His (Hers #5) (19 page)

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Authors: Dawn Robertson

BOOK: His (Hers #5)
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Our lives aren’t beautiful or glamorous. They are dirty and fucked up. We live the nightmares people live in fear of. We live on the edge of the law wondering when it will finally catch up with us or who will bury us before that happens. But it’s the outlaw life we chose. It was a choice we all made and I wouldn’t fuckin’ take it back. Not ever.



Chrome and I are probably an hour outside of Niagara when Seven’s cell phone rings in my lap. Before we left the house, I traded phones with her because I knew the kidnapper would be calling her.

“Yeah.” I answer the phone and put it on speaker so Chrome can listen in.

“Did Miss James lose her balls already?” The vaguely familiar voice rings through the line. “I didn’t think she would ever let you take care of anything for her, Levi. She doesn’t exactly treat you like an equal in your marriage.” He laughs, only trying to get under my skin and I’m not gonna let it happen. Seven would have been screaming by now, but I have quite a bit more self-control than she ever will.

“She isn’t up for dealing with this right now. She just had a fucking baby.” I reply.

“She isn’t up for finding her sister? That is a shame. I thought they were building a beautiful relationship together. What a shame though. She can never let anyone in enough to actually have a normal human relationship.” He taunts.

“Get to the point. We are waiting for your instructions.” I say, without realizing I used the word we. Fuck. Thankfully the prick on the other end doesn’t pick up on my slip. He is probably too busy counting the money he doesn’t have yet.

“Cave of the Winds at dusk. Come alone with my money,” the man says before the line goes dead again.
money, now that is funny.

The voice continues to ring in my ears. He sounds familiar, but the name isn’t anything I could ever put my finger on. Kenneth Jack isn’t anyone I’ve done business with, but he spoke like a long lost friend. I am good with names but even better with faces. For some reason I continue to draw a blank on this guy.

“You know him?” Chrome asks.

“Nope, not a fuckin’ clue.”

“You think this guy is dangerous?” Chrome asks again, like I might actually have an answer for him.

“I really hope not, dude. I don’t know how I would go back to Woodstock and tell Seven something happened to Lyric without her flipping out for good. We’ve had enough shit happen already. I just want all the bullshit to be over.” Is it too much to ask for?

My chest tightens and I worry about everything that is going to happen in the next couple hours. Its bullshit, all fucking bullshit. One day we will be able to have a normal life.

As the truck rolls down the main strip of Niagara Falls, I eye all the people walking up and down the street. I am one for people watching, always have been, but that is when I notice a familiar face. That same busty bimbo businesswoman, Veronica Reed. The same whore who tried to interview for Seven’s CEO position is strolling down the street. She is laughing like she doesn’t have a care in the world as her body leans against a tall man. I can’t see his face as we slowly drive past them. His dark hair is cut short but his face is turned in the opposite direction.

“That’s that bitch, the one from the interview,” I say to Chrome as I point in their direction. Maybe I am just seeing things? Maybe it really isn’t her? But, I swear I would never forget her face.

“You sure?” Chrome asks as he looks for a place to pull the truck over.

“I couldn’t forget that bitch’s face.” I reply. “But I don’t know why the fuck she would be up here. Everything we had on her has a Bronx address, so that doesn’t make much sense.” I hate it when shit just doesn’t add up.

“You think maybe she came up here to sulk or some shit?” Chrome asks. I wonder if he is right, but the educated nagging voice in the back of my head continues to tell me this isn’t a fucking coincidence.

“It doesn’t make any sense, dude.” Chrome nods, and finally finds a free parking spot that can fit his monstrous truck.

“You still got a visual on them?”

And I don’t. They are long gone.

“Nope, they turned off somewhere.” Fuck.

Chrome pulls his phone out and dials quickly. Putting his phone up to his ear, he starts barking orders about pulling up information on Veronica Reed and her personal life. Everything down to who she is fucking and when she is fucking him.

“You think this is all connected?” I ask him once he disconnects the line.

“Yeah, I think it’s all just a little too fuckin’ convenient.”



I sit across the hotel room watching the cheap blonde hooker suck Judge’s dick. I’m over blondes. Every fuckin’ blonde reminds me of Journey and it just pisses me off now. We were gonna share her, but the more I watch her pleasure him, the more I want nothing to do with her. I could get up and walk out of the room right now, but I don’t want to. I don’t want to move. I just want to sit here and watch this cheap whore take a face shot.

“Fuck baby girl,” Judge moans out while the cunt deep throats him. Her perky little ass lifts into the air trying to give me a view of her bare pussy. She wants it. She is fuckin’ taunting me.

“Ryker, dude. Hit that.” Judge says and nods.

All I can picture is Journey. And the fact that all the time I chased her around like a fuckin’ lost puppy dog, she wouldn’t let me fuck her. Not once. Fucking’ fifteen months of trying to get into her pants with no fuckin’ luck. Unbelievable how much time I wasted on her. I can’t figure out why either. God damn Bloom women.

The whore’s mouth pulls away from Judge’s cock, giving me permission to fuck her.

“Come on big boy. Don’t you want some too?” she coos and her voices reminds me of Journey. Fuck! Everything reminds me of that little bitch.

I can’t help it, my body moves on its own before my mind is able to catch up. I take a few steps across the small shitty hotel room and unzip my pants. My cock is already hard and ready to hate fuck this little cunt. I pull a condom from my wallet and put it on. No knowing what kind of fuckin’ nasty shit this bitch has. Not like Journey. Her perfect little virgin cunt. FUCK FUCK FUCK! That fucking bitch!

Once I have the condom on, I lift the small plaid skirt, and plow right into her with no warning. How can someone like this try and dress like a fuckin’ innocent schoolgirl when we all know her cunt is as loose as they get.

I slam into her repeatedly, barely feeling shit. But it is enough to take my rage out. It is just what I needed whether I wanted to admit it or not. Judge was right and I’ll thank him later for this, because it’s his money getting my dick wet, as a peace offering.

“Right there you little bitch, a little deeper.” Judge says as he pulls his dick free from her mouth and comes all over her pretty little face. “Good girl, you look so much better with my nut on your face.” he says while he starts to put his dick away. “Now you be a good little bitch and fuck him good. I want my money’s worth.”

I pull out and slam back into her a couple times but its not doing shit for me. Her cunt isn’t tight enough to get me off. What a fuckin’ waste.

“I ain’t gonna get off with this loose ass cunt.” I pull out and start to pull the condom off when she stops me.

“If you wanna get off from fucking… fuck my ass big boy.” she smiles up at me with Judge’s come still all over her face. She bends back over and sticks her ass in the air for my taking. Without hesitation I push into her tight little ass and start hammering home.

“Much better,” I growl out. My hands reach around her neck and start to choke her while I pound her as hard as I can. I’m chasing my own fuckin’ release and I haven’t gotten off in days, even though I’ve tried.

Shit. Every time I think about Journey it fucks with me. I grab a handful of her blonde hair and close my eyes pretending it was the little bitch I spent way too much time chasing. What I wouldn’t do to get inside Journey. Shit!

“Yeah, take that you little cunt.” I slam in one last time and fill the condom with a much needed release.

“Seriously guys?” The door opens up and Chrome is standing in the doorway. “You just couldn’t help yourselves could you?” He laughs.

“Well you told us to stay put. We got bored. So, we found something to occupy our time.” Judge shrugs his shoulders and lets out a unconvincing laugh.

“Time for you to go, honey. Go clean up and be on your way.” Chrome tells her. The little blonde scurries around the hotel room trying to look like she wasn’t just fucked by a couple dudes and sent on her way. I can never understand why some women have no respect for themselves like that. Whatever, more pussy for me in the long run.

“Gotta get to the caves. They want us there at dusk. I want you guys in there earlier as backup. Hidden, so they can’t see you. Remember, we don’t have a visual of who we are looking for so keep yourselves as hidden as you can. But, you know how it all works, Ryker.” Chrome says to me as I toss the used condom in the trash and put my dick back into my pants.

“You guys do know what Lyric looks like right?” Chrome asks and we nod. She looks exactly like Seven, except in a far more virginal way. Something about her just makes you wanna deflower her and do fucked up shit to her. I really gotta get my mind out of the gutter when it comes to this girl. Hell, any girl in fuckin’ Woodstock. They are all bad fuckin’ news. I am slightly shocked because the only person I’ve wanted to corrupt like that has been Journey.

Maybe this is a way for me to get her out of my system. Or have Seven James end up taking me out in a basement like she did to Zane. Hell, either way it would all be fuckin’ fun. I chuckle to myself and admire my sick since of humor. I can’t help it. I’ve always been this fucked up.

“What the fuck is so funny?” Chrome asks me, and the smile fades from my face.

“Just thinkin’ about that whore.” I lie and hope he never finds out what I was really thinking, because I would find myself six feet under.

“Okay, so let’s hit the road. We’ll expect you two around eight tonight?” Judge asks as he makes his way to the hotel room door.

“Sometime around eight.” Chrome confirms.



I can’t believe this shit is happening. I am torn between feeling bad for Lyric and questioning her loyalty and motives. I hate that she may have been dragged into this all because some douche has a fucked up vendetta against me. The thought of me causing harm to her simply because she made the choice to become involved in my life makes me sick to my stomach.

On the other end of the spectrum, my mind wanders wondering if Lyric set me up from the get go. Maybe she just is looking for a payday. I want to think the worst of people all the time. I argue with myself until I am exhausted. Both of the girls are down for the evening and I am just sitting here waiting for Levi or Chrome to call me and tell me everything is going to be okay. What if something happens to her? What if this creeper does something to her?

“Stop, Seven. Let them do what they gotta do.” Star’s voice interrupts my thoughts.

“Who let you in?” I ask, trying to give her a bit of attitude. I want to be alone. But everyone knows me good enough not to let that happen.

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