His Absolute Proposal: An Illicit Billionaire Love Story (Elise, #3) (15 page)

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Authors: Cerys du Lys

Tags: #best selling books, #romantic suspense novels, #erotic romance, #Contemporary Romance, #dark romance

BOOK: His Absolute Proposal: An Illicit Billionaire Love Story (Elise, #3)
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"Hopefully they were tracking the GPS," he said.  "It's the easier and more obvious target.  The car itself will have some sort of tracking system in it, as well, though.  That'll be safeguarded by the rental company and involve more time to hack into, but if they really want to follow us, then they'll do it, especially once they realize both GPS destinations are fake."

"Oh," I said.  "But what about the destinations you put in?"

"What about them?" he asked, lifting one brow, confused.

"If they go there, won't that uh... I don't want anyone to get hurt because of us, Lucent."

"Everything will be fine.  The addresses belong to abandoned farmhouses."

"So you're saying you keep a list of the addresses of abandoned places in your head?" I asked.  "In case you need to make a quick getaway?  That sounds a little strange, don't you think?"

He laughed.  "There are many uses for addresses like that, Miss Tanner.  I'm partial to offering them up to pesky telemarketers when they request an address."

"Honestly, I'd imagine you'd just hang up on them," I said.  "Or threaten to sue them."

"You make me sound like a monster," he said.  "Am I truly that frightening?"

"No," I said, huffy and annoyed.  "You're not scary at all, Lucent.  I'm not scared of you, even if you know the addresses to some abandoned farmhouses where you could stow dead bodies or something."

"I'd hardly want to stow dead bodies in a farmhouse, nor have I ever had dead bodies to stow in the first place."

"Can we go to one?" I asked.  "I mean, not now, of course.  But can we go to an abandoned place?  It sounds interesting."

"Possibly in the future," he said, and with a wink, added, "If you're up for the risk."

"You can't scare me out of it.  You're the one who wouldn't want to, I bet.  Because it's unsafe and dirty and you'll make some excuse."

Yes, perhaps I was being ornery and belligerent right now, but... to be honest, I was more than a little excited.  We'd just been on a car chase!  Sort of.  And I'd thrown a GPS out the window.  It didn't exactly sound as exciting as it was when I put it like that, but, no, it was.  I'd never seen Lucent act like that before.  Yes, he was dominant in more ways than I could name, but something about this type of dominance was... it was different.  Criminal?  Lucent was bad.  Very very bad.

I suddenly had a bad idea of my own.

"You've got to make it up to me for all of what you just did," I said.

"What do you mean?" he asked.  "What did I just do?"

"Um... the screeching tires and the dust cloud speeding down some dirt path out in the middle of nowhere?  That was more than a little insane, Lucent.  I don't know if you realized that, but I did, and I thought you should know that I felt very unsafe."

This gave him pause.  He became more serious and stern.  Not that it was necessary, because we were driving very safely right now, but...

"I apologize," he said.  "I fully understand why something like what occurred would give you cause for concern.  I thought it was in both of our best interests to ascertain our safety and lose the person following us, and I acted accordingly."

"That's fine," I said, nonchalant.

"If it's fine, why did you request I make it up to you?" he asked.

"Can I be like what we did last night?" I asked.  "Mistress Elise?"

He blinked and looked towards me for a fraction of a second, offering me an odd look.  "I suppose?"

"And you'll do anything I say, right?"

"Anything?  That's somewhat of a stretch, Miss Tanner."

"Mistress Elise!" I reminded him.

Lucent rolled his eyes.  "Yes, of course.  Mistress Elise."

"I'm going to punish you, Lucent.  You've been a bad boy."

"Have I?" he asked, coy.

"Yes, and since you drove so unsafely without asking me, I want to do it again and you have to agree."

"You're going to punish me for driving unsafely by forcing me to, once again, drive unsafely?" he asked.

"Yes," I said.  "Also don't forget to call me Mistress Elise."

"Of course.  Mistress Elise, please tell me what you have in mind."

"I want to give you a blowjob," I said.  "Maybe not right now, though.  Or maybe?  Hm... I'm not sure yet."

"I have no idea what this has to do with driving..." he said, but his words trailed off.  And then he added, "No."

"You can't say no!  You already agreed!"

"I didn't agree," he said, muffed.  "I was favoring you momentarily to help you calm your nerves."

"You're going to let me give you a blowjob while you're driving sometime or I'm not going to love you anymore," I said.

"That's rather childish, don't you think?" he asked.

"Yes, and I don't care."

We were at a standstill.  Quiet piano music played between us.  Lucent remained focused on the road ahead of us.  I kept my arms crossed over my chest, glancing out the window and refusing to look at him.

"This is ridiculous," Lucent said, finally, after a few minutes of silent argument passed between us.  I was about to argue with him more until he added, "Fine.  Not now, though.  It's unsafe.  Will that suffice?  A raincheck?"

"No, that will not suffice," I said, turning fast to glare at him.

"Why not?" he asked.  "We can't do it now.  Our situation has become quite a bit more urgent, Miss Tanner.  I'm going to get us to where I planned on bringing us, but we need to remove ourselves from this vehicle as promptly as possible to avoid needless conflict between us and our pursuers."

"That's not what I meant," I said.  "I want you to enjoy it.  You made it sound like a chore."

"Well, I can assure you it'll hardly be a chore.  I honestly look forward to any excuse to have your delightful lips wrapped tightly around my cock, Miss Tanner."

"Do you really?" I asked.  "Can you say that again, but maybe a little more seductive?"

"I do," he said with a grin.  "And yes, of course," he added, clearing his throat.

Slow, commanding, he said, "Miss Tanner, I adore your lips.  I love kissing them.  I love the taste of you.  I love watching you lean down, tentative and with rapt anticipation, watching you open your mouth slightly at the sight of my hardened erection.  I love the soft feel of your kiss at the head of my cock as you gently ease yourself forward, and the slick, delirious feeling of your tongue as you lick at the underside of my shaft.  I especially adore the lipstick stains you leave on my cock as you slide more and more of me into your mouth.  When I can feel myself deep inside you, pressed against the back of your throat, I am always in absolute and unadulterated heaven.  You are pure pleasure personified, Elise."

"Oh," I said.  I didn't know what else to say besides that.  Oh.

"Good?" he asked.

"Are you sure that we can't do that right now?  I mean, I know maybe it's not the best idea, but I kind of want to now."

He laughed.  "Unfortunately it's not the best of ideas."

"Yes, but if I just so happened to accidentally unzip and unbutton your pants?" I asked.

"I can hardly blame you for accidents, Miss Tanner," Lucent said.

"I'll certainly apologize," I said.  "With a kiss, of course."

"Oh, yes, of course.  That only makes sense."

I snuck across the seat divide and leaned close to Lucent, kissing him on the cheek.  "I love you," I said with a whisper.

"I love you, too," he said, turning quick to give me a kiss of his own.  It was fast, just enough, and then he turned his attention back to the road, but I liked it.


didn't know exactly how long we'd been driving, or how long I'd been asleep before that, but the sun was lower on the horizon by the time Lucent pulled the car into a mostly empty parking lot next to a factory.  He parked our rental car in a shaded spot next to the loading dock doors near the back of the building, turned the car off, and flipped down the driver's side visor, where he promptly hid the keys.  Kind of cliché, and not altogether a safe place to put them, but I had a sneaking suspicion we weren't going to be coming back for the car, so maybe it didn't matter.

He smiled at me and reached over the seat divide, taking my hand in his.  "Is everything alright?" he asked.

I laughed a little at that.  "Oh, yes, why wouldn't it be?"

He smirked, then hid it behind a quick kiss to my lips as he snuck close to me.  "We should be safe here for tonight," he said.  "I'll handle everything.  If it all goes according to plan, by tomorrow afternoon we should be safely on a plane to Aruba."

"And if it doesn't go according to plan?" I asked.  I wasn't sure why I asked that, because to be completely honest I wasn't sure I wanted to know the answer.

"I have a few back up plans in mind, Miss Tanner.  Rest assured, I'm positive there's very little chance that we'll have any more issues comparable to what we've had to deal with thus far."

He said this, and I wanted to believe it, but more than a small part of me wanted to know how he could feel that way, too.  What made Lucent so certain?  I supposed it was just how he was.  He acted like this often, and in all the time I'd known him—which, to be fair, wasn't a lot in the grand scheme of things—he'd been correct more often than not.  If Lucent said something was going to go a certain way, it usually did.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"It's a simple town," Lucent answered.  "Small.  Out of the way.  There are a few risks in us being here, but we should be fine."

That didn't seem like much of an answer.  He opened the door to get out of the car and I followed after him, taking my purse with me before closing the door.  Lucent stood and stretched his arms and legs.  I watched him, seeing his powerful, almost predatory form going from cooped up and contained to ready to prowl.  Sometimes Lucent reminded me of a cat, but not a domesticated, house one.  Oh, no, he was some sort of wild panther, leaping through jungle trees in search of his prey.

I supposed that made me prey, then?  Or did it?  I didn't want to be prey, or not exactly, I... I wanted to be alongside him.  I wanted to leap and bound and hunt, but then cuddle and nuzzle and play.  Perhaps that made me a poor submissive, but I did like that side of things, too.  I just... I didn't know how to explain exactly what I wanted.  I wanted to be controlled, but as an equal, if that made sense?  I wanted to follow, but a part of me felt like I sort of wanted to be taught how to lead, too.  Just in case?  I didn't quite know what I wanted, but it made sense in my head.

I placed my purse on the ground near my shoes and started to stretch, as well.  My legs felt cramped and wobbly.  We'd been walking through the city, then driving for most of the day, and now we were going to be walking again.  Maybe I should have taken Lucent's workout regime a little more seriously?  I did exercise a little bit, but...

When I lifted my arms, reaching towards the sky and stretching my upper body, Lucent prowled towards me, snuck up behind me, and wrapped his arms around me.  I squeaked, surprised and startled, instinctively trying to guard myself from his advances, but he refused me that.  One of his hands lay beneath the bottom of my shirt, his palm touching my bare stomach, fingers peeking lower to just beneath the waistband of my pants.  His other arm embraced my chest, trapping me, his hand squeezing one of my breasts.  He locked his lips onto my neck, kissing and sucking me there.

"Lucent!" I shrieked.  "We're out in public, you know?"

"No one comes here," he said, speaking into the skin at the side of my neck, sending his voice rumbling through my throat.  "I could have my way with you right here and now, Miss Tanner, and no one would ever see.  What do you think of that?"

What did I think?  Um... well...

He had my body trapped against his, but he didn't have my arms confined.  I slithered and snaked my way back, hands reaching for the front of his loose jeans, trying to grab and unbutton his pants.  Was that an answer?  Was it a good answer?  Probably not, but I didn't always have to be good, now did I?

Lucent laughed at me once I managed to unbutton his pants.  I would have unzipped them, too, but he stopped me.

"No," he said.  "Not here.  Not now.  I'd love nothing more than to take you, to make love with you, but we need to go.  We aren't safe yet."

"Well," I said, "you shouldn't tease me, then."

"I shouldn't tease you?  I think you're the one who shouldn't be teasing me, Miss Tanner."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I said, smiling, demure.

I spun around at Lucent's urging, now coming face to face with the man I wanted to molest.  I thought that was a fine way of putting it.  Yes, Lucent, I would like to molest you.  Please?  If you asked a question nicely and said please, that made it fine, right?  To be fair, I thought Lucent would more than like to molest me, as well.

He squeezed me tight to him, touching his nose to mine.  I wrapped my arms around him, too, but decided to take a slightly more than casual approach.  With his jeans unbuttoned, I easily slid my hands down the back of his pants, grabbing his butt.  He pursed his lips slightly, brow narrowed, but I refused to back off and simply kissed the chastising look off his face.

"You," he said, "were stretching, showing off those beautiful breasts of yours, giving me the barest peek at your stomach, and as soon as I saw you I wanted nothing more than to rip your pants off, shove you against the side of the car, and have my way with you."

"I certainly didn't mean to tempt you like that," I said, offering him another kiss.  "If you  want to do some ripping, shoving, and way having, I'm not entirely opposed, though."

"Way having?" Lucent asked with a smirk.

"Yes.  It's a thing, don't you know?"

"A thing you just made up," Lucent said.

"Nope!" I countered.

He just shook his head and grinned at me.  "Oh, Miss Tanner, Miss Tanner, Miss Tanner..."

"Yes, Mr. Storme?" I asked, coy.  "Do you need something from me?"

"Indeed," he said.  "Please, if you will be so kind as to button my pants back up."

This was quite a dangerous game for him to play, and I thought he must know it.  What was I to do?  Button his pants and be a good girl, or refuse, unzip them, and see what sort of punishment he might have for me?  Hm...

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