Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms (52 page)

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Authors: Gerard Russell

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Israeli, 158, 160
Cleopatra, Egyptian customs and, 194
Clooney, George, 142
Communism, xxv, xxvi, 33
Constantine, Christianity and, xxix
Coptic Museum, 198
Coptic Orthodox Church, xxiv, 181, 195, 202, 210, 212
conversions and, 14
divorce and, 214
Mubarak and, 203–204
renaissance of, 209
in US, 217–218
Coptic priests, 214, 216
photo of, 215
Copts, xx, xxii, xxiv–xxv, 186, 187, 188, 194, 261, 264, 279
Byzantium and, 195
Catholic Uniate Church and, 210
Egyptians and, 196, 197, 198–199, 203
emigration of, 204, 205, 217, 218
history of, 202, 207
influence/status of, 196, 200
Islamic movements and, 200
Jesus and, 195
leadership of, 181–182, 201
monasticism and, 182
Muslim Brotherhood and, 204
Muslims and, 200, 203, 215, 217
number of, 181, 182
persecution of, 182, 208
social networks of, 214
Council of Chalcedon, 195
Crassus, 46, 94
Creator of the Universe, 123, 131, 145
Crescent and cross symbol, photo of, 199
Crusades, xxiii, 45, 127, 142–143, 152, 196, 200
Culture, xiii
Babylonian, 7
Druze, 269
Kalasha, 254
Middle Eastern, 124
Palestinian, 148
Persian, 90
religions and, 7
Zoroastrian, 79
Cyrus, King, 80, 84
263, 264
photo of, 263
Dakheel, Qahtaniyah attack and, 70–71
102, 103, 105
photo of, 104
Dari language, 228, 230
Darius, 82, 110
David, King, xxv, 150, 191
de Goes, Bento, 236
De Vitriaco, Jacob, 53
Assyrians and, 259
Chaldeans and, 259
Copts and, 201
Druze and, 128
Kam and, 225
Mandaeans and, 17–18, 37–38
Shi’a and, 254
Zoroastrians and, 79
Deir Abu Fana, 208, 209
photo of, 207
Deir al-Jarnoos, 215–216
Demetrius of Phalerum, 183
Deuteronomy, 167
Devil, 60, 62.
See also
Satan, Sheitan.
Dinkha IV, Patriarch Mar, 260
Diocletian, Emperor, 182, 208
Diodorus, 81
Dionysus, 229
Divorce, 214, 251
(Hafez), 97
Dome of the Rock, 156
Drasa da Yehia (Book of John), 10, 23
Drower, E. S., xxviii–xxix, 67
magic and, 29–30
Mandaean community and, 28
planets and, 27
Druze, 71, 115, 121, 127, 161, 266, 268, 270
blue and, 69
criticism of, 128–129
folk mythology of, 141
Freemasons and, 135–136
Hizbullah and, 133
illustration of, 137 (fig.)
immigrant, 132, 271
Islam and, 118, 122, 128, 129, 144
Knights Templar and, 136
leadership of, 118
Lebanese civil war and, 138
Maronites and, 135
number of, 120, 139
Palestinians and, 120
Pythagoras and, 114, 115, 117, 122, 143, 145–146
reincarnation and, 123, 140, 141–142, 142–143
Shi’a and, 129, 132–133
Sunnis and, 140, 142, 192
theology of, 130
Druze clergy, 131–132
Druze militia, 120, 129
Druze Mountain, 139
Druze religion, xx, 117, 121, 123, 127, 131–132, 136–137, 138
conversion to, 141, 142, 270
Easter, 59, 155, 191
Ebeid, Amin Makram, 201
Ebeid, William Makram, 199
Egeria, fish and, 44, 45
Byzantine Empire and, 195–196
Islamization in, 202
reform/modernization of, 197
Egyptian Museum, 189
Eid al-Sawm, 43
Einstein, Albert, 32
el-Shalaby, Israel, 154
Elagabalus, 12
Elias, Khidr, 274
Eliot, T. S., 124
Elphinstone, Mountstuart, xii
Emanationism, 124–125, 145
Era of Martyrs, 181, 182
Erbil, 56, 70, 71
growth of, 57–58
Esfahan, described, 95
Esh Shalaby, Jacob, 174
Euclid, 114
Euripides, 94
Eve, 6, 23
Evil eye, avoiding, 193
Ezid, Sultan, 58
Fakhreddin, 133–134, 142
independent territory and, 133–134
Fakhry, Abeer, 214
Faqir, Khidr, 274
Farouq, deposing of, 200
Farsi, xviii, 56, 74, 110, 111
Fatimah al-Maasoumah, 92
Fatimid Empire, 126
Female genital mutilation, 193
Ferdowsi, 92
Arab-American, 263
Egyptian, 191–192
Kalasha, 232, 236–237, 238, 239–240, 241, 244, 248
Mandaean, 19, 22
Samaritan, 157, 169
Zoroastrian, 105, 108
Fire temples, 109, 110, 261
photo of, 103
visiting, 102–103
Fisk, Pliny: on Samaritans, 154
Ford, Henry, 262
81, 102, 111
photo of, 82
Freemasons, 248
Druze and, 135–136
Egyptian, 192–193
music for, 183
Zoroastrian, 102–104, 108, 110–111
Galen, 14, 94
Gandhi, Mahatma, 106
22–23, 26, 27
Garden of Eden, 2, 13, 60
Garden of the Prophet
(Gibran), 114
Gardner, Alexander, 221
Gattan, Nadia, 18–19, 20, 21, 23–24, 36, 37, 38
baptism of, 24 (photo), 27–28
discrimination and, 35
education and, 35
festivals and, 19, 22
Hadeel death and, 37
inequality of the sexes and, 22
Mandaeans and, 21
religious name of, 25–26
rules violation by, 19–20
sabbath and, 34
spells and, 30–31, 32
Gibran, Kahlil, 114, 263
Gibson, Mel, 257
Gilgamesh, 4, 43, 190, 278
Ginza Rabba, described, 10
Gladstone, William Ewart, 107
Gnostics, 14
God, xxix, 62
Messiah and, 52
Goliath, David and, xxv
Good Samaritan, parable of, 149–150, 151, 163
Gospel of Luke, 13
Gospel of Matthew, 77
Governments, weak, xxiii–xxiv, xxvi
Great Flood, 22
Great Game, 222
Great Life, 10, 11
Greek Orthodox, 265, 266
Greek philosophy, xxix, 11–12, 116, 117, 122, 123, 140, 146
Christianity and, 131
Islam and, 126, 131
Middle Eastern culture and, 124
Greeks, 79, 194
Egypt and, 194
Persians and, 80
photo of, 235
visiting, 235–236
Gross, Anthony, illustration by, 137 (fig.)
Gul, Zarmas, 241, 243
photo of, 241
Gushnasp fire, 87, 88, 89
Hadeel, death of, 36–37
magi and, 99, 111
poetry of, 96–97
tomb of, 98 (photo)
Haidar, Ahmad Mohammad, 53
Halawi, Sheikh Abu Aref: Neoplatonism of, 123
Hallaj, Hussein ibn Manosur al-, 61, 63
on monotheism, 62
Satan and, 62
Hand of Fatima, 193
Hand of Horus, 193
Handshake, 48, 73
Hanukkah, 166

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