Read Highland Belle Online

Authors: Patricia Grasso

Highland Belle (32 page)

BOOK: Highland Belle
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Good evenin, ladies, Murdac greeted them, then smiled coldly. Welcome to my home.

Shaken by their predicament, Antonia remained uncharacteristically silent, but Brigette was defiant to the last. After all, shed escaped his clutches in the Sound of Mull. Why not at Weem? Brigette gazed disdainfully about the hall.

So, this is the hornets nest, she said contemptuously, her flashing green eyes challenging him.

Menzies threw back his head and shouted with laughter, but no humor shone from his black, serpentine eyes. He stood and walked around the table to tower over them, his very size threatening their existence.

Its a pleasure to see ye again, Countess. One of his calloused paws touched Brigettes bruised jaw. I apologize for any inconvenience my men may have caused, Murdac said pleasantly, then asked as his gaze drifted to Antonia, And who have ye brought along?

Lady Antonia, Brigette replied, my widowed sister-in-law.

Taking Antonias hand in his, Murdac raised it to his lips in courtly fashion, then complimented, If I had known someone as beautiful as ye lived at Dunridge, I would have abducted ye long ago. Dumbfounded, Antonia stared at him.

Indeed, he continued, Im an uncommonly lucky mon to have two rare beauties come to visit.

Youd have even more, Brigette returned, heedless of the danger, if only you had enough men to scour the countryside and snatch them.

I see the journeys made ye irritable, Murdac remarked. Perhaps yed like to rest before supper?

Actually, Id like to be returned to Dunridge.

Thats impossible at the moment. Ye willna be leavin Weem til my sisters returned to me.

Tsk! Tsk! Brigette chided. Would you put asunder what God has joined together?

What do ye mean?

Sheena married Percy MacArthur, she informed him. Willingly, I might add. If you dont believe me, ask your men. Theyll tell you, Sheena ran away when she recognized them.

Murdacs eyes darted to his man, who nodded and looked away.

Even as we speak, Brigette continued boldly, my husband and his men are riding for Weem. Youll fail, as you did the last time.

The last time? Murdac echoed, puzzled.

Dont play the innocent with me, Brigette snapped. By your order, I was left to die on that rock in the Sound of Mull. Unfortunately for you, I escaped.

Yer husband must have many enemies, Murdac snorted. I amna the one who masterminded that. He looked Brigette up and down, perusing her charms, then smiled suggestively and said, I know of better thins to do wi a beautiful woman. Take them away.

Upstairs, Brigette and Antonia were locked in one of the bedchambers. While Antonia perched on the edge of the bed and stared vacantly into space, Brigette paced back and forth in high agitation.

She crossed the chamber, then turned around and retraced her steps. How can we escape? Brigette wondered, her mind as restless as her body. Ive got it! Ill stand behind the door and overpower the next person who walks through. No, that wouldnt work. Wed still have to fight our way out of here.

Brigettes eyes fell on Antonia. No help there. If only Cousin Magnus were hereabouts, on one of his missions.

A key turned in the lock, and a moment later, the door opened. A middle-aged servant woman entered, carrying a bucket of steaming water. A couple of towels were slung over her arm.

The woman set the bucket and towels on the table, then turned to look at them. The earl thought yed like to wash before supper, she explained.

Brigette stared coldly at her. Frightened by the hate-filled green eyes, the woman crossed herself and hastily retreated, locking the door behind her.

Realizing escape was impossible, Brigette sighed and surrendered to her fatigue. She sat on the bed and closed her eyes, but thoughts of escape persisted.

Antonia stood abruptly, marched across the chamber to the table, and washed her face. Finished with her toilet, she began pacing the chamber instead of returning to her perch.

Retracing her steps, Antonias eyes fell on Brigette, and a sudden, calculating thought popped into her mind. Menzies is an unmarried man, and I am not without certain attractions. I could persuade him to dispose of the Sassenach. If Iain loses, Ill wed Murdac and become the Countess of Meinnich; but if Iain wins, hell be free to make me his countess. Either way, I cannot lose.

Antonia halted beside the bed. What have ye to say for yerself, ye stupid Sassenach slut?

One green eye opened a slit. I see youve recovered, Brigette commented drily.

This is yer fault.

My fault? Two green eyes opened wide.

If ye hadna disobeyed Iain, we wouldna be here.

Do not blame me. Brigette stood and confronted Antonia. If you hadnt followed, you wouldnt be here; and if you hadnt run down the beach like a madwoman, I wouldnt be here. You nosy, stupid bitch!

Whack! The force of Antonias slap snapped Brigettes head back.

Whack! Brigette returned the favor.

Ladies! Murdac Menzies lounged against the doorjamb. Violence detracts from yer femininity. Ive come to escort ye to supper, he added pleasantly, sauntering into the chamber. Yer lookin much better, Lady Antonia.

Thank ye, my lord, she said, smiling.

He turned to Brigette, saying, Ye should have been washed before now, Countess.

Ive decided to wait and sup with my husband, she returned. He should be here momentarily.

Murdac laughed harshly, then warned, Yell starve before the Earl of Dunridge sets a foot in Weem Castle.

In that case, Brigette hissed like an angry kitten, I shall break bread with you in hell.

Murdacs good humor vanished, the scar on his cheek whitening with anger. Fighting the urge to slap her into submission, he stared grimly at Brigette. Suit yerself, Murdac said coldly, then turned to Antonia and smiled, offering his arm. Surely yell sup wi me?

Returning his smile, Antonia placed her hand on his arm. Together, they left the chamber.

Antonia! Brigette screamed, banging on the door. You traitor!

Hungry lips descended to Brigettes, covering her mouth with a savage intensity. Iain . . . she breathed against the lips. A dream, Brigette thought, awakening slowly, yet the fleshy pressure against her mouth remained. Her eyes flew open and filled with obvious revulsion. Murdac Menzies was kissing her!

Smiling lazily at her horrified expression, Murdac lightly ran a finger down her cheek. When that same finger traced her kiss-bruised lips, Brigette bit it.

Ye little bitch! he roared, flinching away from her. Brigette scrambled off the other side of the bed and backed away. The table prevented any further movement.

Grim-faced, Murdac stood and faced her. Sunbeams danced through the chambers window behind him, and Brigette realized that morning had come.

Adding insult to injury, Brigette wiped her mouth on the sleeve of her blouse, then brushed off the contaminated sleeve. Growling low in his throat, Murdac stepped menacingly closer.

Keep your distance, she warned, or Ill kill myself. Then youll have no hostage.

Have ye forgotten Lady Antonia?

My husband wont care if you keep Antonia; in fact, youll be doing him a favor.

How exceedinly odd, Murdac remarked. Antonia was bent on persuadin me to dispose of ye.

Where is she? Brigette demanded. What have you done with her?

We passed a delightful but tirin night in my chamber. The lady is still abed. Murdac laughed at Brigettes expression. Dinna look so shocked, my dear. She was willin enough to spread her legs, and I didna kill her afterward, as yer late father-in-law did my aunt.


Surely ye know how the feud began? Black Jack abducted, ravished, and murdered my aunt.

Youre a bloody liar!

Believe what ye want, Murdac said with a shrug of his shoulders. What will ye do to keep breathin?

Brigettes stomach knotted in fear, but her voice remained strong and steady. Touch me and Ill kill you, she threatened.

Im shakin, he mocked. Smiling at her bravado, he stepped forward.

Keeping her eyes on him, Brigette reached behind, blindly searching the table for a weapon. In a flash of movement, she grabbed the bucket of now-cold water and hurled it at him.

Lucky for ye, Murdac said, safely sidestepping, I adore spirited women. Their ultimate surrender is that much sweeter. Sauntering to the door, he added, Ill leave ye in peace — for the moment.

Grumbling to himself about the impulsiveness of women, Murdac strode across the great hall to the high table, then sat down and inspected his injured finger. A group of his men, sitting near the table, were deep in a conversation about hunting.

A doe hunt, Murdac thought, a cunning smile lighting his face. He ordered two serving women to bring his guests to the hall.

Several moments later, Brigette was escorted into the chamber and led to the high table. Traitor, she hissed when Antonia stood beside her.

Give me yer attention, Murdac called to his men, then stood and walked around the table to tower over his captives. Smiling wickedly, he inclined his head. Good mornin, ladies.

Antonia returned his smile. Brigettes stare was colder than a Highland blizzard.

Im sponsorin a doe hunt for the pleasure and entertainment of my men and, of course, myself, Murdac announced. Well be the hunters and ye, my ladies, will be the doe.

B-but — Antonia began to protest.

Murdacs hand shot out and struck her. Antonia fell against Brigette, who steadied her.

And if we refuse? Brigette challenged.

Dinna ask that question, he returned, unless yer prepared to hear the answer.

As I said, and if we refuse?

Dinna dwell upon the negative. Consider the hunt yer chance to escape.

Are we to be murdered? Brigette asked.

Oh, lassie! How black ye must believe my soul is! Murdac exclaimed, feigning dismay. He looked her up and down insolently, saying, Woman was created for mons pleasure, no to be harmed.

Brigette cocked a brow at him. So, were to be raped?

Murdacs lazy smile was her answer.

Iain will tear you apart — she sneered — piece by loathsome piece.

Enough! he snapped. Remove yer gowns.

Please — Antonia pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

Murdac drew his dagger and pointed it at her, its sharp tip touching her throat. Keep yer mouth shut, he ordered, and disrobe.

With shaking hands, Antonia unfastened her skirt and let it drop to the floor, then pulled her blouse over her head and stood in her chemise. The men went wild, cheering and whistling and banging their hands on the tables.

Now yer shoes and stockings, Murdac ordered. When she obeyed, he threw her lace garters at the mob of men, who scrambled frantically over each other to catch them.

Murdac laughed crudely. His eyes darted to Brigette. Yer turn, Countess.

Go bugger yourself!

With all his strength, Murdac backhanded Brigette, sending her sprawling on the floor. Blood trickled from the corner of her mouth. Its beyond my ken how MacArthur abides wi ye and yer mouth, he spat, but I amna as soft-hearted. He gestured to the two serving women.

Brigettes head spun dizzily. She forced herself to rise, and in a moment, the women had divested her of skirt, blouse, shoes, and stockings. Brigette stood there, clad in her chemise.

Murdac devoured her with his eyes and, unable to resist, tweaked one of her breasts. Yeve thirty minutes to get away, he said, gesturing to the halls entrance, and then were comin after ye.

Lets go, Brigette said, but intense fear kept Antonia rooted to the floor. Taking her sister-in-laws hand in hers, Brigette led her out of the hall.

Do what ye want wi the blonde, Murdac told his men, but the copper-haired wench is mine. He who forgets is a dead mon.

Goosebumps erupted on Brigettes arms when they stepped into the courtyard. Damn, she cursed inwardly. It was summer by the calendar, but too cold to run half naked through the woods.

Brigette cast Antonia a measuring look and knew her pampered sister-in-law would slow her down. They would be lucky even to leave the immediate vicinity of the keep before thirty minutes was up, she realized in dismay.

Drawing Antonia along in her wake, Brigette walked briskly into the outer courtyard and headed straight for the gate. Alerted by the earl, the guards allowed the women to pass unmolested.

I dinna know aboot anyone else, one of the warriors said, licking his lips with anticipation, but after the earl passes by, Im joinin the hunt.

But what aboot Weems defense? a second asked. If Dunridge attacks while —

The devil take Weems defense, the first man spat. If the earl was worried aboot MacArthur, he wouldna be offerin us the wenches.

I agree wi ye, a third warrior piped in. Why should we miss the fun?

I never futtered a high-born lady, the second warrior said, persuaded by the others comments. Ive a mind to know what it feels like.

The earl willna kill all of us for leavin our post, the first man reasoned.

Its settled, then, the third concluded. Well go.

Terrified, Antonia halted just beyond the gate and refused to budge. Turning back, Brigette urged her onward.

I canna, Antonia cried.

Grabbing her sister-in-laws shoulders, Brigette gave her a rough shake, then slapped her tear-streaked cheek. Listen to me, she snarled. Do you want those vile men touching you?

Antonias eyes widened. She shook her blond head vigorously.

Well go into the woods that way, Brigette told her. Once out of their sight, well double back and hide on the other side of the loch.


Brigette nodded. Theres a loch behind Weem. I saw it from the window. When its dark, theyll give up the hunt, and then well start for Dunridge.

But well freeze to death, Antonia whined.

You blockhead, Brigette snapped. Dont you think Iain is already on his way to Weem? Well meet him long before weve frozen. Lets go.

With Brigette in the lead, the two dashed into the woods south of Weem. Once out of the guards sight, they left the path and plunged into the dense woods surrounding them. Periodically, Brigette glanced behind to check on Antonia. Unused to physical activity, the Highland beauty was tiring quickly and soon developed a painful stitch in her side.

BOOK: Highland Belle
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