Hearts Are Wild (22 page)

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Authors: Patrice Michelle,Cheyenne McCray,Nelissa Donovan

Tags: #Erotic, #Romance

BOOK: Hearts Are Wild
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Chapter Four


Shain slammed the oak door with more force than he’d intended and gave a quick scan of the hall, before reaching down and shifting his painfully swollen cock in his jeans.

“Fuck me,” Shain muttered. He wiped a hand over his face and walked to the balcony that looked down on the wide-open living room and entryway below. He could hear the bang and clash of pots from the kitchen where his sister was cleaning up. Damned if it hadn’t taken all his restraint to not cup the leggy wench’s nearly shaved, soft blonde mound and hang on.

She was one hot piece of ass. And now that he’d gotten a glimpse of her pussy, he knew she was a natural blonde, something completely unexpected. Her type was usually on intimate terms with peroxide and full of plastic to boot. His mind eased back to the delicious view he’d gotten of her tits. High and firm, with pale pink nipples pointing at him like come-hither fingers. No plastic there. Unique and distinctively delectable.

This was going to make it that much harder to keep his hands
her and his cock satisfied with thoughts of good fucks past. Closing his eyes, Shain wiped his mind free of images of
and focused on the workday ahead. It took a minute but his cock finally went back to a semi-comfortable size and Shain strode down the curving flight of stairs to the great room below.

He wouldn’t have had to shower in her or, more accurately,
room if a pipe hadn’t burst last night, rendering all the first floor bathrooms unusable. Nhya had made the last minute decision to put the unconscious woman in Shain’s room on the second floor, which now had the only working shower except for those in the bunkhouse.

Shain had figured the broad would stay passed out until well after noon. Right. She’d been up at the window ogling the guys before she’d even gotten dressed. Seeing her staring at them in the thin sheet had made heat race to his head and all Shain could think of was how he wanted to bunch that sheet up in his fist and tie her to his naked body. Force her to wrap those long legs around his hips while he gripped her ass and ran his fingers across her moist slit.

At the hat rack Shain cursed. The bulge was back and even bigger now, if that was possible. He took another deep breath and slammed his hat onto his head. “Damned if this woman isn’t going to get a lesson she’s never gonna forget.”

* * * * *

“What a prick,” Lily muttered as she shoved her legs into the smooth, work worn jeans and buttoned them up. She’d searched for her luggage but only found her laptop, overnight case and unmentionables neatly folded in the armoire. Why the hell had he taken her clothes?

What had he said?
Something about appropriate attire. “Oh, no,” Lily said as it dawned on her that she’d left Nic and Bri alone with her luggage at the house for the entire day before her flight out while she wrapped things up at the museum.

“I bet they switched my wardrobe,” Lily said to the sparkly dust motes dancing in front of her face.

But even if that
of that man to take them from her! What was this, a prison camp?

Lily found a pair of boots by the bed and pulled them on. The leather was supple and comfortable around her foot. She went to the wardrobe and took out her laptop. “I’m taking the first flight out of here.”

A knock on the door nearly made Lily drop the case and, before she could answer, it swung inward, followed by a young woman, maybe twenty-five or twenty-six, bearing a huge smile and liquid brown chocolate eyes that instantly reminded Lily of the ethnic models she saw in magazines and on billboards.

“Good morning!” She walked over to Lily without hesitation and pumped her hand. “I’m Nhya. It’s a pleasure!” Her gorgeous eyes did a quick appraisal, before rising once again to Lily’s face. “I’m glad the clothes fit. Shain told me there’d been a problem with your suitcase and that you’d need some ranch duds while you’re here.”

Lily was at a loss. The woman exuded warmth and a strong aura of command. Sort of like—

“They’re my sister’s…”

The cowboy. His sister. Shain.
His name is Shain

Without missing a beat, the woman tucked Lily’s laptop back into the armoire and grabbed her elbow. “You’re up just in time for the last bit of breakfast. Come on down to the kitchen. You don’t want to start your first day at the ranch on an empty stomach.”

“Well, I—”

Lily never got to finish her sentence. Before she knew what was happening, they were out the door and headed down a grand set of rough hewn oak stairs to the impressive but homey ranch-style great room and then into the kitchen. The aroma of fresh bacon, fruit and coffee filled the air and Lily’s mouth watered.

“Have a seat,” Nhya said, waving to a stool at the long counter that faced the kitchen’s massive prep area. Lily did, her mind whirring. She still hadn’t had time to process all of last night’s events but it was obvious from Shain’s face that there’d been some sort of scuffle. She couldn’t remember any of
but she had no doubt Shain had given more than he’d gotten, which was pretty amazing considering the size and number of cowboys who’d been there.

Shame colored Lily’s cheeks and she glanced away from where Nhya was filling a plate at the stove to look out the large, picturesque windows at the Montana countryside. The grass seemed to stretch for miles but, in the distance Lily could see a thick line of trees and hills and, beyond that, mountains speared the clear blue sky.

Lily sucked on her lower lip as her thoughts tripped back to the moment she’d broken out into tears.
cry. What came over me?

“Here ya go.”

Turning, Lily smiled her thanks. The first thing she reached for was the cup of coffee. Anything to ease the ache between her eyes. As she sipped, Lily’s brows knitted in surprise.

“Everything all right?”

Lily blinked at her hostess. “This coffee. It’s just how I like it. Strong, with a hint of sugar and a generous amount of flavored creamer, which, if my taste buds aren’t wonky from all the…er…well, anyway, it tastes like hazelnut. My favorite.” Lily took another deep sip.

Nhya smiled and Lily was again stunned at her striking good looks. She could imagine her as an Aztec princess commanding her subjects. “I have a good sense for those things.” She shrugged. “Besides, it’s how I like it, too.”

After a nod, Lily finished off the cup and asked for another while she dove into the fresh fruit. It was delicious and, despite her sensitive head, Lily found that she was famished. Must be the clean air, she thought. As she finished up, she exchanged pleasantries with Nhya, who was unfailingly polite and warm, but Lily sensed a measure of distance in the attractive young woman. A shadow of sadness. Lily was familiar with that shadow. She’d experienced enough tragedy in her life to recognize someone who’d suffered a recent loss. Not that she was about to ask her. It was none of her business.

While they chatted, Lily decided it might not be so bad to hang out at the ranch for a few days. At least until she could contact her cousins and ferret out who was closer to caving in. That weight lifted from Lily’s shoulders, she began to look around with more interest.

“Ready for a quick tour?” Nhya asked as if reading Lily’s mind.

Lily nodded and followed her under the carved lintel and into the great room. She’d never had much experience with a real, working ranch and Lily gave Nhya her full attention as the young woman spoke with obvious pride about how the home had been built by her parents and how special it was to them all. The house itself was beautiful, in a simple, elegant and functional way. The warm wood and rich stone on the fireplaces—Lily had seen three so far—gave it a distinct lodge type look, but with a unique flare. Native rugs graced the hardwood floors and hung in various locations on the walls, as well as pots, baskets and native art. Lily’s trained eye identified them as authentic, some older in origin, some recent pieces of native craft from different nations.

Lily stopped at a built-in shelf in the library and gave a small “oh.” She tapped a finger on the shelf. “This piece…it’s Oglala, right?”

Nhya stood quietly for a moment before moving forward and picking up the clay pipe. “My grandfather’s.” Her gaze swept over Lily. “How did you know it was Oglala?”

“I’m a museum curator in southern Arizona. I’ve worked extensively with Native artifacts.”

Nhya’s patrician features hardened with doubt and Lily realized that, after last night, it was no wonder. Lily cleared her throat. “You have no reason to believe this but I hold a respectable job and, for the most part, I’m an extremely average woman.”

There was another awkward moment of silence before Nhya’s eyebrows rose. “Museum curator, huh?”

“That’s right,” Lily said, her gaze straying to other artifacts on the shelf. “These pipe bags are lovely, too. The bead and quillwork gives them away as Oglala. Beautiful.” Lily longed to reach out and touch them, feel their history, but it wasn’t done. Not without an invitation, which Nhya had not extended. Not that she could blame the woman. As far as she knew, Lily was some raving drunken slut who’d decided on a whim to while her time away at a dude ranch to shop for a husband.

Yeah. Right.

If she only knew…

Feeling her face flush with heat, Lily took a deep breath and turned toward the hallway. “Well, I don’t want to keep you.”

Nhya continued to appraise Lily with slightly suspicious eyes. “I think the boys have an itinerary all set for you. I’ll show you outside.”

The breeze was cool and the sun warm as Lily followed Nhya toward the enormous stable area. Nhya had given her a straw hat to wear that tied under her chin and Lily was grateful for the shade of the brim. Not to mention, if she tipped her head just so, she could scan the yard for Mr. Prick without it being too obvious.

The thought of seeing him again sent a delicious thrill through her abdomen and Lily wondered if this was the type of thing her cousins had been yapping about. That sexual energy that heightened every moment, punctuated every thought and action. Lily had only had two semi-serious relationships in the last ten years and, instead of a bang, each had started with gentle interest and ended with as much punch as a mild spring wind. No real entanglement. No messy commitments or emotions. Which is how Lily liked it. They had been…pleasant. Nice.

as Aunt Viv would say.

Lily curled her lip at the thought. She understood her aunt’s point but Lily had learned early on it was easier not to make those deep connections. Not to hope for that unconditional love. Maybe it would have been different if her mother had been around to make up for her father’s utter lack of warmth or compassion. Hell, even a small measure of affection from him would have been nice.

“Miss Whitman?”

Lily snapped out of her pity party long enough to meet the gaze of the very object of her torture. The throbbing pulse flooded back, low and fierce.

Get a hold of yourself, girl
, Lily reprimanded herself, then was unable to contain a giggle,which earned her an instant scowl from Mr. Prick. She bit her lip and decided that she wouldn’t let him get the best of her. He may not want her but damn if she’d give him the satisfaction of knowing she wanted him.

Lily squared her shoulders and tipped her chin. “You may call me Lily.”

Shain snorted and Nhya stepped between them, hands raised. “Ooookay… I’ll leave you in Shain’s capable and,”
his sister threw a look over her shoulder. “
hands.” Her focus returned to Lily, her gaze serious. “Remember to listen carefully, Lily, as a lot of the work the men do is dangerous. Do exactly as they say and you’ll be fine. Before you know it, it’ll be supper time and maybe it will be a good night to star gaze.” Nhya smiled wide, then after giving her brother another pointed look, strode back to the house.

It wasn’t until that moment, as she stared at her retreating back, did Lily realize Nhya wouldn’t be staying with her. That she would be, for all intents and purposes, one of the guys for the day.
. How did Nic and Bri ever think she could do this?

“You done ogling my sister’s ass?”

Lily’s gaze snapped back to Shain. “

Shain’s full lips quirked as he fixed her with a cool look. “You can drop the Miss Priss act. You might have fooled my sister but she sees good even in me. It’s just the way her heart’s wired.”

“You mean she
a heart, unlike her prick brother?” Lily said, anger burning in her chest even as her traitorous body longed to sidle closer to Shain. Smell his male scent. Taste his—

The smack of leather brought Lily’s attention to his large hands where he’d slapped his gloves into his palm. Her thoughts went back to the moment in the room when that well-formed hand had landed on her ass.

Oh, you’ve got it bad, girl…

Get through the day
, Lily thought, her face warm, her tits aching.
This man may not want me but there are many more afield.
Her gaze strayed to the other men scattered around the yard. She spotted Darrell saddling a dappled gray mare and lifted a hand to wave enthusiastically. Even from a distance, Lily could see Darrell’s face color as he tipped his head her direction then went back to yanking the saddle straps tight.

A hot hand clamped onto her upper arm and Lily turned back to Shain. “Take your ha—”

After a quick shake, tall, dark and handsome leaned down, his spicy breath brushing the top of her head. “Stop it. As of right now, you’ll keep your eyes, hands and intentions to yourself or, so help me God, I’ll—”

In a moment of complete insanity, Lily pushed herself forward into Shain’s chest. His male scent washed over her as she raised her face directly beneath his strong, stubbled chin. “Or you’ll what?” she whispered against the sienna skin of his throat. “Spank me again?”

She felt the growl before she heard it and Lily squeaked in shock as she was propelled forward. Through the paddock gate. Across the dusty hard-pack and then, in one seamless move, tossed onto the back of the biggest black horse she had ever seen. Her hat tipped sideways, then fell to the ground as she settled across the girth of the saddle. The ebony equine rolled its eyes and snorted loudly. Lily gripped the pommel and yanked her legs away from the horse’s twisting head. Not a horse. A monster. A huge, black monster with very big teeth that were bared in a lippy whinny that sounded more like its master’s grunt than a horsy bray.

Before she could try to dismount, Shain swung up behind her, his thighs and broad chest pinning her in place. With his body pressed tight against her back and his arms encircling her, he took up the reins.

Shain wheeled the monster around with a jerk and, in seconds, they were riding through the gate and past the ranch hands that’d stopped working to stare. “I’m taking Miss Whitman on a quick tour, boys. We’ll meet up with you later,” Shain called out.

“Wait,” Lily started, “where do you think you’re taking—”

Shain heeled the stallion and the black devil launched himself into a run that slammed Lily against Shain’s chest. She held on to the saddle horn for dear life, the landscape a blur as they sprinted through the waving grass toward a stand of trees north of the ranch. A peculiar mixture of horse, leather and Shain’s intoxicating scent filled Lily’s nose, and her heart beat triple time.

Where is he taking me? And why?

The ‘why’ part left Lily weak and she could already feel a dampening in her panties. It didn’t help that she was pressed up tight against the saddle horn, her crotch rubbing with each pounding stride. In a matter of minutes they were across the open expanse and coming up on the tree line—fast. Shain gave a gentle pull on the reins and the black beast slowed to a canter, then a trot and, with a quick flick of his wrist, the stallion turned and slid right between the rough-barked pines into the shaded protection of the wood.

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