. A relationship with Aryana means defying not just his father but also pack law.

   One night their worlds collide when he stumbles out of the woods naked and collapses in front of her SUV.  Little do they know that this meeting sets them on a course to fulfill a prophecy  that will change the course of an entire race.  With a secretive Fae involved who knows what will happen! The world of the Lycans is about to change forever.



A HUGE thank you to Ed, Destini, Kelli, Boyd, Sonja, Michele, Joe, Mary and so many more people for their support in my writing and to everyone who buys or downloads one of my books. It would not be possible without you all.





© Rae Scott Studio 2014 ©Marie Brenner2013

This manuscript may not be copied or distributed whole or in part without the express written permission of the author. All Rights reserved.


              Chapter 1 History in the Making

Chapter 2 A Helping Hand a Shattered life

Chapter 3 Morning After

Chapter 4 The Coffee House

Chapter 5 Meeting the Ex

Chapter 6 Death Rebirth and a Meddlesome Fae

Chapter 7 A New Life

Chapter 8 First Kiss

Chapter 9 Father Son Bonding

Chapter 10 New Look New Girl

Chapter 11 Romance and the Best Friend

Chapter 12 Another Wolf?

Chapter 13 The Prodigal Some Returns

Chapter 14 Love Gone Wrong

Chapter 15 Return of Lluna

Chapter 16 A secret Revealed

Chapter 17 Time Apart

Chapter 18 Second Chances

Chapter 19 A Challenge issued

Chapter 20 Waiting Game

Chapter 21 An Heir is Revealed

Chapter 22 A Time for Change

Chapter 23 Svetlock To The Rescue

Chapter 24 Claiming the Heart of the Unknown Alpha.



Chapter 1 History in the Making

In the world of the Lycans, or werewolves, there is a hierarchy that many humans don’t realize. While most people know about the Pack and their Alpha, Beta and Omega stations they have no clue about the Council of Elders or the Supreme Alpha. The council of Elders consists of the oldest and wisest of the Werewolves, while the Supreme Alpha is the strongest and most powerful of all the Alphas.  As a rule every pack is governed and led by their own Alphas, who ensure adherence to the Laws of the Lycans. This keeps their world and their existence safe. When a Werewolf commits a crime so dangerous it causes a great disturbance in the stability of the pack the Council of Elders will step in and decide whether the person in question is innocent and what punishment is to be dealt.  When a crime is so heinous it threatens the entire existence of the community the Supreme Alpha takes over.  The Supreme Alpha also rules all Pack Alphas, making sure they are working for the good of their communities and that they run their pack according to the Laws of the Lycans.

The Council of Elders also oversees that ALL of the Laws of the Lycans are maintained. The only wolves who can never be challenged for mating rights are the Supreme Alpha and his Heir. Long ago, in a time before man could even remember and most Lycans have forgotten, there was a mate that was marked to belong to the Supreme Alpha. So many other Alphas and even some Betas died from challenging for the right to claim the one wanted by the Supreme Alpha that the entire world of the Werewolves came to the brink of destruction. The Council of Elders stepped in and put a halt to the challenges to save the existence of their kind and to put into place the stability of leadership that their kind needed to survive. From that day forward to challenge the Supreme Alpha for the ability to mate has been a death sentence. This law has lasted for so long that only the Supreme Alpha and the oldest Members of the Council even remember its existence.

Supreme Alphas, passed down from first born to first born, are more powerful than any other Alpha. There is a prophecy in place that one day a Supreme Alpha will be born that will be the most powerful of all Supreme Alphas to ever exist before. This Supreme Alpha will change the course of Lycan society in ways never seen before.


1000 years ago:

“AAAAAGGGGHHHH!” The woman on the bed panted between breathes… Her hair was plastered to her head, darkened by sweat her green eyes closed against the pain. She clenched down on her husbands hand as he anxiously looked out the window and back to his wife’s face contorted in pain.

“One more big push your ladyship and your child will be here” came the soothing voice of the midwife who was delivering the baby. “Just one more big push and you will be through it and then you can relax and rest.”

“ARRRRRRR AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” The laboring woman screamed as she pushed with all her might, using up the last of her strength. She fell back against the bed linens exhausted and sweaty unable to keep her eyes open.

The baby boy slipped into the hands of the midwife who deftly cut and tied the cord then handed him to the woman beside her to clean up as she tended to the mother. The baby was silent his vivid blue eyes looking up at the woman as she cleaned him. The woman stopped and looked down at the baby, her silver eyes widening in shock.

The large man released his wife’s hand and crossed over to where the baby was being cleaned, casting a worried glance out the window as he passed it. The woman wasn’t a witch but a fae, and an extremely gifted one at that. Despite her youthful  appearance she was older than anyone in the room. In a low voice running his hands through his dark chocolate brown hair he spoke “What is it Fae? What do you see?”

The fae turned her head and looked at the man, the supreme leader of his kind; her eyes swirled as she spoke of what she had seen when she looked at the child. “Your highness, this boy is the sire to a new age of the wolves. Through him will come the greatest most powerful Alpha of all time. One that will cause the most powerful of any male wolf to cower. Your line will become the most powerful line to ever exist and will outlast all other lines because of his sire” The fae wrapped the baby and handed him to his father and walked away as if stunned.

The large man starred down at the small infant with eyes as blue as his child’s. Until this time the child had not uttered a word. Suddenly the baby let out a wail as loud and angry as there ever was, at the same time a lightning bolt cracked outside the window, splitting a 100 year old tree perfectly in half. The father smiled down at his son. It was done. The fates had spoken. The child would succeed him to the throne.



70 years ago:

The handsome young man wiped his young wife’s brow as she panted through another contraction, squeezing her eyes shut as she pushed. The man hated the hospital, with all its sterile, chemical scents, but this was the best place for his bride. She wasn’t like other women he knew, she was delicate, fragile, she needed the world of humans to deliver her child with medical equipment not magic.

He also despised their rules about him not being allowed in the room during delivery. It was absurd. He was the father and this was his child. It had taken a great deal of persuasion on his part and a good chunk of money for the doctor to finally allow him to be by his wife’s side.

The doctor at the foot of the bed looked up a determined look on his face. “OK Dorothea, one more BIG push and you can meet your baby, just one more.”

The woman’s auburn hair stuck to her face as she shook her head “I can’t, I am to tired, it hurts to much”

The husband wrapped his arm around his wife comforting her. He looked at her with love and comfort in his bright blue eyes, tenderly he kissed her temple “Come on let’s do this together. On the count of three OK? “His wife nodded the pain evident in every feature of her face. Locking his eye with hers he coached her into a big breathe and then began to count “one… two….Three PUUUSSSHHHH!” Dorothea tilted her head back and screamed from the effort as the baby slipped from her womb and into the doctors waiting hands.

After they were cleaned up and transferred to another room the husband looked down at his wife who was exhausted.  Her eyes fluttered shut and he smiled gently love and peace filling him at the sight. He turned his attention to the baby who hadn’t made a sound yet, his heart thudding heavily. Doctors assured him it was normal. He raised his gaze to the expanse of windows that made one wall of the room and looked out at the clear night sky. Nothing. He picked up his son and smiled down into his face. His son chose that moment to open his eyes and look at his father for the first time. He saw his son had eyes the same shade as his and his heart lifted a bit. Perhaps there was still hope.  Then the baby opened his mouth and let out a wail letting his mother know it was time to eat.

The troubled father passed the baby to his wife and raised his eyes to the windows, the sky was clear. Nothing happened. He closed his eyes and bowed his head as despair flooded him. He had hoped so badly for his first born. It had been told to his father and yet, nothing. Something had gone wrong and it was his fault. Now he knew what he had to do. He had to leave his new family and his heart behind and return to his pack.

He drove from the hospital that night after settling both his wife and child to sleep. He silently entered their small house and slipped up the stairs. He packed his bag full of his clothing and other personal items, looked around at the room he and his wife shared for the last time swallowing past the lump in his throat, he choked back the tears when his gaze landed on the crib sitting in the corner, made up and ready for their child, now only her child. Carefully he locked the door behind him as he left placing the key to the house in the mailbox. The tears fell as he drove out of town and away from his family and his heart knowing he could never come back, never see his wife and child again.


34 years ago

The nurse pushed the door open and looked at the man sitting in the waiting room. The woman’s delivery had been very difficult and it was evident that the anxiety of waiting had taken its toll on the new father.  She smiled as she approached

“You can go back now” she said with a soft voice. The man raised his dark head to look at her; worry clouded his vivid blue eyes. She quickly reassured him. “Your wife and baby are fine; it was a very difficult delivery. You will have to be the main care giver to your child for a few weeks while your wife heals. Other than that everyone is healthy and safe and good.”

The man rose and followed the nurse back through the swinging doors and into a small room off to the right. As he entered the room the small thing in the isolette let out a large piercing cry, simultaneously three streaks of lightening cracked right outside the window and everything went dark for a minute in the room, his wife’s cry of fright coming from the bed before the lights blinked back on as the power was restored by the emergency generators.

“The lightening must have hit a transformer or something, though I shouldn’t be surprised given the way the sky has looked over the last hours” The dark rolling angry looking clouds had started to roll in shortly after their arrival and had seemed to continue to build through the hours they had been there. The flashes of lightening had started just before the baby had been born but nothing had hit till just then.

The baby still wailed in the isolette, an angry and piercing cry. The young father walked over and put out his finger, smiling as the tiny thing latched on with one small hand and instantly quieted. Big vivid blues eyes stared up into his as he said “Hello little one, welcome to the big big world”. He slipped his hands underneath the tiny bundle and lifted it up into his arms and turned to his wife and smiled as big as any new father ever had. His world was now complete.




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