Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms (54 page)

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Authors: Gerard Russell

Tags: #Travel, #General, #History

BOOK: Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms
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Khamenei, Ayatollah, 85, 105
Khan, Abdur Rahman, 225, 226, 248
Khan, Gordana, 221
Khan, Reza, 100
Khatami, President, 84
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 82, 83, 93–94
penal laws and, xxvii
Plato and, 95
poem by, 97
power for, 86
secularism and, 85
Zoroastrians and, 94
Khorramiyah, 90
Khosro, 89, 97, 99
Khoury, George, 266–267, 268, 270
Kipling, Rudyard, 248
Knights Templar, 136, 275
Koran, 8, 10, 19, 32, 49, 50, 65, 81, 95, 97, 122
burning, 215
Egypt and, 198
Jews and, 152
language of, 184
pharaohs and, 196
Satan and, 62
Zoroastrians and, 102
Kurdish language, 54, 56
Kurdistan, 55, 56, 57, 58, 65, 71
Kurds, 39, 45, 57, 86, 258, 260
Arabs and, xxiv
described, 56
independence for, 55
Turks and, 54
Yazidis and, 40–41, 61, 65–66, 70, 71, 274
Kurmanji language, 39, 45, 47, 54, 66, 272
Labib, Claudius, 198
Lalish, 42, 43, 58, 69, 73, 118, 277
described, 67, 273
temple at, 65 (photo)
visiting, 44, 64, 66
Yazidis around, 71
Lalish Cultural Center, 64
Lawrence, T. E., xii
Layard, Austen Henry, 61
Lebanese civil war, 118, 119, 120, 129, 138
Druze and, 132–133, 138
end of, 113
Lerounis, Athanasios, 227, 228
Levi, 153, 154, 165
Lewis, C. S., 78
Light-World, 1, 2, 11
Lord Sin, 4, 42, 48
Lost Tribes, 147, 149, 153, 156, 169
Louis XVI, King, 25
Loulan Beauty (mummy), 228
Lucifer, 60, 64
Lupieri, Edmondo, 270
Lyde, Samuel: Alawites and, 52–53
Maccabee Wars, 151
Macnaghten, Sir William, 227
Magi, 77, 78, 79, 97, 99, 111
Magic, black, 29–30, 79, 205
Maimonides, 152
Makarem, Sami, 145, 146
Man Who Would Be King, The
(Kipling), 248
Mandaean Human Rights Group, 37
Mandaean priests, 1, 26
Mandaeanism, 12–13, 19, 271
converts to, 23
Iran/Iraq and, xxvi
Mandaeans, x, xix, xxviii, 8, 14–15, 32, 40, 43, 50, 71, 192
asylum for, 279
Babylonians and, 11, 27, 28–29
baptism of, 2 (photo), 10, 11, 23, 23–24, 24 (photo), 27–28, 271
blue and, 69
celibacy and, 14
Christianity and, 18
cleanliness of, 27, 273
curses by, 32
descent of, 2
described, 20–21
emigration of, 37–38, 279
festivals of, 21–22
harassment of, 9, 35
holidays of, 29, 30
holy books of, 7, 19
Jews and, 12–13, 29, 34
language of, 10–11, 25
number of, 18
photo of, 21
polytheism and, 27
tribes and, 37
Mandaeans: The Last Gnostics, The
(Lupieri), 270
Mani, xix, 14–15
on antagonistic masses, 15–16
Christian asceticism and, 18
followers of, 16–17
Jesus and, 15
representation of, 15 (fig.)
statue of, 17
theory of, 16
Manichees, xix, xxii, xxix, 16, 18
Manicheism, 16–17, 18
Mansur, Caliph al-, 6
Marcionites, 13
Marduk, 5, 26
Maronites, 135, 264, 265
Chaldeans and, 261
Christians and, 214
Copts and, 214
Druze and, 269
Mandaeans and, 26–27
mixed, 110
Muslims and, 214
Samaritans and, 167–169
Yazidis and, 274
Mary Magdalene, 275
McNair, Lieutenant (Sahib Gul McNair Shah), 222, 223, 233
Mecca, 19, 46, 102, 128, 152
Mehr, Farhang, 100
Melek Taoos, 59–60, 64, 67, 277
Yazidis and, 60–61, 63
Merak, Torag, 224
Messiah, 52, 192
Christian, 91
Jewish, 91
Samaritan, 155
Zoroastrian, 92
Mills, John, 154, 175
on Messiah, 155
Samaritans and, 169, 172, 180
Minorities, 279
crushing, xxiv–xxv
Islam and, xxiii
racial/religious, xxv
Minya, 187, 214
visiting, 204, 205, 206, 208, 210–211
Missionaries, 131, 254, 258
Mithraists, 2, 47, 64
Mithras, xix, 12, 53
depiction of, 48 (fig.)
handshake and, 73
worship of, 47
Mohammed, Prophet, xxi–xxii, 43, 46, 76, 91, 92, 126, 128
Ali and, 52
Islam and, 127
Jesus and, 52
Mohammed Reza Shah, 82, 86
Monastery, Egyptian, 207 (photo)
Monasticism, 17, 18, 207–208
Mongols, xix, xxiii, 50, 128, 196
Monotheism, xxi, 7, 8, 62, 65, 124, 154
Montanus, 61
Morsi, Mohammed, 205, 211
Morton, H. V.: on Samaritans/Arabs, 155
Moses, 127, 149, 172
Aaron and, 180
Jesus and, 140
Mougheeth, Kamal, 202
Moukhtara, 138, 140, 145
carnival of, 135
castle at, 134
Mount Ararat, 149
Mount Ebal, 148
Mount Gerizim, 169, 171
altar on, 165
Samaritans and, 148, 149, 150, 151, 155, 158, 162, 178
Mount Hermon, Druze and, 131
Mount Moriah, 149
Mount Sinai, 149, 171
Mousa, Father, 216, 217
Mubarak, Hosni, 184, 202, 205, 212
Copts and, 203–204
Muslim Brotherhood and, 204
resignation of, 188
Mughtasila, 14, 15, 18
Music, 274
funeral, 183
Muslim Brotherhood, 192, 194, 199–200, 205
Christians and, 217
Copts and, 204
fall of, xxvii
Muslims, xxvii–xxviii, 20, 185, 186, 266, 277
Arab, 152
Christians and, 8, 118, 127, 129, 188, 198, 198, 204, 205, 213, 214, 217, 263, 279
Copts and, 200, 203, 215, 217
Harranians and, 49–50
Iranian, 86
Iraqi, 35
Jews and, 8, 34, 152
Kalasha and, 238, 249, 253–254
Samaritans and, 174, 175
tolerance by, 9
Yazidis and, 39, 60
See also
My Uncle Napoleon,
Mysteries of the Peacock Angel,
Nabatean Agriculture,
7, 27, 28–29, 63
Nabateans, 27, 28
Nablus, 158, 161, 162, 164, 177
economy of, 178
Palestinians in, 174
Samaritans in, 153, 154, 156, 163, 167, 173, 174, 175
visiting, 148–149, 163
Nabonidus, 48–49
Naoroji, Dadabhai, 106, 107, 110
Nasrallah, Hassan, 130
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 184, 200
Copts and, 201
land reforms and, 212
Nationalism, xxv, xxvi
Arab, 33, 201
Iranian, 82
Kurdish, 68
radical, xxvii
Nebu, 26, 30
Nebuchadnezzar, 5, 30
Nefertiti, 185
Neguib, Mohammad, 200
Neoplatonism, 123, 124, 125, 127
Nergal, 64
Nestorians, 52, 258
Nestorius, 258
Netanyahu, Binyamin, 178
New Year
Mandaean, 21–22
Zoroastrian, 90, 96, 105
Newby, Eric, 226

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