Hidden Desires (44 page)

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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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"The cut-offs?" Jodie asked in excitement.

"Maybe." The shop keeper shrugged. "You think I should? They're kind of ratty."

"Oh definitely. Wear them." Jo insisted.

"Alright. I just wish I knew what Brooke was wearing, I'll be kind of casual and I don't want her to be uncomfortable."

"Trust me, the cut-offs are fine. If you're so worried, call Brooke and tell her to dress casual." The waitress suggested.

"Hmm. Maybe I will. You think I should? I mean, I'll see her tomorrow and all."

"Don't worry, I think she'd love to hear from you. She's probably wondering what to wear anyway."

"Cool, then maybe I will."

Jodie smiled happily.




AYDEN STOPPED FOR a chicken cutlet hero on her way home, she knew Wade wouldn't be home for dinner and planned on eating in the living room in front of the TV. Cayden liked eating over the coffee table much better than on the floor in her room, and she took advantage of it when she could. She was glad Wade would be out, she didn't feel like talking to anyone right now. This usually happened when she was nervous, or something was bothering her, and in this case, it was both. Cayden wasn't much of a phone person, and she was planning on calling Brooke. She wasn't sure that she could. She didn't know what to say, and was afraid she'd get Brooke's mother again. For now, Cayden wanted to forget about the phone call, and eat in peace. She was looking forward to the Pet Psychic to help her zone out. She wasn't sure the woman was legit, but she was bound to get absorbed quickly.

*  *  *


Brooke was hiding in her room, escaping her parents and their sudden need to play Trivial Pursuit. Brooke ran quickly when the evil blue box appeared. She hated playing that game with her parents. Her mother hardly knew any answers and, her father knew them all and was quite smug about it, which left Harriet pouting and insisting on a 2 pie-piece handicap. Brooke was usually the determining vote on whether her mother got away with it or not, and she always gave in, receiving a scowl from her father. She was certain he made up all of her questions after that. Even in her room, she could feel her mother pouting already.

*  *  *


La La stood with his back legs on the couch, and his front paws on Cayden's leg, kneading it, digging his nails into her as he inhaled the aroma of cutlet. The shop keeper felt guilty as she bit into the sandwich, knowing the orgasmic bliss that just one little piece of chicken would invoke in the cat. He was purring like a motorboat, and would have made several loaves of bread had their been dough on her leg. "Quit making biscuits out of my skin and you'll get some chicken." La La Bird's nails continued to dig into her bare leg. She shooed him off, and he ran around to her other leg to repeat the process. "Okay fatty fatty two by four, here." She tore off a piece of chicken and tossed it across the room. She couldn't help but laugh out loud watching his fat ass sway as he ran for it. Staring back at the TV, she sighed. "Sonya thinks she can talk to animals La La, wanna go and chat with the woman?" The cat burped. "No really. I bet you have a dirty mouth, we can go to the show, and you can swear a blue streak. That'll teach her. You can tell her about that time you jumped into the bath with Daddy and landed on his wing-ding." She snickered at the memory of Wade running through the house, naked and wet, screaming about how it was mauled. "Yeah, I'd like to see her work that into a reading." Cayden looked back at the TV and got reabsorbed by the show as she finished her dinner, La La standing vigil over every bite.

*  *  *


Back at the Hewitt house, the game was well under way and Brooke thought it safe to go get a drink. As she passed her parents, she noticed her father gloating, and her mother pouting. "Why do you insist on playing that game? What's wrong with checkers or Poker?" She asked from the kitchen.

"I like the game." Bert replied as he moved his piece. "Ooo, history! Go on Harriet, ask me."

"I don't like this game," she complained, "Brooke's right, let's play checkers."

Brooke snickered and hung around the table to watch them play. Of course her father got his question right. She stifled a chuckle as her mother landed on geography.

"The capitol of what?" Harriet asked, perplexed. "That's not a country."

The phone rang and Brooke reached for it absently, enjoying her parents. "Hello."

"Hey." Brooke almost choked on her water. "Cayden!"

"Yeah," The shopkeeper breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad its you, and not your mom."

"Is that Cayden dear? Ask her if there's an Uzbekistan."

Cayden snickered. "Uzbekistan?"

"Yeah, they're playing Trivial Pursuit and mom is sure dad's making up countries."

"And if its real..." Harriet added, "What's the capitol?"

"Harriet! That's cheating!" Bert protested.

"Sounds like fun." Cayden joked.

"Oh yeah, a regular blast." Brooke agreed with a giggle.

"Well?" Harriet asked Brooke.

"Mom, leave Cayden alone."

"Yes Harriet, leave her alone." Bert smiled, knowing his wife had no idea.

"No, it's alright. Uzbekistan is a country."

"Yeah?" Brooke asked. "So what's the capitol?" She dared.


Brooke took the phone away from her ear and stared at it.

"Well, what did she say?" Mrs. Hewitt wondered.

"It's real." Brooke said still surprised. "Tashkent is the capitol."

"That's not fair!" Bert complained.

"Thank you Cayden, darling." Harriet said with a grin as she added a little triangle to her pie.

"She's right?" Brooke asked wide-eyed.

"I watch the Travel Channel alot." Cayden explained.

"You must." Brooke said, proud that Cayden knew the capitol of Uzbekistan. "What else do you know?" she asked playfully.

Cayden snickered. "The women in Tashkent have long hair and they wear it in skinny braids, they have really cool palaces, they're Muslims...."

"No shit! You know this stuff for real?"

"Yep. It was on one day, I watched it and it stuck with me." Cayden shrugged.

"Cool!" Brooke smiled. Cayden was smart, she was probably great at Trivial Pursuit too. She shivered thinking of a game with her parents and Cayden and changed the subject in her head. "So what's up?"

"Oh, nothing really, just that, I was wondering, um, what time are you going to get to the shop tomorrow?"

"I get out of work at 5, I may come straight to you, I may run home and change, it all depends. What are you wearing by the way?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing. Casual. Are you wearing shorts or jeans? She asked shyly.

"Jeans. I don't know what kind of top yet, maybe a tank top if it's still Africa hot. I couldn't wear that to work though, no matter how hot it is. You're lucky, you can wear whatever you want." Brooke pouted.

"I guess, but I usually don't wear anything too skimpy, I hate when they stare at my boobs."

"You can't really blame them Cayden." Brooke blurted out before she could stop herself.

Cayden blushed and chuckled. "Its not so bad when you say it."

Brooke gathered herself after that embarrassing moment. "So, anyway, now you know what I'm going to wear, what can I look forward to?"

"I don't know. Jodie tells me to wear shorts, but I may go for jeans too. Jo is trying to instigate something.

"Shorts wouldn't be so bad." Brooke said with a sly grin.

"Hmm. Only if you wear them too."

"Okay, deal."

"Brooke, dear, ask Cayden when they took down the Berlin Wall. "


"1989." Cayden chuckled.

Brooke laughed. "1989, now leave her alone."

"Honey, why don't you invite Cayden over to play with us one evening?"

"Cayden is not coming here to play games with you, now shoo!" Brooke waved her hand at her mother. "Cayden, you really know your stuff."

"I'm a TV junkie, stuff sticks with me. I have an endless fount of useless bullshit."

"I see." Brooke smiled. "I like that you're smart. When I can get you to talk it should be interesting."

"Yeah, well." Cayden blushed.

Brooke sensed the tall woman's discomfort. "Okay, so I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yep, tomorrow."

*  *  *


Cayden hung up the phone and sighed. It wasn't so bad talking to Brooke at all. It was kinda fun actually, and she wondered how it would be if they were face to face. She thought about their deal to wear shorts.
I wonder what kind of shorts she's going to wear... I hope they're not tight, and short. I'll go crazy. I bet they will be. She'll definitely do that to me on purpose, to torture me. Well touche. I'll wear my cut offs and my black tank top and play just as dirty. That tank top is relentless....

*  *  *


Cayden didn't sleep as well as she wanted to. She woke up a few time during the night and was harassed by the BowFlex commercial each time. She began having dreams about the machine, and of course, Brooke was featured prominently. Half dressed and sweaty, the blonde stood over Cayden, forcing her to do reps... the tease of Brooke's musky, shiny body, inches away. Cayden awoke in the morning, sleepy, and horny, and from the second she opened her eyes, began counting down the hours until 6.

It was already hot and humid as Cayden exited the subway, another New York City summer day. She threw caution to the wind and joined the line of impatient, well dressed people in Starbucks and ordered herself a
cup of something with 5 names. It sounded interesting, and tasted pretty good. There was enough caffeine and sugar in it to wake a small army, and it was just what she needed.

The shopkeeper turned on the air conditioner and waited for it to cool off in the store. While she stood in the silence, and sipped her trendy coffee she thought back to her dreams. She got a little nervous. If Brooke could arouse her that much in a dream, what could she do in short, tight shorts, standing in front of her? Cayden closed her eyes and mentally braced herself. The less she thought about the subject, the better she would be. Besides, the concoction she was drinking began kicking in and she was ready to start the day.

*  *  *


Bev waited for Brooke to get in and when she did she jumped in front of her. "Well? Today's the big day? Are you alright?"

"Depends, if you mean did I sleep last night, not really. If you mean did I dream about her last night, yes."

"Judging from the look on your face, those dreams are getting better and better."

"You ain't kidding. It's a wonder I can look her in the eye at all." Brooke said with a blush. "She called last night."

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