Highland Belle (30 page)

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Authors: Patricia Grasso

BOOK: Highland Belle
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Iain laughed. I canna imagine Argyll cooin. Would ye care to troth yer firstborn lassie to my Dubh? Eventually, shed become a countess.

Its a deal. Magnus smiled and shook his cousins hand, then changed the subject. How will ye flush Menzies out of Weem Castle?

Iain grinned broadly. Percys the one wholl do the flushin.

Percy? Magnus echoed doubtfully. That blockhead?

When ye see him in Edinburgh, give the lad a message from me.

Which is?



Edinburgh Castle

Ye dinna mind takin my duty wi the queen?

Ill say yer unwell today.

The queens youngest ladies-in-waiting were like a mixed-matched pair of dolls, opposites yet complementary. Both were petite, but Sheena Menziess dark hair and eyes contrasted sharply with Dorothea Drummonds flaxen locks and pale blue eyes. They were like magnificent jewels, beautiful when solitary but startlingly exquisite when placed in the perfect setting of the others company.

Its sooo romantic, Dorothea gushed, her youthful imagination taking flight. Lord MacArthur and ye sharin a forbidden love . . . a secret rendezvous. . . . Ohhh! I wish it were I!

Were only sharin a picnic lunch, Sheena laughed. Ye make it sound illicit.

Stolen moments of forbidden ecstasy, Dorothea sighed.

Yer correct aboot that, Sheena agreed. If Murdac were at court, we wouldna be boldly paradin around Edinburgh.

Highlanders are wild — nae offense meant to ye, Sheena. Perhaps Lord MacArthur will carry ye off to his castle.

Nae offense taken, Dorothea. Sheenas dark eyes shone with mirth. Percy doesna have a castle. His brother is the Earl and master of Dunridge.

But what would ye do, Dorothea asked, if he spirited ye away to his brothers castle?

Why, Id call for a priest, Sheena quipped, making her friend laugh. Ill return before supper and take yer duty tonight.

Leaving her chamber, Sheena walked down the long corridor to the stairs. Outside, she hurried to the stables where, having sent word earlier, her horse was saddled and waiting. She gifted the freckle-faced stableboy with a smile and pressed a coin into his hand.

Percy waited in the castle esplanade. As usual, Sheena thrilled to the sight of him. His laughing blue eyes and easy smile were vastly different from her brothers grim intensity.

Where are ye leadin me? Sheena asked, shyly peeking at him from beneath dark lashes.

Its a fair enough day, Percy commented as they rode up High Street. I thought wed ride outside the town. Are ye game, lass?

Only if ye remembered to bring the food.

How could ye think, he asked, feigning dismay, Id forget anythin as important as the food?

Although the sun was not shining, the cloud cover was a pale shade of gray, and the day was unseasonably mild. Edinburgh was soon left behind.

Its grand ridin out and no carin who sees us, Sheena said, enjoying the unexpected pleasure of being alone with the man she loved. If only Murdac would remain at Weem permanently, every day could be like this for us.

Life is filled wi if onlys, Percy remarked. People who succeed dinna rely on fate; they make their own luck.

Leaving the road, they cut through the woods and stopped beside a stream. Percy dismounted and then assisted Sheena. After the horses had drunk from the stream, Percy tethered them and placed feed bags around their necks.

I see yeve thought of everythin, Sheena said, grinning.

Of course. He winked at her, saying, And now for our lunch.

Percy produced a blanket from one of his saddlebags and tossed it to Sheena. While she spread it beneath a tree, he brought their lunch of bread, cheese, sweet ham, and wine.

After theyd eaten, Percy lay back on the blanket while Sheena packed up the remains of their meal. He reached out to touch her back, and smiling, Sheena turned around.

Percy pulled her down onto his chest and kissed her lingeringly. She sighed and he groaned, then gently rolled her onto her back. His mouth covered hers, branding her with his searing, earth-shattering kiss.

Drawing back, Percy gazed longingly into Sheenas shining, dark eyes. I love ye, he whispered.

And I love ye. If only —

Damn if only! he swore. Will ye marry me, Sheena?

Yes, she answered without hesitation, and he smiled. But how will we ever convince Murdac to give his permission? Perhaps the queen . . .

Damn our brothers and the queen, Percy growled, his smile vanishing. I can wait nae longer.

W-what do ye mean? Sheena asked, suddenly apprehensive. Risking her brothers anger was madness, not to mention suicidal.

I mean, we arena returnin to Edinburgh. Well be married at Dunridge.


Grim-faced, Percy stood without a word and walked toward his horse. Puzzled, Sheena sat up and watched.

Percy pulled a cord of rope and a length of cloth from his saddlebag, then strode purposefully back to her. Do ye come willinly, he asked, or do I carry ye off?

Shocked, Sheena recalled for one insane moment her conversation with Dorothea. But where had Percys good humor flown? Where was the easy smile that had captured her heart? Coming to life, Sheena leaped to her feet.

She would have run, but Percy grabbed her arm and whirled her about. When Sheena raised her hand to strike, he caught it in a brutal grip and forced her to the ground, then bound her wrists together and yanked her to her feet.

Sheena opened her mouth to scream, but Percy gagged her with the length of cloth. Venomous fury leaped at him from her dark eyes.

Im sorry for treatin ye this way, Percy apologized, dragging her toward the horses, but theres nae other way. He lifted her onto his horse, then untied both horses and mounted behind her. Leading Sheenas horse, Percy rode west toward Dunridge Castle.

Two days later, they entered Argyllshire, the home of Campbells and MacArthurs. Percy saw a lone rider approaching in the distance. Argyllshire was not danger-free; should he stay on the road or take cover in the woods? By all thats holy! Percy decided. I will not hide on my own territory!

As the rider came closer, Percys face split into a grin. Cousin Magnus!

Coming abreast of them, Magnus halted and looked from a red-faced Percy to a bedraggled Sheena, then back at his cousin. His mirth won out and Magnus shouted with laughter. Greetins, cuz, he finally greeted them. Mistress Menzies.

A muffled sound came from behind Sheenas gag.

Good day to ye, Percy said, thinking perhaps abduction had not been a wise idea. Do ye ride from Dunridge?

Aye. And might I say, cuz, I believe ye possess the Sight.

The Sight?

Iain bade me tell ye to swoop. Magnus flicked an amused glance at Sheena. But I can see yeve already swooped.

Im beginnin to wish I hadna.

Why is that? Magnus grinned broadly, adding, And why is Mistress Menzies bound and gagged?

Because she willna keep her mouth shut, Percy snapped, then added in a long-suffering voice, I can tell ye, takin a captive bride isna so easy as a mons led to believe.

Takin any bride, Magnus returned drily, isna so easy as a mons led to believe. Lady Brigette recently sent Iain racin across the breadth of Scotland to Oban.


Menzies had her snatched and tried to kill her. Acknowledging the muffled shrieks of protest, Magnus nodded at Sheena. Nae offense, Mistress Menzies.

Brie is unharmed? Percy asked.

Magnus nodded. She was lucky. Much as Id love to see the endin of yer romantic adventure, I canna linger. He reached out to shake Percys hand, then smiled mockingly at Sheena. Best wishes on yer forthcomin nuptials, Mistress Menzies. May yer hearth be blessed wi harmony and a dozen fine sons.

Outraged squawks issued from behind the gag. Laughing, Magnus rode away.

It was suppertime at Dunridge, and the great hall was a beehive of activity. Brigette entered on the run and hurried to the high table.

Yer late, Iain observed.

I was feeding Dubh, Brigette replied, reaching for the bread. I cant believe how well he drinks from the wineskin. As an afterthought, she added, I pray Dubh doesnt grow to be a drunkard.

Drinkin goats milk from a wineskin willna lead him into drunkenness.

Are you certain?

Iain rolled his eyes. Ye dinna plan to pass the next eighteen years worryin aboot it, do ye?

When Brigette did not answer, Iain glanced at her. Her face had drained of blood. Hinny? Whirling about, he looked in the direction she was staring.

Standing in the halls entrance were Percy with Sheena Menzies, bound and gagged and filthy. The hall grew silent as warriors and retainers noticed the unlikely couple. Then Percy moved, dragging his captive across the watching chamber to the high table.

Percy! Brigette cried, horrified. How could you do such a vile thing?

How did ye get my message so quickly? Iain asked, baffled. Magnus didna leave til —

Wheres Father Kaplan? Percy interrupted.

Release Sheena at once, Brigette demanded.

Percy was about to refuse, but Iain caught his eye. If I was ye, baby brother, he advised, I wouldna cross swords wi my wife. Bries already dispatched one mon, and shes dangerous when provoked.

Percy looked from Iain to Brigette. Reluctantly, he removed Sheenas gag and untied her hands.

Are you well? Brigette asked. Sheena nodded, bleakly.

Get the priest now, Percy ordered.

Ye bastard! Sheena shrieked, turning on him, astonishing everyone in the hall. I wouldna wed wi ye even if ye were the last mon in Scotland!

Yell marry me, Percy said grimly, or Ill beat ye black and blue.

I willna! Sheena stamped her foot for emphasis.

Silence! Brigette cried, leaping from her chair. There will be no wedding until Lady Sheena has bathed and eaten.

Percy hesitated, then agreed sullenly, Verra well.

Brigette walked around the table, took Sheenas hands in hers, and led her out of the hall, crooning, You poor thing. Come with me.

Iain grinned at Percy, whod sat down beside him. I didna think ye had it in ye, baby brother. Percy scowled, encouraging his brothers sarcasm. The lass may wed ye, Iain continued, but I doubt shell bed ye unless ye also bathe. With an uncharacteristic growl, Percy stood and left the hall.

Brigette and Sheena sat together in one of the bedchambers upstairs. An untouched plate of food lay on Sheenas lap.

I amna hungry, she said coldly.

Suit yourself, Brigette replied, then asked, Truly, you dont want to marry Percy?

Ive said as much, havent I?

Im certain Iain wont force a marriage. You dont love Percy, then?

Sheena was silent.

Merciful Christ, Brigette thought. She reminds me of myself. And I feel like my mother! Sheena, do you love Percy or not?

Dark eyes met green. I love him, Sheena admitted.

Then what is the problem? Brigettes irritated tone revealed her frustration.

Hes a beast, Sheena cried. Ive never been so mistreated in my life.

Cruelty is contrary to Percys nature, Brigette remarked. He must love you greatly to behave in this barbaric manner.

Do ye really think so? Sheena asked uncertainly. She hadnt thought of it that way.

Brigette nodded. The decision is yours, Sheena. Marry Percy tonight or live without him for all time. Beneath the grime, Sheena paled, and Brigette gently pressed her advantage. Which will it be?

I — Ill marry him.

Brigette sighed with relief. My mother must have felt like this, she thought, after Id signed the marriage documents.

When the bath was ready and the last servant had gone, Sheena disrobed and climbed into the tub. She sighed, sinking into the steaming, scented water. Is it true what Lord Campbell told us? she asked Brigette. Did Murdac have ye snatched?


Im sorry. How can ye be so kind to me?

What a goose! Youre not responsible for his actions. Brigette handed Sheena a towel. Wrap yourself in this. Ill return in a minute.

Sheena rose from the tub, then dried and wrapped herself in the towel. Brigette returned, carrying the most breathtaking gown shed ever seen. It was an exquisite satin and lace creation, adorned with hundreds of seed pearls.

Behold, Brigette announced. Your wedding gown.

How beautiful! Was it yours?

It was supposed to be. Brigette gazed wistfully at the gown. I actually wore a black mourning gown.

You what!

I was insulted because Iain sent Percy to stand as his proxy. To demonstrate my displeasure, I wore one of my mothers mourning gowns. Brigette grinned puckishly, adding, A rather effective way of punishing my husband, wouldnt you say?

Sheena burst out laughing and hugged Brigette. Im glad well be sisters.

Word spread quickly, and the great hall was filled to capacity. Those MacArthur retainers whod been absent earlier were now in attendance.

Father Kaplan and the MacArthur brothers waited in front of the hearth for the bride to arrive. When Brigette and Sheena appeared in the entrance, the hall grew silent. Percy turned and saw his bride, and his mouth dropped at the vision she had become.

Smiling shyly, Sheena walked slowly toward him. When she finally stood before him and looked up, Percy lowered his lips to hers and kissed her passionately.

Wild cheers and whistles erupted throughout the chamber. Father Kaplan cleared his throat, but was ignored. Percy? The old priest placed his hand on the younger mans shoulder, saying, Its best to save that for after the vows, my son.

Breaking the kiss, Percy smiled sheepishly and apologized. Sorry. Sheena turned to face the priest.

We are gathered here, Father Kaplan began, to join this mon and this woman in the holy state of matrimony . . .

Iain sidled up to his wife. Perhaps, he whispered close to her ear, Percys nae blockhead after all.

Brigette glanced sidelong at him, and her words wiped the smile from his face. Hes a barbarian — like you.

Fetch it! Glenda tossed a stick, and Sly hobbled after it as fast as his injury would allow. The morning was young, and the child and the fox were alone in the garden. Instead of returning the stick, Sly scurried past Glenda, who whirled around and saw Brigette.

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