Read HisIndecentBoxSetpub Online

Authors: Sky Corgan

HisIndecentBoxSetpub (36 page)

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I had more time to
think about it than necessary. You never realize how miserable it is
to stand in a corner for ten minutes until you've actually had to do
it as an adult. It made a surprisingly effective punishment. I would
definitely take strides to be more obedient, lest I be forced to
suffer with silent boredom again.

When ten minutes was
up, Damien called me back over to stand in front of him. I assumed
the Stand position, keeping my eyes to the floor.

you remember what you're supposed to do now?” he asked.

the first Examination position.”


have just punished you. What are you supposed to do whenever I punish

My mind was
completely blank. Was this a trick question?

sorry for upsetting you, Sir.”

answer. Corner.”

Grudgingly, I
stalked back over to the corner, pressing my nose into it with an
audible groan of discontent.

attitude, or I'll double your time,” Damien said without a hint
of remorse.

definitely sucked.

When another ten
minutes passed, I was allowed to return in front of Damien. His face
was set into what felt like a permanent scowl, and while I looked at
his knee in my peripheral vision, my only bratty thought was of how
much I'd like to bite it. Maybe I should tell him to go stand in a
corner for twenty minutes and see how much he liked it.

you don't remember what you're supposed to do now, I will tell you,”
he said.

do, Sir,” I replied, trying to keep the annoyance from my
voice. Showing anymore attitude could easily earn me another ten
minutes in the corner.

your Dominant punishes you, you must thank him for the punishment.
Then you must recite why you were punished so you don't forget. Rule
number eleven.”

would request I lie to him?”

in the corner. We can do this all night, you know.”

For a moment, I
thought of screaming at him. “What did I do this time?”

called me Master instead of Sir. Calling me Master is a privilege you
haven't earned yet. Back in the corner.”

if I promise never to do it again?” I looked up at him

in the corner.” He pointed to it. “If I have to tell you
again, you'll earn a far worse punishment.”

I nearly spat at him, stomping over to the corner.

back here,” he told me, his voice as calm and cool as ever.

I turned on him,
agitated. “Do you want me in the corner or not?”


Oh crap. I
finally pissed him off,
I realized. Now I would get to taste what
one of his real punishments felt like.

While I was still
upset, curiosity made me assume the position. I knelt in front of
him, naked on the carpet, with my head down and my hands near my
face. My ass was up in the air like a beacon, just asking for a nice
delicious spanking.
Oh, please be a spanking. Please,
silently begged, my anger melting away into perverted thoughts.

As if Damien was
reading my mind, he said, “I bet you're hoping I'll spank you.”
When I didn't respond, he asked, “Well, are you?”

Sir,” I admitted, feeling my body heating up.

all spankings are pleasurable.” The darkness in his voice sent
a shiver down my spine.

I couldn't imagine a
spanking not being pleasurable. If he thought that he could turn a
spanking into a punishment, the joke was on him.

want you to thank me after every strike, do you understand?” he

Sir.” My clit tingled from the order.

Perhaps I would
disobey more often. What he was teaching me was the opposite of what
he had hoped. If spankings were to be my punishment, then I would be
bad all the time. A lecherous grin crossed my lips as I heard him
move behind me, and it took everything in me not to wiggle my butt.

My smile melted when
his hand came down with the full weight of his body. Searing agony
raged through my backside, pushing past the point of pleasure and
tumbling into unexpected pain. I choked on my own breath, gasping in
disbelief at the force of the blow.

you have something to say to me?” Damien asked.

you, Sir,” I was barely able to stutter out before another
crack of torment landed across my backside. The skin already felt
swollen and burning, like the sting of a thousand angry fire ants.
“Thank you, Sir,” I echoed the words with tears in my
eyes. By the third slap, I didn't think my body could take anymore.
My safety word was on my lips, threatening to spill out, but instead,
I said, “Thank you, Sir.”

I squeezed my eyes
shut, trembling, waiting for the next blow. Part of me didn't think I
could handle it, but I knew I had to. When Damien's hand touched my
ass again, it wasn't to spank me, but to rub against the welt. My
pulse moved to my ass, beating against his hand. It felt like I might
melt his skin right off from the heat.

were you punished?” he asked, running his fingers delicately
over the welts.

I showed you attitude, Sir,” I said, suppressing the urge to
whimper and cry.

hurt me more than it hurt you, and I never want to have to do it
again. Next time, just stand in the damn corner.” He climbed to
his feet and sat back in the chair. I hadn't even realized he had
been kneeling beside me the whole time. “Examination,” he
ordered, and I found myself crawling onto the bed and assuming the
position with my legs spread wide and my hands above my head.

Even the feel of the
comforter against my swollen backside sent pain shooting through me.
Never again would I purposely piss off Damien Reed.

Once I was in
position, Damien came to stand over me, assessing me with emotionless
eyes. He bent slightly to grab my breasts and lift them up, examining
underneath them. The whole thing made me feel incredibly
uncomfortable, but I laid there anyway, suppressing my sniffles.

Even though I knew I
deserved the punishment, it still upset me. My mind was a tangle of
negative emotions.
If he loved me then how could he hurt me like
that? It's not that he doesn't love me. He's just trying to
discipline me. He told me what would happen if I continued to
disobey. I should have listened. Stupid, stupid Chey. Now he's mad at
me. I don't want him to be mad at me. I was a good girl. I took my
punishment and didn't complain.

are you crying?” he asked, watching as tears cascaded down my

you hurt me,” I whimpered.

gave you more than enough chances to listen.”

know. I just didn't expect . . .”

a spanking could hurt?” he paused. “Despite what you
probably think, I didn't enjoy doing that anymore than you enjoyed
receiving it. I don't get off to the thought of hurting you. In fact,
I use physical force as the last effective measure of punishment.
Obviously, you were going to continue to give me attitude if I kept
sending you to the corner. It wasn't working, so I needed to modify
my approach. Now that you know what it feels like for me to have to
modify my approach, you'll be more apt to listen to me next time I
issue you a punishment. Do you understand?”

Sir,” I squeaked.

just tell me 'Yes, Sir' blindly. I want to know you actually
understand my reasoning. So I'm going to ask you again, do you

Sir,” I replied, more clearly this time.

Now dry your eyes and assume the Examination Front position.”

After wiping my
eyes, I rolled over onto my stomach, keeping everything else about
the position the same. My body tensed as Damien's hand rubbed over my
ass again. Even though it had been several minutes since the intense
spanking, I could still feel pain through my backside. It would
probably bruise.

Cunt,” he told me, and I rolled back around, bringing my knees
up to my chest and spreading them slightly to expose my feminine
folds to him.

Damien crawled up
onto the bed, and for a moment, I thought he meant to fuck me.
Instead, he spread my pussy lips. For the first time ever, I wasn't
sopping wet for him. In fact, my mind was too emotionally wrecked to
be thinking much about sex. All I could think about, aside from the
spanking, was the discomfort from being so vulnerable. Damien was
looking inside of me, quite literally examining me in a very
non-sexual way, kind of like how a gynecologist does.

It wasn't until he
pressed two fingers inside of me that my body finally responded,
relaxing into its more wanton state. Need pulsed through my clit, and
I grew angry at myself for desiring him so much after what he had
just done.
I should be pissed off at him, not craving him between
my legs.
Stupid body.

The moment didn't
last. Soon, Damien was withdrawing and telling me to assume the final
position, which was Examination Anal. This position was reminiscent
of the Punishment Knees position. The only difference was I had to
spread my ass cheeks for him with my hands. My face flushed pink as I
did this. It was the most embarrassing and degrading position of all,
letting him look at my asshole. I thought about contesting it, as one
of my hard limits, but what grounds did I have to say that under. He
wasn't hurting me. Hell, he wasn't even touching me. I was just

Throughout the
examination process, I found myself holding in my breath and
emotions. Tonight was a night I would never forget—the night I
truly felt like we had taken our relationship to a different level—a
very dark level I wasn't sure I liked. Being vulnerable was one
thing, but this felt like something else entirely—a complete
mind fuck.

When the examination
was over, Damien gave me the Lay Down command. As quickly as
possible, I laid on my back, trying to remember the placement for my
arms. I wavered for a moment in uncertainty, but Damien had crawled
off the bed to return to the chest of drawers, and by the time he
turned around, I had remembered and corrected myself. He returned to
me with two small objects, holding them up in his hands. One looked
like a blue eye shadow compact. The other was a small tube, probably
containing some kind of lube.

hand or left hand?” he asked.

I gave him a
quizzical look, worried it was a trick. “What are they?”

not what I asked you. Right hand or left hand?”

Fearing further
punishment, I decided to shut up and choose. The blue compact was
interesting looking, but the tube was definitely more familiar.

hand,” I said finally, indicating the tube.

Damien put the
compact back in the chest of drawers before he returned to me.
“Assume the Examination Cunt position,” he commanded.

With a nervous sigh,
I brought my knees back up to my chest, parting my legs slightly. I
watched Damien as he twisted the cap off the tube and squeezed a dab
of clear gel onto his finger. Then he rubbed the gel directly on my

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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