Hearts of Gold (19 page)

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Authors: Janet Woods

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Hearts of Gold
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She wanted to giggle. ‘You’re oozing with charm, Magnus.’

‘I’m pleased that you’ve finally recognized a positive quality in me. Drink!’

Sarette did as she was told, then gently belched. She muttered an apology and added, ‘Go away now, I want to die in peace.’

He chuckled as he tucked her under the covers. ‘You’re too feisty to die. Look after her, Ada. She’s to stay in bed for the rest of the day, else she might end up with a lung infection. I’ll have her dinner sent up on a tray. Call me if she causes you any trouble and I’ll take a horse whip to her.’

Magnus had a few words with his valet, then went downstairs to the drawing room. Gerald was sipping on his best brandy, a satisfied expression on his face.

‘How’s the hero of the hour feeling?’ he asked.

‘Envious . . . where did you get this brandy from?’

‘The cellar. According to the date on the label it’s the ill-gotten gains of my grandfather.’

‘We should have taken up the profession, Magnus. We’d have made good adventurers, you and I.’

‘The world has become much too moral, and you and I with it. That’s what comes of having a woman on the throne. Besides, you look as though you’ve had all the adventure you can take. My man thinks he can rescue your clothes, though.’

‘Good. It was a brand new suit. How’s Sarry?’

Magnus smiled in satisfaction. ‘Totally defeated. She’s asleep.’

‘She’s quite a woman, isn’t she?’

‘Sarette Maitland is a damned pest.’ He glowered at Gerald. ‘And don’t get any ideas. You can keep both your eyes and your hands off her. She’s not old enough for men like you.’

‘But older than you first thought, eh?’

‘Thanks to you I furnished the nursery and filled the cupboard full of children’s clothes. And I bought her a rocking horse to win her round with. She said it was like the horse my uncle rode.’

‘Your uncle rode a rocking horse?’

Magnus laughed and threw a cushion at him. A gust of wind rattled the windows, and he was filled with a sense of security to be here at Fierce Eagles, safe and sound in this solid house his ancestors had provided for him. He should have children to inherit. He put the unwanted notion aside. ‘There’s a storm brewing. Stay for dinner . . . stay the night. We can have a game of chess and drink each other under the table.’

‘We haven’t finished the game we played when last we did that. I believe I was winning at the time.’

‘The devil you were, the board’s still set up in the library, though some of the pieces have been moved during the maids’ dusting excursions. Use the telephone if you need to let anyone know. I take it you were on your way to somewhere.’

‘I’d heard you were home and was on my way to visit Sarry, to make sure she was surviving you.’

Magnus’s eyes narrowed. ‘My dear, Gerald, you had only to pick up the telephone and enquire.’

Gerald shuddered and said soberly. ‘If I’d done that Sarette Maitland would now be dead. She was trapped. I saw her fall in as I rounded the bend, saw the branch shift. Then her arm came out of the water and held the sack up with the dog. She was determined to rescue it, and it crossed my mind that she might be able to breathe under water – she was under for quite a while, holding it up out of the water.’

‘You don’t surprise me. I thought she was going to scratch my eyes out when I suggested that the animal be . . . humanely disposed of.’

‘D’you mean, shot?’

‘Something like that. I wasn’t serious, of course, but it certainly got her dander up.’

‘Sarette wouldn’t have known that you’re as accomplished a liar as your uncle was. She’s a young lady with a tender heart. I was never so relieved as when I saw her arm. At first I thought the tree had rolled on her. It would have, except there was a stumpy branch sticking out that acted as a prop to prevent it. Extraordinary luck, really. But she was pinned to the bottom by her skirt, with her head under water. All I could do was rip her skirt from her body to free her.’ He gazed at the leaping fire through his brandy bowl and reflected with a grin. ‘She had shapely legs, I thought.’

The girl was shapely all over. Her body had been firmly moulded under the blanket – that much Magnus had noticed, even though she’d wriggled and protested. But he’d had her arms pinned to her side by the blanket. He grinned as he remembered her indignation at his treatment of her, and one green eye glaring at him from a gap in the wild tangle of her hair. However, he wasn’t about to tell Gerald that. ‘I didn’t notice.’

Gerald’s glance slid his way. ‘I know you better than that, Magnus. You wouldn’t have missed a thing about her, and you always play things close to your chest. Tell me, what have you planned for her?’

‘Nothing as yet. I haven’t had time. If I’m to follow my uncle’s instructions, a suitable marriage – in time.’

‘And will you follow them?’

‘Uncle John was a man of good sense. I want to know more about her first. She might have living relatives. I’m going to set an investigator on to that.’

‘Family will come crawling out of the woodwork when they learn of her fortune.’

‘Which is one reason why I’m keeping quiet about its existence. It’s not as if it originated from her own kith and kin. Also, I need a better insight as to my uncle’s motivation for this generous bequest. He has sent his journals home and I intend to read them over the next couple of weeks. The nature of their relationship bothers me a little. It all sounds too simple when she relates it.’

‘The truth often is. I must admit it bothered my father a little, too. But he carried out John’s wishes to the letter, even after he knew he was dead. I’m sorry we were unable to inform you, Magnus.’

‘I’m surprised John insisted on secrecy, and to be honest, a little hurt.’

‘I don’t think it was a reflection on you. Sarette has grown up a lot since she arrived in England. Both her behaviour and thinking have matured. She wouldn’t have been able to cope with you then.’

Magnus sighed. ‘Perhaps not. Sarette’s a sharp-minded little thing. I don’t know what my uncle’s state of mind was at the time of signing that will. She could have manipulated him. It could all be an elaborate plot to get her hands on the fortune, and she might even have an accomplice.’

‘You think she might have been acquainted with the man who shot him in the back?’

‘I can only hope not, because I wouldn’t like to see her hang. I’ve heard a whisper that there’s a price on Flynn Collins’s head. D’you know anything about that, Gerald?’

‘I’d heard that you’d offered five hundred pounds to the man who brought Collins to justice.’

Magnus gazed at him, perplexed. ‘It’s not something I’d do.’

Gerald shrugged. ‘My father perhaps. John was his friend, and father was upset when he learned the nature of John’s death. He has a wide network of acquaintances and a long reach. It wouldn’t be beyond reason for him to have the man hunted down and made to pay in kind for such an offence. But he’d never admit to it. Unlike your uncle, my father leaves no record of his journey through life.’

‘A pity since he’d have some interesting tales to relate.’

‘Yes, I daresay he would. You know, I doubt if Sarry is involved in any way. She has an early memory of a thatched cottage with roses. The memory of her mother is faded, but the death of her father is sharp and upsetting. Then there was her father’s partner, who sold everything from under her and took off with the proceeds. Your uncle appeared on the scene at the very moment when she had nowhere else to turn.’

‘Then perhaps her father’s partner will know if she has any relatives in England. Do we know his name?’

Gerald looked blank. ‘I must admit, we completely overlooked that thread of possibility.’

‘Then I’ll ask her in the morning.’

The afternoon passed quickly as the two men talked companionably. The storm came in with a fresh ferocity as evening drew in, buffeting the house.

‘It will blow itself out by morning, I imagine,’ Magnus commented.

The clock chimed seven. The last chime had barely faded away when there was a knock on the door and Branston appeared.

‘Dinner is served, gentlemen.’

‘Good, we’re both ravenous,’ Magnus said.

‘Cook wants to know what to do with the puppy. It’s getting under her feet.’

‘Has it been washed and fed?’

‘Yes, sir.’

‘Good. Tell cook she can either make a stew out of it, or ask Miss Maitland what to do with it. It’s her dog, after all.’

Branston grinned. ‘We’re keeping Boots then, sir.’

‘Under protest, Branston. Miss Maitland caught me at a weak moment.’

‘Yes, sir. I’ll tell everyone. They’ll be pleased.’

Gerald laughed after Branston had gone. ‘Does Sarette know you have these weak moments?’

‘Not yet. I’ve got the girl completely flummoxed.’

The men grinned at each other.


Sarette hurried down to breakfast, so she could see Gerald and thank him properly before he left.

The men stood when she walked in. ‘Can I get you some breakfast?’ Magnus said.

‘Don’t let your own get cold. I’ll help myself. Please sit, both of you.’ She frowned as she gazed at Gerald. ‘You look pale, Gerald. You haven’t caught a cold from your dunking, have you? You deserve better than that after your gallant rescue. I’m very grateful you came along when you did.’

Magnus answered for him. ‘Your sympathy is misplaced. Gerald guzzled down my brandy without applying any caution, and he’s suffering from a hangover. He shouldn’t try to out-drink me.’

‘That’s true,’ Gerald croaked. ‘But he forgot to tell you that I beat him at chess.’

‘Only because I allowed you to.’

‘I’ll never drink again.’

Sarette laughed. ‘Mr John used to drink a lot. I bought him a bottle of Eucrasy from a travelling salesman to help him stop.’

Seemingly mystified, the men gazed at one other.

‘Eucrasy?’ Gerald said.

‘It’s medicine that takes away the urge to drink.’

Magnus asked her. ‘Did it work?’

‘No. Mr John spat it out and gave the rest to his horse.’

‘What happened to the horse?’

‘Hercules spat it out too.’

They began to laugh as she helped herself to a piece of toast. She wasn’t very hungry, but poured herself a cup of tea, then spread a thin layer of gooseberry conserve on the toast.’

Magnus gazed at her plate. ‘Is that all you’re eating?’

‘I’m not very hungry this morning. Please don’t decide to be overbearing and threaten to force-feed me, after your efforts at doctoring yesterday. I’m much stronger this morning, and I’ll bite your damned fingers off if you so much as look at me the wrong way.’

A grin curled his lips, and he nodded. ‘Gerald and I were discussing you last night.’


‘You don’t have to look so surprised. You’re bound to pique our interest. We only know about you from what you’ve told us. With your permission we intend to make enquiries, and find out if you have any relatives. Will you mind?’

She shook her head. ‘I think I would like to belong to someone again. You must feel the same, Magnus. Gerald belongs to a large family and his father is so very proud of them all.’

Magnus knew exactly what she meant. ‘There’s something we forgot to ask. What was the name of your father’s partner? We thought that if we could find him, then he might be able to tell us if you have any relatives we can contact.’

‘If I had, he would have already contacted them and stolen the teeth out of their mouths. That no good Irishman was called Flynn Collins, and if I ever see him again I want him arrested for what he did.’

Magnus made a strangled sound and Gerald’s cup clattered in his saucer as they gazed in dismay at one another.

Sarette gazed from one to the other. ‘What is it? Have I said something wrong?’ She sighed. ‘Of course I have . . . I said damn, didn’t I. Sorry.’

Gerald cut in smoothly, ‘Tell us about this Flynn Collins. Anything you know about him. Where he came from? How did he meet your parents? Had he known them before you went to the goldfields? How did you get on with him?’

‘Goodness, Gerald, all those questions. Surely he isn’t all that interesting, besides, I was a child and don’t know the answer to any of those things . . . no wait! He joined us when my father broke his arm. It was shortly after my mother died. They came to a business arrangement.’

‘How did he seem to you?’

‘He wasn’t unfriendly, all the same I didn’t like him much. He didn’t speak much as I recall, and kept himself to himself. My father trusted him. I suppose it was naive of me to expect him to take over where my father left off. It wasn’t until he robbed me that I realized he was a bad lot.’

Magnus raised an eyebrow. ‘But you expected my uncle, who was a wealthy man, to take you in and treat you like his own.’

A yawning hole appeared in her stomach. ‘Expected him to? No . . . no, it wasn’t that. I didn’t know he was wealthy. He seemed the same as everyone else, perhaps a little better off. He used to go into Southern Cross every once in a while and come back with money. He said I could be his housekeeper when we first met.’

‘His housekeeper? How much did he pay you?’

‘Nothing. We came to an arrangement. The housekeeping was a joke between us. She gave a faint smile at the thought of the hovel they’d occupied. Mr John gave me twenty per cent of any gold he found. He didn’t find much, though. I have a few small nuggets, and some gold dust I sifted from the sand. I cooked his meals, did his washing and kept our home clean.’

‘Are you referring to that shack?’

Her blood rose. ‘It was more than a lot of people had to shelter in. Of course Mr John didn’t want a housekeeper. He called me that to leave me with some pride. But you’ve never been there, have you? You’ve never experienced the relentless heat every day and the lack of water to drink when you’re so parched that your skin cracks open.’ Gerald put a hand on her arm but she ignored it. ‘When did you ever dig for anything? You sit here in a house that was supplied to you free of charge, and bought by money earned through illegal means, and you pass judgement on everyone, like a spider in his lair, Magnus Kern.’

‘Spiders have webs.’

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