Read HisIndecentBoxSetpub Online

Authors: Sky Corgan

HisIndecentBoxSetpub (34 page)

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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He lifted his head,
looking innocent. If I hadn't been so upset at him for pushing my
boundaries, I might have giggled. This wasn't the time for giggling

a hard limit,” I said, fighting back the urge to scowl.

I hurt you?”


it feel bad?”


It had just felt
strange. Not bad. Maybe even a slight bit pleasurable, but I would
never tell him that. No matter how it felt, it was still gross.

why can't it be a soft limit?”

the difference again?”

hard limit is something you absolutely won't do. A soft limit is
something you're not comfortable with but would do under certain

gross, no matter the circumstance. It's a hard limit, and that's
final.” I crossed my arms over my chest and then instantly
uncrossed them because it felt like I was choking myself.

Now he was the one
who looked upset. “Cheyenne, it's not dirty. It obviously
didn't feel bad, and it wasn't like I was going to stick my tongue
inside of you. We can go slow with this, but anal is something I
would eventually like for you to learn to enjoy. I enjoy it very

maybe you should let me shove something up your ass first,” I

Damien remained
silent for a moment, as if he was actually contemplating it. “I'll
think about it,” he said finally.

that wasn't an actual compromise.”

can come now,” he told me before burying his face back between
my legs.

I gasped as he went
straight for my clit, showing no mercy while his tongue and mouth
worked together to milk out my orgasm. My toes curled, and my mind
went blank as he brought me to climax within seconds, sucking and
stroking until my nether region was nothing but contractions.

I moaned his name, loving the sound of it on my lips. It was a sexy
name, a name I could say for the rest of my life.

If we hadn't just
gotten into a minor squabble, I would have followed it up with an 'I
love you', but it seemed like an embarrassing thing to say,
especially since he had never said it to me before. Did he love me? I
found myself wondering. There was no point in dwelling on it now
though. Pleasure was more important. Just being together was more
important. Love could come later.

Damien grabbed one
of the pillows from beneath me, tossing it to me, so I could put it
behind my head while he pulled a condom from his pocket and unzipped
his pants. His cock came out erect and beautiful. It was a perfect
cock—perfect like the rest of him. Straight and long and thick,
with a gorgeous round rip and a cute little slit. I wanted to get on
my hands and knees and suck on it, but I knew better than to move.
Besides, by the time I rolled around, he would have had the condom on
already, and I couldn't imagine the condom tasted any good.

want you to go on birth control,” he said as he crawled between
my legs.

that mean we won't use condoms anymore?” I asked.

He gave me a
quizzical look. “Do you not want me to wear a condom?”

I thought about it
for a moment. Chase had never worn a condom when we were together. He
always pulled out. As far as I could remember, the only time Damien
hadn't worn a condom was when we were in the pool. And he had come
inside of me that time—the only time a man had ever come inside
of me. My cheeks flushed at the memory of how warm his seed had been.

Was it wrong not to
want him to wear a condom? I yearned to feel his skin against mine,
to experience the heightened pleasure of our bodies coupled without
boundaries between them. But of course, there was always the fear of
getting pregnant. Even birth control didn't prevent it all the time.
In fact, my mom once had a friend who had seven kids, five of which
she had gotten pregnant with on birth control, and one she had gotten
pregnant with even after she had her tubes tied. That woman was
probably just freakishly fertile though. Most of the time, birth
control worked, didn't it? Otherwise, why would they sell it?

um . . .” I stuttered, “it's up to you.”

He grunted in
acknowledgment and then guided his tip to my hole. My eyes followed
it until it was out of sight, pressing between my pussy lips. The
cool feel of the condom was soothing against my heated parts.

Damien paused for a
moment. “We're going to do the same thing this time. Whenever
you feel your orgasm coming on, I want you to tell me to stop. Do you

Sir.” I nodded, biting my lip in anticipation.

was my reward, what I'd been waiting for so long.
Put it
inside of me, Damien. Please.
silently begged. Part of me wanted to wiggle, to scoot closer towards
him. Hell, I would have impaled myself on his cock if he let me, but
I knew I had to wait. He wanted me to wait.

It slid inside
slowly, cresting my entryway and causing that delicious tightness as
it pressed against my inner walls. I groaned, lightly bucking my
hips. Damien looked nothing but pleased, and as our eyes locked,
electricity shot through me. This was the man I loved, the man I
desired above all others, and I was never happier than when he was
inside of me.

Within seconds, he
was all the way in, claiming my lips as he heatedly thrust into me,
filling my body with emotions and sensations that could only be
described as euphoric. Every buck of his hips was calculated, slow
and dauntingly torturous, but it felt amazing, all the same. I
wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders and moaned, kissing him
again and again. My pussy pulsed around his member, a response to the
feel of him throbbing inside of me.

When my body didn't
threaten to orgasm right away, Damien began picking up the pace. His
pubic bone slapped against my clit, hammering out the first signs of
my orgasm.

I breathed, though I continued to cling to him desperately, my body
wanting him to do the opposite of my words.

He pulled out almost
all the way, and when I felt his neck straining against my arms, I
knew he wanted to sit up. With a sigh, I allowed it, waiting for my
pleasure to recede.

After a few moments,
he leaned back over me, easing himself in. The first quick thrust was
enough to send me up the climactic hill again, and I practically had
to cry out, “Stop,” before his second thrust sent me over
the edge.

When he backed off,
he grinned, and I could see something else in his eyes, but couldn't
place what it was. Damien repositioned himself, sitting on his
calves, and grabbing my legs to pull me towards him. With my back
arched, he pushed inside of me. This time, when he thrust, his pubic
bone didn't hit my clit, and I was able to hold out a lot longer.

He fucked me
mercilessly, pumping and ravaging my cunt. My body was quickly
becoming sore, but I knew that was his intention, and I loved him for
it. Nothing was sexier than Damien Reed in carnal mode.

Just when I thought
that I couldn't handle his brutal fucking any longer, Damien slowed,
whispering breathlessly that I could come now. He changed positions
again, dropping my hips and angling himself over me so his pubic bone
came in contact with my sweet spot. He bucked and rotated, then
pulled away, bringing me to the edge of climax again and again before
denying me.

He figured my
body out,
I realized with a
slight bit of annoyance.
That bastard. This whole thing has
been about figuring out exactly what will set me off. He's too smart
for his own good.

The torture went on
for as long as Damien wanted it to. A game of tease and deny that
made me want to throw him on his back and rape him until my body
exploded in climax. What had started as a reward was quickly turning
into a punishment. I needed to make him give me release.

please,” I begged, panting.

what?” he asked, his voice full of sadism.

Damn you. Even when
you're being an asshole, you're sexy.

need to come.”

you, now?”

the word was practically a whimper.

me, then.”

I wasn't sure what
he meant, but I decided to take things into my own hands. Greedily, I
pulled him down to me, kissing him with such fervor that I feared I
might break us both. My arms wrapped around his back, my nails
digging into his flesh. I wanted to hurt him—needed to hurt
him, for some reason. His skin gathered beneath my nails, and I felt
blood, blood from me clawing down his back too deep. He winced, a
sweet sound to my ears, and then he bucked forward, pounding me so
fast and hard that all I could do was moan and cry out and be
consumed by the orgasm that washed over me. I felt like I couldn't
breath—couldn't move.

With one final
thrust, Damien's cock pressed deep inside of me, so impossibly deep,
and I knew he was coming as well. The look on his face said it all.

He collapsed on top
of me, breathless, and I pulled my nails from his back to caress his
face and kiss his neck. When the waves of pleasure receded, all that
was left was love. I loved Damien Reed, and for as much as he
tortured me, I couldn't get enough of him.


Damien studied his
back in the mirror. Down both sides were four bloody claw marks. I
licked my lips as I watched him.
Now everyone will know you're
mine. If you were fucking someone else, you probably won't be again
until after those heal. And maybe I won't let them heal. I think I
rather enjoy you marked up. I certainly enjoyed doing it.

My mind was a
hellishly devilish place sometimes. While I knew I should be showing
remorse for what I'd done, it was in the heat of passion. Surely, he
couldn't get upset about that.

you mad?” I asked anyway.

He grinned at me, that sexy mysterious grin that caused my body to
pulse with want all over again.

How in the hell did
he do that to me? We had just had sex, and I felt like I could screw
him at least a dozen more times.

like it,” he told me before coming around the side of the bed
and bending over to pick up his shirt and pull it back on.

have marked you mine,” I said playfully.

I am. Yours and yours alone,” he replied, though the emotion
had left his voice.

I didn't care. His
words made me swoon. Perhaps the claw marks weren't necessary, but it
never hurt to visibly stake my claim.

I pass my test?” I asked.

did well.” He flopped into the chair to watch me as I got

a wicked man.”


saw what you were doing, analyzing me, figuring out what set me off.”

important for me to know, as your Dominant, so I can pleasure you

punish me better.”

punish you better,” he agreed with amusement in his voice.

what now?” I gathered my clothes and began getting dressed.

I have some homework for you.”

Homework? I groaned.
The very mention of the word made me regret asking. Damn his homework
and pop quizzes.

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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