Hearts in Overtime: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (26 page)

BOOK: Hearts in Overtime: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
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Nico looked amazing. He’d chosen a beautifully tailored suit, so I thanked my lucky stars that I’d selected one of my nicer dresses and not something more casual.

At dinner, I asked Nico to tell me about himself, and he obliged by giving me the basics. He was actually based out of Athens, and was only on the island for a long weekend. Like me, he was on vacation. He said he worked in shipping, and his business frequently took him to New York, so it was no wonder he spoke such perfect English. 

After we left the restaurant, we took a stroll on the footpath along the rocky cliffs. Hand in hand, we walked with the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks below us. Every so often, Nico would lean over to kiss me on the cheek or squeeze my hand. The sky was positively lit up with a million stars as well as a full moon. Walking along the rocky cliffs with Nico was the most romantic thing I’d ever done in my entire life. Ever.

Glykia mou
, I have never seen anything more lovely than your beautiful face under the light of these stars.”

See what I mean?

“Oh, Nico…”

I sighed and gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

“My house is just up the path a few more meters,” he said. “Would you like to stop there for a bit? If not, this is fine. I can walk you back to your rented cottage if you like. Or if you’d prefer, we could go back to the town center and perhaps have a glass of wine in the tavern. Anything you want, Jessa.”

Oh, I knew what I wanted. Probably best not to come right out and say it though. I reminded myself to play it cool.

“Well, since the place you’re staying at is right up ahead, maybe we should go there,” I said.


Five minutes later, we were standing at the front door of the most gorgeous villa you could ever imagine. Built into the cliff, it was so…organic, as if the chalky white walls grew right out of the hillside. I couldn’t see it very well in the dark, but the rich, floral scent let me know that there was a pretty extensive garden surrounding the villa. Plus, it was massive. There must have been four or five bedrooms. Maybe even six.

“Nice digs, Nico!” I grinned as I looked around the spacious entry way with the exquisite tiled floor and the arched ceiling. “This is much nicer than the place I’m staying at. Next time I come to the island, I think I’m going to have to trade up. Do you mind if I ask how much they charge per night to stay here?”

He frowned slightly. “I’m sorry, Jessa. I didn’t mean to imply that I was letting the villa. It’s mine.”

“Yours? As in you own this place?” I asked.

He nodded. “Can I take your coat?”

“But I thought you lived in Athens,” I said, shrugging off my lightweight periwinkle blue coat and handing it to him.

“I do.” He grinned as he hung up the coat in a small closet under the sweeping staircase.


Oh. Oops. When we were down on the beach and I was joking about finding myself a loaded Greek tycoon, I didn’t realize I actually was talking to a loaded Greek tycoon! How embarrassing.

“Come this way.”

Nico placed a hand lightly on my lower back and guided me through the villa to a huge living room with loads of windows looking out over the sea. The floor was bare wood, and the furniture was very natural—unfinished wood tables, and upholstery in various shades of off-white and tan. It was all very clean and uncomplicated. I loved it.

He motioned for me to have a seat on the sofa, and I did so.

“Can I offer you a nightcap, Jessa?” Nico asked. “I’ve got port and brandy. I’ve also got a bottle of 2002 Bollinger that I’ve been waiting for a special occasion to uncork, and I think tonight certainly qualifies as a special occasion. I have had such a wonderful time with you tonight.”

My heart soared at hearing those words. I didn’t want anything to drink, though, not even a glass of rare champagne. I only wanted one thing.

Without a word, I reached out for Nico, and without skipping a beat, he got the message. First he kissed the back of my hand, and then he turned it over and kissed my palm, my wrist and all the way up my arm, past my elbow to my shoulder, and then up my neck to my chin to my lips where he hit me with the deepest, most passionate kiss yet.

He knelt beside me on the sofa and took my face in both hands as his tongue probed deeper and deeper still. I arched my back as he pulled away and went back to kissing my neck, burying my fingers in his thick, dark hair as he massaged my tits.

Moaning, he murmured, “Jessa, you’re so sexy.”

I smiled to myself. Apparently, Nico was a breast man. He stroked, and fondled, with firm caresses on the fleshy bits and light ones over the nipples. There were some advantages to being a big girl, and no doubt having an ample cup size was one of them.

He was so good at this! With my head rolling back and forth against the sofa cushions, I gave myself over to the pleasure his skilled fingers were treating me to. My pussy was throbbing and my panties were soaked through. Oh, god. I was so hot for Nico.

Before I knew it, his hands were fumbling with the tie on the side of my wrap dress and I was suddenly very alert. If I let this happen—if I let him take my dress off, I would be fully visible in the dim light of the living room. I had never,
been naked or even in my bra and panties in front of a guy unless the room was pitch-black. Did I have it in me to take this leap?

Well, while I was considering this scenario, my decision was made for me when Nico untied my dress and unwrapped the fabric to expose me. With a soft moan, he pulled me to him. After a deep, wet kiss on the lips, he worked on getting my arms out of my dress and then he unsnapped my bra.

Poli omorfi
,” he murmured, gazing fondly at my tits for a moment before leaning in to take one of my nipples into his mouth.

With his lips covering the entire areola, Nico swirled his tongue around the hard pink nub over and over and over again in firm, deliberate circles. A gentle suction intensified the experience, and I cried out in pleasure.

He reached up, his fingers seeking out my other nipple, and when he found it, he gave it a gentle squeeze. My eyelids flew open. That felt so
! Until that night, I really had no idea my tits could be the source of such immense pleasure. He kept doing what he was doing—using his tongue to pleasure one nipple and his fingers for the other—sending me very, very close to the brink of orgasmic frenzy. 

I was torn. On the one hand, I wanted him to keep at it, but on the other hand, I was dying to start reciprocating some of this incredible pleasure and making Nico feel as amazing as I did.

Unable to resist the urge to see more of my Greek god, I started by shrugging his suit jacket off his shoulders. He pulled away from me, so he could pull it off his arms and then he tossed it to the floor. After I untied his tie and discarded it, I immediately went to work on the buttons of his shirt, and once I got that off of him, I tossed it on top of his jacket.

Holy Hotness. Sure I’d seen him shirtless on the beach, but the sight of his gorgeous body floored me yet again. I gazed in awe at the tight, taut muscular ridges and the sheer beauty of his bronzed chest. I rose up on my knees and pressed my tits against his pecs as I kissed his shoulder and ran my hands up and down the sides of his rock hard abdomen.

Pressing my pelvis against his, I felt the hard, powerful length of his cock against me and I could not wait to have him inside me.

Glykia mou
,” he murmured. “I want you so much.”

“Oh, honey,” I said breathlessly, reaching around to press my hands against his back and pull him even closer. “I want you too.”

“We might be more comfortable in the bedroom,” he said.

I nodded, and he quickly got for his feet and reached for my hand to pull me to my feet. Both of us giggling, we raced through the villa and ended up in a bedroom on the other side.

To my relief, Nico didn’t switch on the overhead light. The room wasn’t completely dark because of the light spilling in from the hallway, but it was dark enough to protect my modesty. Having had my tits and belly on full display earlier was enough for one night.

He crushed me against his chest, and reached down behind me to massage my ass cheeks as I kissed his shoulder. When I first felt his hands on my ass, I gasped. I definitely did
have buns of steel. But then I started to relax. Nico was obviously not into hard bodies—luckily for me.

And then his fingers slid beneath the elastic waistband of my panties and my heart started pounding even more furiously. This was it. He caressed both ass cheeks, digging his fingers into the flesh, and then he traced my the line of my butt crack ever so lightly, going down and down and down until he reached the back end of my pussy.

I arched my head back, panting as Nico teased the very edge of my pussy with the tip of his finger. And then, in one swift movement, he hooked his thumbs under my elastic waistband and pulled my panties down. I swiftly stepped out of them and reached down to start unbuttoning Nico’s pants. I soon got them down, as well as his underwear, and after kicking off our shoes, we stood there for just a moment, staring appreciatively at each other.

His body, my god. But I already knew this guy had an amazing body. What was even more incredible to me was the lustful, primitive look in his eyes and the fact that I had inspired such a look. Me! The realization made me feel powerful and confident. And beautiful.

“Poli omorfi,”
he said, reaching over to stroke my mound.

I closed my eyes as he curled his fingers under and began stroking my pussy. With sure swipes of his fingers he sent waves of pleasure shooting through my body.

I reached down to wrap my fingers around his long, thick, beautiful cock and began to stroke him gently. Now he was the one to close his eyes and he released a low, animalistic moan. Emboldened by his reaction, I sped things up, matching the rhythm of his fingers playing my pussy.

I was so wet that my juices were dripping down my legs, and his fingers flitting around in my pussy made a wet, squishy sound.

Reaching his other hand around to my ass, but not letting those magical fingers stray from my pussy, Nico slowly guided me toward the bed. I let go of his cock while he hopped up, and then I followed. As soon as I got comfortable, I reached for his cock and started stroking again.

Nico whispered, “I want to be inside you, Jessa. You are so sexy.”

“Oh god, yes,” I said.

He grinned and he placed a hand on either side of my hips, guiding me up onto my knees and over his lap. Oh no! He wanted me to go on top. I’d only done that a couple of times before, and it hadn’t gone well. It’s not easy to bounce eighty extra pounds up and down over a guy’s cock.

“I’m not very good at this,” I confessed, my nerves starting to ping.

“Don’t be so silly,” he said as he positioned my pussy right over the head of his cock.

There was nothing silly about that. I seriously wasn’t good at being on top. Oh well, here goes nothing, I thought as I slid gently down his huge length. If I sucked really bad, Nico and I could always flip over and do the missionary or something.

Oh, god. I closed my eyes to absorb the amazing sensation of Nico’s gorgeous rock hard cock filling me up inside. God, that felt good. Cautiously, I lifted myself up off the base of his shaft and then back down again. Nico still had his hands on my hips to guide me, which was helpful. Lifting up on my knees again, I went a little higher the second time, and a little faster too.

Nico wasn’t lying down, we were both upright and face to face as I raised and lowered myself onto his length, and it felt more intimate somehow, definitely more supportive than my other “girl on top” experiences when my ex lay there on his back and I was basically on my own.

Oh, yes. This was nice. As I started to gain confidence, I lifted myself higher and increased the speed of my movements. After a while, Nico let go of my hips. With one hand, he reached out for my tit, and the other one went straight for my clit.

Oh, god!

How he was able to keep his finger on such a tiny moving target I’ll never know, but as I bobbed up and down on top of him, he didn’t miss a beat as he teased and taunted that hard little pouch of nerve endings.

“Oh, god!” I cried out, digging my fingers into my hair and arching my back as I took him in me—deeper, faster and harder.

“You’re so beautiful, Jessa,” he said.

Furiously riding my Greek god, I felt that glorious explosion of an orgasm radiating from my clit all the way through my body. Feeling lightheaded, I screamed out and rode Nico faster, and faster and faster still until I felt him explode into of me, sending spurts of heat through his cock into my pussy to warm me up inside.

I collapsed against his chest, and he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tight. With his cock still in my pussy and his large, muscular arms around me, I felt so very close to him—closer than I’d felt to anyone in a very long time.

“That was so wonderful,” he murmured into my ear. “So lovely.”

I had to agree. Thanks to Nico Vasilakis, I had found my own personal island paradise. Boy, was I glad I came!

BOOK: Hearts in Overtime: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
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