Hesitant Heart (21 page)

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Authors: Morticia Knight

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Hesitant Heart
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Francesco touched Sam’s knee that peeked out from the split of the silk robe Sam had put on after Aaron had fucked him. Sam couldn’t understand why Francesco wore nothing. Even the other boy who was with them in the room—Charles? - had nothing on either. The one thing Sam did know about the evening’s activities was that the club had been closed to all members for the night in order to facilitate whatever plan had been worked out.

The door opened and Sam jumped. Was it over? Or had his father convinced Aaron to give Sam back? His mind taunted him. He knew in his heart Aaron would do no such thing. Master Theodore peeked into the room and gestured to the other two boys. They had all been kept in a den far away from whatever was happening downstairs. Javier had been placed outside as a guard of sorts.

“Come on, boys. It’s time.”

Sam was confused. Aaron hadn’t told him he would be getting involved with whatever was supposed to happen. And how did Francesco and Charles fit in with everything? He pushed up from the floor to follow.

“Not you, Sam. You’re to stay here.”

A protest formed on his lips, but he forced it back. Arguing with Master Theodore would be no different than arguing with Aaron.

‘Go with Master Theodore, Sam, and follow his instructions. He’ll take you to see Francesco and one of the other submissives. They can keep you company until all this is over with.’

Reluctantly, Sam nodded his head and lowered himself back onto the plush rug. He glanced at Francesco, who blew him a kiss, and he felt better. It was nice to have friends who really cared about him just as he was and would go out of their way to help him. The ones he’d grown up with had all turned on him after the incident with Gerald.

“Don’t worry, Sam. Master Aaron’s thought of everything.”

The door snicked shut behind them, which left Sam nothing to do except resist the urge to chew his entire lip off his face. It would’ve been an amusing image were he not so incredibly anxious. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe in Aaron. It was that his father and those awful men he employed were so ruthless and without honor. They were nothing like Aaron or the other men of the Hampton Road Club.

He wasn’t allowed to go to the window, in case he was spotted. The curtains had been pulled tightly shut. Sam fingered the playing cards of the game he and Francesco had been in the middle of. His friend had promised he would teach him a game called Stern-Halma the next time they were together. He’d told Sam that it was played on a wooden star-shaped board and used marbles. It was more fun with extra players, so he’d said maybe they could get some of the other submissives to play too.

Francesco had also taught him a card game he could play by himself called Patience. Sam shuffled the cards then laid them out in a long line from the left, adding extra cards on each stack as he went along. The game helped give him the focus he needed when Aaron was absent. There were no plants or flowers to tend to. He only had himself and his worry to keep him company.

The brass clock on a book shelf in the corner tick, tick, ticked away. Sam wished for a phonograph in the room. He wasn’t in the usual room where the submissives socialized together. That much larger space had many wonderful things including the phonograph and stacks of heavy vinyl records. It would have been heaven to have the music to distract him.

As he lay down another card in what felt like his hundredth game, the door creaked open. He inhaled sharply and turned his head, the cards scattering to the floor as he dropped them.


He leapt up then ran into Aaron’s outstretched arms. In a torrent of tears that he couldn’t have controlled if he’d tried, he sobbed in relief that his lover was there. Aaron held him tightly, rocking him in his embrace.

“It’s all over, little Sam. He’ll never bother you again.”

He snuffled, trying to regain his composure. He had to know.

“What happened? How is it that he’s letting me go? All he’s ever talked about is being the big cheese so he could lord over a bunch of people.”

Aaron chuckled, the inner vibrations from his lover rumbling against Sam’s ear. Aaron pulled back then plucked a handkerchief from his pocket. He wiped across Sam’s face.

“Let’s sit together and I’ll explain everything.”

Once they’d settled, Sam listened in fascination as Aaron explained how he’d lured his father to the Club. As the chatter had continued, Sam’s father had become more relaxed, more convinced that he and Aaron were discussing a small business matter amicably. It was then that Sam’s father had been offered a drug-laced brandy to knock him out. When Aaron had quizzed Sam for any and all things he knew about his father, Sam had told Aaron of his weakness for a good brandy. His father was rarely able to indulge—not daring to be caught with the illegal substance amidst his respectable peers—especially when he hoped to run for office. It made Sam feel as though he’d taken part in the evening’s scheme more directly.

Then, the most interesting part of the Dominant’s plan had come into play. They’d taken him to one of the playrooms, stripped him, then sent Francesco and Charles in to lie with him as if they were all lovers. It was then that several rather graphic photographs were shot.

After they’d woken him up, they’d shown him the photos and explained that if he were ever to come near Sam again, his local newspapers, his country club and his partners at the law firm where he practiced would all receive copies. Aaron had further guaranteed that Sam’s father would head back to San Francisco with tail firmly tucked between his legs by paying off the big galoots he’d always shielded himself with. They’d received a sizeable enough sum, as well as a strongly worded suggestion from Bruce and George about staying away for good.

Sam was shocked. Aaron had done all of that for him. Even Saul, Thomas, Theodore, Francesco and Charles—someone he barely knew—had gone out of their way to make certain that Sam never had to be afraid again. He started to cry.

“Little Sam, what is it?”

Sam buried his face in Aaron’s chest. He loved Aaron so much it hurt. His lover didn’t prod him to stop. Instead, he let Sam cry it out. Aaron knew him, understood him. His Master had done so much for him that he was completely overwhelmed.

At last, his tears subsided. He wiped his face with the handkerchief once more. “I can’t believe everyone did all of this for me—especially Francesco and Charles. Charles barely knows me. And I know that Charles doesn’t belong to anyone, but Francesco does. How could Master Theodore let him anywhere near my awful father? Especially
like that.”

Aaron laughed softly. “Because they all care about you. They know you to be kind and good and undeserving of being terrorized by that hateful man. But there’s also a camaraderie that exists within our club—indeed, within our circle of adherents. There are few who understand our desires, our compulsions—the need of a sweet submissive such as yourself, little Sam. We have to protect one another or else we all risk losing the lifestyle we were born to live.”

Sam nodded. It was true. They were all like a family. His stomach twisted as another thought came to him.

“What’s going to happen to my mother, my brothers and sisters?”

“Ah, yes. I knew you would want to know. As it turns out, your mother and siblings will be making a big move very soon. We should no doubt go and search right away for a suitably large enough home for them to reside in comfortably when they arrive in Los Angeles.”

Sam’s lower lip quivered. He didn’t want to cry again, but he wasn’t sure if he could stop himself. Aaron kissed him, soothed him with his mouth and tongue until Sam calmed again.

“But…but how can this be?”

“It can most certainly be. Your father was easy to convince. If he behaves, he won’t lose his law practice. He might have to give up the big home, however. It will be a bit pricey to pay for the care of his family down here. We’ll provide the home, but he’s responsible for the rest. It’s the gentlemanly thing to do. He wouldn’t want to come off as a brute to his associates, now would he?”

Sam frowned, still confused. “We?”

“Yes, Sam, you and I. Everything that’s mine is yours. I hope you’ll feel the same about the plant nursery we’ll be starting up and allow me to call it my own too? It can be our business together. However, I’ll need you to run it. I don’t have time for such things—what with my painting and, of course, planning delicious things to do to my submissive at night. Or, heavens above, do I possess any knack for taking care of greenery. Perhaps Nadine can help you out in between her schooling?”

It couldn’t be real. He’d only dared hope that he and Aaron could be together for always - he hadn’t dared to wish for more. It had seemed too greedy. But his mother and family would be taken care of and he wouldn’t have to worry about them any longer. He was almost stunned speechless, but he had to let Aaron know how grateful he was.

“Master, I can never thank you enough for what you’ve done for me—”

“Sam, it’s not necessary—”

“Master, I don’t mean to interrupt, but I need you to listen to me. There’s something important I have to say.”

Aaron stilled and considered him.

“If that’s what you need, little Sam, then you must speak. I won’t interrupt again. Thank you for reminding me that I don’t always know best.”

Sam gasped. “I didn’t mean to imply

“You didn’t, sweet Sam. But there will be times when in my fervor to guarantee that you’re perfectly taken care of, I might become overly focused on those things that I know you need. I might forget to let you express your personal desires that I have yet to discover—or that you may have only just discovered for yourself. You can always ask to speak to me freely. You are my submissive, yes, but you are also my partner.”

Sam nodded, so proud to have such a wonderful Master.

“There’s something I want to give to you. I
to give to you.”

“If it’s what you truly believe you need, then I will agree. What is this thing that you want to give to me?”






Aaron checked in the mirror above the mahogany console table to make sure that his hair was still smoothly styled. He noted with surprise how much his fingers trembled. That would never do. It was vital that he remain completely calm with a steady hand as he permanently marked his boy. It was still astonishing to him that Sam had asked Aaron to brand him. He had dreamed that one day he would have a partner that would desire such a thing, but he’d never brought it up to Sam. He’d had to admonish himself for not acknowledging how very strong and single-minded his little Sam could be.

He heard noises behind him and knew that Sam and their friends were about to enter the larger playroom that had been set up for Sam’s branding. Aaron was ready to stop the whole thing if he detected any fear in his boy’s expression. It wasn’t that Aaron didn’t support his decision, but that he would never force Sam to follow through on something so serious if Sam had any last minute doubts.

When he stepped into view wearing only his collar, he looked radiant. His strong boy displayed nothing but joy on his face, in his eyes. Sam’s unbound cock was already lengthening and Aaron knew there was nothing to prevent him from marking his boy as his forever. It would be a beautiful moment for them to share. They’d already discussed how they would celebrate immediately following the branding.

Sam approached him and tilted his head up for a kiss. Gladly obliging him, Aaron captured his mouth, tasting the man who would fill his heart forever. When he broke the connection, he whispered next to Sam’s ear.

“You are mine. I love you.”

Sam grinned. “I’m yours, Master. I love you too.”

Aaron straightened.

“Front position, Sam.”

There was no hesitation as Sam strode toward the cross then raised his hands and spread his feet so that he could be restrained. It would have to be done tightly to insure that any involuntary movement from the placing of the burning iron on his flesh wouldn’t cause the brand to become distorted. The only thing that Aaron had insisted on was that the permanent mark not be placed directly on Sam’s ass cheek. Aaron was loathe to mar such a perfect part of Sam’s anatomy. Instead, it would be right above and to the left, on his hip.

Aaron bound Sam’s wrists then his ankles. The final restraint would be ties around his waist. Then he would be completely flush to the piece of wooden equipment, unable to move in the slightest. Once he’d completed his task, Aaron stepped back to admire his handiwork. Satisfied, he adjusted his leather vest. He wore it sans shirt, along with his black flannel trousers.

He turned to their friends, thrilled that not only Saul, but Theodore, Francesco, and Thomas had agreed to be present. So he would have witnesses that Sam was willingly giving himself over to the process, he spoke to Sam so that all could hear.

“Sam, do you wish me to mark you with my brand?”

“Yes, Master. This is my gift to you.” His voice had held conviction.

“Have you been coerced in any way to do this?”

“No, Master.”

Francesco piped up. “He’s the one that asked for it.”


Sam giggled. Francesco lowered his head, but Aaron detected a smirk on him.

“Sorry, Master Theodore.”

“I will deal with you later.” Theodore’s voice had carried a bit of a growl with it.

Aaron was not displeased. In fact, he was grateful to have Francesco’s words. There was no longer the slightest trepidation. He was eager to mark his boy.

The branding iron had been specifically constructed for him. The smith had fashioned it so that the round flat piece that comprised Aaron’s initials was attached to a foot long iron rod that ended in a loop. The implement’s handle was large enough that Aaron could get his leather covered hand completely through so as to grip it in an assured manner. It had been heating in the fireplace for a while. Aaron picked it up, checking to see that the metal glowed evenly. He placed it back in to keep the temperature stable.

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