His Lordships Daughter (28 page)

Read His Lordships Daughter Online

Authors: Brian A de'Ville,Stewart Vaughan

BOOK: His Lordships Daughter
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Floating on her back, she used her hands to push herself almost effortlessly through the water. Her nipples were just beginning to harden on her swelling breasts when David popped his head up between her legs. Smiling at her he flicked the saturated hair from his eyes as he placed the flat of his hand against her crotch, caressing it with his fingers.

Phyllipa sighed with happiness as she opened her legs even further, enabling her lover to bury his head between her lusting thighs. His dancing fingertips suddenly went inwards, parting the tender labia lips, spreading her wide. Then his efficient tongue, twisting and turning was sending shock waves through her as it scraped and massaged her pleasure buds, forcing a cry of pleasure to burst from her. Digging her hands into the back of his head, her fingers enta
gled with his hair as she thrust her pelvis harder into the delicious agony whilst the manipulative
mouth nibbled and teased. Then the exploring fingers dug deeper, rubbing, massaging and rubbing again, bringing Phyllipa’s gigantic orgasm crashing and thundering through her in wave upon wave of unbearable ecstasy.

“I owed you that one!” he said gently removing her thighs from his shoulders. Phyllipa smiled lazily. “The books are balanced!” she
, setting her body into a slow crawl. “Now be a good boy and fetch me a glass of champers!” David nodded, swam to the side of the pool and hauled himself out.

“I think you really enjoyed that!” Clive said, treading water beside her. “I know I did. I watched every movement.”

Phyllipa shook her head, tut tutting. “What with nurse’s uniforms, and now this voyeur habit you have picked up…”

“It was you who said we had all got a little of it in us.”

“In the old
when you and I were…” She stopped and her eyes twinkled. “Shall we say, over friendly, you were the original action man. You were definitely not the one for standing and staring!”

He groaned. “Yes, well. That was before the trappings of responsibility were placed upon my shoulders.” He peered into her face. “Are you sure you wouldn’t like to marry me?”

“Crumbs Clive, you are the second guy tonight who has asked for my hand in marriage, and in case you hadn’t forgotten, you are engaged to June!”

“O.K I was only kidding.”

laughed. “I don’t think you were, but I’ll forgive you.”

Swimming to the side of the pool, she ran up the tiled steps. Despite the heat of the water she was feeling a little cold and her skin was starting to pucker. Taking a large monogrammed towel from a snow white pile of them, she wrapped it around her body, tying
it off underneath her arm, and
sat on a sun recliner watching Clive doing a back flip from the diving board. With a huge splash he hit the water, drenching everything
in sight. “You’ve got a lot of work to do Clive before the Olympics.” She bawled, facetiously, wondering where the hell the champagne had got to. Getting to her feet she walked around to the bar where she found Emma stretched across an exercise bar and David taking her from behind. “Be with you in a minute!” He gasped, seeing Phyllipa. “Take your time! It’s not something that should be hurried.” She laughed. Taking a jumbo sized brandy glass, she filled it with champagne, then, returning to he
r chair

“I think it is time Clive and I got going.” June said, fully dressed again. “i
t’s gone two!
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the party Phyllipa, but, the nicest bit was meeting your new Yorker! I’ve asked Clive to get me one, but he says you can’t buy them? So where did you get yours?”

“I designed it and a sheet metal worker knocked it together for me! But that was years ago, I don’t know whether he is still around!”

June sighed. “Oh well, it was just a thought!” she got to her feet as Clive, jangling car keys in his hand came to meet her. “Ready?” June nodded. Bending her face she kissed Phyllipa’s cheek. “See you on Monday and
once again.”

a kiss to Clive and waved to the pair of them as they left her home, sipping champagne and feeling a little warmer.

All her friends had now left and all had been going back to something or somebody. She was even a little jealous of Emma going back to work. At least she would be with people. David had left to get some sleep, and Miller? Well, she even envied her lambs, whilst Clive and June had one another! Shivering slightly, she snuggled deeper into the towel. Her still tingling body ached, her stomach felt bruised and, yes! David had been right. She felt tired and for the first time in her life, a little
vulnerable. Pulling a long face at the flatness of her champagne she crossed to the bar and refreshed it from a new bottle, then leaning her elbows on the bar top, gazed into space as she tried to get a perspective on her life. “At the moment it stinks!” she shouted, wiping her moist eyes with the back of her hand. Suddenly she shook her head almost violently as her thoughts interfered with her sexual conscience. In five days time it would be Christmas day. There would be
her father, “Bless him!)
sitting down to the Yule tide fest. Bradford would serve the meal, as ever, daddy would carve the turkey, and then even the butler would be gone. She sighed. “Merry Christmas to all you out there!” she bawled, loudly, lifting her glass. Of course , there was Steven Grant, lying in his bed with a broken leg, but conversation had not been that easy between the two of them since his arrival. She drank some more champagne, draining the ballooner and refilling it.
It was such a pity he had called her what he did, but in some respects, she mulled, a little tipsy from all
he wine she had drunk, he was probably right! Ignoring the obvious, she smiled again as her thoughts retro’d to their night together at the family flat in town. Of all her lovers, he was the only one who had transported her into the magical comfort of white water! Yes! Her subconscious whispered, that was because he loved you, the rest were just enjoying themselves. Phyllipa slowly stood up, upsetting the towel around her which lost its fight with gravity and tumbled to the floor. Her eyes opened wide as her mind, wrestling with her discovery suddenly keyed her creative faculty. “That’s it!” she screamed, hurling the champagne bottle into the middle of the swimming pool. “That’s it!”

Dumbfounded by the revelation, she stood for a few moments, trying to accommodate the strange warm feeling coursing through her veins.

“I’ll be switching
the main power off just now, Ms

Looking up in surprise she saw the butler, a smile on his face, regardin
g her with affection. her
face coloured slightly, picking up the fallen towel she pulled it around her body again. “Tell me Bradford, have yo
u ever been in love.” with an
enquiring look on her face.

“Yes miss. When I was a young man, there was a girl in the village where I was born who was quite keen on me.”

“Did you marry her?”

Bradford shook his silver head. “No! I didn’t.”

Phyllipa didn’t wish to appear intrusive. “How does one know when one is in love?” she spread her hands out. “I mean does it suddenly hit you in the face or put you off your food, or what?”

“It can do any
or all of those things
. But, it’s the warm feeling which counts most of all.”

“Warm feeling?”

The butler nodded. “
. When two people love one another, heated blood runs, creating a warm feeling. They tell me it is rather nice!”

“I see. Thank you Bradford.”

He nodded.
“It’s always a pleasure

Phyllipa nodded to him as she looked around for her clothes, but her mind wasn’t on propriety. It was bubbling with all sorts of ideas aimed at making the coming Christmas day the finest one yet. Pulling her towel as tight as possible she snuck through the banqueting room. Apart from the orchestr
a packing up their instruments
looked in amazement at her, the place was deserted. Quickly she ran up the stairs and was just
aking the corridor to her apartment when she hesitated, turned around and ran to Steven’s room. He was breathing softly, fast asleep. For a few moments she stood looking down at him, a million thoughts rushing through her mind. With all fingers crossed and a bit of good luck, her momentous discovery could be the end of the old life for her. It could be the terminus for random lovers, hired gigolos and randy farmers. Bending over the bed she brushed Steven’s mouth with her lips, then returning to her penthouse, stopped to brush a stray tear from her eye. “It must be love.” She whispered to herself. “What else could possibly make me cry!”

Chapter 26


The packaging company was up and running. Monday morning was always a bit iffy, if the employees were going to report sick it was always on the first day of the working week. Fortunately, at the last count, they were all present and correct, and that pleased the Acting Director.

Phyllipa, looking smart in a grey business suit, the usual clip board in her hand was doing her morning rounds. Checking the huge printers,
checking their output, and
their quality. Checking, checking as infinitum! She had not seen Steven since Saturday, or rather early Sunday morning because she had certain things to tie up which concerned him, before her latest idea could come to fruition. Chuckling to herself that all was well, she returned to her office, picked up the telephone and dialled a number. “Has anything come back re
my suggestion of last week?” Listening intently to the voice on the other end she finally nodded. “I’ll be waiting for your call. If you can’t reach me here, bell my mobile!” replacing the receiver, she looked at herself in the wall mirror. “As they say on the shop floor, Phyllipa you are playing a blinder!”

June was arguing with one of the printing staff when Phyllipa walked into the company office. Tapping the employee on h
is shoulder she hooked her finger
in the direction of the print floor. “Scram! If you have a complaint, put it in writing.” The technician put the palms of h
is hand up in alarm. “ alright Ms
Gore. I have no complaints!”

“Good!” Phyllipa said watching him scramble out of the door. “Today is a happy day and no-one is going to spoil it.”

June looked at her. “As good as that, eh?”

Phyllipa beamed at her. “I think so!”

A suspicious look crossed her friends face. “You look like that cat who always gets someone else’s cream. Something has happened hasn’t it?”

a gave a slow motion shrug, and
sat down. “It may have.” She screwed up her face. “In fact I think it has. I’ve found a chink in my armour that I may be able to slip through.”

“You’ve made it up with Steven, haven’t you? Go on say you have!”

“I have sorted myself out. I’m alright now! And as soon as I return to rosewood I’ll sort Steven out.”

Her friend smiled. “Smashing! I’m very fond of him and you couldn’t have picked a nicer guy.”

“It’s not just a kiss and make up thing June. It’s been a little more complicated than that.”

June smiled. “Alright, make it difficult, but do it!”

“Did you enjoy the party?” Phyllipa suddenly asked.

“Oh.  I sure did, I had a great
time and so did Clive. He told me you were the only woman in London who could give the kind of party that interests him. Horny lot, weren’t they?”

“Aren’t they always.” Phyllipa laughed. “Thank goodness.”

. So say all of us! Are you in for the rest of the day?”


“I just wondered that’s all.” A sarcastic expression crossed June’s face. “It’s the sort of question that secretaries ask their boss’s from time to time.” Phyllipa chuckled. “I keep forgetting I’m the M.D… and no, I won’t be in for the rest of the day
…” she broke off as June picked up the screaming telephone and handed it to her. “It’s for you.” Phyllipa put the receiver to her ear, listened, then punched the air with her fist. “Thanks a million Maisie.”

“I would hazard a guess that the call was good news?” June was inquisitive. Within the company, she never quite knew what her friend was up to.

Phyllipa nodded. “You would hazard correctly.”

“But I don’t think you are going to tell me about it are you?”

“Much as I would like to, I cannot.” She looked at June with a serious look on her face. “Did you tell Steven about your impending wedding and the fact you would be leaving the company?”

June nodded. “Of course!” she pulled a long face. He was delighted about me getting married, but disappointed about me leaving.”

“I wouldn’t worry too muc
h about that.”,W
a secretive look on her face.

“Dear god!” June cried, acrimoniously. “You can be dammed
when you want to be. What the hell was that call all about?”

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