Heart of the Unknown Alpha (16 page)

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Dazed Darian shook his head trying to clear it. He smelled blood. Raising his hand he touched his left temple and felt a warm stickiness. Unfastening his seatbelt he tried to piece together what had happened. Climbed out of the vehicle through the passengers door landing on his feet beside the roof of the vehicle. Looking around he tried to figure out where the shots had come from. As his eyes scanned the wooded area he slipped his cell from the pocket of his jeans and tapped a few buttons without looking.

“Darian, where are you?” The irritated voice of his father had him lifting a corner of his mouth.

“I am about fifteen miles from the pack village. I’ve been shot at.”

On the other end of the line Samuel stiffened and went deathly still. This was disastrous news. “I am sending scout team and two vehicles. Stay out of sight.” He clicked off and dialed another number. “Brad, two transport and full team with medical. Fifteen miles from the village. Shots fired.”

Samuel hung up and sat down . He steepled his fingers in front of him and stared hard at his office door not seeing it. The entire situation was becoming more and more complicated and he wasn’t sure he liked it.

The Supreme Alpha had left the night before.. Reanult had never kept his trips a secret from him. Always giving him a full itinerary of where he would be staying, the purpose of the trip and how to reach him. This time all he had left was a phone number to an untraceable cell and instructions to call only under extreme circumstances.  Add that to the fact that lately he hadn’t brought up Darian accepting becoming his heir and it unsettled something in his stomach.

Now to make things worse his only child had found a Pure Mate in a human and someone was shooting at him. The best he could hope for is that the human female rejected his son and they caught whoever was after Damian. Then maybe Darian would finally accept becoming heir to the Supreme Alpha. He wouldn’t like it but he would be forced to take a pack female and reproduce with her. It went against everything the pack stood for when it came to mating but a human had no place in their world. They were too weak, too fragile. They would get hurt too easily and killed even quicker. Better she rejected his son then her get pulled into their world and killed. Darian would have a better time accepting her loss if she was alive then if she died.

Over the next several days Aryana and Darian spoke on the phone often, they even had a few video chats. He always asked about the puppy when they talked and Aryana found herself not wanting to be away from him.  He had said something about having an accident on his way home and that he had to get his car replaced before he could come back to see her.  Aryana didn’t know how she knew it but she KNEW there was something he wasn’t telling her. He also never pressed her about making a decision either, staying true to his word. Honestly, she missed him like crazy and had decided to distract herself to stop from feeling so lonely.

Aryana kept busy with the pup, calling him Renie, short for Reanult one of her favorite  characters from a book. She worked her job and fed and took the pup out. She had more work from Stephen and she couldn’t figure out why he was having her edit so many photos since his shots needed barely any work.

In fact most of Stephen’s work was the same. Pictures of either a certain male or female sometimes with a wolf, sometimes close ups of wolves. What made each picture different was the shadows and colorings of the animals. Granted some of the pictures of the animals were a bit odd. Like why take a picture of a wolfs butt?? The wolf had pointed its hind end directly at the camera with its tail flopped off to one side. There were a couple of pictures like that. They were kinda weird but if it’s what he wanted to take pictures of then so be it.

Some of the pictures were a bit odder then that and a lot weirder.. like the one of the naked girl laying on her back in the sun the wolf laying beside her with its head on the girls thigh nose pointed towards her crotch. Very odd. At least he had good taste in models though she supposed.

On Darian’s end of things he was going stir crazy. He hadn’t been hurt in the crash or shooting but not being able to see Aryana was driving him nuts. Granted the video calls helped but barely.  He was desperate to see her, touch her, hold her.  He knew he should have told her the truth about what happened but he didn’t want to scare her off again.

He paced the great hall of Alpha House. Half the time cursing himself, the other half plotting, thinking, trying to understand. Why was Stephen trying to kill him? He had done nothing to the man. It just didn’t make sense. Nobody in the village had known who he was so he hadn’t been a threat to anyone. So WHAT was the reason? And how was he going to keep Aryana safe without claiming the offer of heir to the Supreme Alpha?  It just didn’t seem like there were any answers and the ones he did have weren’t very clear at all. How the hell was he going to get out of this and keep Aryana at his side once he got her back there?

It was two weeks before Darian got another vehicle. The extra time was taken because this vehicle had been specially outfitted per his father’s insistence. Darian had caved when given the choice of either round the clock armed guard never more than 2 feet away or the armored vehicle. There was no way in hell he wanted an armed guard around when what he wanted most was alone time with Aryana. Hell he didn’t want anybody that close when he had to take a piss either for that matter. Soon as he had gotten the keys he headed to Aryana’s house hoping and praying she was home.




Chapter 19 A Challenge issued.

Aryana had just finished taking the pup outside to go potty and had settled him back inside his pen area when there was a knock on her front door. Not expecting anyone she opened the door to find Stephen on her doorstep with a large bouquet of flowers. She blinked not sure she wasn’t seeing things. She had never invited the man to her home and she wasn’t sure how he had found it. “Stephen, I am surprised to see your here. What’s going on?”

“Aryana, Hi.” He fidgeted on the doorstep in front of her nervously “I hope you don’t mind me just showing up but I was wanting to talk to you and I kinda didn’t want to do it in the middle of a coffee shop.”

She blinked as comprehension dawned. “Oh! Yeah sure. It’s not a problem at all. Come on in. Would you like some coffee?” She stepped back allowing Stephen room to enter the house.

“Coffee would be nice thank you. Oh these are for you.” He thrust the flowers out at her a bit awkwardly.

Aryana took the flower and headed into the kitchen. She placed the flowers into a makeshift vase and started the coffee maker. When she turned around she realized Stephen hadn’t followed her so went to investigate. She found him in the living room watching the now sleeping pup.

“I see you found my little orphan” She smiled as she approached.

“Your taking care of a wolf pup? That’s unusual. Not many people would be willing to do so.”

Aryana shrugged “He came as a sort of gift so it wasn’t much choice. I have had him for about 2 weeks now.  Poor thing lost his mom and litter mates so I just couldn’t turn him away could I?” Aryana came to stand next to Stephen and they both watched the little guy sleep for a minute. Aryana couldn’t help but smile gently at how cute the little tiny ball of fluff was.

Stephen turned towards Aryana and picked up her hand. He gently led her to the couch and waited until she sat before seating himself. “Aryana I came here to talk to you and I want to do it before I chicken out. I have spent a very long time looking for someone who I thought could accept me for who I am. All of me. I am a…. rather complicated person and not just anyone would be understanding or accepting of me.”

Aryana just sat and waited. She wasn’t sure where this was going but she had an idea and she wasn’t sure she wanted to go there. She was in love with Darian after all and well, Stephen was nice but he wasn’t Darian. Instead of saying anything she just kept silent and waited.

Stephen watched her for any signs of rejection and not seeing any continued on. “I know you don’t know me very well but something about you tells me that you could be that person for me. That you could and would accept me completely. I want to be given the chance to get to know you outside of business. To court you and to see if you could possibly come to love me. I know it’s asking a lot but I truly think we could be good together.”

Stephen was watching her with puppy dog eyes when suddenly he shifted. His eyes narrowed on the wall at the front of the house. She could have sworn he let out a low growl before muttering “We have company.” In a matter of a second his whole demeanor changed from shy and sweet to dark and dangerous.


Darian pulled up in front of Aryana’s home and immediately knew something was up. There was a dark green SUV parked out front. And while he didn’t have his wolf side back fully yet it was back enough that he could detect the scent of his enemy. Stephen was here and inside with HIS mate.. Jumping from his own vehicle Darian rushed the front door. He bashed it in taking the scene in front of him. Aryana was on the sofa her eyes wide Stephen was standing in front of it poised for a fight. He eyes ablaze with hate and anger.

Through Gritted teeth Darian wrung out. “Get away from her Stephen.”

Stephen let out a slow evil grin. “Why should I?”

“Get away from my mate. NOW.”

“You have no claim here.”

Aryana slowly rose from the sofa instinctively making her way to the pup as the two men took measure of each other. She reached where the pup was sleeping and scooped him up into her arms bed and all and moved him as far from the risk of getting hurt as she could while keeping her eyes on the two males facing off and circling each other in her living room.

The two men began circling each other like boxers in a ring looking for an opening. Both mean were snarling at each other and Aryana could swear that Stephens teeth had lengthened and become pointed..

“You have no claim here. She is free to be claimed by another”

“She is mine.”

“Wrong, she will be mine. Your claim is invalid.”

“You won’t touch her or I WILL kill you”

“Try me. You have no claim to her, she is free to choose.”

“You will never have her.”

“Watch me. I will claim her and there will be nothing you can do about it.”

Aryana let out a scream as Darian threw himself at Stephen and the men went tumbling across the floor. They rolled and fists flew as they went. She could hear growling and snarling. Soon they crashed into a wall with Darian on the bottom. The heavy gilt mirror came crashing down on top of his head splintering and knocking him out. The noise woke the puppy who began to cry in distress. That is when Aryana had enough. They had trashed her house and upset her pup.. She raced over and body slammed Stephen off Darian.  Stephen crashed into the wall breaking the drywall next to the front door stunning him into stopping and staring at her.

“Stop it! Just stop it!! Your fighting like two dogs over a bone! I am not something you can just pass around! You have RUINED my living room and upset my pup! NOW KNOCK IT OFF OR I WILL KNOCK YOU OFF!!!”

“Then decide.”

“Decide what? I am not deciding ANYTHING between two idiotic males that can’t act like adults but more like animals. GET OUT!”

Stephen narrowed his eyes His body language saying he was ready to pounce again but with Aryana standing between the two of them she knew he wouldn’t risk it. He leveled his gaze at Darian on the ground still out. “Consider this your Challenge of Rights notification. You will lose and she will be mine.”

Stephen let himself out the door and quickly jumped into his SUV and took off tires squealing. Aryana watched him go before turning her attention to Darian. The poor guy was barely conscious. Checking him over she realized he was still weak and may have a concussion.  Somehow she just knew that fighting Stephen had taken everything he had out of him. She skimmed her hands over his body looking for other injuries but found nothing but bruises. Slipping his phone from his pocket she was amazed to find it still intact. Quickly pressing a couple buttons until she found what she was looking for she pressed the one button she knew would change her entire future.

“Darian, what do you want?” Came the voice on the other end.

Aryana froze. What did she say? No matter what it was going to be bad. How did she explain one of her clients had attacked Darian?

“Darian? Are you there?” Came the voice again.

Taking a deep breath and swallowing hard Aryana finally found her voice. “Mr. Night? This is Aryana Barstin. I need your help.”

“Ms. Barstin? Why are you calling on Darian’s phone and why are you calling me for help?”

“Mr. Night, Darian’s hurt. I, I don’t know what to do….” She trailed off Lifting troubled eyes to the ceiling of her home. God what if the man refused to help her? What then???

On the other end Darian’s father bolted up out of his chair sending it flying backwards into the wall. “Hurt? What do you mean my son was hurt?” How in the hell did a human hurt a wolf?

“There was a fight, he went into a wall.. He won’t open his eyes. Please I need help.” Aryana felt the tears welling up in her eyes threaten to over spill.

Darian’s father pushed the button on his desk summoning his security detail. “I will be there soon. Keep an eye on my son.” He hung up the phone just as the men entered the room. “grab the medic, Something has happened to Darian. We move out now.” With that he led the way out of Alpha house to the waiting vehicle.

Aryan quickly went over to the whimpering pup and picked him up. Cradling Renie in her arms she went back and sat down next to Darian willing him to open his eyes. She absently stroked the pups soft fur in an attempt to calm him as she waited for help to arrive.

It seemed like an eternity for them to get there and yet it also seemed as if no time at all had passed. Aryana looked up to see an older version of Darian standing in the entryway of her broken front door. She knew as soon as she saw the set to the man’s face that this wasn’t going to go well for her.

Samuel smelled it as soon as their vehicle turned onto the road. The smell of anger and battle.  His eyes darted around looking for any sign of danger as he parked behind Darian’s New SUV. As soon as he got out of the vehicle he smelled it.  Another wolf had been there.  Green eyes narrowed as he walked up to what used to be a front door. Looking around at the broken furniture, his son out cold and a petite slightly heavier woman with a wolf pup in her lap it became all to clear what had happened. His son had attacked and fought another wolf in his weakened state and lost. Though why the other wolf hadn’t killed his son was a mystery. His eyes landed on the girl and for some reason his gut told him his answers lay with her. First though he had to take care of his son which meant getting answers.“Ms. Barstin come with me please.”

Aryana silently got up from her position on the floor as a large man with a black bag rushed in and started tending to Darian. She followed Darian’s father into her kitchen and sat in the chair he had pulled out for her. He took the one opposite.

Samuel watched the girl with appraising eyes, She was understandably upset by what had happened, she was also clearly taken with the pup as she still held it and was stroking it. He made sure his voice was gentle and non-threatening when he finally spoke. “Where is the other wolf?”

Aryana looked at the man and blinked. “Wolf?”

“Where is the other wolf that was here with my son?”

“The only other wolf here is Renie. But he can’t hurt anyone, he is just a puppy.”

“Aryana..eh, it IS Aryana isn’t it?”

Aryana nodded her head that is was.

“Good. Call me Samuel.” It was obvious the girl was clueless that the other person who had been here was a wolf like the rest of them. He would have to take another way about this.  “There WAS someone else besides you Darian and the pup here wasn’t there?”

“Yes.” Aryana felt her eyes start to water again. It had been so horrific seeing the two men fighting. “One of my clients was here.”

Samuel raised an eyebrow, what kind of female was this that had ‘clients’ “One of your clients?”

Aryana nodded. ”I do video and photographic editing for a living. One of my clients was here and we were talking when Darian showed up.”

“Ok, so you were talking business with a client and Darian showed up. Then what happened?”

“No we weren’t talking business.” Aryana shook her head clearing it. Firming up her voice. “He came here to talk to me about possibly having a more personal relationship. I don’t know how he knew where I lived but he did. I make it a policy to never have clients in my home. Privacy and all that.”

Samuel was about to ask her more about her client when Jack the medic came in. “Sir we need to get him back to Alpha house. I can treat him better there.”

Without taking his eyes off Aryana Samuel tossed over his shoulder. “Is he awake?”

“Not yet sir but I think he may wake up soon. Best we have him back there before then.”

“Very well load him up.”

“Sir? IF I can have a minute?”

Samuel frowned Jack never called him away from an interrogation unless it was relevant. He rose from the chair and crossed to the entry way where he engaged in a hushed conversation with the Alpha House Medic. “What?”

Jacks brown eyes darted to Aryana and back. “Sir I suggest we take the female with us.”

Samuel looked at his medic with a hard stare. “ Have you lost your mind? She is human, Humans are NEVER allowed at Alpha House.”

“Sir there are teeth marks on Darian’s neck. Their caused by another male wolf. The marks are consistent with ones I have seen in the past when one wolf fights another and goes in for the kill. There is a good chance this wolf will come back and without Darian here at full strength the other wolf may kill the female AND the wolf pup to keep Darian from having them. She isn’t safe here.”

“Dammit. Just what I need, a freaking situation made worse by a human FEMALE at Alpha House. Damn fine time for Renault to take a trip and decide to be out of touch.” Running his hands through his hair he let out a frustrated sigh. “Fine we take the female with us.”

Aryana watched as Samuel and the other man talked in hushed voices. She got bits of the conversation but not all of it. She was able to make out that there was another wolf involved, that meant Stephen was a werewolf too. Is that what Stephen had meant about his life being complicated? Finding someone who would accept him for being what he was? But surely if he was a werewolf he would know about the world of them that existed? Unless, what if he hadn’t grown up in the community, but in the human world? Yet his whole demeanor, the thing he had said indicated otherwise… What was going on? She watched silently as the conversation concluded and Samuel returned to his chair.

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