Read His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance Online

Authors: Evelyn Troy

Tags: #romance, #sex, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #secrets, #billionaire, #alpha, #alpha male, #billionaire romance, #bdsm billionaire

His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance (16 page)

BOOK: His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance
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He pulled his head back and looked at
her face, loving the flush that crossed her high cheekbones and the
way her eyes had a faraway lusty look to them. He watched as her
teeth bit down on her bottom lip and couldn’t resist reaching up to
take her mouth in a kiss, letting her taste herself on his


As he kissed her, a hand roamed down
over her satiny skin until it reached her breast, and Isobel moaned
into his mouth as he closed a hand over her ample orb and gently
squeezed. Then his mouth followed the path his hand had taken, and
as she looked down at the top of his head, she felt the wet warmth
of his mouth as he closed his lips over her nipple and latched on,
sucking gently and flicking at the erect flesh with his


She cradled his head in her hands as
he suckled one breast and then turned his attention to the other,
wetting her flesh with his mouth and making her pussy become wet
with lust. She didn’t ever want him to stop, but she wanted him on
her pussy more, and her soft, but persistent hands pushed down on
his shoulders until he got the hint and transferred his attention
back to her nether regions.


She felt so hot between her legs that
she didn’t think it would be possible to get any hotter. But Tyler
proved her wrong as he let his tongue slide between her folds and
delve into her with a murmur of enjoyment as he lapped at her
juices. Her hips jerked as his nose rubbed against her sensitive
clit. He ground his face into her harder, alleviating a little of
the ache, but making her crave even more contact.


He changed position again and hooked a
muscled arm beneath one of her legs, raising it so that it draped
over his shoulder and giving him easier access to where he wanted
to be. She felt his five o’clock shadow scratch against the soft
flesh of her upper thigh, and the contrast between that and the
satiny feel of his slick tongue was a beautifully


She threw her head back, mindless of
the fact that she hit the wall behind it with a thump. All she
could focus on was the electricity that was running through her
body as he licked at her clit and nibbled on her labia as he traced
her folds with his tongue and made her swell against his


Isobel could feel the tension coiling
inside her like a spring, but she didn’t want to orgasm yet. She
wanted more; much, much more. And she wasn’t stopping or going to
make him stop until she got everything she craved.


And Tyler was more than happy to
oblige as he ran his hand from her ankle to her thigh, and then on
to the wet folds of her pussy, sliding a finger between her skin
and his tongue as it suckled at her clit, and then pushing it into
her hot moistness and hooking it upwards, hitting her G-spot and
rolling his finger over the top of it insistently.


Isobel gave up all attempts at trying
to control her orgasm; the combination of his tongue and finger
sending her freefalling into a pleasure so intense that she had to
bite down on her own hand to stop herself from screaming. As she
came, Tyler continued to use his fingers and his mouth on her,
prolonging the sweet and intense sensations as one orgasm rolled
over into another and she soaked his hand and his face with her


Dazed and breathless, she didn’t
register that he had stopped moving until he spoke. “Are you okay?”
She shook her head, and then became aware that her legs were also
shaking, and she couldn’t seem to stop them.


“God yeah. How could I not be okay
after that?” she asked hoarsely, smiling as he chuckled and gave
her pussy a gentle pat with the flat of his hand. As he went to
stand up, she stopped him. “We’re not done yet, Tyler.” She looked
pointedly at his crotch and raised an eyebrow at his very obvious
erection. “We need to take care of that first.”


Tyler got to his feet and reached a
hand down to help her up. “I have to get back to my office,
Isobel.” He didn’t look too happy at the thought. “My wife is
waiting for me, remember? And we must have been in here an age


“Do you want or need to rush to see
her?” Isobel was genuinely curious about what his response was
going to be, but she was surprised at just how relieved she felt
when he shook his head.


“Hell no. I don’t want to have to deal
with her at all.”


“Then come here and let her wait.”
Isobel was shocked at how decisive she sounded and felt, but she
really didn’t want to step back out of this closet until they’d
finished what they started, and she had absolutely no intention of
going anywhere until she’d either felt or seen him come.


She wound her arms around his torso,
and felt his wrap around her as they came together once again for
another one of the electric kisses they’d shared just a short while
ago. Isobel moaned as she tasted and smelled herself on him as his
tongue pushed its way past her lips to dance with hers


Tyler bent down and effortlessly
lifted her up off her feet, and she wrapped her legs around his
waist as he backed her up against the only free wall in the small
space they were in. With his hands under her ass, she felt the heat
of his manhood as it pressed into her, and forgot to breathe as he
inched into her, his cock hot and heavy and utterly


He pushed his hips upwards and held
her firmly in place as he impaled her on his cock. Then he started
to move in earnest, thrusting in and out of her wetness, so deep
that she could feel the base of his shaft hit against her clit with
every inward thrust.


Isobel crossed her ankles behind his
ass and held on for dear life as he pounded into her. She buried
her face in the crook of his neck to try and muffle the moans that
were escaping from her parched lips, and then, as another orgasm
threatened to hit her, she bit into his shoulder.


The brief pain of her teeth sinking
into his shoulder seemed to send Tyler into a whole new level of
passion, as he groaned and wrapped his hands in her hair, pulling
her head back while he nibbled up her neck. His movements became
more intense as he picked up the pace and thrust into her with wild


Just when Isobel thought she wasn’t
going to be able to take any more of his delightful abuse, he
whispered huskily into her ear. “Come for me, Isobel. I want to
feel you soak my cock.” His words were her undoing, and she was
powerless to deny him what he wanted as her body shuddered and
released her pent-up orgasm in a torrent that flowed over and
through her, both mentally and physically.


She sagged against Tyler, her hands
gripping him for dear life as her legs became weak. Isobel didn’t
have to worry though, even if she had been conscious of it, because
Tyler had no intention of letting her fall while her climax raged
through her body.


In fact, he wasn’t even finished with
her yet; he was just waiting for the storm to pass and her strength
to return; which was a good thing, as Isobel had no intention of
letting him end this just yet either. She wanted to feel him
explode inside of her and to experience him being just as weak and
shaken in the aftermath of their love-making as she was.


As her breathing calmed down and her
shaking subsided, Tyler pulled out of her and gently lowered her to
the floor; keeping his hands on her while he made sure that she was
capable of standing up without falling over.


Still panting, Isobel buried her head
into his chest and placed her hands on his firm buttocks. “Are you
okay?” Tyler’s voice was soft and reassuring, and Isobel raised her
head to smile shakily up at him.


“I’m more than okay, Tyler. I feel
wonderful.” She was almost purring as she rubbed up against him,
becoming aware once again of the heat of his cock as it bumped up
against her. “And you feel as though we still have some unfinished
business.” Her voice was cheeky, and her hand moved to take hold of
him, letting him know exactly to what she was referring.


“Insatiable minx,” he teased back, as
his hands rubbed up and down her back, which was still damp from
the exertion of a few minutes previous. “Are you sure you’re not
done? We’ve been in here for a long time.”


“Oh, I’m positive, Tyler. We’re not
leaving here until we’ve both finished.” As she spoke she pulled
out of his embrace and turned her back on him, putting her hands
against the wall she’d had her back against just a few minutes
earlier. She pushed her ass out teasingly, keeping her legs and
back straight and offering herself to him.


Tyler took a deep, ragged breath as
his hands went to her ass and he cupped the orbs of her buttocks,
squeezing and pulling her cheeks apart. Isobel sighed longingly as
she felt his cock brush up between her cheeks, then she moaned as
he moved away again.


Her frustration didn’t last long
though, as Tyler stepped back only far enough to allow his hand
enough room to move between their heated bodies, sliding down over
her ass and between her cheeks until he found the warm wetness of
her swollen slit. Isobel pushed her ass out even further when she
felt his finger start to enter her, going up to the knuckle before
being joined by a second one; filling her, but not enough to make
her happy.


Tyler smiled at her infuriation as she
wiggled back some more. He knew that what she really wanted was for
him to slide his cock inside her, but he wanted to stoke her fire
so high that she felt as though she’d spontaneously combusted by
the time he’d finished with her.


Isobel squirmed as his nimble fingers
found her G-spot and rubbed over the top of it. It felt as though
she needed to pee, but she knew that it was just a different kind
of climax waiting to explode from her. She’d just opened her mouth
to beg him to either stop or to increase the pressure and make her
come, when he pulled his fingers from her, leaving her feeling
empty and bereft.


Once again, he stepped in close behind
her, and she felt his cock rub up and down her slit as he coated
himself in her wetness. And then, in a movement that was both sure
and firm, he entered her, filling her pussy with his heat and
making her cry out at the very different, but still very erotic,


Tyler pulled part way out of her and
then slammed back in, going deep and hitting her tender G-spot.
Isobel moaned as he did it again, and again, touching her spot
every time and making her pussy contract around him as she soaked
his cock with her juices. “Fuck, Tyler.” She was panting and
pushing back against him, wanting him to go faster and deeper, but
on the other hand wanting him to go slow so it never


She felt an arm reach around her body
and she reached down with one of her own to take his hand and guide
it to her breast. Placing her palm over the back of his hand, she
squeezed, letting him know exactly what she wanted.


Tyler was quick to follow her lead,
massaging her tit and rolling her nipple between his thumb and
finger. As he increased the pressure and started to pinch, Isobel
slapped at his hand to stop him. “No, Tyler! No BDSM shit this


She heard him groan behind her as he
relaxed his grip. “You want tender and gentle?” he asked her, his
words gruff as he paused briefly and adjusted his stance. “Or do
you want this?” He started moving again, but this time he pulled
his cock almost completely out of her before pounding back in up to
his hilt.


Isobel covered her mouth as her cries
got louder; Tyler’s lower abdomen was slapping against her ass and
turning her on more than she thought possible. She could feel the
wetness coating her upper thighs, and she knew that her hair was
plastered to her face with sweat, but she didn’t care. All she
could think about was what Tyler was doing to her. Nothing else


And then he slid his hand from her
breast down over her stomach and found her clit, pressing down on
it with his middle finger and applying more pressure every time he
pushed into her. The combination of clitoral and G-spot stimulation
made her forget to breathe as her body wound into a hot, burning
coil and another orgasm threatened to consume her.


“Harder!” She didn’t even know that
she’d spoken aloud until she felt Tyler move both hands to her hips
and buck into her with a renewed strength and determination. She
wanted harder, he was sure as hell going to give it to


Isobel felt her breasts sway with the
force of his thrusts, and took a hand off the wall to cup herself
and give her nipple a pinch. Her clit pulsated and she felt her
pussy swell and grip his cock as he fucked her.


Tyler picked the pace up even more,
his thrusts were longer and deeper and his hands on her hips pulled
her back onto him every time he pushed into her. Isobel came,
calling out his name breathlessly and clawing at the wall in front
of her as she tried to hold on to anything that would support her
shaking legs.

BOOK: His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance
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