HH01 - A Humble Heart (26 page)

Read HH01 - A Humble Heart Online

Authors: R.L. Mathewson

Tags: #mathewson rl heart romance romance novel humble hollywood love funny sweet romantic

BOOK: HH01 - A Humble Heart
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She drove home and walked around the property for a while. Her sheds were completely gone. Everything inside of them

was toast. The yard was singed beyond repair. After seeing all the damage she couldn't help but feel happy that no one was


Needing a distraction from what could have happened and the drama with Edward, she decided to clean her house. She

cleaned the house from top to bottom. She even put Edward’s things away and broke down the boxes. After four hours she took

a shower and threw a fresh outfit on. Subconsciously she grabbed her favorite motorcycle outfit, a white long sleeve tee shirt

and jeans. It wasn’t bad ass, but it was the most comfortable outfit she owned when she rode her motorcycle.

“The hell with it,” she said out loud, she was taking her bike out while she still could. First she called her doctor and ran

it past him. He okayed it as long as she was careful.

She pulled on her helmet and went for a drive. She rode around the beaches, loving the feeling of the open road. Her

phone went off while she was stopped at a red light. She pulled over and answered it. It was Amy telling her the meeting she

had to have with Eric and Rick was in one hour at Rick’s office. There was no time to go back and grab Amy’s car or hers so

she proceeded on bike. She was glad she did. It was a nice relaxing ride. That is until she pulled off her helmet and saw

Edward’s horrified expression.

She rolled her eyes and ran a hand through her hair and walked past him still carrying her helmet. He went to the elevator,

looking at her expectantly. She walked past him to the stairs and went the back way to the Rick’s office.

Dana strolled through the chaotic minefield that was Rick’s floor. People were hurrying here and there frantically. Rick’s

office was dead ahead and she aimed for it.

“Dana!” a man said.

She looked up, surprised to see Nick. He was a handsome man, always joking, and flirting with her and a real sweetheart,

well in his own way. He always read her books just to see what she was doing. “Nick!” She hugged him. “When did you get


He lifted her off her feet and spun her around. “Yesterday. I read your new books, not too bad.” He set her down on her

feet. “What’s this I hear you’re not only with Edward Pierce, but pregnant and engaged? Not my Dana. Not miss ‘I’m never

going to date another man as long as I live,’ ” he said the last part mocking her Boston accent.

“Oh great, are you going to harass me now, too?” she asked, teasing him.

“No, I’m just wondering why you turned me down so many times….broke my heart, Dana,” he said, giving her a puppy

dog expression that made her laugh.

“I’m sure I did. I’m sure it’s my fault you had to distract yourself with mindless sex and bimbos.”

He put an arm around her. “I’m glad you’re taking responsibility. They say that’s the first step to admitting you have a

problem.” He chuckled, taking her helmet from her. “You still have the Interceptor?” he asked, making a face of disgust.

“Hey, don’t make fun of my bike, snob.” she said, elbowing him in the ribs.

Rick stepped into the hall with Eric and Edward behind him. He smiled at Dana. “Someone’s been naughty.” His eyes

were shining with humor.

“Oh, what’s this now?” Nick asked, looking down at Dana. His arm still hung around her shoulders.

“Nothing you haven’t done a thousand times I’m sure.”

“Hmm, you’re going to have to narrow it down for me, sweetheart.” Nick said, he looked deep in thought, earning a giggle

from Dana.

“Let’s take this in the boardroom so I can catch up with my girlfriend,” Nick said to Rick.

“I figured as much. You have been gone for six months,” Rick said, leading the way to the large boardroom.

Dana felt Edward’s eyes bore into the back of her head and winced. There was no getting out of the doghouse now,

especially with Nick here. She knew he was trying to egg Edward on. That was his style, but saying anything would make it a

thousand times worse.

A large table with twenty chairs took up the middle of the room. Nick guided her to the table and paused. “Well, I guess

there aren’t enough chairs for all five of us. I guess you’ll have to sit on my lap, munchkin.” He sat down and opened his arms

for Dana to join him. She gently pushed his head and walked around him to her own seat. Edward sat across from her. She

could see he was pissed. His jaw was ground shut and his hands were clenched hard into fists.

Nick turned to face her. “So, you got knocked up. I guess those sex talks we had didn’t work.”

“They weren’t so much sex talks as they were offers if I remember correctly,” Dana said flatly.

“You’re splitting hairs here, Dana.” He chuckled.

Edward’s eyes focused her way. A change in topic was needed. “So, tell me how was Paris and when I ask how Paris

was I don’t mean some girl named Paris that you slept with,” she clarified.

“That knocks about an hour off my answer. It was good, it was fun, and you should have come with me when I offered to

fly you out for the weekend back in March.”

“You’re incorrigible,” she said, looking past him to Rick. “What are we waiting for?”

“Amy, she had to get a ride.”

“Oops, that’s my fault. I borrowed her car. Sorry, guys.”

“No problem, watching you get caught up with Nick is payment enough,” Rick said, grinning. He loved the fact that Dana

was the only woman to ever turn Nick down. It tormented Nick to no end that he couldn’t have her and he loved every minute of

their playful banter.

“So helpful, Rick,” Dana shot back.

“I do what I can.” Rick grinned. Eric seemed amused as well.

Nick reached over and flicked her hand, getting her attention. “So, tell me why you said yes to Edward Pierce when you

said no to me like a thousand times.”

Dana gestured to Edward. “He’s right there. Stop talking about him like he’s not even in the room.”

“Yes, but clearly he’s either pissed at you or crazy,” Nick pointed out.

“What makes you say that?” she asked cautiously.

“Well,” he turned now to face a very pissed Edward, “besides the fact that he looks like he wants to kill me every time I

touch you. He’s sitting across from you, not next to you. So either he’s pissed or he’s an idiot, because I sure as hell wouldn’t

do that pissed or not. You’re too cute to stay away from,” he said, turning back to her to squish up his face when he called her


“Is there anything I can say that will make you drop this?” Dana asked.

“Hmm, have dinner with me tonight so we can catch up.”

“Fine. I’m picking the restaurant,” she sighed. “Anything to make you stop.”

“What about the kids?” Nick asked.

“They are both going over friend’s houses for sleepovers tonight,” she said.

Nick’s smile widened. “Sweet, you know what I want to do then.”

“No,” she said, knowing exactly what he was about to offer. Or at least she thought she did.

“Ride Dune’s point,” he said, grinning hugely.

Dana turned in her chair to face him. “Are you serious?”

“Hell yeah. What are you chicken?”

“No, I’ve been dying to go to Dune’s point for months. No one but you will do it,” Dana said excitedly.

“Dana, you’re pregnant,” Edward stressed through clenched teeth.

She waved him off. “I'm only going to watch, don't worry about it.”

“Don’t worry about it
,” he mocked.

“Maybe we should start this meeting now,” Eric said nervously.

“Don’t worry about him, sweetheart, I still love you,” Nick said.

“So, not helping,” Dana said dryly.

He grinned wickedly. “I’m not trying to help.”

She groaned, “Guys, let’s get this over with please before one of us kills him.”

“Okay, after talking to Amy and going over the footage of you and Lucas we discovered she’s right. It’s not you in the

film. We plan on using it to our advantage, which will help clear your names,” Eric said.

“That’s it?” Dana asked.

Nick was extremely interested now. “What film?”

“Oh, shit.” Dana dropped her face into her hands, knowing this was about to get bad.

“I ask again, people, do not hold back on me, what film?” Nick asked, literally bouncing in his seat with excitement.

“Er….something on the internet,” Rick started to say when Nick jumped from his seat and ran out of the office. “It’s not

them!” But it was too late he was off and running.

“Oh shit!” Dana said again when Nick pulled someone into the boardroom a minute later. She recognized the poor kid that

was stumbling backwards under Nick’s grip, Derrick the computer guy.

“Right there, get it going,” Nick said. He grabbed a remote and pointed it towards the panel wall. The sound of whooshing

caught everyone’s attention as the paneling moved aside revealing a large flat screen monitor. Derrick walked over and pushed

against the wall. A keyboard secured to the wall popped out like a tray, revealing a small screen.

Dana watched horrified as the huge monitor displayed the internet. “Can you find it?” Nick asked anxiously. Derrick

rolled his eyes and gave him a cocky look. Within seconds the video was playing. Underneath the video the number of views

was displayed, 3,898,779 views. Super, Dana thought. That meant that either 3,898,779 believed it was them or didn’t. Just

freaking super.

The men watched the entire video while Dana watched their reactions. Edward looked bored. Rick and Eric tilted their

heads now and then and had a speculative look on their faces. When it was over Nick looked at Dana gleefully.

“Okay, now explain to me how we know it wasn’t you, Dana,” Nick asked her.

“Look at the video of Lucas and me and you’ll know,” she said.

Nick put a finger to his lips. “Yes, the tattoos. Well, at the time you may not have had one, however, since this is recent

you could have one now so that really proves nothing,” Nick said.

Dana’s jaw dropped. For a long moment no one said anything. “You little bastard,” she said, making Nick bounce up and

down again.

Eric and Rick shared a nervous look. If it was her they were going to have a PR nightmare. No one would pay ten bucks

just to see a staged sex scene when they could see the real deal for free.

Nick studied her. “I can tell by the look on your face, Dana, you realize the problem we’ll have if we can’t disprove this.”

“Ah, Dana, I hate to do this but we need to know for a fact that wasn’t you in the film if you expect our support. I’m really

sorry about this. But these things can cost us all a great deal of money.”

“For fuck sake, the guy wore a condom! Why the hell would I wear one when we’re having sex? She’s already pregnant!”

Edward argued.

Nick waved his finger in the air. “She would if she wasn’t one hundred percent sure you were faithful in England. You

might have an open relationship. It’s an easy argument to make.”

Dana groaned. She knew the angle Nick was trying to push. “Let’s cut the shit, Nick. Where were the tattoos?”

“Why I never thought you would ask, Dana. A sweet little tattoo on her ass, apparently one above her umm…..genitals and

a breast tattoo.”

She pushed away from the table and grabbed Nick by the arm, pulling him out of the office. “I assume you will take his

word for it?” she asked Eric and Rick.

“Yes,” they answered in unison.

“Fine, I’m only doing this once.” She pulled him out of the boardroom into the next room.

Chapter 13

“What the hell is she doing?” Edward demanded.

“Sit down, Edward, she’s saving your career as well as hers. Just chill, he’s not going to touch her,” Eric said.

“Son of a bitch!” He kicked a chair across the room. They weren’t moving out of his way.

“Holy shit!” they heard Nick say from the next room. That was it. Edward jumped over the table and tried to make his way

to the door. Eric and Rick tackled him to the ground.

“He’s just fucking with you. Don’t worry, Dana is great girl. She wouldn’t let him do anything!” Rick said.

He was still on the ground when Dana walked in shaking her head while she grinned hugely. That pissed Edward off

more. Nick walked into the room with his hand over his heart. “That was a mean thing to do! I can’t believe you would do that

to me!” Nick bitched.

Dana shrugged indifferently and inspected her fingernails like she couldn’t be bothered. All three men looked up at her.

She looked at them “What? You didn’t really think I was going to let
see me naked, did you? Come on guys you know me

better than that.”

They turned in unison to look at Nick. “She….,” He gestured wildly to the next room. “She got me in there and did…

she….then she…..you’re such a tease, Dana!”

She smiled sweetly at Nick. “I told you payback’s a bitch, Nick. Don’t taunt my guy again or I’ll do something worse next

time.” She walked past the three men on the floor and sat in her seat like nothing happened.

Nick thrust his hands in his hair, frustrated. “Damn it, woman, if you think what you did would stop me you must be out of

your mind you just kicked this into a higher gear. Oh, now that I know you can dish it out like that…” He shook his head back

and forth in a menacing manor. “Sweetheart, I look forward to seeing what it will take to make you blush.” He chuckled,

making Dana laugh too.

“I missed you, Dana. No one else takes my shit like you do and puts me in my place.” He grinned hugely at her.

“It’s good to be useful,” she said dryly. She watched the men on the floor slowly stand up.

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