Hellhound: Prince of Fire (3 page)

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Chapter Two

Threading the Needle







“I cannot bel
ieve you, honestly I just can’t,” Dorin said as he stared Hunter down. Hunter smiled, a smile that would tempt anyone, but Dorin had obviously grown immune to it.

“We did help you.”

“Well with the way things turned out I cannot completely agree with that,” Dorin muttered as Vanessa stepped towards him. Hunter held up a hand and stopped her.

“I think our time here is done.”

Finna stepped up as Hunter turned with Vanessa and they started to head towards the front door.

“A war is coming,
” she said as Hunter stopped. Vanessa kept her back to all of them and turned her beautiful face towards Hunter. He looked at her and lifted his hand, gently touching her cheek. He lowered it and turned back.

“A war for hounds, not vampires,” h
e said and Finna laughed and shook her head.

you would abandon your own kind? Very noble, don’t fool yourself and think this is only OUR war.”

Hunter’s smile faded and his eyes shifted to Dorin.

“There is only one vampire in this house. One, and he does not appreciate what we offer.”

Dorin rubbed his neck and sighed. “I cannot leave
here, Hunter.”

Ari stepped up and looked Hunter over and then turned to Dorin. “Did he ask you to leave us?”

Dorin turned to Ari. “Hunter has no allegiance to anyone.”

“That is not what you said last night in our bed.”

Dorin looked down and then turned to them as Vanessa laughed under her breath.

“I am a Hellhound.
I belong here, not with you,” he said as Hunter looked around the room and then studied the high ceiling of the entryway.

“This is not a home. I
t is a prison and will soon become a tomb. The son of Lucifer will rise and when he does all who oppose him will fall, even the mightiest of warriors,” he said as his eyes roamed the room, looking at Finna, then Ari and settling on Dorin. Gunner and Tercia entered the room and Hunter crossed his arms on his chest and stared him down. Gunner stopped as he could feel the tension and looked to Dorin for answers, but none were given.

“You should lead and not
cower behind your sister.”

Gunner squared his shoulders and Tercia placed a hand to his arm.

“Ignore him,” she whispered as Hunter leaned to one side so he could see her better. He started to walk towards her and then stopped as Gunners jaw tightened as well as the muscles in his arms. Hunter grinned and Tercia stepped out to look at him, with no fear in her eyes.

timeless beauty and a true family resemblance to your brother here.” Tercia stepped up to him and leaned in, smelling once and then taking a step back.


Hunter laughed and crossed his arms on his chest. “Yes, are we biased?”

Tercia looked at Gunner and then back to Hunter.

“I am not. I can just smell your rotting flesh.”

“Come now, there is no need to be shitty about things. I do believe that Vane
ssa and I were a help to all of you, am I correct?” he said and Gunner looked him over.

“This is a family, we fight together…”

“and fuck…” Hunter muttered as Gunner stepped towards him. Hunter grinned as their faces were inches apart and Dorin stepped in as he needed to do. He reached up and placed his arm between them and then Gunner moved back as Dorin stepped in and stared into Hunters eyes.

“When he comes he will not care if you are Hound or Vampire, his destruction will include all Hunter
, and it would be in your best interest.” He looked past him and looked at Vanessa. “and hers, if you stayed here and fought by our sides.”

Hunter leaned in and his lips were inches from Dorin’s. “You should know what you are and this is not it. Vampires
will survive as we always have. After all, we are damned and the curse shields us from Hells true wrath.”

Dorin shook his head and his eyes wandered to Hunter’s lips as they parted and he could see his teeth had elongated out of excitement.

“You are a fool to believe that.”

Hunter leaned in and kissed him. Dorin let
it happen for one moment and then he regained his senses and took two steps back from him as Hunter grinned and stood up straight scanning the room with his red eyes. He raised his hands and pointed to all of them.

“Do not come begging at our door when you realize that your only hope is to abandon
hope completely. Sometimes survival relies upon knowing which team to play on and this is not the winning side.”

“You can leave,
” Gunner said as Hunter looked at him and then at Dorin.

“Fool,” h
e whispered as he turned and moved quickly to the door. He took Vanessa’s hand and they disappeared from sight as they moved with the true speed that vampires possess. Dorin looked down and then turned to Gunner as he stood there and stared at the open door.

“He is right. A
war is coming and we need to be prepared.”

Gunner held his hand up a
nd stared at the pentagram embedded in his palm. He then lowered it as he started to walk out of the room and towards the hallway that held the elevator. Everyone followed him as he stepped up to the doors and looked them over. He lifted his hand and Tercia grabbed it and held on as he glanced at her.

“I know you think you have to do this
, but if you go now, you die and it will do nothing to help her or any of us,” she said. He closed his eyes as Finna, Ari and Dorin stepped up behind him. Dorin lifted his hand and stared at his own palm with the same marking.

“I will go,” h
e said as everyone looked at him, but Gunner.

Dorin stepped up behind Gunner and placed a hand to his should
er, quickly turning him with the strength a vampire has to move anything, even a fellow Hellhound. Gunner stared at him and Dorin grinned.

“Listen old friend, Lucifer hates you, if you go now
, you die, many will die and that is not the way.”

“I cannot allow you to do this. T
his is my fight not yours, not any of yours,” he said as he scanned the room and looked to each of them. “I have waited. I rested one night as I was asked to and yet I am not. I will never rest again. I know this will end me, but if it takes my life to save her and all of you then I am willing to do it. I have always been willing to sacrifice myself for the good of many. I am but one man, one soldier, one hound, but I believe in loyalty.”

“You a
re a great man, and a leader, Marcus,” Dorin said as he used Gunners true name. “You have fought very hard for a very long time and held back the tide of darkness. But I am telling you, no, I am begging you to listen to me. Allow me to go. Lucifer will talk to me, I know this. We have a history, even if it is somewhat dark.”

Tercia narrowed her eyes and Ari laughed.

“How you could fuck him is a mystery my friend.”

Dorin turned to face him. “
Don’t be so quick to judge me. Every one of us are here for sins we committed. Just because my blood is still in my veins does not make me any less or more than all of you. I am damned with death. I have murdered not only those I love, but many who I did not know so that I could feed. I am an animal and yet,” he turned back to face Gunner. “I have never felt more human than I do fighting by your sides. I shed the idea of salvation long ago, but I gained a bit of my humanity back when I became a Hellhound and fought for something, believed in something…believed in you, my friend, “he looked Gunner in the eye. Gunner placed a hand on his shoulder as Dorin did the same to him.

“I will
do my best to return her to you. Give me three days and three nights and then you can come to Hell and taste your revenge if I have not returned.”

Gunner sighed as Tercia stepped up and nodded to Dorin.

“What are we to do in the meantime?” Ari asked and Dorin looked at him.

“Set aside pride and mak
e alliances. We need as many to fight as we can.”

He nodded to Dorin as Gunner and Tercia stepped aside and Dorin rubbed his palm. He lifted it up to the panel and p
ressed the pentagram against it. Nothing happened at first until Lucifer stopped licking the clit of a woman in Hell he happened to be fucking and grinned. He closed his eyes and the elevator gears started to turn as he allowed Dorin to activate it. He looked back at the glistening clit and extended his tongue as he hissed and it buried itself deep in her and widened. The woman arched her back as his tongue started to move in and out of her slowly at first and then quickening its pace as she reached up and grabbed her nipples with her fingertips. She tugged on them as Lucifer moaned and continued to fuck her with his tongue. He suddenly pulled it out and she made a small sound of pure disappointment.

“Luci,” s
he hissed as her tongue flicked in and out of her mouth and she pushed herself up on her elbows to stare at him. He stood up and turned as she continued to whine. He held his hand out to one side and tightened his fist as she shut up and grabbed her throat, choking as his grip became tighter and tighter. His invisible hold started to crush her throat until the door opened and a beautiful woman stood before him in the shadows. His temper calmed and his fist relaxed as the woman on the bed muttered to herself and grabbed her clothing. She stood up and started to slip the see thru dress over her head as she continued to mutter obscenities under her breath. The woman at the door tilted her head and then stepped into the room, her body long and lean, her breasts firm and barely visible beneath the sheer fabric of her white dress. It clung to her broad shoulders in two thin twisted straps and was bound with what looked to be black twine. Lucifer looked up and down her body and then settled on her eyes. They were a bright green, sparked with an underlying knowledge.

“I w
as not done, I did not come yet,” the woman hissed behind him and he closed his eyes and raised both hands to his sides as the woman behind him laughed at him.

“Release me,” s
he said as he quickly spread his arms out to his sides and the room began to vibrate. The woman standing before him grinned, her lip curling at the edge of her mouth and her head lowered as her eyes locked onto his.

“Please her,” s
he whispered and Lucifer spread his fingers as the woman cried out behind him and rose from the floor. She let her head fall back as if she was having an orgasm and by her moaning you would think that she was. Just as quickly as she rose her arms extended as well as her legs and continued to do so until the cracking of bone began and the woman laughed with pleasure. The pain would be too much for any human to bear, but for this demon it was exactly what she had hoped for. The woman standing before Lucifer reached down between her legs and cupped her own pussy, pressing against it as she parted her lips. Lucifer’s eyes changed from red to black and back again as he continued to inflict his vengeance without even bothering to turn and look behind him.

He looked up towards the ceiling as his own orgasm started to rise in him and he shuddered as he struck the final blow and the woman was torn apart behind him.
Lucifer cried out as the pleasure rolled through him and the woman before him sighed and stimulated herself. The blood splattered the walls, the bed, everything but Lucifer. He lowered his arms and cracked his neck from side to side and then looked the woman over before him.

“You always have a way of getting me to do that.”

“I think you enjoy it my Lord.”

Lucifer walked up t
o her and touched her cheek. Her skin was fair and her lips pinkish in color. He licked his lip and scanned her body, seeing that her nipples were erect and he could smell her pussy. He looked down and cupped her, letting his finger rotate ever so slowly against her swollen clit.

“I need a favor from you,” h
e hissed as he then moved behind her and kept his hand pressed against her the whole time. She closed her eyes as he slid his other hand up to her throat and grabbed it, applying a small amount of pressure, but nothing too harmful. She opened her eyes and they switched from red to black as he whispered into her ear, she grinned and then turned to him, placing a hand to his chest and letting the other move down until she found him erect and aching in her hand.  She started to stroke him as he stared into her eyes.

As you wish,” she whispered, her lips so close to his, a kiss was imminent.

“I would expect nothi
ng less of you Mary,” he hissed as his lips pressed against hers and their tongues intertwined.










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