His To Keep (4 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #DeMarco Investigations#2

BOOK: His To Keep
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But Frank and Grace, both former military intelligence and CIA agents, were still connected on all levels. If Nic had taken this to any of his friends in the military, it would’ve gotten back to them somehow.

Jimmy caught Nic’s gaze for just a second before he took the phone and started tapping the screen.

“Blocked number.” He jotted down something on a pad on his desk. “I’ll trace it for you but you know Janey or Mal would be better at this. Why’re you giving this to me?”

“Because I don’t want Janey involved in this and I don’t want Mal to have to lie to her. Can you trace it?”

Jimmy rolled his eyes. “Don’t insult me if you expect me to help you. What’d the guy say?”

“I kept the message. I didn’t answer the call because I didn’t recognize the number.”

Nic turned to examine the wall behind him as Jimmy let it play. Anger and outrage sat like a lead ball on his chest, making it hard to breathe. He’d memorized the call.

“You took everything from me. I will destroy everything you hold dear. You can’t watch your pretty blonde all the time.”

He tried breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth like the military shrink had taught him but it didn’t help. Never did.

After what seemed an eternity, Jimmy whistled low and long. “You pissed off someone but good, didn’t you?”

Nic turned to find his brother staring at him intently. “He doesn’t sound like your run of the mill whackjob. Short and to the point. And smart. He used a voice scrambler.”

Nic shook his head slowly. “Could be anyone.”

And that was the real pisser. There could be any number of people who’d want to hurt him. And most of them were capable of doing what they’d threatened.

“When’d you get the call?”


“Alright.” Jimmy held up the phone. “Leave this with me. Take one of the burner phones upstairs and I’ll route your calls to it. I’m not promising anything. Like I said, Janey or Mal would be better with this.”

“I know it’s going to be a bitch but I don’t want to involve them. Not yet.” Nic tried to ease the tightness across his shoulders by rolling them. “Just do the best you can.”

Jimmy leaned back in his chair, eyes still closed. “Have you noticed anything suspicious lately?”

Nic released a harsh breath and thrust a hand through his hair, letting it get caught in the length so it yanked as he pulled it out. “Not a damn thing. I’ve been wracking my brain for anything out of the ordinary, and the only problems I’ve been having are due to our new hired help.”

Jimmy snapped out of his trance with a laugh. “Yeah, I noticed you having all sorts of problems with Annie. It’s especially noticeable when you have to take a case across the country just to get away from her. Apparently someone else noticed too.”

“Shove it, Jimmy.” His voice sounded like a growl. “That’s not why I took that job and you know it. It was an easy one, and it was in California. Gave me a chance to look up some old friends.”

And, yes, it put three thousand miles between him and Annie.

“When was the last time you took a guard job for a rock star?” Wry sarcasm laced Jimmy’s sharp tone. “You can barely stand anyone who makes more than a hundred-thousand a year as it is.  Besides, everyone knows you’ve got a thing for her. I think it’d be okay if you admitted that to yourself.”

Shit. Was he really that transparent? No. Jimmy was just trying to rile him. He nodded back at his phone. “Do you think you’ll be able to get anything we can work with from that or do you just wanna yank my chain some more?”

Jimmy continued smiling, and Nic had the almost overwhelming urge to wipe the smirk off his face. He’d always been bigger and stronger, able to best Jimmy in a fight. But Jimmy had been fast and intuitive, able to read Nic’s mind. There were things Nic didn’t want his brother to see.

Finally, Jimmy shook his head. “Oh, ye of little faith. Gimme a day. Maybe we’ll get lucky and he’ll show up on our doorstep demanding satisfaction or— Whoa, Nic, I’m kidding. Take a breath. You look ready to stroke out.”

With a muttered oath, Nic turned away as he tried to get himself under control. He focused his gaze on the far wall, where Jimmy stored the dangerous chemicals he worked with. He kept them under lock, although this building was more secure than Fort Knox.

Jimmy was conscientious like that. Careful.

Nic was, too. But obviously not conscientious enough. And now it was surely coming back to bite him.

Some madman had threatened Annie. She was the only blonde in his life. He wasn’t seeing anyone and no one in his family had blonde hair.

“This guy gets close enough and he won’t have to worry about breathing. I need to do more digging, see what you come up with.”

He turned back to Jimmy, now slouched in his chair and staring at him as if he’d suddenly grown a new head.

“All right?” His tone grew harsh when Jimmy didn’t say anything.

Slowly his brother nodded, and Nic saw concern in his narrowed eyes.

Ignoring it, he turned and headed for the stairs.

And nearly knocked Annie to the floor when he pushed open the door to the first floor.

He grabbed the arm she flung out and ended up pulling her off her feet and against him to stop her fall.

“Damn it, Dominic, watch where you’re going.”

Her green eyes flashed at him, jewel bright and angry, her expression tight. But he felt the slight tremble of her body, pressed tight against his.

Making sure she was steady before he released her, he tried to ignore the way his heart pounded at her proximity.

“Sorry.” It wouldn’t be fair to take his frustration out on her even though she was spoiling for a fight and had been since she’d arrived this morning. “You okay?”

She lifted finely arched brows at him. “I’ll live.” Then her gaze narrowed, as if she’d read something in his expression. “Is something wrong?”

Damn. Could everyone read him so easily? He was losing it and he couldn’t afford to.

He shook his head, making sure to maintain eye contact. “Nothing’s wrong. I’ll be upstairs if you need me.”

He couldn’t handle her questions right now, not when he was so pissed off and worried.

As her brow furrowed and her lips parted as if to speak, he turned his back on her and headed to his apartment.

He paced his living room, not bothering to turn on the radio or the TV. He needed to think and he usually did his best thinking on his feet.

But after a few minutes, he wound up standing in front of his king-size bed. He hadn’t bothered to make it this morning, and the rumpled black sheets and comforter testified to a restless night. If he was honest with himself, he’d admit that Annie had contributed to at least some of that restlessness.

He’d dreamed about her last night, in this bed with him. He blamed her for that dream. That kiss…

No, his obsession had been getting out of hand before that. Now she was underfoot every day and it played havoc with his head. So much so, someone who wanted to hurt him had discovered the best way to do it. Through Annie.

He wanted to get away from the office for a while but he couldn’t leave now.

Why did he have the feeling his life had suddenly gone out of control?

* * * * *

Later that day, Nic sat in his office, grinning as he listened to Annie curse like a sailor. Four-letter words he never thought he’d hear coming from the proper Miss Reed’s incredibly beautiful lips.

Despite her cool appearance, Annie had a volatile nature. Most people only saw the cold front moving in. He found it interesting that the only heat she seemed to generate usually was directed at him.

Although right now…

She swore, a string of profanity that made every muscle in his body clench. Damn, her foul mouth turned him on.

Sighing, he cricked his neck back and forth, trying to make the bones pop back into place. Of course, they wouldn’t cooperate.

“Arrrgh.” A metal ping and a muffled grunt followed her latest outburst.

Must’ve kicked the cabinet. That had to hurt. She was wearing spike-heeled pumps today, and he’d bet the farm she didn’t have steel toes in those babies.

He knew she thought she was alone. His parents hadn’t come in today. Jimmy had gone to the police station and wouldn’t be back. Janey and Mal had both left for the day and she thought he was gone, too. Otherwise, she never would have let her tongue get so loose.

“Oh, come on, you slimy pig,” she hissed. “Open up. I can’t believe this. Why tonight? I’m going to be late, and we all know what Mummy dearest thinks about tardiness, now, don’t we?”

That quickly killed his grin. So, Annie was going to her mother’s tonight. Well, that would explain her mood today. She’d been as jumpy as a cat, and as quick as one to bare her claws.

“Son. Of. A. Bitch.” She hissed the words. “I am not going to go upstairs and ask that man for help. I absolutely refuse.”

His grin returned, and he swallowed a laugh. Now sounded like the right time to make his entrance. Couldn’t let her be late to her mother’s, now, could he?

Getting up without a sound, he made his way down the darkened hallway to the front of the building and the only room still lit. Warm yellow light cast a glow into the hallway to the front door, which he could see was locked.

She had her back to him as she tugged at a file drawer in a cabinet against the far wall. Bent over at the waist, her bright red skirt outlined her slender rear. Not only that, but the position made her skirt ride up above mid-thigh.

Nic’s jaw locked, but he took it all in. She was the only woman who could turn him on simply by being in the same room.

He still remembered the hot need that had swamped him when she’d kissed him seven years ago. He’d had enough sense to know he would’ve frightened her if he’d returned her kiss the way he’d wanted to.

He’d wanted to pull her against him and crush her willing mouth, run his hands down her body and tear away her clothes so she stood naked before him.

Instead, he’d forced himself to sit as still as a stone then cut her to ribbons with a few words.

Just released from the hospital, he’d needed to make life-altering decisions. He’d already talked to his parents, but he’d needed to see Janey. His baby sister had always been able to pick up on things he couldn’t. Even at eighteen, she’d been levelheaded and able to think things through clearly. He’d always been the one with a temper, hotheaded and eager to fight his way out of every situation.

He’d come back from Iraq with a few more holes than he’d been born with. His superiors had wanted to sit him at a desk. He’d been tempted to tell them to shove it. But he was a Ranger. There was no way in hell he’d say that to his commanding officer.

Still, desk duty was out. Not while everyone else was fighting.

Janey had taken one look at him and told him to resign. Start over. Find something else.

Problem was, he’d only wanted to be a soldier. He never would have admitted it to anyone, but he’d been scared about what the hell to do with the rest of his life.

He didn’t think anything frightened Annie. She certainly wasn’t afraid of him. She’d never seemed afraid of him and the icy facade she showed to the world melted when she fought with him.

Still he couldn’t help remembering the way she used to look at him when she thought he walked on water. She knew better now and she didn’t know half of what he’d done.

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