Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms (51 page)

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Authors: Gerard Russell

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Ali, Sheikh, 139–140
Ali, Tariq, 121
Ali, Wazir, 243, 245, 247, 249, 250, 253, 254
on Islamic households, 251
on Nuristani golf, 251–252
photo of, 254
American University of Beirut, 145
Amulets, 30, 31, 67
Anderson, James, xxix
Angels, 44, 60
Anglo-Afghan War, 222
Angra Mainyu, 64, 77–78, 79–80, 83, 105
battle against, 92
Satan and, 80
Anti-Semites, 34
Antoninus of Piacenza, 152
Arab American Institute, 263
Arab American Museum, 262
Arabian Nights, The,
6, 88
Arabic, xxviii, 25, 56, 185, 232–233, 257, 272
Islam and, 184
slang/adopting, 161
speaking, 153
Arabs, 40, 45, 71, 81, 196
Islam and, 89
Kurds and, xxiv
Persian culture and, 90
Samaritans and, 155
Arafat, Yasser: Samaritans and, 174, 175
Aramaic, 45, 130, 257, 259, 260
abandoning, 153
Mandaean dialect of, 25
Aristokrates, 26
Aristotle, xx, 14, 95, 116, 117, 127, 140
Alexander and, 94
Plato and, 123
Armenians, 18, 86, 195, 198
massacre of, xxiv, 259
Armstrong, Neil, 53
Arnold, Matthew, 113
Arslan, Prince Talal, 118, 122, 125, 131, 133
Jumblatt and, 143
Arslan family, 118, 125–126
Artemisia, 23
Asceticism, 11–12, 13–14, 18, 123, 209
Assad, Bashar al-, 51, 120
Assad, Hafez al-: Jumblatt and, 138
Assyrian Church, 258
Assyrian Empire, 5, 40, 44, 64
Samaritans and, 150
Assyrians, xxiv, 57, 86, 149, 161, 260, 261
Church of the East and, 57
religious practices of, 49
sun and, 44
Aswad, Du’a Khalil: murder of, 70
photo of, 103
visiting, 102–103
Avesta, 77, 78, 79, 100, 106
interpreting, 110
messiah and, 91–92
Awadi, Tariq el-, 189
Ayad, 67, 68, 69
Kurdish identity and, 66
theory of, 64–65
Azeris, 86
Baalshamin, 64
Baalzebub, 64
Baba Sheikh, 68
Babak, 90
Babis, 96
Babylon, 2, 12, 40, 81, 150
Aramaic in, 25
astronomy of, 26, 139
civil war in, 5
Babylonian Empire, 5
Babylonian exile, 12, 149
Babylonians, 19, 22, 40
influence of, 88
Iraqi Marshes and, 7, 9
Mandaeans and, 11, 25, 27, 28–29
predictions by, 26
religious practices of, 4–5, 49
(Euripides), 94
Bacchus, 138
Badger, Percy, 53, 59
Baghdad, 200
demonstrators in, 35
Jewish community in, 33
Baha’i, 96, 107
Balfour, Alfred, xxvi, 107
Balimain, 240
Baptism, 10
Christian, 42
Mandaean, 2 (photo), 23–24, 24 (photo), 27–28, 270, 271
Bar Anhar, Hermez: on worship, 27
Bar Penkaye, Yohannan, 29
Barakat, Yusif, 267, 270
photo of, 263
relationship of, 264–265
Bedouins, 161, 162, 210
Beg, Azem, 236, 239, 241, 242, 243, 247, 253, 254
on dancing, 240
Kalasha song and, 244–245
photo of, 254
Beirut, 121, 125, 130
described, 113
Bel (sun god), 11
photo of, 20
Belshazzar, 5
Ben Yehuda, Eliezer: Hebrew and, 148, 161
Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak, 167
Bennett, Alan, 228
Berbers, 126
Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali: Islamic conservatism and, 233
Bible, 10, 65, 174, 202
Egypt and, 198
Bin Ali, Hamza: Druze and, 127
Bin Musafir, Sheikh Adi: controversy over, 58–59
Biruni, xxii, xxix, 50, 54
described, 8–9
Blavatsky, Madame, 135
Blood feuds, 213, 224
Bodleian Library, 28
Book of Daniel, 165
Book of Exodus, 150, 179
Book of Genesis, 2
Book of Isaiah, 165
Book of John, 27
Book of Kings, 150
Boyce, Mary, 78–79
Bread, Coptic letters on, 210 (photo)
Breegi, Wisam, 270, 271
British Druze Cavalry Regiment, illustration of, 137 (fig.)
British Library, 172
British Mandate, 155
Browne, Edward, 96, 99–100
Browne, William: Egyptian identity and, 196
Buckley, Jorunn, 11
Buddhism, 12
described, 240
Burnes, Sir Alexander, 221
Burns, Robbie, 221
Bush, George W., 9
Busnaya, Yusuf, 61–62
Butros, Zakaria, 215
Buzani, Khairi, 63
Byzantine Empire, xxii, 46, 90
Egypt and, 195
religious minorities in, 95
Byzantines, 45, 49, 126, 195, 258
defeat of, 46
holy fire and, 89
Byzantium, 46, 95, 117
Copts and, 195
Persian Empire and, 7
Cairo, 192–194, 201, 204, 206
Copts in, 205
described, 191
Samaritans in, 153
visiting, 183, 184, 185–186, 188
Mandaean, 21
Muslim, xxviii
Samaritan, xxviii, 157
Western, 181
Zoroastrian, xxviii
Carmelites, 185
Carmen (Karima), reincarnation of, 141
Carnarvon, Lord, 136, 138, 145
Druze and, 134–135
Castes, 224
Yazidi, 57, 274, 276
Zoroastrian, 89
Catalhuyuk, 103
Catholic Uniate Church, Copts and, 210
Chaldean News,
260, 261
Chaldeans, 115, 264, 265, 267
conservatism of, 261
Charsema Sor, 59, 276
Charshanbeh-e-Suri, described, 105
celebrating, 232, 237, 238, 240, 241, 244, 248
photo of, 245, 246, 254
Cheops, Pharaoh: Great Pyramid and, 4
Chitral, 223, 227, 231, 250, 253, 255
annexation of, 233
described, 232
visiting, 233–234
Christianity, x, 1, 47, 116, 194, 245
Constantine and, xxix
conversion to, 141, 151, 161, 214
in Egypt, 181, 183
Greek philosophy and, 131
Islam alienation with, xx
Mandaeans and, 18
monotheism of, 152
Roman Empire and, 194–195
spread of, 182, 258
understanding of, 217
Christianity in Iraq
(Rassam), xxvi
Christians, xxiv, 50, 61, 185, 186
Arab, 261, 267, 268
asylum for, 279
Egyptian, xxvi–xxvii, 195–196
emigration of, 279
Iraqi, 259, 262
Jews and, 177
Lebanese, 262
massacre of, 182
mistreatment of, 217
Muslims and, 8, 118, 127, 129, 188, 197, 198, 199, 204, 205, 213, 214, 217, 263, 279
Orthodox, 265, 266
Palestinians and, 262, 266–267
Samaritans and, 155
sects of, 1
Syrian, 201, 265
tolerance for, 90
Yazidis and, 41
Chronicles of Narnia, The
(Lewis), 78
Church of the East, 57, 258
Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Easter Mass at, 155
Church of the Nativity, 77
Circumcision, 166, 192, 193
Citizenship, 69, 201

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