Read Hidden Dragons Online

Authors: Emma Holly

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

Hidden Dragons (20 page)

BOOK: Hidden Dragons
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They couldn’t have picked a better place for this. The rocky walls of the cave, the dancing fire, the ragged slapping of their flesh all brought out his wild nature. The gland at the base of his shaft was burning, too tender for the vigorous friction it was getting. Despite this, he couldn’t stop. The nerves in his gland and cock kept demanding more and more.

“More,” she groaned, echoing his thoughts. “Please.”

He let loose. She slapped her hand around his gloved wrist, trapping his metal-encased fingers against her clitoris and pussy lips. He squeezed her the way she seemed to want, massaging all of her with the strange metal. She moaned, and sensation twanged through his mating gland. He couldn’t tell if the feeling was pain or pleasure, and frankly he didn’t care. He slammed into her, balls contracting in preparation to spill their load, bulbus abruptly swelling to twice its normal size. The enlargement frightened him for a second, but the extra pressure hit some good spot in her. She cried out hoarsely and climaxed.

Her contractions set off his own explosion. He roared like his beast as every cell in his penis came. It felt like her pussy was dusting him. The ecstasy was unearthly. Her faerie power combined with his heightened mating sensations to create an orgasm strong enough to blind. His nerves fired until they tingled, muscles kicking uncontrollably. He shot more seed than he knew he had in him.

The pulses went on and on, the swelling of his bulbus wedging him tight in her. He didn’t know if he could pull out, and he wasn’t about to try. He needed to be as deep inside her as he could get, needed to lay claim to her by every means possible.

Since she was grinding desperately closer and gasping out her pleasure, that seemed to be all right.

Gradually, almost reluctantly, the swelling in his gland subsided. Cass’s sheath stopped greedily seizing him.

They both seemed to have been struck speechless. The first to be willing to separate, Cass pulled free and collapsed onto the bedroll.

Rick’s left hand still held her wrist captive.

“Mm,” she said, eyes closed, cheek turned sideways on the bedroll’s pillow. The inky fans of her lashes were indescribably pretty.

As fascinating as her relaxed features were, Rick couldn’t ignore his own condition. His cock was heavy and exhausted, seed dripping down its length onto her. If she noticed, she didn’t care. As he lowered his weight next to her, he realized his limbs were shaking.

He was too overheated to crawl into the sleeping bag. Mindful of her human half’s lower tolerance for the cold, he draped an arm and leg over her.

“Mm,” she said again, unexpectedly turning to snuggle into him.

He held her in both arms then, taking advantage of her closeness to kiss her brow lightly. Her arms were folded up between them. Her mouth curved softly before her body went limp in sleep.

“I’ll keep you warm,” he murmured.

Mostly, though, he wanted to keep her.


Cass wasn’t sure how long she slept wrapped up against Rick’s chest. Feeling almost laughably good, she stretched her toes and wriggled her spine looser. If it wouldn’t have disturbed him, she’d have groaned with pleasure.

She extricated herself from his hold instead. The fire was dying. He might not miss its warmth, but she would. As quietly as she was able, she dabbed some Duraflame on a log from the pile he’d gathered and placed it atop the rest. The cat was curled up next to Rick’s cookie tin of rocks, her nose tucked beneath her tail. Cass petted her, rolled her eyes at the rocks, and went to stand over Rick.

God, he was a beautiful man.

The way he’d made love to her was a revelation. She hadn’t known she could feel that close to another person, or that being controlled by him would be a thrill. She hadn’t been frightened—not even by the strangeness of the gauntlet. That Rick had found the experience exciting she couldn’t doubt. She knew a bit about werewolf biology—apart from the shifter romances she’d read back in high school. She knew his
bulbus glandis
had swollen up at the end, and that this meant the two of them were genetically suited for having kids. Some thought the gland’s activation signaled that partners were soul mates, but Cass wasn’t going to jump to that conclusion. Even romantics admitted werewolves could react this way to more than one person. She was half faerie. Faeries often inspired unnaturally strong erotic responses.

Rick made a snuffling sound in his sleep, then rolled onto the warm spot her slipping off the sleeping bag had left. Cass grinned at the new real estate this revealed. Her werewolf lover had an amazing ass: muscular and tight with dimples decorating either side of his strong tailbone. She wondered what his wolf’s tail looked like. If it were able to sprout like his claws did when he was in human form, would it have been wagging?

She covered her mouth to keep herself from laughing.

Because she could, she sat down cross-legged and stroked his back.

“Sleeping now,” he mumbled, but as if he might be smiling.

She kissed his shoulder before rubbing her face across his olive skin. “What if I wanted to give you your rain check?”

“Mmph,” he said, not seeming to remember this topic coming up before.

She trailed her touch down his lovely muscled arm, gathering up his hand so she could kiss it. Rick shifted onto his side and blinked sleepily at her. The tenderness that rose within her was probably dangerous. Ignoring that, she brushed his tousled hair from his forehead. “I want to be nice to you.”

He drew her hand to his mouth and kissed it. “You’re always nice.”

She snorted. “Rick, roll onto your back.”


She pushed his shoulder, and he toppled without protest. She straddled his hips, taking the opportunity to knead his impressive pecs through his dark chest hair. His small nipples tightened, his sex beginning to stir. Cass dragged her hold down his sides. When she reached his hipbones, she fanned her thumbs over them.

“Oh,” he said, finally getting it. “Cass, you don’t have to do that.”

She bent to drop a kiss to his sternum. His manhood jerked in reaction, briefly touching her belly. “Wouldn’t you like me to?”

“Sure, but I don’t—” He gasped as she licked his left nipple. “I don’t want you to think you owe me.”

“Strictly speaking, I don’t.”


Her thumbs rasped through the hair above his scrotum, tugging the skin that held his testicles. His cock had lifted to forty-five degrees and was swiftly heading toward ninety. His
sounded like thinking was difficult.

“Strictly speaking, I don’t owe you. You haven’t performed this particular act on me.”

“Well, I’d be happy to. Believe me.”

She had to laugh at him. “Rick, shut up and enjoy.”

She grasped his shaft firmly at its root and pulled up.

“Uh,” he said. “Cass—”

She switched hands and repeated. Watching his eyes cross was pretty fun. “Be quiet. I like the thought of stealing a march on you.”

He sucked in air as she switched hands again. “You think a simple wolf like me understands fancy metaphors?”

“I think you understand way more than you let on.”

This time when she gripped his root, she used her second hand to circle the top of his scrotum. She pulled both holds in opposite directions, careful not to hurt him but with sufficient firmness to insure he felt the stretch. She was counting on her bookworm tendencies paying off again, since she’d learned the technique from a manual Bridie had raved about. Happily, Rick reacted as if she’d employed it successfully.

Just to be sure, she did it again.

“Cass—” His hips thrust upward, his thigh muscles shifting as he squirmed. “Maybe I should—”

“What does a girl have to do to shut you up?”

His eyes met hers, his irises glowing green with lust. His shaft was fully rigid, its big head flushing ever darker as she repeated her two-way stroke. A bead of pre-come squeezed from the slit. Cass pushed the slippery drop across him. Werewolves were especially sensitive to touch. Rick bit his lip with teeth that weren’t completely human anymore.

“That’s better,” she purred. “Now let’s see if I can keep you from arguing.”

She crawled farther back and bowed over his obelisk. It shuddered very nicely when she licked up its underridge. His erection stood very straight, like an illustration of an ideal hard-on.

“So pretty,” she murmured with her lips against its skin. “So thick and hard and ready to be pleasured.”

She took the knob of him in her mouth, rubbing the flat of her tongue gently across the slit. Rick moaned and bent one leg up beside her. She liked that. His warm inner thigh felt like it was hugging her, like it was safe to do what she wanted even if she wasn’t a pro at this. She sank farther down him, loving the heat and smoothness of his organ. He tasted wild and alive. His cock bucked with excitement as she sucked it. She steadied him with her hand.

She felt his fingertips press behind her ear, settling there light but tense.

She drew her mouth off him. “Do you want to guide me?”

He was up on one elbow, raptly watching her suck him. He shook his head.

“I might not guess what you like.”

He smiled slow and male and sexy. “I like everything you do.”

“That’s not possible.”

The smile turned into a grin. “Maybe it’s your faerie luck.”

He was full of it, but she liked the compliment anyway. “My faerie luck is telling me something else you might enjoy.”

She pushed his cock onto his flat stomach, amazed by how far it reached. Had she really had all that inside her? The idea aroused her, but she wanted to concentrate on him. Holding the head trapped against his belly, she moved so that her shadow didn’t block the firelight. A flushed area the size of a quarter, located near his base, revealed the spot she sought. The color made it look hotter than the rest of him. She rubbed the pad of her thumb experimentally over it. The gland was firmer than the surrounding flesh.

Rick jerked and sucked in air.

“Too much pressure?”

Once more, he shook his head.

She smiled and continued her light rubbing. “I know a bit about wolves. I felt this get bigger when you came.”

He blushed, which she found endearing. His voice came out as a growl. “I think
know more than you let on.”

She hoped what she knew was useful. She lowered her head, sealed her lips around the area in question, and worked her tongue over it. Her actions had more of an effect than she expected.

“Oh God,” Rick moaned, his hips struggling to stay still. “God, that feels really good.”

With praise like that, how could she stop?

To keep herself and him steady, she wrapped one arm around the thigh he’d bent up. Even with her weight to brace him, he heaved up and down. His gasps and groans assured her the torture was successful. The muscles of his straight leg began to twitch.

“Cass,” he finally pleaded. “I can’t take anymore. Please suck me off.”

She dragged her tongue up his thudding underside and teased the other hot spot beneath the head.

“Christ,” he hissed, wriggling like a fish.

She let his erection lift into her mouth. His moan as she pushed her wet ringed lips along him was wonderful. She decided she was done with teasing. She wanted to drive him straight to his pleasure now. He must have felt that; must have trusted her to pay off. Rather than grip her head, he wrapped his left hand around his erection’s base—probably to prevent himself from thrusting down her throat. As soon as he had the safeguard in place, he gave in to temptation and pushed his cock at her.

She suspected he’d wanted to fuck her mouth for a while.

She let him, his eagerness more exciting than she could describe. Overcome, he flung out the hand in the gauntlet, fisting it on top of the bedroll.

Cass’s only job then was to make what he did feel better.

He cried out at her cooperation, pumping in quick short motions over her busy lips and tongue. She sucked him, licked him, treated him to the subtle scrape of teeth. That made him grunt with pleasure. His hefty thigh muscles tensed, his breath huffing in uneven pants. His fingers tightened on the stretch of shaft he held. She thought he might be considering pulling out when he came. Not inclined to allow that, she cupped his balls and squeezed lightly.

His spine arched a second before he choked out a raw cry and went over.

He’d ejaculated so much the first time, this time’s volume couldn’t overwhelm her. She liked his climax surprisingly much—not just the way his cock jerked inside her mouth but also the taste of him. This was a different intimacy from intercourse. This was spying on his most private responses.

She rested her cheek against him when he was done.

“Cass,” he said, extricating his hand from between them to stroke her head.

She grinned at the gratitude in his tone. “I know. I did that pretty good.”

His stomach moved with a laugh. She crawled up him and laid her head on his shoulder. His arm came around her as if it belonged there. Sighing, he tucked her hair behind her ear. “Now I owe you.”

“Nuh-uh,” she said, enjoying her chance to rub his chest. “No debts. No strings. People should do what they want in bed because they feel inspired to.”

“That’s your philosophy?”

“It is tonight. If I took you for a slacker, I might develop a different one.”

He chuckled, the sound a pleasant vibration beneath her palm. He was quiet then—thinking, she suspected, and not drifting off to sleep.

“Cass?” he said like he wasn’t sure he ought to.


“If this is too personal a question, you don’t have to answer. I’m wondering, though. Why doesn’t a stunning woman like you, who obviously enjoys sex, have more experience?”

Cass lifted her head and looked at him.

“I’m not saying you seemed inexperienced,” he backpedaled. “You mentioned that you were the first time.”

Cass let out a resigned sigh.

“You don’t have to tell me. I can just assume the men you met Outside were idiots.”

“They weren’t idiots. I mean, some of them were of course, but there’s probably the same ratio of keepers to discards that there are here. I . . . had a bad experience.”

BOOK: Hidden Dragons
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