Helliconia: Helliconia Spring, Helliconia Summer, Helliconia Winter (87 page)

BOOK: Helliconia: Helliconia Spring, Helliconia Summer, Helliconia Winter
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Behind one of the boulders, Io Pasharatid stood waiting for his pursuer. His mount was exhausted. Pasharatid expected capture and was surprised when he saw a solitary rider approaching. There was no accounting for the foolishness of the Campannlatians.

He loaded his matchlock, set it in position, and awaited the right moment to apply his fire. His pursuer was approaching at a steady pace, riding among the boulders and taking no particular care.

Pasharatid lit the fuse, tucked the butt into his shoulder, narrowed his eyes, and aimed the gun. He hated using these beastly weapons. They were for barbarians.

Not every firing was a success. This one was. There was a loud explosion, the bullet flew to its mark. YeferalOborol was blown off his mount with a hole in his chest. He crawled into the shadow of a boulder and died.

The Sibornalese ambassador caught the hoxney and continued his journey north.

It must be said: there were no riches in King JandolAnganol’s court to rival the riches of the courts friendly to him in Oldorando and in Pannoval City. In those more favoured centres of civilisation, treasures of all kinds had accumulated; scholars were protected, and the church itself – though this was truer of Pannoval – encouraged learning and the arts to a limited extent. But Pannoval had the advantage of a ruling dynasty which, encouraging a proselytising religion, made for stability.

Almost every week, ships unloaded on to Matrassyl’s harbour cargoes of spices, drugs, hides, animals’ teeth, lapis lazuli, scented woods, and rare birds. But of these treasures, few reached the palace. For JandolAnganol was an upstart king, in the eyes of the world and possibly in his own eyes. He boasted of his grandfather’s enlightened rule, but in truth his grandfather had been little better than a successful warlord – one of many who disputed Borlienese territory – who had had the wit to band phagors into formidable armies under human captaincy and so subdue his enemies.

Not all those enemies had been killed. One of the most striking ‘reforms’ of JandolAnganol’s father’s reign was to appoint a parliament, or scritina; the scritina represented the people and advised the king. It was based on an Oldorandan model. VarpalAnganol had formed the membership of the scritina from two categories of men, from the leaders of guilds and corps, such as the Ironmakers Corps, who had traditional power in the land, and from defeated warlords or their families, thus giving them the chance to air their grievances and him a way of deflating their wrath. Much of the cargo unloaded at Matrassyl went to paying this disaffected body of men.

When the young JandolAnganol deposed and imprisoned his father, he had sought to abolish the scritina. The scritina had refused to be abolished. It met irregularly and continued to harass the king and to make its own members rich. Its leader, BudadRembitim, was also mayor of Matrassyl.

The scritina called an extraordinary meeting. It would certainly demand a fresh attempt to subdue Randonan and stronger defences against the warlike tribes of Mordriat, who were no more than two or three days’ gallop from their homes. The king would have to answer them and commit himself to a definite line of action.

The king presented himself before the scritina that afternoon, when his distinguished visitors were taking a siesta. He left his runt behind and sank into his throne in grim silence.

After the difficulties of the morning, another set of difficulties. His gaze went round the wooden council chamber as if seeking them out.

Several members of the old families rose to speak. Most of them harped on a fresh theme and a stale one. The stale one was the emptiness of the exchequer. The fresh one was the inconvenient report from the Western Wars that the frontier city of Keevasien had been sacked. Randonanese units had crossed the Kacol River and stormed the city.

This led to complaints that General Hanra TolramKetinet was too young, too unskilled, to command the army. Every complaint was a criticism of the king. JandolAnganol listened impatiently, drumming his fingers on the arm of his throne. He recalled again the wretched days of his boyhood, after his mother had died. His father had beaten and neglected him. He had hidden in cellars from his father’s servants, and vowed to himself that, when he was grown up, he would let nobody stand in the way of his happiness.

After he was wounded in the Cosgatt, after he had managed to find his way back to the capital, he lay in the state of weakness which recalled to his mind the past he wished to shut away. Again he was powerless. It was then he had observed the handsome young captain, TolramKetinet, smile at MyrdemInggala, and receive an answering smile.

As soon as he had managed to crawl from his bed, he promoted TolramKetinet to general, and sent him off to the Western Wars. There were men in the scritina who believed – with good reason – that their sons were much more deserving of promotion. Every setback in the stubborn jungles to the west reinforced their belief, and their anger with the king. He knew he needed a victory of some kind very soon. For that he found himself forced to turn to Pannoval.

The next morning, before meeting formally again with the diplomats, JandolAnganol went early to see Prince Taynth Indredd in his suite. He left Yuli outside, where the runt settled down comfortably, sprawling like a dog by the door. This was the king’s concession to a man he disliked.

Prince Taynth Indredd was breakfasting off a gout cooked in oatmeal, served with tropical fruits. He listened, nodding assent, to what JandolAnganol had to say.

He remarked, with seeming irrelevance, ‘I hear that your son has disappeared?’

‘Robay loves the desert. The climate suits him. He often departs, and is away for weeks at a time.’

‘It’s not the proper training for a king. Kings must be educated. RobaydayAnganol should attend a monastery, as you did, and as I did. Instead, he’s joined the protognostics, so I hear.’

‘I can look after my own son. I require no advice.’

‘Monastery is good for you. Teaches you that there are things you have to do, even if you don’t like them. Bad things loom in the future. Pannoval has survived the long winters. The long summers are more difficult … My deuteroscopists and astronomers report bad things of the future. Of course, it’s their trade, you might say.’

He paused and lit a veronikane, making a performance of it, breathing out the smoke luxuriously, sweeping the cloud away with languorous gestures.

‘Yes, the old religions of Pannoval spoke truth when they warned that bad things came from the sky, Akhanaba’s origins were as a stone. You know that?’

He rose and waddled over to the window, where he climbed up on the sill and looked out. His large behind stuck out in JandolAnganol’s direction.

The latter said nothing, waiting for Taynth Indredd to commit himself.

‘The deuteroscopists say that Helliconia and our attendant sun, Batalix, are being drawn nearer to Freyr every small year. For the next few generations – eighty-three years, to be precise – we move ever nearer to it. After that, if celestial geometries prove correct, we draw slowly away again. So the next generations are the testing ones. Advantage will go increasingly to the polar continents of Hespagorat and Sibornal. For us in the tropics, conditions will become steadily worse.’

‘Borlien can survive. It’s cooler along the south coast. Ottassol is a cool city – below ground, much like Pannoval.’

Taynth Indredd turned his froglike face over one shoulder in order to inspect JandolAnganol.

‘There’s a plan, you see, coz … I know you have little affection for me, but I’d prefer you to hear it from me than have it from your friend, my old holy advisor, Guaddl Ulbobeg. Borlien
will be all right at near-point, as you say. So will Pannoval, safe in its mountains. Oldorando will suffer most. And both your country and mine need to see Oldorando remain intact, or it will fall to barbarians. Do you suppose you could accommodate the Oldorandan court, Sayren Stund and his like – in Ottassol?’

The question was so startling that JandolAnganol was for once at a loss for words.

‘That would be for my successor to say …’

The Prince of Pannoval changed his tone of voice, and the subject.

‘Coz, take some fresh air at the window with me. See, there below is my charge, Simoda Tal, eleven years and six tenners old, daughter of the Oldorandan line, her ancestry traceable back to the Lords Den ruling Old Embruddock in the chill times.’

The girl, thinking herself unobserved, skipped in the courtyard below, dried her hair in a desultory fashion, and whirled her towel about her head now and again.

‘Why does she make the journey with you, Taynth?’

‘Because I wished you to see her. A pleasant girl, is she not?’

‘Pleasing enough.’

‘Young, it’s true, but, from certain signs I have had, of a quite lascivious nature.’

JandolAnganol felt a trap was about to spring. He withdrew his head and began to pace the room. Taynth Indredd turned about and settled himself comfortably on the ledge, blowing out smoke.

‘Cousin, we wish to see the member states of the Holy Pannoval Empire draw ever closer. We must protect ourselves against bad times – not only now but to come. In Pannoval, we have always had Akhanaba’s gift of foresight. That is why we wish you to marry this pretty young princess, Simoda Tal.’

The blood sank from JandolAnganol’s face. Straightening himself, he said, ‘You know I am already married – and to whom I am married.’

‘Face some unpleasant facts, coz. The present queen is the daughter of a brigand. She is not a fit match for you. The marriage degrades you and your country, which demands a better status. Married to Simoda Tal, though, yours would be a force to be reckoned with.’

‘It cannot be done. In any case, the mother of that girl down there is a Madi. Isn’t that so?’

Taynth Indredd shrugged. ‘Are Madis worse than the phagors you dote on? Listen, coz, we want this new match to go through as smoothly as possible. No hostility, only mutual help. In eighty-three more years, Oldorando will be aflame from one end to the other, with temperatures near to one hundred and fifty degrees, according to calculation. Oldorandans will have to move southwards. Form a dyastic marriage now, and they will be in your power then. They will be poor relations begging at your door. All Borlien-Oldorando will be yours – or your grandsons’ at least. It is a chance never to be missed. Now let’s have some more fruit. The squaanej are excellent.’

‘It cannot be done.’

‘It can. The Holy C’Sarr is prepared to annul your present marriage by a special bill.’

JandolAnganol raised a hand as if to strike the prince. He retained the hand at the level of his eyes and said, ‘My present marriage is my past marriage and my future one. If we need this dynastic marriage, then I will marry off Robayday to your Simoda. It would make an equal match.’

The prince leaned forward and pointed a finger at JandolAnganol. ‘Certainly not. Forget the suggestion. That boy is crazy. His grandma was the wild Shannana.’

The Eagle’s eyes flashed. ‘He’s not crazy. A little wild.’

‘He should have attended a monastery, as you did and as I did. Your religion must tell you that your son is inadmissible as a suitor. You must make the sacrifice, if you choose to regard it as such. You will be rewarded for any sense of loss by our considerable aid. When we have your consent, we shall present you with a chest full of the new weaponry, together with all necessary priming. More chests will follow. You can train gunners for use against Darvlish the Skull as well as the Randonanese tribes. You will gain every advantage.’

‘And what will Pannoval gain?’ JandolAnganol asked bitterly.

‘Stability, coz, stability. Over the next unstable period. The Sibornalese are not going to grow less powerful as Freyr nears.’

He nibbled at one of the purple squaanej.

JandolAnganol stood rooted where he was, looking away from the prince.

‘I am already married to a woman I love. I will not put MyrdemInggala aside.’

The prince laughed. ‘Love! Zygankes, as Simoda Tal would say! Kings cannot afford to think in such terms. You must put your country first. For Borlien’s sake, marry Simoda Tal, unify, stabilise …’

‘And if I don’t?’

Taking his time, Taynth Indredd selected another squaanej from the bowl.

‘In that case, you will be wiped from the field of play, won’t you?’

JandolAnganol knocked the fruit from his hand. It rolled across the floor and stopped against the wall.

‘I have my religious convictions. It would go against those convictions to put my queen aside. And there are those in your Church who would support me.’

‘You don’t mean poor old Ulbobeg?’

Although the prince’s hand shook, he bent and selected another fruit.

‘First of all, find some pretext to send her away somewhere. Get her out of the court. Send her to the coast. Then think about all the advantages which will accrue when you do as we wish you to do. I must return to Pannoval at the end of the week – with the news that you will make a dynastic marriage which the Holy C’Sarr himself will bless.’

The day continued difficult for JandolAnganol. During the morning’s meeting, while Taynth Indredd sat silent on his frog-throne, Guaddl Ulbobeg expounded the plan for the new marriage. This time, it was set out in diplomatic terms. When this action was taken, then those benefits would accrue. Great C’Sarr Kilandar IX, Father Supreme of the Church of Akhanaba, would approve both a bill of divorcement and the second marriage.

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