Heart of the Unknown Alpha (19 page)

BOOK: Heart of the Unknown Alpha
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Chapter 23. Svetlock to the rescue

              Aryana sat in the large chair in the circular room and eyed the bank of thrones in front of her. Beside her sat her Grandfather. The thrones were empty but there was a door to their left which she guessed led to a waiting or meeting room. In front of her were 2 pedestals with books on them. Her Grandfather explained that the one was the tale of their family history. Only a Supreme Alpha could open it. The other was a book only the Prophesied Supreme Alpha could open.

              Aryana had spent the last two days learning about her family line of were wolves.  The prophecy foretold of a Supreme Alpha that would come along and that would eclipse all other Supreme Alphas. That Supreme Alpha would be the guiding force to bring the Werewolf nation out of hiding and would be the most powerful Alpha of all time. It would be the Alpha that restored the Lycan to their former glory.

              There were four guards in the room. One on either side of Aryana and her Father and two in front of the thrones. Whether they were protecting or acting as jailers she wasn’t sure. None would answer her questions, not even to give her their name.

              Torches burned around the room though she suspected they were more for effect then any real use as there were electrical lights in the ceiling. As the long minutes ticked by she grew anxious. He Grandfather had told her this was the Council Judgment room. It was where that the worst of offenses were judged. Given she was sitting in the room she hadn’t really liked the sound of that.

              She tried to sit still as her Grandfather had cautioned her that fidgeting and displaying nervousness were considered signs of weakness and would cast doubt on her when being judged. Just as she was beginning to be truly exasperated the door opened and in came the men she remembered from the Arena where the Challenge had been held. She watched silently as they took their seats.

              The man who was the leader of the Council was the one who spoke first. “Renault Ahlf Supreme Alpha to the Pack, you are charged with breaking of pack law and mating with a human and producing a child.  All crimes punishable by death. Aryana Barstin Grandchild to Renault Ahlf the Supreme Alpha to the Pack, You are charged with existing as a hybrid and claiming heir to the Supreme Alpha. A crime punishable by death under Pack Law. Do you both understand the charges?”

              Aryana watched as her Renault, stiff jawed, nodded. Aryana was unable to speak so she simply nodded her head as well.

              “Aryana Barstin, your existance is mere proof enough that you exist, your fate will largely depend upon whether or not Supreme Alpha to the Pack Renault Ahlf is found to be guilty of breaking Pack Law, do you understand?”

              Aryana cast a quick glance at the profile of her Grandfather. His face was like stone and she had no clue what he was thinking but she nodded. Her life now depended on Renault being found not guilty. Unfortunately for her the fact that she was breathing seemed proof enough of his guilt.

              “Reanult Ahlf, Supreme Alpha to the Pack, what have you to say in defence of yourself?”

              Renault stood and faced the Council. He knew that no matter what he would be found guilty. All he could do was try to save his granddaughter. He didnt regret taking Dorothea as a mate and would do it again if he had a chance. He loved her and his only regret was ever coming back to the Pack in the first place and leaving his wife and child behind.

              “I was mated to Dorothea Barstin. I was mated outside of the packs knowledge due to my fathers pressure that I mate to a more powerfully placed member of the Pack. It was not what I had wished. Dorothea was my Pure Mate.  I could not ever nor would I ever take another. The child from her is dead, a child I only got to see on the day of his birth. When the sign that he was to be Alpha did not come I knew then I had to leave. For the safety of the pack, for the safety of my child and mate I walked away. Aryana was unknown to me until the day of the Challange. She has yet to claim herself as my heir. I do not encourage her to do so either.”

              Aryana watched as her Grandfather took his seat and stared off into the distance.  She had a large sinking feeling in her stomach. This was not going to go well. Not well at all. He had basically admitted to everything.

              The Council members conversed among themselves until they seemed to come to a conclusion. Nodding to each otherin agreement finally the leader of the Council stood and nodded to the guards beside them.

              “Aryana Barstin, Supreme Alpha to the Pack Renault Ahlf please stand for your judgement.”

              Aryana slowly slid out of her chair, as she did so she noticed the guards pulling their swords from their sheaths. She reached for her grandfathers hand and gripped it tightly.  She knew what was coming but prayed for a miracle.

              “The Council has passed judgment. Renault Ahlf Supreme Alpha to the Pack, your are found guilty of mating with a human and producing an heir that is a hybrid against Pack Law. The fact that you have hidden this knowledge from the pack knowing it was illegal and have led our people makes it that much more heinous of a crime. Aryana Barstin. Your are the biological grandchild of Renault Ahlf, and a human female. As such you exist as a hybrid against pack law. You are found guilty. You both are sentenced to death.”

              As the leader of the Council sat down Aryana felt herself go numb. Guilty. Death. She was really going to die, again. Wait. Again... Lluna. As her Grandfather wrapped his arms around her Aryana remembered what Lluna had said. She was her guardian and would come when called.

              “LLUNA!!! HELP ME!” Aryana screamed as the guards raised the swords and began to advance.

              Suddenly a loud crack and bright white light filled the room. Then came the booming voice Aryana remembered. “HOW DARE YOU HARM MY CHILD.”

              Stunned nobody moved. There with hair flying and eyes sparking, floating in the middle of a ball of bright white energy was one very pissed off Fae...

              “HOW DARE YOU HARM MY CHILD.” She repeated. Lightening flashed from her hand as she flicked it towards the thrones. After that the room became a blur of motion.

              The lightening struck the wood half wall separating the Council thrones and Aryana. Council members went scattering for cover. Renault lunged at the nearest guard screaming for Aryana to run. Aryana turned only to find another guard advancing on her. Another shot of lightening struck again from Lluna and more of the Council thrones blew up, Aryana scrambled backwards tripping over the stand that held the book of Alphas. Her hand slipped on the pedestal and a line of blood  formed across her palm.

              Sprawled on the floor she flipped over and saw the guard continuing his advance. She screamed and lightening flashed in front of her. The guard came out looking like he was covered in soot. She took the opportunity to flip back over and using her hands and feet tried to propel herself to safety. Unfortunately her injured hand landed on the Book of Alphas and it slid out from under causing her to lose her balance. She fell into the second pedestal and grasped onto the first solid thing which just happened to be the book that only the Prophesied Supreme Alpha could open.

              “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS?!” roared an extremely authoritative voice. Eyes wide Aryana turned to see a very angry very old Supreme Alpha rise up out of the book and look around the room.

              Renault glanced behind him in time to see one very pissed off Svetlock knock out two of the guards. The third ran like a pup. Renault quickly made work of the fourth and turned to face his ancestor.

              Svetlok seemed to take his time taking in Lluna who had since calmed down but still glowed from anger and the state of the Council room and the hiding council members. “Aryana, why have you summoned me? And what did you do to the Council room?”

              The Council members heads popped up from behind broken boards and thrones at Svetlok's words. Aryana had summoned him? But how?

              Aryana backed away from the large angry looking man the book still clutched in her hand. With tears in her eyes she asked “Are, are you going to kill me?”

              “Kill you? You are my descendent. You are the one we have all been waiting for. Why would I kill you?” Svetlock took in the scene around him as he put the pieces together. “JOSEPH! You idiot, what have you done?”

              The head of the council pulled himself up to his full height as he came out of hiding. Dusting off his cloak he cleared his throat before he spoke.

              “Supreme Alpha of the Pack Svetlok. We are honored by your presence here.” The werewolf bowed to the angry man in the center of the room.

              “Bullshit Joseph. What have you done? Why does Aryana believe she is to be killed? ANSWER ME!” Svetlok seemed to grow larger the angrier he got. At least it seemed that way to Aryana.

              “Oh great one, she is a hybrid and her existence is against pack law. She and Renault are both sentenced to death for breaking pack law. Renault for creating a child with a human and Aryana for existing as a result of that child being created.” Joseph was kneeling on the floor cowering. The stench of fear rolled off him.

              Svetlok arched one eyebrow as he stared at the man. He cocked his head as if he was trying to decide something. “Joseph I don’t know if I should laugh at your stupidity or have you killed for it.”

              Svetlok sat down in Aryana's seat since it was the only one left intact. He motioned for Aryana to approach and to bring the book she was holding. He watched closely as she approached. Meanwhile the rest of the council members were slowly coming out of hiding and watching on, curious as to what the mighty warrior Supreme Alpha would do.

              “Aryana. Open the book and read it to me.” He asked when she finally got in front of him.

              Aryana nodded he head and did has he bid as quickly as he could. She heard a gasp go up as the books lock opened under her fingers. She stared down at the first page and was shocked. There were only a few lines on it. The rest was blank. Looking up at Svetlok she continued when he nodded. “Let that which has been hidden from history be seen. Let that from where we come be known. Let our true history be revealed. Let us become that which we are supposed to be.”

              The book began to vibrate in her hands as the pages began to glow. She dropped the book but it remained suspended in air. Soon the entire council chamber was flooded with what was like a moving picture. The past history of the Lycan was playing out in front of their very eyes!

              All the werewolves were stunned speechless. There in the scenes were Lycan and humans living side by side, playing, eating, and even having children! There were gay and lesbian Lycan as well as straight all living together, happy and harmoniously. Then the scene changed, Suddenly there was a fight between a human and a Lycan for a mate. The Lycan fought hard and won, The man's family had retaliated and killed the lycan and the human mate. Their child had hid in a cupboard and watched all of this and as he grew he began to slay the humans who had killed his family. Soon it became a war. Humans hunted Lycans, Lycans killed humans in self defense. A field covered in blood flipped by Aryana. So many died. Then the Lycans, now so much smaller in number had gone into hiding. The formation of the Council, the Laws for protection, and more flipped by.  She saw bit of other peoples lives, like blips from a movie. She even saw one of Stephen. Then everything fast forwarded and Aryana saw her father being born, Renault by her grandmothers side, then her birth and her mother... Wait. Her mother looked just like...

              Aryana turned her head and stared at the Fae that now stood silently in the room. All traces of anger gone. One by one every pair of eyes in the Council Room focused on the Fae and Guardian of their people. She smiled gently.

              “Yes Aryana, I am your mother. I have watched over you every second of every day. It is long past the time you should have been brought home.”

              The last thing Aryana remembered was Svetlok catching her as everything went black.

              She woke sometime later back in her room. Her grandfather was beside her. He didn’t seem worried at all. Slowly it dawned on her that she was sentenced to death. Bolt upright she was halted from jumping out of the bed by a gentle hand.

              “Aryana, its alright. The Council has lifted the death sentence. Your safe.”

              She turned her head and looked at her grandfather “What about you? Are you safe too?”

              When he smiled and nodded she let out a deep breathe. How had it happened? What had changed the councils mind?

              As if hearing her thoughts her grandfather smiled and began to explain.

              “As it turns out there was a lot of Lycan history purposefully left out of our books. Knowledge we didn’t have. The book that you opened can only be opened by a Supreme Alpha that was told to us would come a long time ago. That Alpha would be the one to lead us back to the greatness we used to have. That Alpha would be the strongest and most powerful of us all. That Supreme Alpha is you, child.

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